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Meeting on Organization Restructuring & Layoffs

Good morning, everyone! Thank you for attending the meeting even if it’s just a short notice.
I would like to acknowledge the presence of our participants. First off with Ms. Michelle of the HR
Department and Sir Michael of the Production Department.
The reason why the finance held this meeting is due to the CEO’s new target which is
“ORGANIZATION 2005”. I’m sure some of you have already heard about it.
The Organization 2005 will focus on creating 3 major separate organizations particularly global
business unit which will focus on products, market development organization, and global business
services tasked to manage internal business processes.
But the cons of this is that a lot of our employees will lose their jobs.
MICH: By saying “a lot” what percentage of our employees is “a lot”?
To be honest, it’s really a lot. We are talking about 15,000 employees which will have an estimated
cost savings of about $900 million.
MICH: You can’t do this to our employees! Considering that this company is their bread butter.
FINANCE: I hear your concern. However, business is business. And at the end of the day, we are after the
MICHAEL: How will our production survive considering 15,000 employees will lose their job?
This is why this meeting was held. We badly need your comments and suggestions on how this
will be resolved at the most efficient way without damaging much of our employees and still in
accordance with the CEO’s vision.
I want to hear your side on this matter. Table is now open for suggestions.
MICH: Here are my suggestions as the head of the HR Department.
1. There is a need for detailed timeline for the transition period and the persons/department
2. Form a technical working group that would handle the tasks/positions with regard to
Organization 2005
3. Dealing with a layoff is stressful for everyone involved. From the employee’s affected by the
reduction in force (RIF) to the HR managers tasked with carrying them out, no one is going to
have a good time. The first step in this process is to nail down what needs said in the layoff
meeting. The first rule of the notification meeting is to get straight to the point. When the
employee enters, explain what is happening. Tell them the reason for the layoff, explain that
their job is one of the ones impacted, and then give them a second to process the info they
just heard
RAF: I agree, Ms. Michelle. Thank you for taking time addressing this issue. Can I from Mr. Michale of the
Production Department?
Michael: I also agree with Ms. Michelle of the HR Department. From the perspective of my department, I
suggest that There should not be a drastic lay off of employees as this will affect the production.
Lastly, as the head of the Finance Department, here are my suggestions: There is a need to revisit or
reassess the budget as such is vital for the upcoming changes. Though we may have a cost saving
particularly in the direct costs due to the lay-off of our employees, we also need to have a financial plan
in the form of project schedules when it comes to setting up the three major business units that our CEO
wants. We also need contingency reserve which we will set aside for unexpected changes. Even with
careful planning and cost estimation, there may be unexpected additional costs, and a contingency
reserve helps reduce this risk.
Rest assured that these comments and your recommendations will be submitted to mr. Jaeger.
Do you have any more concerns?
If you don’t have any more concerns. Meeting is adjourned. The meeting is adjourned
1. Definitely, horizontal communication is important in any organization. This helps in encouraging
each employee to participate and voice their opinions as every employee plays a vital role in the
business. Also, such communication promotes teamwork and a company-wide sense of unity;
decreases misunderstandings because the same information is shared with everyone. It also
improves problem-solving skills and boosts creativity. Makes it easier to coordinate teams and
tasks. It also helps employees feel empowered. Such examples of horizontal communication in
the workplace are, meetings, brainstorming, and presentations.
2. One obstacle that we have noticed is that by horizontal communication, employees often feel
confused or emotional because plan was not properly communicated. Plus the fact that such
employees were not given the chance to be involved or participate in the planning of Organization
2005. Have clear employee roles. Having clear positions within a company minimizes the risk of
misunderstandings and conflicts regarding working tasks. For example, if a task appears and it is
unclear about who should complete it, it can cause confusion and unnecessary conflicts. The risk
is also of course that the task does not get completed. With this in mind, give your employees
clear positions, but also clearly define what those positions entitle and what you expect them to
do, as well as what you do not expect them to do.
3. We believe that horizontal communication in Proctor & Gamble will be improved by using
collaboration tools such as, brainstorming, video conferencing with the employees, using
evaluation forms, and encouraging employees to participate in every possible way how processes,
targets, missions, and visions be achieved.