W3.3.a-d: Narrative: Personal Title: ___________________________________________________________________ 4 3 2 1 Ideas *Writes about a personal experience *Includes narrator’s thoughts and feelings about the situation *Writes about a personal experience *Includes some of the narrator’s thoughts and feelings about the situation *Writes about a personal experience *Includes a few of the narrator’s thoughts and feelings about the situation *Does not share a personal experience *Does not include the narrator’s thoughts or feelings about the situation Organization *Tells events in correct order *Strong beginning, middle, and end *Strong conclusion *Most events are in order *Clear beginning, middle, and end *Clear conclusion *Some events out of order Loses focus *Unclear beginning, middle, or end *Unclear conclusion Voice *Writes in first person (I/Me/my) *Voice is clear and strong *Use first person (I/me/my) *Voice is present *Not in first person *Some voice is present and is beginning to connect with the reader *Confusing! Events are not in order *Missing the beginning, middle, or end *Missing or confusing conclusion *Does not use first person *No voice! Doesn’t connect with the reader Word Choice *Uses temporal (timeorder) words *Varied word choice *Uses a variety of transition words *Uses adjectives effectively throughout *Uses complete and varied sentences *Uses some temporal words *Uses some transition words *Uses some adjectives throughout *Does not use temporal words effectively *Does not use transition words effectively *Does not use adjective effectively *Uses words not connected to the purpose *Temporal words are missing *Transition words are missing *Adjectives are missing *Uses complete sentences *Uses limited variety of sentences *Uses run-on sentences and sentence fragments Conventions *Is easy to read *Is free or almost free of errors *Is mostly easy to read *Has minor errors but they do not distract the reader *Has some areas that are hard to read *Errors confuse the reader *Is very hard to read *Many errors Presentation *Is easy to read, neat *Formatted correctly *Is mostly easy to read *Formatted correctly *Not always easy to read *Format is weak *Is difficult to read *No format or messy handwriting Sentence Fluency ©Ryan, et al. Anna Kyle Elementary Title: _____________________________________________________________ ©Ryan, et al. Anna Kyle Elementary W3.1.a-d: Opinion: Persuasive 4 3 2 * Yikes! Does not present an opinion or argument *Does not support points of view with reasons *Does not connect to readers 1 Ideas *Effectively states an opinion *Uses strong supporting points of view with reasons *Shows strong interest in the issue and connects to readers *Clearly states an opinion *Uses supporting points of view with reasons *Shows interest in the issue and connects to readers *Attempts to present an opinion or argument *Tries to use supporting points of view with reasons but they are weak *Tries to connect to readers Organization *Groups related information together in sequence *Reasons are listed in a clear and concise order *Strong introduction to the topic or text *Strong introduction to the topic *Strong concluding statement *Groups most related information together in sequence *Reasons are listed in order *Clear introduction to the topic or text *Clear concluding statement or section is present and relates to text *Related information is not grouped together *Reasons lacks logical order or do not connect to the topic *Weak introduction to the topic or text *Weak concluding statement *Confusing! Has no logical order it lacks organization or flow *Missing introduction *Missing or unrelated concluding statement *Shows a deep interest in the subject and speaks to the reader *Shows interest in the subject and speaks to the reader *Shows little interest in the subject and does not connect to the reader *Yikes! Shows no interest in the subject, has little or no knowledge of the topic and does not connect with readers. Confuses the reader *Varied word choice *Uses a variety of transition words * Use linking words and phrases *Some variety of word choice *Uses some transition words *Uses some linking words or phrases throughout *Limited word choice *Does not use transition words effectively *Does not use linking words or phrases effectively *Repeated word choice *Uses words not connected to the purpose *Transition words are missing *Linking words or phrases are missing *Uses complete and varied sentences *Uses complete sentences *Uses limited variety of sentences *Uses run-on sentences and sentence fragments Conventions *Is easy to read *Is free or almost free of errors *Is mostly easy to read *Has minor errors but they do not distract the reader *Has some areas that are hard to read *Errors confuse the reader *Is very hard to read *Many errors Presentation *Is easy to read, neat *Formatted correctly *Is mostly easy to read *Formatted correctly *Not always easy to read *Format is weak *Is difficult to read *No format or messy handwriting Voice Word Choice (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons. Sentence Fluency W3.2.a-d: Expository: Writing that Compares (Supports RI 3.9) Title: _____________________________________________________________ 4 3 *Well-developed and clear topic that compares and contrasts two items, topics, or texts *Supports topic with well-developed facts, definitions, and details *Has a clear topic that compares and contrasts two items, topics, or texts *Supports topic with facts, definitions, and details *Topic tries to compare and contrast two items, topics, or texts *Supports topic with few facts, definitions, and details *Does not present a topic that compares and contrasts two items, topics, or texts *Does not support topic with facts, definitions, and details *Groups related information together in sequence * Includes illustrations to aid comprehension *Shows detailed knowledge of the subject and conveys that to reader *Strong concluding statement or section *Groups most related information together in sequence *May include illustrations to aid comprehension *Organizes the comparison well and includes transitions *Concluding statement or section is present and relates to text *Related information is not grouped together *Illustrations to aid comprehension are missing *Does not identify the topic and lacks logical order *Weak concluding statement *There are few, or no, related facts or information * Includes no illustrations to aid comprehension *Confusing! Has no logical order it lacks organization or flow *Missing or unrelated concluding statement *Shows a deep interest in the subject and speaks to the reader *Shows interest in the subject and speaks to the reader *Shows little interest in the subject and does not connect to the reader *Yikes! Shows no interest in the subject, has little or no knowledge of the topic and does not connect with readers. Confuses the reader *Uses temporal (time-order) words *Varied word choice *Uses a variety of transition words *Uses linking words or phrases effectively throughout to connect ideas *Uses complete and varied sentences *Uses some temporal words *Uses some transition words *Uses some linking words or phrases throughout *Does not use temporal words effectively *Does not use transition words effectively *Does not use linking words or phrases effectively *Uses limited variety of sentences *Uses words not connected to the purpose *Temporal words are missing *Transition words are missing *Linking words or phrases are missing *Uses run-on sentences and sentence fragments Conventions *Is easy to read *Is free or almost free of errors *Is mostly easy to read *Has minor errors but they do not distract the reader *Has some areas that are hard to read *Errors confuse the reader *Is very hard to read *Many errors Presentation *Is easy to read, neat *Formatted correctly *Is mostly easy to read *Formatted correctly *Not always easy to read *Format is weak *Is difficult to read *No format or messy handwriting Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency *Uses complete sentences 2 1 ©©Ryan, et al. Anna Kyle Elementary W3.3.a-d: Narrative: Fictional Title: ___________________________________________________________________ 4 Ideas 3 2 1 *Writes about a personal experience *Includes narrator’s thoughts and feelings about the situation *Tells events in correct order *Strong beginning, middle, and end *Strong conclusion *Writes about a personal experience *Includes some of the narrator’s thoughts and feelings about the situation *Most events are in order *Clear beginning, middle, and end *Clear conclusion *Writes about a personal experience *Includes a few of the narrator’s thoughts and feelings about the situation *Some events out of order Loses focus *Unclear beginning, middle, or end *Unclear conclusion *Writes in first person (I/Me/my) *Voice is clear and strong *Uses effective wellcrafted dialogue *Uses temporal (timeorder) words Varied word choice *Uses a variety of transition words *Uses adjectives effectively throughout *Uses complete and varied sentences *Use first person (I/me/my) *Voice is present *Uses dialogue *Not in first person *Some voice is present and is beginning to connect with the reader *Uses weak dialogue *Does not use temporal words effectively *Does not use transition words effectively *Does not use adjective effectively *Uses complete sentences *Uses limited variety of sentences *Uses run-on sentences and sentence fragments Conventions *Is easy to read *Is free or almost free of errors *Is mostly easy to read *Has minor errors but they do not distract the reader *Has some areas that are hard to read *Errors confuse the reader *Is very hard to read *Many errors Presentation *Is easy to read, neat *Formatted correctly *Is mostly easy to read *Formatted correctly *Not always easy to read *Format is weak *Is difficult to read *No format or messy handwriting Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency *Uses some temporal words *Uses some transition words *Uses some adjectives throughout *Does not share a personal experience *Does not include the narrator’s thoughts or feelings about the situation *Confusing! Events are not in order *Missing the beginning, middle, or end *Missing or confusing conclusion *Does not use first person *No voice! Doesn’t connect with the reader *No dialogue included *Uses words not connected to the purpose *Temporal words are missing *Transition words are missing *Adjectives are missing ©©Ryan, et al. Anna Kyle Elementary W3.2.a-d: Expository: How To (Supports RI 3.3) Title: _____________________________________________________________ ©Ryan, et al. Anna Kyle Elementary 4 Ideas 3 2 *Well-developed and clear topic that *Has a clear topic that describes *Topic tries to describes the *Supports topic with well-developed facts, definitions, and details *Supports topic with facts, definitions, and details *Supports topic with few facts, definitions, and details describes the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text 1 *Does not present a topic that describes the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text *Does not support topic with facts, definitions, and details *Groups related information together in sequence * Includes illustrations to aid comprehension *Shows detailed knowledge of the subject and conveys that to reader *Strong concluding statement or section *Groups most related information together in sequence *May include illustrations to aid comprehension *Organizes the comparison well and includes transitions *Concluding statement or section is present and relates to text *Related information is not grouped together *Illustrations to aid comprehension are missing *Does not identify the topic and lacks logical order *Weak concluding statement *There are few, or no, related facts or information * Includes no illustrations to aid comprehension *Confusing! Has no logical order it lacks organization or flow *Missing or unrelated concluding statement *Shows a deep interest in the subject and speaks to the reader *Shows interest in the subject and speaks to the reader *Shows little interest in the subject and does not connect to the reader *Yikes! Shows no interest in the subject, has little or no knowledge of the topic and does not connect with readers. Confuses the reader *Varied word choice *Uses a variety of transition words *Uses linking words or phrases effectively throughout to connect ideas *Uses some transition words *Uses some linking words or phrases throughout *Does not use transition words effectively *Does not use linking words or phrases effectively *Uses words not connected to the purpose *Transition words are missing *Linking words or phrases are missing *Uses complete and varied sentences *Uses complete sentences *Uses limited variety of sentences *Uses run-on sentences and sentence fragments Conventions *Is easy to read *Is free or almost free of errors *Is mostly easy to read *Has minor errors but they do not distract the reader *Has some areas that are hard to read *Errors confuse the reader *Is very hard to read *Many errors Presentation *Is easy to read, neat *Formatted correctly *Is mostly easy to read *Formatted correctly *Not always easy to read *Format is weak *Is difficult to read *No format or messy handwriting Organization Voice Word Choice *Uses words cause/effect words *Uses words cause/effect words effectively Sentence Fluency *Uses words cause/effect words, but not effectively *Cause/effect words are missing Title: _____________________________________________________________ ©Ryan, et al. Anna Kyle Elementary W3.2.a-d: Expository: Research 4 3 Ideas * Uses well-researched details that supports a well-developed and clear topic *Supports topic with well-developed facts, definitions, and details * Uses solid research and details that supports a well-developed and clear topic *Supports topic with welldeveloped facts, definitions, and details * Presents limited research and has no main idea. topic is underdeveloped or unclear *Supports topic with few facts, definitions, and details * Yikes! Does not include research or provide facts about the topic *Does not support topic with facts, definitions, and details Organization *Groups related information together in sequence * Includes illustrations to aid comprehension *Shows detailed knowledge of the subject and conveys that to reader *Strong introduction & concluding statement or section *Groups most related information together in sequence *May include illustrations to aid comprehension *Organizes the comparison well and includes transitions *Introduction & concluding statement or section is present and relates to text *Shows interest in the subject and speaks to the reader *Related information is not grouped together *Illustrations to aid comprehension are missing *Does not identify the topic and lacks logical order *Weak introduction or concluding statement *There are few, or no, related facts or information * Includes no illustrations to aid comprehension *Confusing! Has no logical order it lacks organization or flow *Missing or unrelated introduction or concluding statement *Yikes! Shows no interest in the subject, has little or no knowledge of the topic and does not connect with readers. Confuses the reader *Uses temporal (time-order) words *Varied word choice *Uses a variety of transition words *Uses linking words or phrases effectively throughout to connect ideas *Uses words cause/effect words effectively *Uses complete and varied sentences *Uses some temporal words *Uses some transition words *Uses some linking words or phrases throughout *Uses words cause/effect words *Does not use temporal words effectively *Does not use transition words effectively *Does not use linking words or phrases effectively *Uses words cause/effect words, but not effectively *Uses limited variety of sentences *Uses words not connected to the purpose *Temporal words are missing *Transition words are missing *Linking words or phrases are missing *Cause/effect words are missing *Uses run-on sentences and sentence fragments Conventions *Is easy to read *Is free or almost free of errors *Is mostly easy to read *Has minor errors but they do not distract the reader *Has some areas that are hard to read *Errors confuse the reader *Is very hard to read *Many errors Presentation *Is easy to read, neat *Formatted correctly *Is mostly easy to read *Formatted correctly *Not always easy to read *Format is weak *Is difficult to read *No format or messy handwriting Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency *Shows a deep interest in the subject and speaks to the reader *Uses complete sentences 2 *Shows little interest in the subject and does not connect to the reader 1