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Pennsylvania History Study Guide: Quakers & William Penn

Pennsylvania Study Guide
Directions: Answer the following questions using the text and the work book.
1. Who were the Quakers? Page 39
The quakers were a Protestant religious group who had been mistreated in England.
2. What did Quakers believe?
Quakers believed that everyone was equal.
3. Were Quakers pacifists? Why or why not?
Quakers were pacifists because they refuse to fight in wars.
4. Who was William Penn?
William Penn was the owner of the colony.
5. What made him stand out?
Is the way Penn treated Native Americans.
6. What was William Penn’s main reason for founding Pennsylvania?
Peens main reason for founding Pennsylvania was to increase the population of his colony and
to allow religious freedom
7. Name two colonies that were formed from parts of other colonies and the colony for
which each was formed.
New jersey was formed from New York and Delaware was formed from Pennsylvania.
8. Name two groups of people, besides the English, who lived in the Middle Colonies.
Many colonist were from Sweden, Dutch, Germans, and Native Americans.
Name the Middle Colonies:
1. New York
2. New Jersey
3. Pennsylvania
4. Delaware
10. Why did Pennsylvania have better relations with Native Americans than many other
He believed that the land belonged to the Native Americans. Instead of just talking their
land, he paid them for it
11. What king owed Penn’s father?
King Charles owned Penn’s father a debt
12. What is another name for Pennsylvania?
Penn’s Woods
13. How were women treated in Pennsylvania?
Woman were treated as equals
14. What roles did Quaker women play?
Quaker woman held important roles in family and church, many had access to education.
15. What was the name of the charter that William Penn created? Why was it important?
The Charter of Privileges was important because it was another step in setting up democracy in
16. How many people arrived in Pennsylvania in 1683?
More than 3,000 English, Welsh, Irish, Dutch, German settlers had arrived
17. How many people were in Pennsylvania by 1700?
By 1700, Pennsylvania population had reached 21,000
18. What does Philadelphia mean?
City of brotherly love
19. What type of picture did Penn’s advertisement of Native American paint? Please
Love their friends
20. Why did no major city develop in colonial New Jersey? Pg 21 (Hardbook)
New Jersey did not have natural harbors, so it did not develop a major port or city like New York