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Redefining 'Employee' in Gig Economy: Uber Model

Designated academic journal: “Redefining ‘employee’ in the gig
economy: Shielding workers from the Uber model”
In the gig economy, workers are not treated as traditional employees. Traditional
employees are guaranteed minimum wage and safe working conditions by law. However,
workers in gig economy can’t be protected by law. Just through that explain above, you
could think that ‘Gig is a trash’. But even that, Gig has some advantages. Someone who has
a main job could make some money with extra time and workers could increase work
flexibility because they regulate their own working time. In the view of company, it could
efficiently finish a project with workers who are hired provisionally. But in the Gig economy,
there should not be exist a misfortune that companies do not concede workers who work
enough to be treated as traditional employees just to cut costs and avoid liability.
You may be unfamiliar with notion of Gig economy. However, there is already grievance
with Gig economy in Korea. Recently, workers of a large delivery company did strike.
Reasons that they did it are various. In short, they who made contract with company as
independent contractor wanted to be treated as employees of the company. Now, the strike
ended but what they wanted is not concluded. As that, our society is not ready to embrace
Gig economy.
In America, there was a trial whether running a gas station is working as an employee of
the company or making a contract with company. Likewise, about Uber’s drivers. Though the
court’s decision about that was different at each state.
This academic journal suggest how we deal with Gig economy with specific conditions. And
it warns us if we cannot establish societal agreement that of relationship of employer and
employee, of company and independent contractor, we will spoil law which was made to
protect workers.
Gig economy is worldwide trend, so we, in Korea, soon encounter it. Especially, irregular
worker is sensitive problem in Korea. Despite some advantages of Gig, many people would
take it as not very good thing. But, in Korea, after covid-19, delivery system has been
developing. With that, many offices workers are participating in delivery when they get off
work. And companies in the industry and workers advertise how much they earn and about
work flexibility. So, it may soon appear discussion to enhance their working condition.
It said we need to have an alternative test for independent contractor in gig economy
instead traditional test which has a limitation to put them. Because of changing the shape of
economy, it is hard to exactly define the worker base on traditional employment test. That is
why it is necessary to taken in a new test way. So, as a solution it proposes five factor tests
to solve this kind of restriction. We must consider the extent of control the company may
exercise, the employee’s relying on proceeds, the company’s relying on the workers, the
company’s operation in an industry that utilizes employees or independent contractors and
the presence of a contract of adhesion with unsophisticated party.
The author says that employees are protected by the law in many ways, but independent
contractors aren't. However, there are struggles to distinguish between the two. This is
because courts apply and weigh the current test's factors differently, which only adds
confusion. In the gig economy, these discords have much increased. The paper is
mentioning Uber as an example, showing conflicting positions on drivers. The position
indicating that Uber and the drivers share an independent contractor relationship says the
company doesn't control over many parts of work, such as time, cars, or uniforms. On the
other hand, the position indicating that they share an employer-employee relationship says
there are several requirements for drivers, which can be seen as control. Therefore, to
determine accurately whether an individual is an employee or independent contractor, it is
essential to carry out a new test.
In this note, a new test for courts is proposed. The first factor is whether the company
exercises significant control over the details of the work. To explain with Uber, the company
gives access only to drivers who complete an onboarding process. Moreover, it regulates
and monitors them, so we can say they form an employer-employee relationship. Whether
the worker is relying on the proceeds of the work as a primary or sole source of income is
the second factor. As some drivers don't have alternative source of income, they would be
called employees of Uber. The third factor is whether the company relies on the workers,
collectively, as a significant, consistent revenue generator. If it were not for drivers, Uber
would lose its major source of revenue. In this case, they cannot be seen as independent
contractors. Whether the employer is operating in an industry that traditionally utilizes
employees or independent contractors is the fourth factor. This involves companies'
endeavors to reduce costs, asserting themselves as platform companies. The last factor is
whether the arrangement is defined by a contract of adhesion with an unsophisticated party.
Mentioning the same example as above, drivers in Uber must agree when revising the
Additionally, the author is suggesting a legislative solution. It is because courts are
hesitant about carrying out the new test, so the legislature should provide an adequate
solution to protect employees, especially in the gig economy. There are more important roles
for companies that just taking company profit. Such as minimum wage, safe working
conditions, and welfare, employees have the right to be protected. For this, jurisdictions
should feel the need to adopt the new test.
The topic of this paper is to distinguish whether drivers of Uber's taxi platform development
company are employees or individual contractors and discuss the gig economy. To suggest
this, this paper uses the evidence that various precedents based on the difference in definition
between employees and individual contractors listed in the U.S. Code.
First, through oil station case, the author gives an example of companies which examined
similar facts and circumstances, came to opposite conclusions. Humble oil and Sun oil had a
similar legal problem, whether an individual is and independent contractor or employee. In
Humble oil case, the court pointed that the employer exerted considerable control over its gas
station attendant, so the court judged that the attendant was an employee. However, in Sun
oil case, Hoover court held that there was no employer-employee relationship because the
court emphasized the property owner’s control over the work and the property owner did not
have a significant control.
Second, the author compares with California and Florida state courts’ judgments on Uber
employment issues. Florida courts agreed with the arguments that Uber’s drivers were not
employees for the purpose of reemployment assistance; drivers were engaging in no direct
supervision, the lack of any extra benefits from Uber to the drivers and concluded that the
drivers were not employees of the company. On the other hand, California courts focused
more on the fact that drivers provided services to the company and the court could not
conclude that the drivers were Uber’s independent contractors.
At last, the author mentions a city that adopted a new test: Seattle. Seattle is one city that
has taken legislative action by passing an ordinance that permits for-hire drivers to collectively
bargain with the companies “that hire, contract with, and partner with them.”
“Gig Economy” which refers to an economy in which companies tend to hire people as
contract workers or temporary workers as needed rather than regular workers are spreading
all around the world nowadays. As we can see in this academic journal, opposite to gig
economy, traditional existing labor market was in the form of companies signing formal
contracts with employees and providing products and services to customers using hired
employees. The opinions are divided on how the spread of the gig economy will affect society
as a whole. The biggest advantage of the gig economy is that workers can work as much as
they want at the time they want, which is receiving positive reviews in that full-time housewives
and retirees can re-enter the labor market. On the other hand, there is a problem that it is
difficult to receive social and institutional guarantees, such as a decrease in the proportion of
regular workers and workers working in the gig economy cannot receive the minimum wage
or health insurance benefits.
In the existing Restatement Test, courts in each state have conflicting precedents about
employer-employee relationship even in the same situation and environment.
This is
because the criteria for judgment are ambiguous and focused on the old economy. In particular,
in the gig economy, companies tend to increase the proportion of contract workers to reduce
costs and ease employment responsibilities. So, Restatement Test is even more limited to
clarify their relationship in the modern economy. In Uber, an example in this article, drivers act
as employees, but the company argues that the drivers are contract workers to purse their
interests. Therefore, a New Test must be prepared to prevent this situation and protect
workers especially contract workers beyond the limits of existing tests.
The new test consists of five components:
Whether a company exerts considerable control over the details of the work.
Whether a worker relies on profits as the main or the only source of income.
Whether a company completely relies on workers to generate profits.
Whether the employer is originally engaged in the business of hiring employees or contract
Whether an agreement has been defined by a contractor and an adhesion contract.
(Whether there is a difference in actual labor with the contents of the contract between a
company and a worker.)
There are frequent cases in the gig economy in which Uber and many other companies,
especially platform companies, treat workers who act as employees as contract workers to
reduce their costs and employment-related debt. If workers work as independent contractors,
they will not be protected by law in many ways. In this paper, in order to prevent this problem,
a new paradigm is proposed to clarify the relationship between employers and employees and
suggest solutions that can accurately judge employees and contract workers. It also calls for
improved treatment and legal protection for contract workers who perform labor equivalent to
In real life, it is argued that Uber drivers should be recognized as employees in the UK. In
order to do so, as stated in this article, it is noted that the actual labor status should be
examined rather than the contents specified in the contract. It corresponds to No. 5 of the New
Test method referred in this article. This new test actually involves the method used in each
country to determine whether a worker is an employee or not. Therefore, the writer's argument
that the New Test should be adopted by the court is valid.
This paper can be helpful for workers when writing labor contracts with companies. In
addition, if there is a contractual problem between a company and a worker, it can be a good
reference material for workers who lack expertise in revising contracts and litigation. In this
respect, this paper is important and valuable.
If this new employment test method is adopted by courts and applied to companies to clarify
the employer-employee relationship, companies may have some burdens, such as an
increase in employment costs and employment liability obligations from a short-term
perspective. However, as shown in this paper, consumers do not only want cheap services.
They argue that they are willing to pay more for proper treatment of workers such as wage
and employment environment. Therefore, if companies conscientiously and honestly clarify
the employee-employer relationship, improve workers' treatment, and protect them, they can
give consumers faith and instill a good corporate image in the long-term perspective.
Furthermore, it can be a good example of leading the right corporate culture.
Therefore, it can be recommended as a good solution to improve and mitigate the adverse
effects of the gig economy on modern employees by adopting and applying New Test written
in the article. It can also be a good criterion for what actions companies should take against
workers. We believe that this will not only help alleviate conflicts between companies and
workers, but also allow workers to receive sufficient legal protection through the conversion of
contract workers to employees who work equivalent to employees.
Hwang Jeongeun - Through reading this journal, I realized again the change of economy
especially in social of labor. And I also understand that why we need a different solution
which is proper in now working condition. Fortunately, many people try to make their voice
for protecting worker’s right and live. I think this is important and necessary for both of
worker and company’s good society.
Gu Minwoo - In an era where corporate social responsibility is becoming the standard for
corporate valuation as a non-financial factor, labor and management problems adversely
affect not only employees but also corporate growth. Therefore, legislative solutions should
be considered to protect not only workers but also corporate and shareholders.
Lim Chaelin - As the introduction and spread of the gig economy accelerates, creating new
jobs would be clearly a favorable function. However, there are serious problems increasing
labor-management problems, such as low wage unstable labor. Accordingly, it is necessary
to actively prepare and seek development measures. In addition to the new test mentioned
in the paper, practical systems should be in place to minimize side effects and properly
guarantee both the company and labor rights.
Han Yijung - In the gig economy, the direction companies are currently pursuing, such as
hiring more contract workers than employees, can benefit companies in the short term.
However, today’s criteria for judging a company are not limited to its merchantability and
sales. Recently, consumers have begun to pay attention to the working conditions of
workers. Therefore, it is urgent to adopt new methods and legal measures to protect them
sufficiently. If the company takes five new tests in this article to clarify the employeremployee relationship and treat workers well, in the long run, it will not only instill a good
image of the company but also increase their profits. It will also have a good influence on
other companies so that they can lead the corporate culture.
Kim Soochang - As technology advances and numerous jobs are created, the type of
economy is also changing. Thus it was interesting to read a paper on the gig economy, one
of them. The gig economy, of course, increased market efficiency and found that was made
by someone's needs but there were many things that needed to be improved. I also realized
that efficiency is not the only thing important in the economy. The treatment and situation of
workers are as important as efficiency.
Ryu Kangheun - The world we live in is constantly changing and moving in unpredictable
directions. It is no exaggeration to say that the ‘Gig Economy’ has also become active in the
process of bringing many changes to work life due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The gig
economy is characterized by a kind of sharing economy in which companies hire temporary
workers rather than regular workers, which has many advantages but also causes various
problems related to workers. Nevertheless, efforts such as devising legal alternatives are
being made to solve this problem. As such, I realized that the world would continue to derive
new forms of economy in the future and that we will have to make efforts to solve the
problems that arise in keeping with it.
Won Taeyeon – It is important for society to ready a rule that is understood by the
majorities of people. However, it is also important for us to ready for being a person who is
needed by Gig economy. World changes relentlessly, and we are part of World.