Drosophila melanogaster Trait Laboratory Purpose: To observe various traits of Drosophila. Study the dominant and recessive characteristics of fruit flies in the following chart. Characteristics Dominant Recessive Size and Shape of Wing Long Apterous, Vestigial , miniature, (Normal) dumpy Color and Shading of Body Gray Black, Yellow Eye Color Red White, Eye Shape Normal Bar Eye, Eyeless, Lobe Materials: White card Reetherization plate Hand lens 15 flies . Toothpick Procedure: 1. Make a reetherization plate. 2. Obtain 5 etherized flies on a white card from either Stock 3. Examine and record their body characteristics. Eye Color Body Color Wing Shape 4. Return flies to etherizer and obtain 5 more flies from a different stock, until a total of 15 flies have been examined. Date Sex Male Female Body Color Normal Black Yellow Wings Normal Mutation Eye Color and Shape Red Mutation Dead or Newly Formed Stock B Analysis Questions 1. Name two ways that can detect if the flies have been overetherized and are dead. 2. How long on average does it take before the etherized flies recover? __________ 3. How many flies did you examine that were newly formed? ______ Dead ? ______ 4. Describe the function and structure of a morgue.