2/20/23, 11:08 AM 1769 Embedded High Speed Counter: Member CtrlXScalar is invalid. Counter X is not used ID: BF27357 | Access Levels: TechConnect 1769 Embedded High Speed Counter: Member CtrlXScalar is invalid. Counter X is not used Document ID BF27357 Published Date 10/21/2021 Summary 1769 Embedded High Speed Counter: Member CtrlXScalar is invalid. Counter X is not used Problem Receiving a error message when attempting to apply changes to a Counter: Member "Ctrl1Scalar" is invalid. Counter 1 is not used. Embedded High Speed counter displaying error code: 16#0010 Mode or state of module does not allow object to perform requested service. Environment Studio 5000 Logix Designer https://rockwellautomation.custhelp.com/app/answers/answer_view/a_id/1133052 1/3 2/20/23, 11:08 AM 1769 Embedded High Speed Counter: Member CtrlXScalar is invalid. Counter X is not used RSLogix 5000 1769-L24ER-QBFC1B Solution Check for and correct any conflicting configuration settings for Counter X that may result in invalid configuration. For Example: Image bellow is an example of where Counter 1 was partially configured, but is not enabled. Recently Viewed https://rockwellautomation.custhelp.com/app/answers/answer_view/a_id/1133052 2/3 2/20/23, 11:08 AM FactoryTalk View SE : Playing a sound wave file triggered by a FactoryTalk Alarm and Events alarm 1769 Embedded High Speed Counter: Member CtrlXScalar is invalid. Counter X is not used CCW: error "One or more alarms are configured without a Message" on validation RSNetworx assigning incorrect I/O values to 32-point 1794 Flex I/O DISCLAIMER This knowledge base web site is intended to provide general technical information on a particular subject or subjects and is not an exhaustive treatment of such subjects. Accordingly, the information in this web site is not intended to constitute application, design, software or other professional engineering advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action, which might affect your equipment, you should consult a qualified professional advisor. ROCKWELL AUTOMATION DOES NOT WARRANT THE COMPLETENESS, TIMELINESS OR ACCURACY OF ANY OF THE DATA CONTAINED IN THIS WEB SITE AND MAY MAKE CHANGES THERETO AT ANY TIME IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION WITHOUT NOTICE. FURTHER, ALL INFORMATION CONVEYED HEREBY IS PROVIDED TO USERS "AS IS." IN NO EVENT SHALL ROCKWELL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS PROFIT OR DAMAGE, EVEN IF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION HAVE BEEN ADVISED ON THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ROCKWELL AUTOMATION DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IN RESPECT OF THE INFORMATION (INCLUDING SOFTWARE) PROVIDED HEREBY, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. Note that certain jurisdictions do not countenance the exclusion of implied warranties; thus, this disclaimer may not apply to you. www.rockwellautomation.com Copyright © 2023 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. https://rockwellautomation.custhelp.com/app/answers/answer_view/a_id/1133052 3/3