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Attendance vs. Education at Ahmedabad University

Physical presence overpowers mental presence:
Ahmedabad university is more about attendance than education
Room 1
Student Details
Roll No.
Name of the
Name of the
Dhananjay Vala
Jeel Kadivar
Piyush Porwal
Shlok Nanjwani
Siddhi Madani
In many universities, there is a strict attendance policy of 75% compulsory and minimum of 50%. The
policies are well intended, but they do more harm than good (Sheeran, n.d.). Students lose their passion for
attending classes and they do so only because of the fear. Learning is a choice which cannot be imposed.
Does Ahmedabad University concentrate more on the attendance of students than their education? Can mere
physical presence guarantee the intellectual ability of the student? We surveyed 103 students by circulating a
questionnaire using the primary method of data collection. 67% of the respondents said that AU is
attendance based and 33% said that it is education based. The data matched the original hypothesis with a
high consensus. Students are not able to branch out and explore extracurricular activities and internships due
to strict attendance policy in addition to heavy workload.
Domain keywords: attendance policy, college, students, mental health
Being a student can be quite overwhelming- with assignments, hours long and sometimes even back-to-back
classes, project deadlines, pre-readings, extracurriculars, maintaining a social life and whatnot. One of the
many things that students deal with in college is mandatory attendance. The requirement for 75% attendance
at most universities frustrates many students since it forces them to attend classes which they would
otherwise not go to. These policies might appear fair and well-intentioned at first glance, but upon careful
inspection, one might say that they are critically flawed and overtly ableist and classist. According to the
attendance policy of Ahmedabad university, “It is expected that students will aim to attend 100 percent of
the session for every course they have registered for, in any semester.” Although, it goes on to state that “if
the attendance of the student in any course falls below 80 percent, then the grade in that course may get
dropped.” After that, for every 15%, there will be one grade drop. However, if the attendance falls below
50%, the student will automatically fail the course. According to studies, the leading cause of student
absenteeism is poor mental health, which is mostly a result of such attendance policies.
Spreading a questionnaire among Ahmedabad University students was the strategy employed to arrive at the
mentioned results. About 250 students were sent the questionnaire, and more than 100 of them participated
and answered the questions. the students were a mix of different courses, and years. The questionnaire
consisted of four questions in all, which are shown below along with the corresponding graphics. Due to the
mixture of students with various demographics, this practice also falls under the sampling method.
Only student responses would look ambiguous and fail to convey the whole picture of how other people
seem to think. As a result, we went a step further and spoke with a few university faculty members, quoting
them as well. By doing this, we were able to successfully integrate the viewpoints of faculties at Ahmedabad
university. The faculty were questioned in person at the institution itself and not via the use of a
questionnaire. Broadly the methods used in the results used in the research paper were sampling method,
survey, questionnaire, and interviews.
The following is the questionnaire which was spread across the students.
According to the research we conducted a survey and circulated an online questionnaire amongst the
students and asked questions to over 100 Ahmedabad university students from different academic year
and different academic fields to accumulate unbiased results so the first question which we asked to the
students was that "Ahmedabad university is education based or attendance based" 67% of students feel that
our university is attendance based and 33% students feel that our university is education based. Majority of
the people feel Ahmedabad university policy is too rigid and 94.2% feel that Ahmedabad university
attendance policy should be lenient and flexible because 90.3% percent people attend classes with the
motive of only getting attendance only 9.7% students attend classes with the motive of seeking knowledge.
Due to the rigid attendance policy majorly, people feel burdened and they feel anxiety and pressure only
22.3% students do not feel anxiety or pressure regarding their attendance. From the above results we can
conclude that majorly people attend classes just for sake of attendance and not to seek any knowledge.
Due to the requirement for attendance, students develop self-discipline, which will benefit them in both their
personal and professional lives. It is possible that making attendance mandatory amounts to treating students
like adults (Should Attendance Be Mandatory? Group Discussion/ Essay Writing, n.d.). They will only be
permitted a certain number of vacation days and absences once they land a job. These attendance policies
are enforced to reduce the number of absences from class. The effects of these policies, however, only serve
to degrade faculty-student relations. Students struggle to balance school, life, and work because of the unfair
and severe consequences of attendance policies. These policies inevitably lead to stress and anxiety. “My
understanding is very clear that not all majority of students come for attendance. But you cannot really
check that. In my opinion if it was not for attendance my class would just have 4-5 students out of 70.
Students are more interested in elective courses. In my opinion the 80% slab is good for students because of
that most of the class is full. In my opinion attendance should not be compulsory, there should be a
compulsion but lower than 80%.” (The afore said is opinion of Professor Amol Agarwal)
The conclusion reached is that students attend college more for attendance than for education after
considering all the points made above and the findings of our survey. Students usually have other
responsibilities in addition to their commitment to finishing their degree, which causes them to sometimes
miss a few classes. These hardworking students should not be penalised for their irregular attendance
(Sheeran, n.d.). They may succeed in the course and receive high marks because they study independently,
but they will still get a failing grade because of an unfair attendance policy. Universities should abandon
their old attendance regulations and switch to a philosophy of encouraging students. Positive student
encouragement would boost attendance significantly and ultimately lead to a happier student body.
Attendance is an essential part of learning. For students to best absorb the information being taught, there
must be interaction in the classroom. Having said that, managing student attendance through attendance
policies is ineffective.
I would like to express my gratitude to my Communication- Advanced writing (COM102) faculty Prof.
Purabi Bhattacharya for providing us with this excellent opportunity to broaden our horizons and gain
experience through this research essay. Through all these research, activities, and reflections, I can
confidently proclaim that my knowledge base has grown as I progressed through the course to the final
assignment. Secondly, we would like to thank everyone who filled out the questionnaire and the faculty
members who agreed to an interview. The outcomes would now have come if it were not for these people.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all our group members, as well as our friends and family
members, for their continuous support till the final assignment.
Sheeran, E. (n.d.). OPINION: Should colleges enforce attendance policies? The Seahawk. Retrieved
November 4, 2022, from https://theseahawk.org/30107/thelatest/opinion-should-colleges-enforceattendance-policies/
Should Attendance be mandatory? Group Discussion/ Essay Writing. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2022,
from https://talentbattle.in/blogs/group-discussion/should-attendance-be-mandatory-groupdiscussion-essay-writing
Unavailable for legal reasons. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2022, from
Sheeran, E. (n.d.-b). OPINION: Should colleges enforce attendance policies? The Seahawk. Retrieved
November 4, 2022, from https://theseahawk.org/30107/thelatest/opinion-should-colleges-enforceattendance-policies/