Part One - General Principles of Ecology A. General Principles of Ecology a. Ecology: how organisms interact with one another and with their environment b. Environment: biotic (other organisms) & abiotic (physical factors) B. Four levels of ecological organization: a. Population: a group of individuals of the same species occupying a common geographical area b. Community: two or more populations of different species occupying the same geographical area c. Ecosystem: A community plus its abiotic factors d. Biosphere: the portion of the earth that contains living species C. Ecology of Individuals a. Physiological ecology b. Temperature & water balance c. Light & biological cycles d. Physiological ecology & conservation D. Ecology of Populations a. Population Ecology: the study of how populations interact with their environment b. Population: a group of individuals of the same species occupying a common geographical area c. Habitat: where a species normally lives d. Characteristics of populations i. Population size: the number of individuals making up its gene pool ii. Population density: the number of individuals per unit of area or volume iii. Population distribution: the general pattern in which the population members are dispersed through its habitat 1. Clumped (most common) 2. Uniformly dispersed (rare) 3. Randomly dispersed iv. Age structure: relative proportions of individuals of each age 1. Pre-reproductive 2. Reproductive 3. Post-Reproductive v. Population size & growth e. Zero Population Growth: near balance of births and deaths f. Exponential growth: if birth and death rates of a population remain constant they can be combined into one variable r = net reproduction per individual per unit of time (rate of increase) i. Population growth can be represented mathematically as: G=rN 1. G=population growth per unit time, r = rate of increase, & N = the number of individuals 2. As long as per capita birth rates remain above per capita death rates, a population will grow exponentially - with ever-increasing rates and short “doubling times” g. Biotic Potential: the maximum rate of increase under ideal conditions 1. Few populations live under ideal conditions because of limiting factors h. Limiting Factor: Any resource that is in short supply i. Carrying Capacity: the maximum number of individuals of a species or population a given environment can sustain i. Each habitat can only support so many individuals ii. Limiting Factor populations rarely exhibit Exponential growth curves iii. Early on populations exhibit very rapid growth but as they near carrying capacity they level off creating logistic growth j. Density Dependent: the growth is affected by the density of individuals i. Logistic growth is density-dependent ii. High density and overcrowding put individuals at greater risk of being killed iii. Population size & growth may be controlled by density-independent factors E. Life History Patterns a. Different populations have very different age structures that will determine their growth patterns b. Age Structure: Proportions of pre-reproductive, reproductive, and postreproductive age individuals in a population c. The age structure of a population determines its future d. Population ecologists track cohorts and construct life tables for populations e. Cohort: A group of individuals born at the same time f. Life Table: An age-specific death schedule i. Often converted to a more palatable survivorship schedule ii. Predicted life expectancy or survivorship for each age interval iii. Divide populations into age classes and assign birth rates and mortality risks to each class iv. Absolute population numbers mean very little unless age structure is known F. Life History Strategies a. R-selected organisms: put most of their energy into rapid growth and reproduction i. Common of organisms that occupy unpredictable environments b. K-selected organisms: put most of their energy into growth i. Common in stable environments near carrying capacity G. Ecology of Communities a. Community: two or more populations of different species occupying the same geographical area i. Community Ecology: the study of how different species interact within communities ii. Habitat: the physical place where an organism lives iii. Niche: the functional role of an organism in a community 1. Potential Niche: What they could do with no competitors or resource limitations 2. Realized Niche: Part of the fundamental niche that a species actually occupies in nature b. Species Interactions i. Neutral: two species that don’t interact at all ii. Commensalism: beneficial to one species but neutral to another iii. Mutualism: An interaction that is beneficial to both species iv. Parasitism: An interaction that benefits one species and is detrimental to another v. Predation: An interaction beneficial to one species and detrimental to another c. Competitive Interactions i. Competition has negative effects on both competing organisms because it limits available resources, thus driving evolution. ii. Types of Competition: 1. Intraspecific: Competition among individuals of the same species 2. Interspecific: Competition between different species 3. Theory of Competitive Exclusion: Species that utilize the same resources cannot coexist indefinitely 4. Resource Partitioning: Resources are divided permitting species with similar requirements to use the same resources in different areas, ways, and/or times iii. Community Stability 1. Communities are not static gradually changing as the environment changes, and also changing the environment themselves iv. Invasive Species 1. Invasive Species: A species that is not native to a specific location and has a tendency to spread to a degree believed to cause damage to the environment, human economy, or human health a. Can impact nutrient cycling, ecosystem dynamics, energy transfer, water clarity, and food web composition H. Ecology of Ecosystems a. Ecosystem: A community of organisms interacting within a particular physical environment or a community plus its abiotic factors i. Virtually all energy comes from the sun via photoautotrophs, ultimately being distributed throughout the ecosystem ii. Autotrophs: Primary Producers iii. Consumers: All other organisms besides autotrophs iv. Herbivores: Consumers which eat plants v. Carnivores: Consumers which eat animals vi. Omnivores: Organisms that eat both plants and animals vii. Decomposers: organisms that obtain their energy by breaking down the remains or products of organisms viii. Detritivores: decomposers that eat detritus a. Detritus: Organic wastes and dead organisms b. Structure of Ecosystems: i. Energy flows through ecosystems via food webs 1. Food Webs: Intricate pathways of energy flow and material cycling ii. Ecosystems are arranged by trophic (feeding) levels 1. First Trophic Level: contains the autotrophs which build energycontaining molecules a. Can also absorb N, P, S, and other molecules necessary for life b. They provide an energy-fixation base and a nutrientconcentration base for ecosystems c. Two Types of autotrophs: 1. Photoautotrophs: Plants and some Protista 2. Chemoautotrophs: Bacteria 2. Second Trophic Level: contains the primary consumers which eat the primary producers 3. Third Trophic Level: Contains the secondary consumers, primary carnivores which eat the herbivores 4. Fourth Trophic Level: Contains the tertiary consumers, secondary carnivores who eat the primary carnivores 5. Linear food chains are rare in nature because the same food sources may be part of several interwoven food chains, and many organisms have more than one food source 6. Decomposers play a key role but are often not represented iii. Food Web - Many food chains in relation to each other c. Energy Flow through Ecosystems i. Gross Primary Productivity: The rate at which the primary producers capture and store energy per unit time 1. Since the primary producers expend energy during respiration net primary productivity is considerably lower than gross productivity ii. Productivity is measured as biomass per unit area per a specific time interval 1. Biomass: Dry weight of organic matter iii. Trophic Structure of an ecosystem is represented by an ecological pyramid, with primary producers at the base and other levels above iv. Only about 10% of the energy makes it to the next level because the food is converted to biomass or used to maintain metabolic functions 1. Takes billions of primary producers to support millions of primary consumers v. An energy pyramid is a more useful way to depict an ecosystem’s trophic structure’ 1. Each block is proportional to the amount of energy it contains 2. Pyramids represent biomass or # of individuals 3. Explains biological magnification a. Biological Magnification: The tendency for toxic substances to increase in concentration at progressively higher levels of the food chain I. Energy vs. Nutrients a. Nutrients is cyclic i. Cyclic: Biogeochemical cycles b. Energy flow is one way c. Biomass and Energy Pyramids i. Ecological Succession: a directional, cumulative change in the species that occupy a given area through time 1. Primary Succession: Start from barren ground 2. Secondary Succession: starts from disturbed areas a. Pioneer Community: the first organisms to occupy an area b. Several transitional communities may come and go c. Climax Community: A stable, self-perpetuating array of species in equilibrium with one another, and their habitat will form ii. Secondary Succession 1. Biodiversity: how much variety of life there is at all levels, from genes to ecosystem a. Can be measured in a variety of ways iii. iv. v. b. Species Richness (Alpha Diversity): the number of different species within an area c. Species evenness: the measure of the relative abundances of species in area d. Genetic Diversity: the amount of variety in the gene pool of a population of individuals e. Functional Diversity: the amount of variety in functional traits that species possess in the ecosystem i. Functional traits: characteristics of an organism that affect how the organism responds to and/or influences the functioning of its ecosystem f. Phylogenetic Diversity: the number of different evolutionary lineages represented; considers how closely related these lineages are i. A community that only contains a few closely related species has low phylogenetic diversity 2. Biodiversity is greatest in tropical areas near the equator a. Tropical areas have more sunlight, more rainfall, longer growing seasons, stable environments, many vertical layers, and can support more species Weather and Climate 1. Biome: A large region of land characterized by the climax vegetation of the ecosystems within its boundaries a. Key features are the outcome of temperatures, solids, and moisture levels 2. Weather: The condition of the atmosphere at any given time 3. Climate: the accumulation of weather events over a long period of time a. Climate is dependent on: i. Solar Radiation ii. Earth’s daily rotation iii. Earth’s rotation around the sun iv. The distribution of continents and oceans Elevation or Depth of Light Penetration 1. Heat energy from the sun drives weather systems, ultimately determining the composition of ecosystems Watershed 1. Watershed or Drainage Basin: an area of land where water from rain and melting snow or ice drains downhill into a body of water a. All major terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are impacted by what happens in a watershed b. Watershed surface water management plants reduce flooding, improve water quality, and enhance stream and wetland habitation c. Sources of water pollution include i. Point Source Pollution: Pollution from a clearly identifiable location ii. Nonpoint Source Pollution: Pollution that comes from many different places d. Sources of pollution are industrial, residential, commercial, and environmental e. Types of Pollution may include i. Organic Pollution: decomposition of living organisms and their bi-products ii. Inorganic Pollution: dissolved and suspended solids such as silt, salts, and minerals iii. Toxic Pollution: Heavy metals and other chemical compounds that are lethal to organisms iv. Thermal Pollution: Typically waste heat from industrial and power generation processes J. Overview of Terrestrial Ecosystems: a. Characteristics of Forests: i. Trees dominate biome ii. Forests cover ⅓ of Earth’s land mass iii. Forests are the most diverse biotic communities iv. Compromise ⅔ of the leaf area of plants v. Contain 70% of carbon present in living things vi. Their Canopies affect other producers, consumers, decomposers, and other niches vii. Hold potential medicines and thousands of undiscovered species viii. Human beings bring deforestation, pollution, land use change, and industrial usage problems ix. Forest types: depend upon the climate and seasonal rainfall 1. Tropical 2. Temperate or Deciduous 3. Boreal (taiga) or coniferous b. Characteristics of Taiga (Coniferous or Boreal Forests): i. The 2nd largest forest type lies between the Artic and Deciduous Forest line (50-60 degrees North Latitude) ii. The angle of incidence for solar radiation is low and twilight lasts many hours iii. Summers are short, moist, and warm while Winters are long, cold, and dry iv. Temperature can vary greatly (-60 - 70) v. Variable Precipitation vi. Thin solids because of glaciers that are acidic from the decomposition of pine needles vii. The absence of earth-churning invertebrates makes soil hard and compact viii. Fire is a major threat in maintaining the biome c. Characteristics of Deserts: i. Cover ⅕ of the earth’s land surface at low latitudes, but there are some cold deserts ii. Have a scarcity of water (less than 10in per year) and intense solar radiation iii. Water loss may exceed water gain iv. Temperature can be hot in the day and cold at night v. Poor soil quality with little organic matter but high mineral content vi. When it rails, can cause flooding vii. Animals adapt to the desert to withstand or avoid water stress viii. Deserts are expanding in parts of the world ix. Types of Deserts: 1. Hot and Dry 2. Semiarid 3. Costal 4. Cold x. Regions of low, sparse vegetation with minimal rain and humidity, high temperature, and great daily temperature fluctuations d. Characteristics of Grasslands or Prairies i. The precipitation is too low to support trees but too great for deserts to form ii. Grasses are the major producer, most possessing rhizomes, and are wind pollinated iii. 6-40in of variable precipitation iv. Convection Storms during the summer and general rains and snow in winter v. Solids are fertile, deep, and rich with growing seasons of 120-200 days vi. Are generally flat to rolling (cut by streams) vii. Fire is a major threat to the biome viii. The region is dominated by grazing animals Part Two - Problems Resulting from Human Impacts A. Environmental Issues a. Major Environmental Issues i. Pollution of Air, Water, and Land ii. Hazardous Chemicals & Wastes iii. Land Degradation iv. Loss of Biodiversity v. Ozone depletion vi. Loss of natural and cultural resources b. Major Causes of Environmental Issues i. Rapid population growth, effects of urbanization and industry, and harvesting practices ii. Rapid & wasteful use of resources c. Environmental Impact (I) (depends on three factors) i. The number of people (population size, P) ii. Average number of units of resource each person uses (per capita consumption, A) iii. Amount of environmental degradation & pollution produced for each unit of resource used (destructiveness of the technologies used to provide and consume resources, T) iv. I = P * A * T (environmental impact) v. Sustaining the Earth - Learning as much about how the Earth sustains itself and adapts to ever-changing environmental conditions and integrating lessons from nature into the ways we think and act 1. Basic Environmental Beliefs of the world: a. Nature exists for all b. There is not always more c. Some forms of economic growth are environmentally beneficial and should be encouraged i. Some are environmentally harmful and should be discouraged d. Success depends on learning to corporate with one another and with the rest of nature to learn how to work with the earth d. Pollution: when harmful materials enter the environment i. Sources of pollution are one of four main categories: industrial, residential, commercial, or environmental ii. Pollutants can enter the environment through natural or human activities iii. Sources of pollution: 1. Point Source Pollution: Pollution from a clearly identifiable location 2. Non-Point Source pollution: Pollution that comes from many different places 3. Organic Pollution: The decomposition of living organisms and their bi-products 4. Inorganic Pollution: Dissolved and suspended solids 5. Toxic Pollution: Heavy metals and other chemical compounds that are lethal to organisms 6. Thermal Pollution: Waste heat from industrial and power generation processes 7. Nuclear Pollution: Radioactive materials e. Harmful Impacts of Pollution - three factors determine the severity i. Chemical Nature: how active and harmful the pollutant is to living organisms ii. Concentration: The amount of pollutant per unit of volume iii. Persistence (degradability): How long the pollutant stays in the air, water, soil, or body of the organisms iv. Pollution can affect all areas of the environment 1. Air Pollution: The emission of any impurity into the air, such as smoke, dust, cinders, solid particles, gasses, mists, fumes, odors, and radioactive substances 2. Water Pollution: Pollutants being added to ground water, surface water environments and marine water environments 3. Thermal Pollution: Changes in water temperature due to additions of hot or cold water to a natural water system a. Often heated water from cooling at power plants 4. Soil Pollution: Pollutants being added to soil by agricultural runoffs, unclean technology, and waste disposal 5. Noise Pollution: Excess noise from industrial and urbanization activities 6. Light Pollution: excess night lighting around urban areas which can impact the life cycles of organisms 7. Radioactive Pollution: radioactive waste and nuclear accidents B. Types of Water Pollution and their Effects Type of Water Pollution Cause of Pollution Symptoms of Pollution Effect of Pollution Source of Pollution Biodegradabl e waste Humans and Animals Decreasing aquatic life, increasing bacteria Decreasing aquatic life, increasing bacteria Run-off Nutrients Nitrates and Phosphates Green, Algae blooms cloudy, slimy, stinky water Fertilizer runoff, improper disposal, wastewater treatment Heat Increased Water Temperature Warmer water, less oxygen fewer aquatic life Decrease in oxygen levels, death of aquatic life Industrial runoff, wastewater treatment Sedimentatio n Suspended particles settling out of water Cloudy water, increased amount of bottom Warmer water, decreases water depth, deposits toxins Construction, farming, logging, flooding, runoff, dams Chemicals Toxic and Hazardous chemicals Water color changes, odor, aquatic life dies out Kills aquatic life, enters human food chain, birth defects, infertility, cancer, etc Humanmadeimprope r disposal, run-off, acid rain Radioactive Pollutants Radioactive isotopes Increased birth defects and cancer Kills aquatic species, leads to cancer and death Contaminated Waste water discharge Medical Medicines, antibiotics Infertility in aquatic life, and other unknown symptoms Unknown Human dumping medicines into water systems C. Aquatic Environment Issues a. The creation of dams and water-diversion systems blocks migration routes and disturbs habitats i. Dams major factor in water diversion ii. Built along rivers to produce reservoirs iii. Affects the ecology of the river and surrounding environments iv. Creates Habitat Loss, Habitat Fragmentation, and Loss of Biodiversity b. Water withdrawal shrinks and degrades habitats c. Runoff from agricultural and urban areas can hurt water quality d. Overexploitation & pollution threaten groundwater e. Exotic species can harm native organisms f. Global warming leads to devastating floods and droughts g. Thermal Pollution and Rising Ocean Temperatures i. Change in water temperatures caused by man-made industries ii. Water as coolant is warmed and returned to a body of water iii. Ocean warming can lead to problems such as coral bleaching h. Nutrient Overflows i. Natural or unnatural disruptions of nutrient flows can lead to elevated levels of nutrients entering a system ii. Eutrophication: bodies of water become enriched with nutrients 1. Can cause algal blooms 2. Run-off from fertilizers causes an increase in levels 3. Causes phytoplankton to grow and reproduce more rapidly 4. Bloom disrupts the normal ecosystem and causes problems 5. Algae may use up all the oxygen 6. Bloom can block sunlight from photosynthetic marine plants 7. Algae can produce toxins harmful to higher forms of life causing problems along the food chain iii. Sewer Overflows iv. This can be due to a lack of infrastructure, old infrastructure overwhelmed by increased water loads, combined systems, and poor maintenance v. Can result in raw sewage going into source vi. Increase in rainfall stresses systems i. Threats to Marine Environments i. Ocean Dead Zones 1. Eutrophication magnified as rivers leads into larger rivers 2. Leads to ocean dead zones or regions where hypoxia is present 3. Mississippi river dumps high-nutrient runoff such as nitrogen and phosphorus into the Gulf (the largest dead zone in the US) ii. Oil Spills 1. Causes major environmental problems iii. iv. v. vi. Marine dumping of wastes Climate Change Sea Temperature RIse Ocean Acidification 1. Caused by excess carbon dioxide dissolving to form carbonic acid, potentially dissolving the skeletons and shells of marine creatures vii. Habitat Loss 1. Loss of mangroves and estuary regions causing population displacement viii. Bycatch 1. Unintentionally caught marine life ix. Whaling x. Fishery xi. Overfishing and Exploitation 1. Depletes stocks of fish, disrupting the ecosystem and eliminating a valuable source of food and income 2. Fish catch has risen from 20-90 million tons per year 3. The original fishing limit was 12 miles out to sea a. Changed to 200 in the 1960s due to a lack of fish b. Driftnets: dragged through the water indiscriminately catching everything c. Bottom Trawling: Ocean floor is scraped by heavy nets for all bottom-dwelling fish- leaving a path of destruction xii. Invasive Species j. Threat to Estuaries i. Receive the pollutants dumped into streams ii. Development only adds to pollution and eliminates some estuaries due to landfilling iii. One of the most threatened ecosystems on Earth k. Threats to Coral Reefs i. CHemical Pollutants ii. Excess nutrients iii. Sedimentation iv. Coral Bleaching v. Coral Diseases vi. Climate change & Ocean acidification vii. Overfishing D. Air Pollution Issues a. Climate Change i. Sea level rise b. c. d. e. f. g. h. ii. Temperature iii. Precipitation Health Impacts i. Weather-related illness and mortality ii. Infectious Diseases iii. Air Quality- Respiratory and Cardiac Illnesses Agriculture Impacts i. Crop yields ii. Irrigation demands iii. Increased GHG Water Resource Impacts i. Changes in water supply ii. Water quality iii. Increased competition for water Impacts on Coastal Areas i. Erosion of beaches ii. Inundate coastal lands Species and Natural Areas i. Shift in ecological zones ii. Loss of Habitat and species Atmospheric Deposition: Process, whereby precipitation, particles, aerosols, and gasses move from the atmosphere to the earth’s surface i. Originate from a variety of air pollution sources and can be harmful to the environment and public health 1. Acid deposition 2. Mercury 3. Microplastics 4. PFAS 5. Greenhouse gasses Acid Deposition (Acid Rain): a mixture of wet and dry deposition from the atmosphere containing higher than normal amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids i. Wet Deposition refers to pacific rain, fog, and snow ii. Dry Deposition occurs when the environment is dry, arid chemicals are incorporated into the dust or smoke sticking to surfaces of buildings, ground, cars, and trees 1. Leads to acidic runoff iii. Half of the acidity in the atmosphere falls back to earth through dry deposition iv. the pH of acid rain is typically 5.6 v. Effects 1. Surface water becomes more acidic 2. Damages forests at high elevations 3. Damages building materials 4. Affects human health i. Nuclear Pollution: radioactive pollution i. Lead to radiation sickness and death ii. Fallout can destroy environmental features and animal life E. Climate Change Issues a. Greenhouse Effect: warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space i. Earth gets energy from the sun in the form of sunlight ii. Earth’s surface absorbs some of this energy and heats up iii. Earth cools down by giving off infrared radiation iv. Before radiation can escape, greenhouse gasses absorb some of it, making the atmosphere warmer v. As the atmosphere gets warmer, Earth’s surface gets warmer b. Earth’s temperature is dependent upon the greenhouse-like action of the atmosphere, but the amount of heating and cooling is strongly influenced by several factors i. Type of surface that sunlight first encounters ii. Forests, grasslands, ocean surfaces, ice caps, deserts, and cities absorb, reflect, and radiate radiation differently iii. Sunlight falling on a white glacier surface strongly reflects it back into space, resulting in minimal heating iv. Sunlight falling on dark desert soil is strongly absorbed, contributing to significant heating of the surface and lower atmosphere v. Cloud cover can affect warming by reducing the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface vi. Atmospheric gasses water vapor carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide act as effective global insulators vii. Negative concerns related to possible impacts of an enhanced greenhouse effect caused by excess pollutants going into the air c. Ozone Depletion: ozone layer is deteriorating due to the release of pollution containing the chemicals chlorine and bromine (chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs) Part Three - Solutions for Reducing Harmful Effects