Enterprise Resource Planning: Transforming Businesses

1. Enterprise Resource Planning transforms the enterprise into an information-driven enterprise.
Once the computerized system starts from the very first beginning the ERP started to
treat the information ion every resources especially in operational resources. While, on the
other hand the traditional and information resources made available by the ERP systems. The
best thing happen is that the productivity gains truthfully arise from the uniqueness of the
characteristics as a resource.
2. Enterprise Resource Planning fundamentally models a process-oriented enterprise.
ERP system helps the one business to identify the fundamental error through these past
few decades. Many ERP packages ha the legacy for the data-oriented view of the business. This
could be the reason for the rapidly maturing of the groupware and even the workflow
subsystems of the current ERPO systems.
3. Enterprise Resource Planning is a mass-user-oriented application environment.
The ERP systems are the one who brings up the computerization to desktops as an enduser-oriented environment. With the use of ERP system the end user is truly the personnel who
actually involved with the operations in one business. As the work in one business becomes
intense with the workforce with the ERP the most important thing is that the end-user are not
able to feel struggling against with the high volume of work.