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Crime & Violence SBA: Jamaica

Name: Tania Nelson
Candidate Number:
Centre Number:
Year: 2023
Territory: Jamaica
Theme: Crime and Violence
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ 3
Plan of Investigation ............................................................................................................. 4
Artifacts ................................................................................................................................ 5-7
Reflection 1 .......................................................................................................................... 8
Reflection 2 .......................................................................................................................... 9
Reflection 3 ......................................................................................................................... 10
Written Report ..................................................................................................................... 11
Plan of Oral presentation ..................................................................................................... 12
First, I would like to express my gratitude to the Almighty God for enabling me to complete this
project. I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my English Language teacher
Mrs. Sanson for her able guidance and support in completing my SBA.
My group’s theme is Crime, and I have chosen to focus on “The Prevention of Crime in
Jamaica”. I chose this topic because I want to be a part of the solution to this monster; I want to
find strategies to eliminate crime. As a student of English, I expect that my summary and
vocabulary skills will be enhanced, which will be evident in the Written Report, as well as build
narrative skills, which will be necessary for the Oral Presentation. My artifacts will be an article,
a poem and a video, which I will get from newspapers and the internet.
ARTIFACT 1(Crime and violence poem)
Tania Nelson’s Artifact
Author: L. Bennett
Date of publication: 2009
Mi say di crime and violence
Crime and violence ina di nation
Everyday mi wake up a pure frustration
People can’t walk free pon road again
Because it hard fi tell di one dem weh a free
mi say di crime and violence
Mi say di crime and violence
Everyday mi listen to the news
Mi hear all sort a views
Him shot, she stab and emy a one a grab
Before dem stop crime and run go a rehab
Ina dem yah time when recession nuh stop the bite
Why dem a kill when a now we fi unite
Mi say di crime and violence
Mi say di crime and violence
Lawd! What a crisis we have ina dis we society
We need to work together to preserve humanity
Mi tired fi fret an sit dung up a night
A pray to father God to protect mi from di fright
Jamaicans we need to come together
Take care of all sister and bredda
No more crime and violence
Publisher: Dr. Andre Haughton
Published on: Tuesday, January 23, 2018
(“Crime And Violence In Jamaica; Time To Focus On Embedded Institutional Problems”. )
Crime and violence have had minimal impact on tourism in the Second City, although the violent
habits of some of the residents of Montego Bay are becoming overwhelming. Crime as well as a
state of emergency can sometimes be very costly to everyone and can also result in loss of
earnings. There are several direct and indirect costs associated with crime. Direct costs include
that of policing and security, legal fees, medical expenditure, prisons, and private security, while
indirect costs include loss of earnings, loss of productive time, lower investment, lower demand,
and lower productivity. The people appear to be desperately in need of a less violent city, and
despite the associated costs and the negative perception, many continue to engage in criminal
and violent activities. Why do they?
(CRIME AND VIOLENCE IN JAMAICA; what are the Causes)https://youtu.be/_HAv6qalt1c
Published by: Elite Jamaica Published on: February 27, 2019
Prior to doing this SBA, I was aware of the large number of crimes committed in Jamaica, but I
did not see myself as a part of the solution. The newspaper article entitled, “Crime and Violence
in Jamaica; Time to Focus on Embedded Institutional Problems” speaks about crime having
direct and indirect costs. Everyone in society suffers in some way from crime. Some people, in
an attempt to increase their value, become involved in crime. One thing is certain, crime is
voluntary. The poem, Crime and Violence, points out the negative effects of crime and
encourages citizens to unite and preserve humanity. In the video clip, Crime and Violence in
Jamaica; what are the Causes, the speaker highlights that several things need to be done prevent
crime. One such is provision of employment for citizens, so they can provide for themselves and
not rob others.
In Artifacts 1, the writer asks several questions, such as, “... how do you earn an income in the
absence of social benefits and encouraging infrastructure?” This pointed question allows the
reader to contemplate the issue of crime. Artifact 2, the poem Crime and Violence, repetition
issued throughout. An example is in the last two lines, where the poet repeats “No more crime
and violence”. This is used for emphasis. The poet uses repetition to show her frustration and
admonishes the audience to desist from criminality. One technique used in the video is contrast.
“Dons (Bad guys) take care of the community, in that they provide money to families for buying
schoolbooks contrasted with the government or the system, which seemingly doesn’t provide in
the same way” This explains why crimes continue to occur and people exalt community dons,
who ‘take’ from the ‘haves’ to give to the 'have not’s.
My English SBA has helped me tremendously. It has improved my ability to work with new
people and in a group. People have different personalities and I have learnt to understand people
and work with them to accomplish a common goal. I have also become better at meeting
deadlines. Different parts of the SBA had to be submitted at different times and I was forced to
balance my life to meet the timelines. I am now more organized and able to prioritize. I have
always been a leader, but this process, especially due to Covid-19, and the absence of face-toface contact, my leadership skills have been honed. I made it my duty to organize group
meetings, in order to get the work done. This SBA has made me a greater leader.
This written report will highlight the process which led to the successful completion of our
S.B.A. We were placed in a group which includes one person. A theme was suggested by the
teacher, and we chose a topic from it. Afterwards we wrote a plan of investigation on the related
topic, what covered why we chose the topic, what we were expected to gain and the different
types of presentation that we were going to present.
Secondly, after placing our investigation on prevention of crime we used the internet where we
found three artifacts. The artifacts were perused, and information retrieved relating to how the
pieces of artifacts have helped to shape our thinking on the topic, the use of language in the
artifacts and how does the S.B.A. made us a better person.
Thirdly, as a team we present out oral pieces individually which we choose as genre. Finally,
throughout the S.B.A we consulted our teacher for errors, and she provided us with more
adequate information for the completion of the S.B.A. During this S.B.A some of us had
challenges in writing & finding the pieces for the reflections.
The genre that my oral presentation will take is in the form of a poem. This poem is about Crime
and violence. The reason I compiled this poem is that I see where I could express myself more
about this topic. I was inspired to use this genre based on videos, audios and the prints that
explain how scamming has affected people. The articles I researched help me to add content to
my poem because there was a lot of information, I could use from the internet in my poem I will
be using informal language I chose this form of language because I believe it is easily understood
by majority of our Jamaican people. My oral presentation is about crime and violence.
The death of the young
By:Saccheen Laing
I put on my uniform
Armed with books I set out in search of a good education.
Streets lined with the blood stains of those who fell on the way
I'm determined to live to see another day
But I have no control over those who believe they can have their own way.
Armed with guns and knives
They attack me,
They assault me,
They abuse me ,
Because they believe they have control over me
Because of guns and knives in hand.
In my hands I write my plans
A singer, an actor, a doctor, a fashion designer or a police man
I clench my fist as my blood runs to join those who fell before
My plans remain in my hands
Never to be realized
I am young but that means nothing on this land.
The blood of the young will replace the ocean that surrounds and beautifies the land
How many more shall die before you answer when I ask why?
My mother shall cry and bury her son before he becomes a man
My brother shall cry and say goodbye to his role model
My father shall cry and say goodbye to the son he wanted to educate and nurture
My sister shall cry and say goodbye to the brother who would protect and love her
My blood flows and you stop to record it
My blood flows and you walk over it
My blood flows and you forget it
A girl murdered, never to become a woman
A boy murdered, never to become a man
Who will be the next generation? When the young are being murdered