Towards the Plasmonc Nanopore Platform with Nanoslits For single Molecule Sensor Seong Soo Choi* Distinguished professor, Research Center for Nano-Bio Science SunMoon University, Ahsan 31460, Korea Collaborators : Yong Min Lee, Sae-Joong Oh Research Center for Nano-Bio Science, SunMoon University 31460, Korea Hyun Tae Kim, Soo Bong Choi Department of Physics, Incheon National University, Incheon, Korea Byung Seong Bae School of Electronics and Display, Hoseo University, Ahsan, Chungnam 31499, South Korea * 2019 SNAIA, Dec 10- 13, Paris, France 1 Contents I. History : From Cell counter to Nanopore Sensor II. Our Fabrication History of Nano-aperture: Fabricating Plasmonic Nano-Aperture III. Fabricating Au nano-pore ; Diffusion and Drilling - Physics and Chemistry point: Ostwald ripening, and Spinodal Decomposition - melting temperature dependent upon the size and Atomic magic number < Platos’s 5 solid body structures ~ ` Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron> IV. Nano Pore array with nanoscale double slits - Optical intensity variation dependent upon the separation V. Results and Discussion: -focusing difficulty, stability, optimization Coulter Cell Counter; 1940’ 3 To measure the numbers of blood cell, 1940’s 10 mm By Reimar Spohr - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Nanopore sensor for Single Molecule Detection Single-molecule sensing with nanopores with electronic sensing Cited from Murugappan Muthukumar, Calin Plesa, and Cees Dekker, Physics Today 68, 8, 40 (2015) Prof. Hagan Bayley, Oxford University 5 Portable Single Molecule Detection device: The Potential and Challenges of Nanopore Sequencing, “D. Branton et al,” Nature Biotechnology, 26, 1146 (2008) Electronically driven/ Electronic recognition ~ 100 pN at 100 mV History : From of Nano-Aperture to Nanopore, since 1995 Our History of Nano-Aperture Fabrication , since 1995 Year 1995 Year 2000 Year 2010 Year 2015 ~100 nm ~ 50 nm ~ 5 nm Etching and deposition technique FIB drilling Electron beam induced Diffusion technique Fabrication of NSOM cantilever array with ~ 95 nm diameter aperture Fabrication of electron beam induced Carbon AFM tip on cantilever History of Nano-pore Fabrication since 1995 Year 2015 Drilling a Au thin film by using focused electron beam Drilled Nanohole on the diffused Au-C mebrane On the pyramidal apex Graphical Abstract “Fabrication of Nanopore on Pyramid,” Applied Surface Science, V 310, 196-203(2013). Fabrication Process 1. Si microfabrication Process followed by vacuum deposition of Au film 2. Diffusion or Drilling: FIB drilling followed by Electron beam irradiation a) Pore formation by FESEM electron beam irradiation b) Pore formation by TEM electron beam irradiation I. Fabrication Process of Au Nano-Aperture (a) Oxidation 1120 nm (b) PR Patterning & Dry Etching (e-1) (c) PR strip & V-groove Formation After metal deposition (d) Re-Oxidation SiO2 = 1626 nm (e) Back-side Si Bulk Etching (f) Metal deposition and FIB drilling Si SiO2 PR (f-1) ~ 200 nm After FI B drilling Metal Dept. of Physics and Nanoscience, College of Natural Science, Sun Moon University, Ahsan, 336-708 Korea FESEM images of Nano-Aperture Array on pyramidal apex TEM images for Pyramidal Array Pyramidal Nanopore Platform Melting temperatures dependent upon the size and the shape Where TM and TMB are the melting temperature of nanoparticle and Bulk material, respectively. “Size effect on the melting temperature of gold particles”, P. Buffat and J. Borel, Phys. Rev. A 13, 2287(1076). “Irregular variations in the melting point of size-selected atomic clusters,” M. Schmidt, etc, Nature V 393, 238(1998). Magic Numbers: 5 Platonic Soli Stucture Vacuum –deposited Au Film consists of Au clusters , following the Platonic Solid Structure: Atomic Magic Number Melting temperature versus Al cluster size Blue: cluster cations Red: cluster anions Various Au Cluster formation in the deposited film Platos’ Five Body structures, And Atomic Shell Model for Melting Temperature Tetragonal, Cube, Octagonal, decahedral, Icosahedral Multiply twinned particle (MTP) with Icosahedral structure, and decahedral structure “Surface structure and energetics of multiply twinned particles,” L. Marks, Philosophical Magazine, Vol 49, NO 1, 81-93(1984) High Electron beam Irradiations by using TEM : diffusion Dynamical Formation Process ; reduction of Au circular nanopore (51 pA, 300 KeV TEM) 11 days later in air Sept 29 45 min exposure 21 nm 43 min exposure Oct 10 18 nm 34 nm ( 3.8 x 20.8 ) nm 300 keV TEM(Jeol, JEM-3011HR) Controlled nanopore formation by using TEM 1 pA electron beam at 300 keV with 10 min interval TEM images of the FIB drilled Au aperture on the 200 nm thick Au film. Successive irradiations by electron beam with 5 min intervals using 1 pA, 300 keV were carried out. After 48 min of irradiation with 1 pA electron beam at 300 keV, the nanopore became almost closed. The ring of the Au islands is shown. The separation of the big Au island from the surrounding thick Au area is presented (inside the dotted circle) in (d). The diameter of the nanopore was gradually closed from ∼70 nm to ∼0 nm. 22 Controlled nanopore formation on the diffused membrane under electron beam irradiation (300 keV, 0.5 pA) S11-4-10-2-B (0.5pa) 10 min interval (a) Before (b) d = 96.11 nm (e) 40 min d = 43.31 nm 10 min (c) 50 min d = 26.08 nm (d) d = 62.85 nm d = 81.03 nm (f) 20 min (g) 50 nm d = 52.41 nm 60 min d = 6.38 nm 30 min (h) 20 nm 65 min d=0 Optical Characteristics of Metallic Hole Nonlinear Behavior of Light Transmission: Schwinger’s Variational Principle Schwinger’s Variational principle O: Boukamps Calculation Kirchoff’s Approximation Pore region On the theory of Diffraction by an Aperture in an Infinite Plane Screen. II, Harold Levine, Julian Schwinger, PR 7, 1423-1432(1949). 1965 Nano-Aperture with Grooved Patterns (a) (e) (b) (f) (c) (g) (d) (h) SiO2 Si Metal Apertures with Groove Fabrication procedure of Aperture on the flat plane Output Intensity dependent upon Pitch of 100 nm wide Groove : Maximum Intensity: 5 grooves with 300 nm pitch 1000 Output Intensity (a.u.) Al (300nm) coated on Oxide (264 nm) Plate 100 10 1 Pitch 300nm,Groove width100 nm, 4-groove Pitch 500nm,Groove width100 nm, 5-groove Pitch 300nm,Groove width100 nm,, 5-groove Single Single hole Aperture 100 200 300 400 Aperture Diameter (nm) 500 600 700 800 Eperpendicular (Ez) just above the metal surface 30 : without Groove : with Groove At the Metal Surface 20 10 Grooves Without Groove 0.4 0.2 0.0 -2 0 Horizontal Axis (mm) 2 Sharp peaks : Radiation due to the scattering of SP with periodic grooves Comparison between Plate Probe and Pyramidal Probe (D = 300 nm) Plate Pyramid Intensity (XZ) Without Groove With Groove With Groove Without Groove Ex No Groove Ex With Groove Ex (XZ) Al 400 nm-Plate Al 400 nm-Cone Backward -Diffraction of Light dependent upon polarization Physical Review E 65 p046611 ‘‘Orbital’’ representation of the angular radiated power of the tip. The figure shows the important backward emission in the P plane passing through the tip axis and containing the effective electric dipole P. Tuning localized plasmonic cavity in nanostructured substrate for surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, N.M. B. Perney, J.J. Baumberg, etc, Optics Express, Vol 14, 848(2006). Optical Enchancement from Pyramid with groove patterns FIG. 4. (Color online) (a) Rectangular, (b) circular, and (d) elliptic periodic groove patterns fabricated using 30 keV FIB are shown in top view (upper) and tilted view (lower). (d) Schematic of the pyramidal probe (side view). S.S. Choi et al., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 33, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2015, p06F203 103 fold increase from Elliptically patterned pyramidal aperture Highlight S.S. Choi et al, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 33, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2015, p 06F203 Transmitted Optical Intensities via Various Au apertures J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 33, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2015, p 06F203 SERS peaks from 3D pyramid with / without groove patterns This optical measurements was carried out at Professor Luke Lee’s Lab, Dept of Bioengineering, UC-Berkeley. Utilizing Nanoscale Double Slits Classical Young’s Double Slit Experiment Plasmon-assisted Nanoscale Double Slits II. Experimental Design for Nanoscale Slits with different Gaps L = 5 mm 15 mm W= 5 mm w= 15 mm w= 10 mm 10 mm 4 mm 3 mm 20 mm w= 20 mm 3 mm 10 mm 20 mm Fig.1 Thickness: 200 nm Au Slit width : 20 nm - 200 nm 40 Transmitted Intensity (Normalized) 21-20-2 6-10-1-A 6-10-1-C 6-10-1-G Single slit 5 mm pitch 10 mm pitch 6-10-1-E 6-10-1-I 15 mm pitch 20 mm pitch Name Designed Pitch Total Area Integrated Intensity Ratio 21-20-2 Calibration Hole 1𝟖𝟓. 𝟕𝟖 𝝁m𝟐 886,847.2 1.0000 6-10-1-A Single Slit 0.87 𝝁m𝟐 227,171.8 0.2562 6-10-1-C 5.07 𝜇m 1.75 𝝁m𝟐 279,288.9 0.3149 6-10-1-G 10.14 𝜇m 1.75 𝝁m𝟐 88,999.0 0.1004 6-10-1-E 15.19 𝜇m 1.75 𝝁m𝟐 150,213.9 0.1694 6-10-1-I 20.30 𝜇m 1.75 𝝁m𝟐 62,952.3 0.0710 41 Transmitted Intensity versus Wavelength 5000 (666,4263) 4000 Nor. Intensity (a.u. / unit area) Calibration Hole A : Single Slit C : Slit Pitch 5 E : Slit Pitch 15 G : Slit Pitch 10 I : Slit Pitch 20 3000 2000 5 mm pitch 10 mm pitch Single slit 15 mm pitch 1000 0 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Wavelength (nm) Effects of Surface Plasmons on spectral switching of polychromatic light with Au double slit, M.Verma et al, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A v29, 196(2012) 42 Transmitted Intensity Comparison With and without Nanoscale Double Slits 8 fold increase at red shifted peak position for the (7x7) nanohole array with nanoscale double slits. 780 nm Enhancement factor 5 530nm pitch 780nm pitch 1060nm pitch 4 3 2 (713 , 1.72) 1 (588, 0.52) 0 600 650 700 Wavelength (nm) 750 800 1060nm 530nm pitch 780nm pitch 1060nm pitch 10 8 (719, 8.36) 6 4 2 0 550 780nm 530nm 1060 nm Enhancement factor 530 nm 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength (nm) Effects of surface Plasmons on spectral switching of polychromatic light with Au double slit, M.Verma et al, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A v29, 196(2012) Conclusions Transmitted optical intensity from the Au nano-aperture array with double nanoscale slits has been observed. The fabricated Au optical platform < nano-aperture array with nanoscale slits > can be utilized as single molecule sensing device.