This essay will analyse the validity and reliability of two indicators of human development: the human development index (HDI) and the gender inequality index (GII). The human development index takes three different variables into account which are long and healthy life which is measured by the life expectancy at birth. Life expectancy at birth is a statistical measure that an average individual is expected to live. Education indicators are the expected years of schooling and the mean years of schooling. The standard of living is usually measured by the gross national income (GNI) per capita. The HDI is good because of the many factors that make it up, so it takes more into account and can have a broader spectrum, making it more valid. The HDI can also be used in most countries which is another advance as it can be easily compared with other countries. The negative to the human development index is that corporate governments can forge it. Another problem is that some factors are not looked at when measuring a country's HDI, for example, employment opportunities, which are also very important to the development of humans. The HDI concentration is more on the long-term changes and the short-term ones. The gender inequality index is made up of three different indicators, which are gender disparities in health, empowerment and the labour market. The GII value increases as gender inequalities increase. One of the index's significant advantages is the ability to capture the linkages across different dimensions, such as schooling and access to work. GII works across all countries, which is excellent and can easily be compared to different countries. In conclusion I think that both are very reliable because they use multiple indicators even with the chance that countries with corrupt governments can cheat them. So i think that they are also valid because of how they can both be compared making them very valid.