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Traffic Rules Exam: Philippines Road Safety Test

Written Examination
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the following questions and select the correct
answer from the choices.
1. Where do you stop at temporary traffic lights?
a. After the traffic lights, but before the construction zone.
b. At the ‘Stop here on red signal’ sign
c. Where the lane ends
2. Temporary traffic lights at road works _______.
a. Must be obeyed.
b. Apply to road works vehicles only.
c. Are installed to warn motorists of construction works.
3. You wish to turn left at this intersection and the traffic lights are green.
should you do?
a. Wait behind the stop line until there is room for
you to enter the new road.
b. Move forward slowly, make the left turn and
wait behind car A
c. Enter the intersection and sound the horn.
4. In the intersection when the traffic lights change from green to yellow.
should you do?
a. Keep going
b. Drive through and sound your horn
c. Stop
5. You wish to turn left at this intersection. The traffic lights are red and you
this sign. You should –
a. Stop then go straight ahead
b. Stop until the light turns green
c. Stop, then if you see it is safe turn left
6. What are these lights mean?
a. You can turn left, but not go straight ahead
b. You can turn left or go straight ahead
c. You can turn left only if a sign 'TURN LEFT AT ANY TIME
WITH CARE' is displayed
7. At traffic lights what is meant when a red light appears?
a. Stop, wait behind the stop line until the lights change to yellow.
b. Stop, make sure there is no traffic, then drive straight ahead.
c. Stop, wait behind the stop line until the lights change to green.
8. As you approach an intersection with traffic lights, the yellow light turns
to red.
You must –
a. Speed up to avoid traffic from the left and right.
b. Stop and wait for the green light.
c. Sound your horn and proceed through the red light.
9. You approach an intersection showing a red light and the sign shown.
wish to turn left. You must –
a. Stop and wait for a green light.
b. Stop and turn left only if it is safe.
c. Slow down and turn left or right if it is safe.
10. You are waiting at an intersection and the lights are red. The traffic
change to green. You should –
a. Check both sides of the intersection and then proceed.
b. Wait until the traffic behind you makes you move.
c. Cross the intersection as quickly as possible.
ANSWER KEY : Written Examination
1. B - At the „Stop here on red signal‟ sign
2. A - Must be obeyed.
3. A - Wait behind the stop line until there is room for you to enter the new
4. C - Stop
5. B - Stop until the light turns green
6. A - Can turn left, but not go straight ahead
7. C. Stop, wait behind the stop line until the lights change to green.
8. B - Stop and wait for the green light.
9. B - Stop and turn left only if it is safe.
10. A - Check both sides of the intersection and then proceed.
1. As you approach a set of traffic lights at an intersection, they change
green to yellow (amber). You must –
2. What are the places prohibited for parking? Give at least 5
3. When 2 vehicles approach or enter an intersection at approximately the
same time ,which do you think has the right way?
4.What will you do if while driving on a highway within a business or
residential district and there is a pedestrian crossing the highway within a
5. Who among the different types of motorist will you give priority to right of
way? Enumerate at least two.
6. What should you do when approaching traffic lights which change from
to yellow?
7. What are white lines on the road for?
8. Two continuous parallel yellow lines on the road means:
9. What are the agencies who are incharge of the traffic in the Philipines.
10. What is RA1066 or the Children‟s Safety on Motorcycles Act of
1. Stop before the lights, unless you are so close that sudden braking
might cause an accident.
2. No drivers shall park a vehicle or permit it to stand whether attended
or not attended on a highway in any on the following places
 On a crosswalk
 Within an intersection
 Within 4 meters of the driveway entrance to any fire station
 Within 6 meters of the intersection or curb lines
 Within 4 meters of a fire hydrant
 In front of a private driveway
 On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the
curb or edge of the highway
 At any place where official signs have been erected prohibiting
parking ( section 46 art IV Chapter 3 RA 4136 Land transpo
and Traffic code)
3. When 2 vehicles approach or enter an intersection at approximately
the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right
of way to the vehicle on the right( Article III Section 42(a)-R.A 4136
Land Transportation and Traffic Code)
4. The driver of any vehicle on a highway within a business or residential
district shall yield the right way to a pedestrian crossing the highway
within a crosswalk except at the intersection where the movement of
traffic is being regulated by a peace officer or by a traffic signal (Art.III
Sec 42 RA3146 Land Transportation and Traffic Code)
5. Police or fire Department vehicles and ambulances when such
vehicles are operating on official business and the drivers sound
audible signals of their pproach.(Art III Sec 43(a,b,c) –RA4136 Land
Transportation and Traffic Code
6. Stop at the stop line unless you are so close that sudden or sharp
braking might cause an accident
7. Separates traffic going in one direction
Broken white lines separate traffic going in one direction.
8. it is dangerous to overtake
Two parallel yellow lines is an indicator that overtaking in both
directions is extremely hazardous. Stay in your lane until
you pass the end of the solid lines.
o LTO -Land Transfortation Office
o LTFRB – Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory
o MMDA – Metro Manila Development Authority
o HPG – Highway Patrol Group
RA1066 or the Children‟s Safety on Motorcycles Act of 2015
any person from driving a motorcycle on public roads with a
child on board.