COLLIN COLLEGE ADN PROGRAM – RNSG 2361 1 RNSG 2361 Major Clinical Project Supporting Your Patient with Proper Education Teach interventions to prevent frequent hospital readmissions in a patient with Chronic Disease COLLIN COLLEGE ADN PROGRAM – RNSG 2361 2 Major Clinical Project Focus: Patient Education Description Objectives: a. b. c. d. e. Explore nursing teaching modalities Discuss specific patient education strategies used in patient education Recognize the correlation between patient problems and patient learning needs Manage the patient education safely and effectively Investigate the RN scope of practice in patient education Introduction: Chronic conditions affect patients every single day. Teaching is an essential skill in nursing to prevent multiple patient readmissions. This project aims to provide continuity of care after hospital discharge and empower clients to maintain or improve their health status. Thus, an essential part of this project is effective teaching using appropriate methodologies and accurate information. Case Study: Your patient is being discharged home with one of the conditions cited below. Your job is threefold. First, write a 2page paper identifying patient variables that may affect the teaching/learning outcomes based on the chronic condition/target population assigned by the clinical instructor. Second, develop a teaching content for the patient before discharge (pamphlet). Third, present a virtual follow-up visit using a video modality of your choosing to teach the patient about the condition and how to prevent recurrent hospitalizations. Your teaching must contain evidence-based interventions, and your instructor will assign each student the chronic condition/Target Population. Chronic condition/Target Population Below are possible “patients”, your clinical instructor may assign a different condition &/or target population Asthma Female - 20 years Right and left Congestive Health Failure Female - 65 years old Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Male - 50 years old -smoker Chronic Anemia Female - 65 years old- alcoholic Diabetes Type 1 Non-binary -15 years old Diabetes Type 2 Male: 45 years old – 350 Lbs. Peripheral Vascular Disease Female: 60 Years old- smoker Depression/ Anxiety Female (Transsexual)- 40 years old Pneumonia Male: 70 years old DVT Female: 40 years old- smoker Chronic Condition Assigned by Clinical Target Population Assigned by Clinical Instructor Instructor Project Instructions: 1. Write a two-page paper identifying the following: a. Chronic condition/Target Population assigned by the clinical instructor COLLIN COLLEGE ADN PROGRAM – RNSG 2361 3 b. Identify patient variables that may affect the teaching/learning outcomes. Consider each of the following and incorporate these variables into the teaching strategies planned: i. Neurological and functional status (alertness, sensory, movement) ii. Educational level/reading, comprehension, and writing ability iii. Readiness to learn iv. Preferred style of learning (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) v. Age/developmental level that impacts outcomes/teaching strategies vi. Barriers to learning: pain, medications, drug/alcohol abuse, staff attitudes, and illness experience, etc. vii. Estimate of learning potential as evidenced by: strengths, weaknesses, non-compliance issues, barriers to compliance, recurrent admits, and/or self-care initiatives which the client or caregiver can state, note on the chart, or observe by the nurse viii. Estimate of learning needs based on variables of, but not limited to, language, religion, or other ethnic customs and habits. ix. Psycho/social issues: coping, finances, resources –human & material, family problems, living arrangements, caregiver interest/support, lifestyle (dines out often, travels frequently, etc.) c. Client/Care Giver Learning Outcomes Identify learning outcomes (goals) in BCTM or SMART terms. The desired client behaviors, conditions, time frames, measurement of the goals to be accomplished i. Identify learning outcomes by learning domains: cognitive, psychomotor, or affective ii. Construct outcomes that are relevant to the problem and are realistically attainable d. Must be in APA format and include APA in-text citations and references 2. Create a one-page pamphlet a. Creativity is critical as you help the patient remember the critical points of prevention to avoid hospital readmission in chronic conditions. b. Must contain a description of the condition, evidence-based interventions, tertiary prevention, and when and how to consult the primary physician or return to the emergency department in an emergent situation. c. Must include APA in-text citations and references 3. Create and submit in Canvas a 10-minute video OR can be completed in post conference a. Simulate calling the patient for follow-up care after being discharged from the hospital b. Introduce yourself and explain why the follow-up call is important, i.e., to prevent hospitalizations, rehospitalization, and so on c. Explain the goals of the call d. Explain the interventions cited in the pamphlet e. Explain s/s for a worsening of the condition and when to contact the primary provider f. Provide a follow phone number or website where the patient and/or family can reach you g. The video format is your choice. It is highly recommended to use Studio (A platform inside Canvas) to complete the video portion of the assignment. More information on how to utilize the studio platform is found on the "Page" for this assignment COLLIN COLLEGE ADN PROGRAM – RNSG 2361 4 h. Other Requirements for the assignment i. Absolute professional environment ii. Professional dress code. 4. Submit all pieces of the assignment in Canvas by the date assigned by your clinical instructor. Chronic Condition Patient Education Grading Criteria Area Teaching & Learning Assessment (Paper Assignment) 1. Discusses and incorporates teaching methodology/strategy for the assigned patient (Instructor will select a Chronic condition/Target Population form the list above) 2. Identify patient variables that may affect the teaching/learning outcomes. Consider each of the following and incorporate these variables into the teaching strategies planned: a. Chronic condition/Target Population assigned by the clinical instructor b. Identify patient variables that may affect the teaching/learning outcomes. Consider each of the following and incorporate these variables into the teaching strategies planned: i. Neurological and functional status (alertness, sensory, movement) ii. Educational level/reading, comprehension, and writing ability iii. Readiness to learn iv. Preferred style of learning (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) v. Age/developmental level that impacts outcomes/teaching strategies vi. Barriers to learning: pain, medications, drug/alcohol abuse, staff attitudes, and illness experience, etc. vii. Estimate of learning potential as evidenced by: strengths, weaknesses, non-compliance issues, barriers to compliance, recurrent admits, and/or self-care initiatives which the client or caregiver can state, note on the chart, or observe by the nurse viii. Estimate of learning needs based on variables of, but not limited to, language, religion, or other ethnic customs and habits. ix. Psycho/social issues: coping, finances, resources –human & material, family problems, living arrangements, caregiver interest/support, lifestyle (dines out often, travels frequently, etc.) 3. APA format that includes in-text citations and three scholarly references (One of the three references must be a research article, the remaining references can come from the required text) 4. The paper must be a minimum of 500 words that does not include the title page or references POTENTIAL POINTS 35 POINTS EARNED 35 COLLIN COLLEGE ADN PROGRAM – RNSG 2361 5 Teaching & Learning Material (Pamphlet) 1. Clearly identify the chronic condition/target Population. 2. Professional and creative 3. Ideas flow logically 4. Demonstrate a commitment to the successful completion of the project. 5. Good use of visual aids 6. Contains: a. Description of the condition b. Evidence-based interventions c. Tertiary prevention strategies d. When and how to consult the primary physician or return to the emergency department in an emergent situation. 7. The presentation must include relevant and peer-reviewed literature. Include the research literature links. 8. Must include APA in-text citations and references Teaching & Learning Experience (10 minutes Presentation) 1. Simulate calling the patient for follow-up care after being discharged from the hospital 2. Introduce yourself and explain why the follow-up call is important, i.e., to prevent hospitalizations, rehospitalization, and so on 3. Explain the goals of the call 4. Explain the interventions cited in the pamphlet 5. Provide evidence of how the teaching is related to the cause of the patient's problem. 6. Provide appropriate and individualized teaching to client/family situations. 7. Present the best evidence to answer the clinical question. 8. Briefly describe the problem's background, its clinical significance, and how you searched for the best evidence to answer the question. 9. Explain the interventions cited in the pamphlet 10. Explain s/s for a worsening of the condition and when to contact the primary provider 11. Provide a follow phone number or website where the patient and/or family can reach you 12. If you choose a video format. The video format is your choice. Please make sure the video is correctly uploaded. 13. Other requirements for the assignment 1. Absolute professional environment 2. Professional dress code. Total Earned Points 35 35 30 100 30 100 COLLIN COLLEGE ADN PROGRAM – RNSG 2361 6 Chronic Condition Patient Education Grading Criteria The following criteria must be met for the project to be accepted and graded: 1. Submit Teaching & Learning Assessment (Paper Assignment) 2. Teaching & Learning Material (Pamphlet) 3. Submits (if a video) or Presents a Teaching & Learning Experience (10 minute presentation) Grade: Student Signature: Instructor Signature: Date: