p ar M k i-W ea ng m Se m i-S tro Se ms y Fr a r k am up ew La or ng k/ ua Te g ch e no lo g g ro n y og ol hn Te c k/ or ew am Fr ms seu ies Mu nd rar ry la bu ar Vo nt nt en tS ta ed Co ro l l d ca el lM od tua ep Co Co Mu seu rar ies M nc ge ua Lib Fr ng La d p ar nd ku tS ta ar en nt Co ms seu ies Mu rar ata Function Function refers to the role a standard plays in the creation and storage of We ak metadata. Some functions define the basic entities to be described, others define specific fields, others give guidance on how to record a specific data element, and still others define concrete data structures for the storage of information. Conceptual Models provide a high-level approach to resource description i-W eak AGLS, DC, MPEG-7, QDC, TEI, XMP St Lib Mu rar seu ies ms ca Vo d lle ro nt Co Lib seu ms ies rar Lib Mu Te c k/ or ew Fr bu og ol hn l de Mo al tu ep nc Co ms seu ies rar Mu Lib ep nc Co ms seu ies Mu rar M ry y y og am tual ew Mod el or k/ Te ch no l am y lar bu lle la l de Mo al Vo ca tu ep ro nt nc d Lib d ar tS ta nd en nt Co ms ies seu Mu rar Lib ies rar Lib k W ea Lib ms seu Mu ge ua ng La rd da an ku tS t en nt Co ms seu ies tad a Mu Me at rar Technical Metadata ad Lib Co el od M al tu ep nc Co Co ms seu Mu ies rar Lib ms seu ies Mu rar ms seu ies Mu rar Lib y og ol hn Te c k/ or ew am Fr ies rar rd da an St nt te on C Lib y og ol hn Te c k/ ew am Fr ms seu ies Mu rar Lib ms s seu rie Mu ra Lib rd da an St nt te or Lib ms seu rd da an St nt te on C tr et Mu ms hts s du M a s at seu Rig t In n io XSLT y e ad rie ms ies seu Mu rar Inf a m r o s hive tiv et Mu M ra e Lib s m eu us on al tu ep nc Co Lib ms seu ies Mu rar Lib C el od M seu ies Mu rar Lib ms ua ng La p ku ar M s m eu us s m eu us M M rd da an St nt te on C i seu es ms rar Mu M ge d nd ta tS en nt Lib t ma or F dard rd n a o t c S Re ructure St rip tiv Record Format KML, NewsML in a certain domain. They typically define the entities of description and their relationship to one another. Metadata structure standards typically use terminology found in conceptual model in their domain. Sem Content Standards provide specific guidance on the creation of data i-S for certain fields or metadata elements, sometimes defining what the source of a given data element should be. They may or may not be designed for use with a specific metadata structure standard. tro ng AES Core Audio, MIX, SGML, TextMD, XML CIDOC/CRM, OAI-ORE, RDA, Topic Maps Framework/Technology here is a general term encompassing models and protocols for the encoding and/or transmission of information, regardless of its specific format. Markup Languages are formats that allow the featuring of specific aspects of a resource, typically in XML. They are unlike other "metadata" formats in that they provide not a surrogate for or other representation of a resource, but rather an enhanced version of the full resource itself. Record Formats are specific encodings for a set of data elements. Many structure standards are defined together with a record format that implements them. Structure Standards are those that define at a DIF, FGDC/CSDGM, GML, ISO 19115, PB Core, SCORM, XMP indecs, METS Rights, ODRL, XrML Metadata Wrappers Preservation Metadata DIG35, ID3, PB Core, PRISM, RDF, SGML, SPECTRUM, XML AACR2, AGLS, APPM, Atom, CanCore, CDWA, CDWA Lite, CIDOC/CRM, DACS, DC, DIF, EAD, EML, IEEE/LOM, ISAD(G), ISBD, MARC, MARCXML, MO, MODS, MPEG-21 DIDL, MuseumDat, NewsML, ONIX, QDC, RAD, RDA, RSS, SWAP, TEI, VRA Core Structural Metadata MEI, METS, MusicXML, MXF, RDF, SGML, XML EAD, FGDC/CSDGM, ISO 19115, MPEG-7, TEI, Topic Maps, XMP g ron t S i- Rights Metadata FGDC/CSDGM, ISO 19115, MPEG-7, OAI-PMH, SCORM, XMP conceptual level the data elements applicable for a certain purpose or for a certain type of material. These may be defined anew or borrowed from other standards. This category includes formal data dictionaries. Structure standards do not necessarily define specific record formats. Structure Standard ADL, AES Process History, DIG35, ID3, MPEG-7, MXF, RDF, SGML, VSO Data Model, XML ADL, OAI-ORE ng o r St stated patterns) lists of allowable values for elements for a specific use or domain. Classification schemes that use codes for values are included here. Technical Metadata AES Core Audio, MIX, TextMD AES Process History, OAIS, PREMIS Controlled Vocabularies are enumerated (either fully or by Atom, ISAAR(CPF), ISBD, RSS, VSO Data Model ADL, AES Core Audio, AES Process History, CDWA Lite, DIF, DIG35, DwC, EAC-CPF, EAD, EML, FGDC/CSDGM, Str ong GEM, GILS, GML, ID3, IEEE/LOM, ISO CanCore, EAD, ISAD(G), SKOS 19115, KML, MADS, MARC, MARCXML, MathML, MEI, METS, METS Rights, MIX, ADL, AES Core Audio, MODS, MPEG-21 DIDL, MuseumDat, AES Process History, AGLS, MusicXML, MXF, ODRL, ONIX, PB CDWA, CDWA Lite, DC, DIF, Core, PREMIS, PRISM, DIG35, DwC, EAC-CPF, EML, SCORM, SMIL, TextMD, VRA FGDC/CSDGM, FOAF, GEM, GILS, GML, Core, XrML ID3, IEEE/LOM, ISO 19115, KML, MADS, MARC, MARCXML, MathML, METS, METS Rights, MIX, MO, MODS, MPEG-21 DIDL, MPEG-7, MuseumDat, MXF, NewsML, ODRL, ONIX, Ontology for Media Resource, PB Core, PREMIS, PRISM, QDC, SCORM, SPECTRUM, SWAP, TextMD, VRA Core, XMP, XOBIS, XrML Atom, KML, MathML, RSS OAIS tial A rc VRA Core sc ip s cr ta es De hiv A rc es m D eu s us es urc eso al R t Te x M Visu rly Cultural Objects Technical Metadata Str uct Rig ura hts lM Me eta dat tad a a spa Dat a Da ta se ts Cultural Objects a ola s at Sch um ad a c F at es urc eso xts al R Te s Visu larly rial o e s Sch at ge lM a ca g Im et at n Re o rd orm in M ad Geo Sem SGML, XML ov e et f m or io at OAI-PMH, SRU SGML, XML AACR2, AAT, AGLS, APPM, BISAC, CanCore, CCO, CDWA, CDWA Lite, CIDOC/CRM, DACS, DC, DCAM, DDC, DIF, DIG35, DwC, EAC-CPF, EAD, EML, FGDC/CSDGM, FOAF, FRAD, FRBR, FRSAD, GEM, GILS, GML, ID3, IEEE/LOM, indecs, ISAAR(CPF), ISAD(G), ISBD, ISO 19115, LCC, LCSH, Linked Data, MADS, MARC, MARC Relator Codes, MARCXML, MESH, MO, MODS, MPEG-7, MuseumDat, NewsML, OAI-PMH, ONIX, Ontology for Media Resource, PB Core, PRISM, QDC, RAD, RDA, Atom, OpenURL, RDF, RSS, SGML, SCORM, Sears List of Subject Headings, VSO Data Model, XML, XMP SKOS, SPECTRUM, SRU, SWAP, TGM I, METS, TGM II, TGN, Topic Maps, ULAN, MPEG-21 VRA Core, XOBIS, DIDL, MXF, Z39.50 SCORM M tiv M Technical Metadata Structur al Metad P re s ata Ri erva tion gh Met ts ada M ta et ad at a si rip e se XML Mu sc tiv Mu tial s er pp ta ra da W ta a e at M ad ive et pt M cri s De ta Da De ip L Mu ibra se ries um s Co d ar nd ta tS en nt Co en nt Co ar d ar nd ta tS s m eu ia es us ter ag M M ola ces our ts R e s r l y Te x l s Ma Im es urc eso exts al R T ly als Visu lar eri es ho at g Sc l M Ima ca si ving o Mu ual al g cr a Str Con ong nec tion The standards listed closest to the center of a sliver are those that are most strongly connected to the given category. spa Dat a Da ta se ts Cultural Objects ives ry h c Ar st u d In n io t ma r fo In TGN s hive ADL, TEI, XMP Sem i Con -Strong nec tion Sch sic in Dat Geo Atom, FOAF, OAI-ORE, RSS EAD, EML, DCAM, GML, DTD, Linked Data, MathML, OAI-ORE, OAI-PMH, MEI, OpenURL, RDF, MusicRELAX NG, SGML, XML, AAT, BISAC, DDC, SRU, Topic TEI LCC, LCSH, MARC Maps, XML, Relator Codes, MESH, XML Schema, Sears List of Subject XPath, Headings, TGM I, TGM II, XQuery, TGN, ULAN XSLT, AACR2, APPM, Z39.50 CCO, DACS, RAD, RDA Descriptive Metadata ov es at MEI, MusicXML, OAI-ORE, TEI Mu M D ad Markup Language CIDOC/CRM, FRAD, FRBR, FRSAD, indecs, OAIS, VSO Data Model EML, MEI, MusicXML, NewsML, SGML, XML Vi s Sch Im et Sem Con i-Weak nec tion M ISAAR(CPF), ISBD, RDF TEI s hive ry st u d In A rc e The standards represented here are among those most heavily used or publicized in the cultural heritage community, though certainly not all standards that might be relevant are included. A small subset of the standards plotted on the main visualization also appear as highlights above the graphic. These represent the most commonly known or discussed standards for cultural heritage metadata. n tiv Each of the 105 standards listed here is evaluated on its strength of application to defined categories in each of four axes: community, domain, function, and purpose. The strength of a standard in a given category is determined by a mixture of its adoption in that category, its design intent, and its overall appropriateness for use in that category. W Con eak nec tio ip k a We The sheer number of metadata standards in the cultural heritage sector is overwhelming, and their inter-relationships further complicate the situation. This visual map of the metadata landscape is intended to assist planners with the selection and implementation of metadata standards. Strength of Standard’s connection indicated by Font Size & Color Saturation Sliver = Category A rc Technical Metadata S Ri truc tura gh lM ts eta M dat et a ad at a Atom, RSS, SKOS PRISM tial a Cultural Objects cr AAT, ADL, DIF, ID3, ISAD(G), KML, MPEG-7, MusicXML, MXF, ODRL, RAD, SMIL, VSO Data Model, XMP, XRML Summary and Purpose r spa Dat ase ts es APPM, Atom, CDWA, CDWA Lite, CIDOC/CRM, DACS, DwC, EAC-CPF, EAD, EML, FOAF, indecs, ISAAR(CPF), ISO 19115, Linked Data, MPEG-21 DIDL, ONIX, RELAX NG, RSS, SKOS, Topic Maps, ULAN Libraries S n d d t us Geo a rd RDF ry D ta g Technical Metadata S Rig t r u c t ura hts lM Me eta dat tad a a al in n Font Size = Star’s strength for given category g ov io c F o rd orm MPEG-21 DIDL, MXF M a f at Semi-Strong connection at sic at In m or Strong connection ces our s R e s Te x t s l ual ly Vi s o l a r teria s Sch Ma age al Im ad TEI s hive try s du In A rc Re Mu et Data sic M AES Core Audio, AES Process History, CanCore, CCO, DC, DCAM, DTD, FGDC/CSDGM, GEM, IEEE/LOM, MEI, METS Rights, OAI-ORE, PB Core, QDC, RDF, SGML, TGN, XQuery em e GML ak e W i tiv m e S rip a i- IEEE/LOM, ISAD(G), NewsML, SKOS f m or io at In t us m n In s c In at a LEGEND ro t S sc In ad at CDWA, MPEG-21 DIDL, VRA Core This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/>. Stars represent those standards that are used most often. ng De S Rig tructur al M hts etad Me ata tad ata h ives In r fo io at hive SKOS y Stru d Stan t u re et ad ro t S Museums in ag A rc Framework/ Technology Controlled Vocabulary GEM, METS Rights, QDC, VRA Core AGLS, CanCore tial M et ng DTD, OAI-PMH, VRA Core, XML, XMLSchema, XPath, XQuery, XSLT Mu ter Im ard e M AACR2, AGLS, CQL, DDC, FRAD, FRBR, FRSAD, GILS, ISBD, LCC, LCSH, MADS, MARC, MARC Relator Codes, MARCXML, MESH, METS, MIX, MODS, OAI-PMH, OAIS, OpenURL, PREMIS, RDA, Sears List of Subject Headings, SRU, SWAP, TEI, TextMD, TGM I, TGM II, VRA Core, XML, XML Schema, XOBIS, XPath, XSLT, Z39.50 AACR2, AES Core Audio, AES Process History, APPM, CanCore, DACS, DDC, DwC, EAC-CPF, EAD, FGDC/CSDGM, FRBR, GEM, IEEE/LOM, ISAAR(CPF), ISAD(G), ISO 19115, KML, LCC, LCSH, MADS, MARC Relator Codes, MESH, METS, METS Rights, MPEG-7, ODRL, PB Core, RAD, RDA, RELAX NG, SMIL, SRU, TEI, TextMD, XMP, XOBIS, XrML, Z39.50 ov Ma g s o rd tiv a u Ind tand c S e e r R uctu r S tTechnical Metadata t on QDC try at rip e Inf m or n tio ves F orm spa Dat Da ta se ts a Cultural Objects sc ral M etad ata tad ata Conceptual Model Atom, DC, DCAM, FOAF, indecs, Linked Data, MIX, MODS, OAI-ORE, OAIS, PREMIS, QDC, RDF, RSS, SGML, SKOS, TGM I, TGM II, Topic Maps M al ces our Res s ual ial es sic in hi A rc C ro ll Vo ces our R e s Te x t s s ual Vi s o l a r l y rial te s Ma age Vi s Mu Dat a Da ta se ts Cultural Objects ed tial A rc De Me tial spa Da Da ta se ts t a Cultural Objects Geo a AAT, CCO, CDWA, CDWA Lite, CIDOC/CRM, MuseumDat, SPECTRUM, TGN, ULAN` Stru e St ctur Geo rd anda Technical Metadata Rig Struct ura hts l Me Me tad ata tad ata ry at Visual Resources NewsML, ODRL, PREMIS, RAD, RDA, RDF, RELAX NG, SGML, SKOS, SMIL, XMP, XOBIS, XQuery, XrML a Community AGLS, CanCore, CQL, DwC, FRBR, LCSH, METS, MIX, PREMIS, SRU hts spa b ca a ul ad Work funded by the Indiana University Libraries’ White Professional Development Award at and the commercial Web. Technologies that support inventory and knowledge management, e-commerce, and the workings of the Internet are included here. nM eta da ta ctu Content Standard Design: Devin Becker ad Information Industry refers to the diverse organizations that make up both the public Information Industry RDA et Content: Jenn Riley et given field with an emphasis on their curation and interpretation. Art, science, natural history, and many other types of museums are included here. s hive M DDC, FRBR, LCC CDWA, DC, GILS, ISAD(G), ISBD, MARC, MARCXML, MODS, QDC, TEI, VRA Core M Museums refers to those organizations that collect and preserve artifacts from a GILS, MEI, MESH, OAI-PMH, SWAP, TEI orm at AACR2, AES Core Audio, CCO, DC, EAC-CPF, EML, IEEE/LOM, MIX, MODS, NewsML, ODRL, ONIX, PB Core, RAD, RDA, TextMD, XrML e outputs of the daily work of individuals and other organizational entities, including traditional records management processes. Their emphasis is frequently on the context of the creation of the materials and their relationship to one another. Stru e AGLS, APPM, Atom, DACS, EAC-CPF, EAD, ISAAR(CPF), ISAD(G), LCSH, MARC, MARCXML, AACR2, CanCore, OAI-ORE, RSS, CIDOC/CRM, DCAM, GEM, SCORM, Sears IEEE/LOM, indecs, ISBD, Linked Data, List of Subject MADS, MARC Relator Codes, METS Headings, Topic Rights, MODS, MPEG-7, MuseumDat, Maps tiv Archives refers to those organizations that collect and preserve the natural ula ry tiv ta b ca rip I Rig tiv Scholarly Texts ip k tio Geo F d ard r d n o a t c Re ucture S Str ed sc da r nfo t ma In n o i du De ta at on ll tro Vo ONIX y r st C ts Me rip AGLS, Atom, BISAC, DACS, DCAM, DDC, FRBR, indecs, LCC, Linked Data, MADS, MARC, MARC Relator Codes, METS Rights, MODS, PREMIS, PRISM, RDF, RELAX NG, RSS, Sears List of Subject Headings, SGML, SKOS, XMP, XOBIS, XQuery, XrML MESH, cr We a ov x Te ts rm Fo A Visualization of the Metadata Universe es k Libraries refers to those organizations that collect and preserve Arc es urc eso xts a l R y Te Visu olarl ialss er e Sch at ag l M Im ca ing si Mu Mov ly gh sc u De Ind ion lar ag CanCore, EAC-CPF, EAD, GEM, IEEE/LOM, ISAAR(CPF), ISAD(G), MARCXML, ODRL, Ontology for Media Resource, SCORM, TGN, AACR2, Topic Maps D i-W ea or Seeing Standards: MathML, MIX s m s Inf ho al Im AACR2, DCAM, DDC, indecs, ISBD, LCC, Linked Data, MADS, MARC, MARC Relator Codes, MARCXML, METS Rights, MODS, OAI-PMH, OAIS, ODRL, PREMIS, RAD, RDA, RDF, RELAX NG, Sears List of Subject Headings, SGML, SKOS, SMIL, SRU, XOBIS, XQuery, XrML Musical Materials t Te x FGDC/CSDGM, GEM, GML, IEEE/LOM, indecs, ISO 19115, OAI-ORE, QDC, SGML, VSO Data Model er nM eta da ta rva Sc es urc eso xts al R Te s Visu ly ial lar ter s ho Ma e Sc ic g at rly Se ng pp tio se Cultural Objects Technical Metadata a in In m for ola tro or potentially use the standard. Those that originated a standard or who are the primary audiences are stronger matches, while those that could use the standard effectively but do not frequently do so are weaker matches. both primary and secondary material in support of research, scholarship, teaching, and leisure. Academic, public, special, and corporate libraries are included here. i-S PREMIS Pre ma M at us hts Struc tura Me l Me tad tad ata ata Sch m Community refers to the groups that currently ra Fo ard d n d a or re St u t c c Re Stru a Se W ces our ts R e s Te x s ual Vi s rly al la eri s ho at ge a Im ad ov s Dat a Da ta se ts Cultural Objects s try h i v e Indus c r A n tio t at er h A rc Technical Metadata y str Ri ad pp M ra lM eta dat a ives c et Archives a rva tial M et W L OAI-PMH Cultural Objects Re o rd M ADL, AES Core Audio, AES Process History, Atom, BISAC, DIF, DIG35, DTD, FOAF, ID3, KML, Linked Data, MathML, MO, MPEG-21 DIDL, MPEG-7, MusicXML, MXF, NewsML, St ro ng OAIS, ODRL, ONIX, Ontology for Media Resource, PRISM, RDF, RELAX NG, RSS, SCORM, SKOS, SMIL, Topic Maps, XML, XML Schema, XMP, XPath, XQuery, XrML, XSLT DC, DCAM, EML, at Sc M ta ura M uct a ibr Rig Dat a Da ta se ts e AGLS, APPM, Atom, CIDOC/CRM, DACS, EAC-CPF, EAD, ISAAR(CPF), ISAD(G), MPEG-7, OAI-ORE, RSS, SCORM, Topic Maps ADL, AES Core Audio, DC, DTD, FRBR, LCSH, AES Process History, DC, DTD, METS, MPEG-21 DIDL, DC, DTD, FRBR, ID3, FGDC/CSDGM, MXF, Ontology for LCSH, MEI, METS, MO, GML, ISO DC, DTD, Media Resource, PB MPEG-21 DIDL, 19115, KML, ISBD, LCSH, Core, QDC, XML, DC, MusicXML, MXF, OAIS, QDC, METS, MPEG-21 DIDL, XML Schema, DIF, DTD, Ontology for Media TGN, XML, XML OAI-ORE, OAI-PMH, XPath, XSLT, EML, METS, Resource, PB Core, Schema, XPath, OAIS, ONIX, OpenURL, Z39.50 MPEG-21 DIDL, OAIS, QDC, XML, XML XSLT QDC, SRU, SWAP, TEI, QDC, VSO Data Model, XML, Schema, XPath, AAT, CCO, TextMD, XML, XML XML Schema, XPath, XSLT, Z39.50 CDWA, CDWA Lite, Schema, XPath, AAT, CCO, XSLT DC, DIG35, DTD, METS, XSLT, Z39.50 CDWA, CDWA Lite, MIX, MPEG-21 DIDL, OAI-PMH, CIDOC/CRM, DC, DTD, METS, OAIS, Ontology for Media Resource, PB MIX, MPEG-21 DIDL, MuseumDat, OAI-PMH, Core, QDC, SRU, TGM I, TGM II, TGN, ULAN, Ontology for Media Resource, QDC, SPECTRUM, TGN, VRA Core, XML, XML Schema, XPath, XSLT, Z39.50 ULAN, VRA Core, XML, XML Schema, XPath, XSLT AGLS, APPM, DACS, EAC-CPF, EAD, GILS, ISAAR(CPF), ISAD(G), RAD ad g e a da MODS Cultural Objects ives es h c Ar ri ca tial tiv at ta Str Dat a Da tas ets rm o F d lle dard rd n o a tro t n c S Co Reructure St Vo spa rip ad a u y str tial sc et at ma Ind METS M e spa De M ad or Inf n tio s or F dard n d a t r re S co u t e c u R Str Geo bu Geo at Copyright 2009-2010 Jenn Riley AES Core DTD, LCC, LCSH, MARC, Audio, Atom, MARCXML, METS, MIX, MODS, CIDOC/CRM, OAI-PMH, OAIS, PB Core, PREMIS, DC, DCAM, SGML, SRU, TGM I, TGM II, TGN, FGDC/CSDGM, XML, XML Schema, XPath, XQuery, FOAF, FRAD, XSLT FRBR, FRSAD, ISO 19115, Linked Data, OAI-ORE, QDC, RDF, RELAX NG, RSS, SKOS, TEI, Topic Maps, VRA Core, XOBIS et spa a rm al tiv e et A ive rc h t ma M M tiv Da ta se ts Cultural Objects g a al Dat in e rip tial ic ov ov sc tiv spa us M De Geo Sc M es M Mu u rc rip Technical Metadata Stru Rig ctu hts ral M Me etad ata tad ata y lar OAIS AACR2, AAT, ADL, CanCore, CDWA, CDWA Lite, DDC, DwC, GEM, IEEE/LOM, indecs, ISBD, KML, MADS, MESH, METS Rights, MPEG-7, ODRL, RDA, SMIL, TextMD, ULAN, VSO Data Model, XMP, XrML, Z39.50 M in ip l Me tad ata Geo ic OAISPrese Cultural Objects ives ry h c Ar st u Ind n tio a m or f In us Da ta se ts M a ov Dat ta cr ura rd anda tial M t ma spa Da es uct es urc eso ts a l R Te x l s Visu ly ria s l a r ate ge ho M a S c ical g Im in ov D g sc es urc eso exts al R T ly als Visu lar eri es ho at g Sc l M Ima ca si ing or F ard d d n r a St co Re tructure S ces our ts R e s Te x s ual Vi s rly al la eri s ho at ge a Im in De ar r us s a o s Res xt ual Vis Te l s rly ria la ate s ho ge Sc al M a Im ov ic M s rce sou l Re ts g sua in r Lib M rc e i s du try Geo St t u re c u r St us ca ov M si x Vi Te l s rly ia la er s ho at ge M a Sc l Im Mu M A rc t ma MARC ies es hiv M ou s Res xt ual Te a l s er rm c Re Fo ord OAI-ORE Str es o Inf at ly a Cultural Objects s hive A rc In at ag Da ta se ts ion M Im Dat lar al tial Vis ho at a a Strong spa g ad at at tial Cultural Objects Semi-Strong AACR2, CanCore, DCAM, DDC, GEM, IEEE/LOM, indecs, ISBD, LCC, Linked Data, MADS, MARC, MARC Relator Codes, MARCXML, METS Rights, MODS, MPEG-7, MuseumDat, NewsML, OAI-PMH, OAIS, ODRL, PREMIS, RAD, RDA, RDF, RELAX NG, Sears List of Subject Headings, SGML, SKOS, SMIL, SRU, XMP, XOBIS, XQuery, XrML str ic et ad ad spa Dat a Dat ase ts Semi-Weak Sc M et et on on c in e M M or ti ma Geo LCSH ives rc h ustry Ind C ati Geo or F d d ard lle d r n ro o a t t n c Co R e re S u t c Stru P r e Technical Metadata se rva tio nM eta da ta Vo ab us tiv e e a r u y lar CanCore, GEM, IEEE/LOM, MIX, MuseumDat, TGN, XMP AGLS, APPM, Atom, CIDOC/CRM, DACS, EAC-CPF, EAD, ISAAR(CPF), ISAD(G), OAI-ORE, RSS, SCORM, TGN, Topic Maps In m for s hive y u Ind t ma MIX Cultural Objects A rc M ral M etad tad ata ata y ov ctu r ula M Technical Metadata at rip tiv tiv Dat t on e oll o V d b ca ho Me lM Stru Sc ar hts sc r Lib Rig ica i ves us MARCXML ies De h A rc F dard n d a t r re S co u t e c R Stru M es MADS es Cultural Objects t es u r c ts e s o l y Te x lar s al R ial er u rc Dat a Dat ase ts rip rip tial a Cultural Objects tial sc sc Inf at Atom, DDC, EAD, ISAAR(CPF), ISAD(G), ISBD, LCC, LCSH, MARC, MARCXML, APPM, DACS, OAI-ORE, ODRL, PB DCAM, EAC-CPF, indecs, Linked Core, RDA, RSS, Data, MADS, MARC Relator SCORM, Sears List Codes, METS Rights, MODS, of Subject Headings, OAIS, PREMIS, RAD, RDF, RELAX Topic Maps, XrML, NG, SGML, SKOS, SRU, XQuery Z39.50 AGLS, DCAM, EML, Linked Data, METS, METS Rights, MPEG-21 DIDL, OAI-PMH, ODRL, PREMIS, RDF, RELAX NG, SGML, SKOS, SRU, XQuery, XrML spa De De A ad a Geospatial Data al in s s spa Cultural Objects et at Moving Images ic ov Geo a m r o Visu us M rce xt or F dard n a d t S r co ructure e R St g u eso al R ri o s Res ual xt Vis Te l s a rly la teri es g ho a M ma Sc I g M in Visu al ov ic M us Te s rly al la ri ho te es Sc Ma ag l ca g Im ces our ts R e s Te x ual ls Vi s rly ria s e la ho at age M Sc Im M si Geo M ad AGLS, CanCore, FRBR, GEM, IEEE/LOM, MPEG-7, SMIL, TGM I, TGM II, XOBIS in et produced as part of a research or scholastic process, and includes both book-length and article-length material. us a rd a M Datasets Scholarly Texts refers to resources rm o f n on i t a Ind FOAF try e ctur d Stan e I a es Weak AGLS, DCAM, Linked Data, METS Rights, OAI-ORE, OAI-PMH, ODRL, PREMIS, RDF, RELAX NG, SGML, SKOS, SRU, XQuery, XrML as film, video, or digital moving images. expressing music in any form, including as audio, notation, and moving image. Archives ral M etad ata e Topic Maps, Z39.50 Musical Materials refers to resources F tiv ata r Lib rip tad ctu tial A r c h iv ral M etad ata sc Me tiv CanCore, DDC, EAC-CPF, FRBR, GEM, IEEE/LOM, ISAAR(CPF), ISBD, LCC, Atom, DwC, MADS, MARC, MARC Relator Codes, GILS, indecs, MARCXML, MathML, MODS, RSS, Ontology for Media Resource, TGN, XMP, SCORM, XOBIS nd nI ctu at at rip a other creative endeavor. Moving Images refers to resources expressed orm o ati Stru spa Cultural Objects Technical Metadata De Stru rd m or u Re Str Metadata CanCore, DDC, EAC-CPF, FRBR, GEM, IEEE/LOM, ISAAR(CPF), ISBD, LCC, LCSH, MADS, MARC, MARC Relator Codes, MARCXML, Ontology for Media Resource, Sears List of Subject Headings, XMP, Atom, DwC, XOBIS Cultural Objects refers to works of art, architecture, and geographic location, either as the data about geographic places themselves or the relationship of a resource to a specific location. ov S co ard d n a t GILS, indecs, MODS, OAI-ORE, RSS, SCORM, Topic Maps, Z39.50 Geospatial Data refers to information relevant to Inf ad sc at ata FRBR A rc h iv e s t r y us ata S ore Technical hts or t ma c e Re t r u c t u r on ral M etad ata intended to be used with or could potentially be useful for. The specific categories represented here are not intended to be exhaustive, nor are they mutually exclusive; rather, they are focused on some common material types that are managed by cultural heritage and other information organizations. before interpretive activities have taken place. They may be collected by scientific instruments, or through research activities in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, or other disciplines. lM eta Me dat a tad et ctu Domain refers to the types of materials the standard is Datasets refers to collections of primary data, largely ura t ma Dat Dat ase ts a a F o rd ry M De ad tad d ula e et Me lle Vo b ca tiv M Domain hts Stru Ind y Rig tro rip e ar Rig at tr us hive ublin C sc tiv r Lib ies m or ion s D C De rip CDWA Lite Inf Dat a Dat ase ts Cultural Objects Geo at a sc orm ard F d n a ord cture St c Re Stru tial ad at s rce ou es lR at spa et ad ua A rc l Object s Archives tial Dat a Da ta se ts Cultural Objects Vis De Cultura spa Geo M et a M at r ies r d Geo ta es urc xts eso a l R l y Tea l s i Visu lar er s ho at ge Sc l M ma ca I si ng Mu ovi M e ad tiv et s rce ou es lR ra AAT C t on e oll Vo ca bu y r a l a rd tand e da t tiv M rip ta hts rip Me a Rig uct sc r Lib ata Str De ive tad rie F S c R e t r u c t u re S EAD Archives s s ipt Me Mu ce hts ord a m r o M ur sc e ua Lib material presented in fixed visual form. These materials may be either artistic or documentary in nature. cr De tiv Vis l Object s Archives Visual Resources refers to ho l M lar Mo ly vin g I a t e r Te ma ia x g ls ts C u lt u r a l O b je ce s ts ica so s Sc Re r DACS De s Rig us al Lib ie ar M su Archives Vi y s d lle ects ce CCO Co ro nt r ula ur rip Cultura so sc l Object s l ica arl Mo y l vin g I Ma T ma te ex Cultura ge ria t s ls s l Obj Re De Cultura Technical Metadata Stru ctu hts ral M Me etad ata tad ata ho al Rig Vo b ca us su s AACR2 ies C M Sc Vi ce Lib r ra c y s rce ou es lR ur Archives on l tro Vo led ab r ula ua so Ma rly gI T t ma eria ex ge ls ts s Vis Re vin al la al sic ho su Mo Sc Vi Mu Sem AACR2, AES Core Audio, CanCore, CDWA, CDWA Lite, CIDOC/CRM, DC, FRBR, ID3, IEEE/LOM, Linked Data, MARC, MARCXML, MO, MODS, MPEG-21 DIDL, ONIX, PB Core, QDC, RDA, TextMD ak We i m Se AACR2, AGLS, CanCore, DC, EML, FRBR, IEEE/LOM, MARC, MARCXML, MODS, MPEG-21 DIDL, Ontology for Media Resource, PREMIS, QDC, RDA, VRA Core Purpose refers to the general type of metadata the standard is designed to record. Typically a standard will be strongly focused on one purpose but include a few data elements for other purposes considered especially important. Data here refers to standards whose purpose is to enclose the resource itself, possibly together with metadata or with added value such as markup. Descriptive Metadata standards include information to facilitate the discovery (via search or browse) of resources, or provide contextual information useful in the understanding or interpretation of a resource. Metadata Wrappers package together metadata of different forms, or metadata together with the resource itself. Preservation Metadata is broadly the information needed to preserve, keep readable, and keep useful a digital or physical resource over time. Technical metadata is one type of preservation metadata, but preservation metadata also includes information about actions taken on a resource over time and the actors who take these actions. Rights Metadata is the information a human or machine needs to provide appropriate access to a resource, provide appropriate notification and compensation to rights holders, and to inform end users of any use restrictions that may exist. Structural Metadata makes connections between different versions of the same resource, makes connections between hierarchical parts of a resource, records necessary sequences of resources, and flags important points within a resource. ak We Technical Metadata documents the digital and physical features of a resource necessary to use it and understand when it is necessary to migrate it to a new format. Purpose