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Sensors and Mark Sensors Overview

mark sensor
• a sensor is one of the
compnents of a robot is is
very essential. it is used
to percive the
surroundings of the robot
• The mark sensor was
developed to detect a
specific mark, change of
color, or other process
indication mark or bar.
These units are used in
the detection of labels on
backgrounds, printing
systems, etc where color
and or height can
influence the process
• Because the term marksense was originally a
trade name, the Federal
Government generally
used the term
electrographic. In the
1940s, 50s, and 60s,
mark sense technology
was widely used for
applications like
processing meter
readings recordings on
turnaround documents
and recording long
distance telephone calls.
• Eye-mark sensor is a
type of mark sensor
used to sense the
colour present on the
paper and make the
machine to cut on
the place where the
paper is marked. It
has a transmitter and
the receiver which
the sends the light
signal through
transmitter and it
senses the colour.
The sensed signal is
• As shown in Figure 1,
there are typically four
main components in a
sensor node [1], i.e., a
sensing unit, a
processing unit, a
communication unit, and
power supply. The
sensing unit may be
composed of one or
more sensors and
Converters (ADCs).
• As shown in Figure 1,
there are typically four
main components in a
sensor node [1], i.e., a
sensing unit, a
processing unit, a
communication unit, and
power supply. The
sensing unit may be
composed of one or more
sensors and Analog-toDigital Converters (ADCs).