ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS OF ONTARIO PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION – April 16, 2011 PART “A” – Professional Practice and Ethics You will be given a total of 90 minutes to complete this examination. Use the correct colour-coded Answer Book for each part, place in the correct envelope and seal after completed. White Answer Book for Part A white question paper. Coloured Answer Book for Part B coloured question paper. This is a “CLOSED BOOK” examination. No aids are permitted other than the excerpts from the 1990 Ontario Regulation 941 covering sections 72 (Professional Misconduct) and 77 (Code of Ethics) supplied at the examination. Dictionaries are not permitted. The marking of questions will be based not only on academic content, but also on legibility and the ability to express yourself clearly and correctly in the English language. If you have any doubt about the meaning of a question, please state clearly how you have interpreted the question. All four questions constitute a complete paper for Part “A”. Each of the four questions is worth 25 marks. WHERE A QUESTION ASKS IF A CERTAIN ACTION BY AN ENGINEER WAS ETHICAL OR NOT, A SIMPLE “YES” OR “NO” ANSWER IS NOT SUFFICIENT. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO COMMENT ON AND DISCUSS THE ACTION OF THE DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALS AND/OR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED IN EACH SITUATION. You should identify where applicable the appropriate clauses in Regulation 941. SIMPLE REFERENCE TO THE APPROPRIATE CLAUSES WITHOUT A DISCUSSION OF HOW THE CLAUSE APPLIES IN THE SITUATION DESCRIBED IS NOT SUFFICIENT. 2 Part „A‟ - April 16, 2011 Exam Question 1 (5) (a) PEO has enforcement as one of its regulating functions. What does the term enforcement mean? (5) (b) PEO recently removed one of the requirements needed to obtain a Professional Engineers licence. Which one was removed? (5) (c) Where a licence, certificate of authorization, temporary licence, provisional licence or limited licence is revoked or cancelled what should the holder do with the certificate and seal? (5) (d) In order to be designated as a “Consulting Engineer” one must meet a number of requirements. Briefly list three of them. What additional privileges or rights are granted by this designation? (5) (e) Is there any difference between being a member of PEO and holding a licence to practice professional engineering in Ontario? Explain. Question 2 TranTech, a manufacturing firm, has contracted to develop and produce a fullyautomated mass-transportation system to serve residents of a large city. During the installation and testing phase, a major part of the control system did not appear to function satisfactorily. Kappa, P.Eng. one of TranTech‟s mechanical engineers is concerned that that a failure could have catastrophic consequences for the residents of the city. Kappa reported the apparent malfunction to the project manager, who is also a P.Eng., and recommended that the firm engage a licensed software engineering practitioner to look into the problem. However, the project manger advised Kappa that there was no budget available and that it was important for TranTech to make delivery in order to meet its contractual commitments to the client. Kappa strenuously expressed his concerns to the project manger and learned subsequently that shipment to the client had already been made. (20) (a) Does Kappa have any obligation to take further actions under the circumstances? Discuss. (5) (b) Discuss the actions of the project manager. Make reference to the Code of Ethics and Code of Professional Misconduct in your answer. 3 Part „A‟ - April 16, 2011 Exam Question 3 ChemEng, a large engineering firm, was hired to prepare the design for a chemical production plant for MajorCo. In addition to preparing the plant design, ChemEng's duties included providing inspection services during the construction stage of the project. The project was completed successfully. You are a P.Eng. and have been employed on a full-time basis by ChemEng for several years. You work in the Process Division and are involved on several process design projects. You were an important member of the design team that prepared the design for MajorCo's plant. In addition to working for ChemEng, you supplement your income by occasionally undertaking work on weekends and during evenings for EngInc, another engineering company. A colleague of yours, who is a P.Eng. at EngInc, assigns you such work and assumes responsibility for it. A few years after the plant was completed, MajorCo decided to restructure its operations and sell the plant. BuyerCo has agreed to buy the plant, but before it does so, BuyerCo wants to satisfy itself (and its bank) that the plant was built to proper standards and is in good physical condition. BuyerCo hires EngInc to inspect the physical plant and to review relevant documents (including the original plans and specifications, "as-built" drawings, and operations and maintenance logs). EngInc is very busy on several projects and asks you to assist with the plant inspection and document review. (10) (a) Discuss the appropriateness of your employment arrangements. (10) (b) Assuming that your employment arrangements have not changed since the plant was designed and constructed, discuss how you respond to EngInc's request for assistance? (5) (c) Would you need a Certificate of Authorization to provide services to EngInc? Explain. 4 Part „A‟ - April 16, 2011 Exam Question 4 Honcho, a senior licensed professional engineer, established a small firm, Newco Engineering, to provide professional engineering services to the public. The firm became busy very quickly and within a few months, hired A. Zeta, a bright, recent university graduate with an engineering degree, to assist with the work. Honcho strongly believed in mentoring and hoped that in several years, after obtaining the necessary experience requirements and becoming a P.Eng., Zeta would assume increasing managerial responsibility and possibly an ownership interest in the firm. About a year after Zeta joined the firm, Newco Engineering was asked by one of its clients to provide a formal report that included an engineering opinion. Zeta performed the work on that matter and prepared a draft of the report. Before having a chance to review Zeta‟s work, Honcho received an urgent request from another client that required Honcho to leave on a lengthy business trip. On the way out of the office, Honcho stopped at Zeta 's desk and said, “Sorry, but I'll be out of the country and tied up completely for the next three weeks, so I won't be able to review that report. I know that it‟s due tomorrow, so go ahead and sign it under your own name and send it to the client so we meet the deadline.” Honcho was confident that that would be alright, since Zeta had always produced outstanding work in the past. Zeta proceeded to complete the report, signed it “A. Zeta, Eng., Newco Engineering” and sent it to the client. (10) (a) Discuss the conduct of both Honcho and Zeta. What, if anything, should they be concerned about? (10) (b) Could Honcho and/or Zeta be subject to a disciplinary hearing by the Discipline Committee of PEO? Discuss (5) (c) Is there anything about Honcho‟s conduct relative to the Code of Ethics that is commendable? In your answer, please assume that A. Zeta‟s report would have no impact on public safety or welfare. 5 Study Guide - Part ‘A’ April 16, 2011 Exam Reprint The objects of Part ‘A’ are to test your knowledge of PEO functions (Question 1) and of the Misconduct and Ethics Codes (Questions 2, 3 and 4) and to apply these codes by section and sub-section numbers. The Codes are contained in Regulation 941 sections 72. and 77. These 2 sections are supplied at the exam, but they should be carefully studied before the exam. This will facilitate recognition of comparable situations within the questions, and an appropriate response to each situation using exact code numbers. Answers should be given within about 20 minutes each. During study time, try practice writing, review and re-writing, to develop a timing skill, while still giving a complete and concise answer. The references here are for study purposes, and except for 72. and 77., are not expected in an answer. This study guide is extensive to illustrate the possible range of content in an answer. 1(a) Enforcement – means to legally prosecute, persons or companies, who are not licensed to offer professional engineering services in the public marketplace, but who lead members of the general public to believe they are so licensed, or hold a Certificate of Authorization (C of A), PE Act 12.(1) and 12.(2). 1(b) Requirement recently removed - be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, PE Act 14.(1)(a). 1(c) Licence et al, when revoked - items shall be delivered to the Registrar, PE Act 36., Reg. 941, 54. 1(d) Consulting Engineer, 3 Requirements: 1) a P.Eng. member of PEO; 2) Five (5) years of experience beyond P.Eng.; and 3) Two (2) years of the foregoing in „independent practice‟ meaning major project responsibility, Reg 941, sections 56. and 60. A privilege is to use the title „Consulting Engineer‟, Reg 941, section 59. 1(e) Licence differences – the only members of PEO are P.Eng. licence holders. They have met specific requirements to use the P.Eng., PE Act 14. and Reg 941 / 33. Temporary licence holders may use the P.Eng. but they are not members, PE Act 40.(2). Provisional and limited licence holders are not members, PE Act 18.(5). The only members of PEO are P.Engs, the other licensees are not. This is the difference. 6 Study Guide - Part ‘A’ April 16, 2011 - Exam Reprint 2(a) Transportation system - Kappa P.Eng. does have an obligation to take further actions beyond expressing concerns to the project manager P.Eng. If the system were installed with a software problem, it could cause a major loss for the city, and injuries or deaths to the public users of the system. Kappa has wisely recommended engaging a software engineer for competence in services, 77.1.v., and has not offered to undertake work outside Kappa’s training and experience, 72.(2)(h). Kappa clearly and strenuously expressed concerns to the project manager, and especially a P.Eng. project manager, but has been overruled, 72.(2)(f). The potential dangers need more attention. The matter should be brought to a higher authority in TranTech, showing a true loyalty to the employer, and to the client, 77.1.i. To avoid a potential problem may enhance regard for the profession, 77.2.ii. Although it would violate a responsibility to keep an employer‟s information confidential, 77.3., also it would be „whistle blowing‟, the paramount duty of a P.Eng. is to protect the public, 77.2.i., PE Act 2.(3). If TranTech does not address the problem, Kappa must report the danger to city authorities, 72.(2)(c), and to any related others, e.g., safety, in the city and province, 72.(2)(d). Actions must be taken to ensure safe guarding of life health and property, 72.(2)(b), and to show fidelity to public needs, 77.1.ii. To not take these actions is a compromise in devotion to high ideals of personal honour and professional integrity, 77.1.iii. Shipment to the client has been made and the danger is imminent. 2(b) Project manager actions – contract delivery and availability of budget is a secondary priority under public welfare, 77.2.i. An excuse of 'budget' by a P.Eng. project manager, fails to maintain reasonable standards, 72.(2)(a), and therefore is professional misconduct, 72.(2)(j). Other TranTech P.Eng. superiors could be charged as well. Although Kappa would not want to injure the reputation of another P.Eng, 77.7.iii., Kappa must expose this conduct to the proper tribunals, 77.8., even if Kappa loses employment. 3(a) Employment arrangements - this is „moonlighting‟ and is only appropriate, providing I have: 1) satisfied myself that my work at EngInc will not conflict or interfere with my duty to ChemEng 2) informed ChemEng of my interest, and ChemEng does not object to my work at EngInc 7 Study Guide - Part ‘A’ Exam Reprint - April 16, 2011 3) informed EngInc in writing, of my employment status at ChemEng, and 4) informed EngInc in writing of the limitations on the services I may perform for EngInc, 77.5. 3(b) Conflict of interest - because of my pervious involvement in preparing the design for MajorCo’s plant, an inspection for BuyerCo would be in a direct conflict of interest with my work at ChemEng, 77.3., and an attendant limitation on my services to EngInc, 77.5. Even if the conflict were fully disclosed and all companies gave their consent, 72.(2)(i), I could still be construed as having some bias, 77.4. I must recommend to EngInc that I not be involved with this work. Perhaps I could work on another assignment and free up another person for the BuyerCo work. 3(c) Certificate of Authorization - since my colleague at EngInc is taking responsibility, a personal C of A is not needed. If I were acting as an independent practitioner, I must hold a C of A, PE Act 12.(2). 4(a) Report with an engineering opinion - Honcho’s conduct was negligent, 72.(2)(a), and unprofessional, 72.(2)(j). Honcho failed to review a report, which was neither fair to the client nor to the employee, 77.1.i. Honcho counselled Zeta to practice but without appropriate supervision, 72.(2)(m). Honcho was more interested in meeting a deadline than in ensuring competence in services, 77.1.v. Zeta’s conduct was negligent in using a term „Eng.‟ because this could lead to the belief that Zeta was a licensed professional engineer and therefore has violated PE Act 40.(1) and 40.(2)(a.1). Zeta should be concerned about a licence award because of failure to act in accordance with the law, PE Act 14.(2). Neither Zeta nor Honcho were acting with high ideals of honour and professional integrity, 77.1.iii. They should both be concerned this action could reflect negatively on Newco Engineering, 77.2.ii. 4(b) Disciplinary hearing by PEO - Honcho could be subject to discipline because of the actions above. If Newco has a C of A, Honcho has violated a requirement to supervise the work, PE Act 17. This breach of the Act is a violation of 72.(2)(g), and the terms of a certificate (C of A), 72.(2)(k), and therefore subject to discipline, 72.(2)(j). If Newco does not possess a C of A, this is a violation of the PE Act 12.(2). Complaints and Discipline Committees only consider matters affecting C of A or other licence holders. Zeta is not a P.Eng. and therefore not subject to discipline by PEO. However Zeta could be subject to a refusal of a licence for dishonesty, PE Act 14.(2). 4(c) Commendable conduct by Honcho - hiring of a bright, recent university graduate and a strong belief in mentoring. Honcho also gave credit for Zeta’s work, even if somewhat improperly, 77.7.v. 8 ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS OF ONTARIO PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION – April 16, 2011 PART “B” - Engineering Law and Professional Liability This examination comes in two parts (Part “A” and Part “B”). Both parts must be completed in this sitting. You will be given a total of 180 minutes to complete the examination. Use the correct colour-coded Answer Book for each part, place in the correct envelope and seal after completed. White Answer Book for Part A white question paper. Coloured Answer Book for Part B coloured question paper. This is a “CLOSED BOOK” examination. No aids are permitted other than the excerpts from the 1990 Ontario Regulation 941 covering sections 72 (Professional Misconduct) and 77 (Code of Ethics) supplied at the examination. Dictionaries are not permitted. The marking of questions will be based not only on academic content, but also on legibility and the ability to express yourself clearly and correctly in the English language. If you have any doubt about the meaning of a question, please state clearly how you have interpreted the question. All four questions constitute a complete paper for Part “B”. Each of the four questions is worth 25 marks. 18 Part „B‟- April 16, 2011 Exam (25) 1. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Briefly define, explain or answer any five of the following: Duress Consideration Five examples of equal treatment employment rights to which individuals are entitled under Ontario‟s Human Rights Code (list only) How arbitration awards are enforceable internationally Contract A in tendering The rule of contra proferentem The discoverability concept as it relates to limitation periods. Common law (25) 2. An owner/developer (the “owner”) entered into a contract with an architectural firm (the “architect”) for design and contract administration services in connection with the construction of a ten storey commercial office building. The building was designed to be entirely surrounded by a paved podium concrete deck used for parking and driving, and the design provided for a parking area below the deck. The podium deck was divided by construction joints and expansion joints placed to allow thermal expansion of the concrete as the temperature changed. The land on which the building was located sloped towards a river so the lower parking deck was designed to be partially open to the outside. The architect engaged a structural engineering firm (the “engineer”), as the architect‟s subconsultant on the project. The engineering firm, in its agreement with the architect, accepted responsibility for all structural aspects of construction, and also specifically acknowledged responsibility for the design of the paved podium concrete deck and the parking area below. Upon completion of the design and the tendering process, the owner entered into a contract for the construction of the project with an experienced contractor who had submitted the lowest bid. Unfortunately, within two years following construction, a significant number of leaks occurred in the podium deck which resulted in water leaks in the lower parking garage. The contract specifications had called for a specific rubberized membrane to be installed for the purpose of waterproofing the podium deck. However, during construction, at the suggestion of the roofing subcontractor and without the knowledge of the owner, another asphalt membrane product was substituted for the rubberized membrane product specified. Neither the engineer nor the architect objected to the substitution when it was suggested. The roofing subcontractor had suggested the substitute membrane because it was more readily available and would speed completion of construction. The design engineer and the architect took the position that they would rely on the subcontractor‟s recommendation. 19 Part „B‟- April 16, 2011 Exam During the investigation into the cause of the leaks, another structural engineering firm provided its opinion that the rubberized membrane as specified in the contract was a superior product to the substituted membrane; that the substituted membrane was brittle and could fracture or crack under certain circumstances, particularly on podium decks with expansion joints; that the winter temperatures had contributed to the breakdown of the substitute membrane as it became more brittle at colder temperatures; and that the substitute membrane should not have been used over expansion joints on a dynamic surface podium deck. The second engineering firm also expressed the opinion that the designers ought to have taken into account the non-static nature of the deck that featured these expansion joints and should not have accepted the substitute membrane. Ultimately, to remedy the leaks, the substitute membrane had to be replaced by the rubberized membrane originally specified in the contract. What potential liabilities in tort law arise in this case? In your answer, explain what principles of tort law are relevant and how each applies to the case. 25) 3. An information technology firm submitted a bid to design software and hardware for an electronic technology process to control the operation of a large scale baggage handling and related security facility for a major airline. The firm‟s fixed guaranteed maximum price was the lowest bid and the contract was awarded to it. The contract conditions entitled the information technology firm to terminate the contract if the airline did not pay monthly progress payments within 15 days following certification that a progress payment was due. Pursuant to the contract, an independent engineering firm engaged as contract administrator carried out the certification. The work under the contract was to be performed over an 8 month period. After commencing work on the project the information technology firm determined that it had made significant judgment errors in arriving at its bid price and that it would face a major loss on the project. Its concern about the anticipated loss was increased further when it also learned that, in comparison with the other bidders, its bid price was extremely low and that, in winning the bid, by comparison with the other bidders, it had left more than two million dollars “on the table”. Three monthly progress payments were certified as due by the independent engineering firm and paid by the airline in accordance with the terms of the contract. However, after the fourth monthly progress payment was certified as due by the independent engineering firm, the airline‟s finance department asked the information technology firm‟s representative on the project for additional information relating to an invoice from a subcontractor to the information technology firm. The subcontractor‟s invoice comprised a portion of the fourth progress payment amount. The airline‟s finance department requested that the additional information be provided prior to payment of the fourth progress payment. 20 Part „B‟ - April 16, 2011 Exam There was nothing in the signed contract between the information technology firm and the airline that obligated the information technology firm to provide the additional information on the invoice from its subcontractor. However, the information technology firm‟s representative did verbally indicate to the airline‟s finance department that the additional information would be provided. The information technology firm never provided the additional information relating to the subcontractor's invoice. Sixteen days after the fourth progress payment had been certified for payment, the information technology firm notified the airline in writing that it was terminating the contract because the airline was in default of its obligations to make payments within fifteen days pursuant to the express wording of the contract. Was the information technology firm entitled to terminate the contract in these circumstances? In giving reasons for your answer, identify and explain the relevant legal principle, its purpose, how it arises, and how it would apply to the facts. 25) 4. A $30,000,000 contract for the design, supply and installation of a cogeneration facility was entered into between a pulp and paper company (“Pulpco”) and an industrial contractor. The cogeneration facility, the major components of which included a gas turbine, a heat recovery steam generator and a steam turbine, was to be designed and constructed to simultaneously generate both electricity and steam for use by Pulpco in its operations. The contract provided that the electrical power generated by the cogeneration facility was not to be less than 25 megawatts. A liquidated damages provision was included in the contract specifying a pre-estimated amount payable by the contractor to Pulpco for each megawatt of electrical power generated less than the minimum 25 megawatts specified. Other provisions specified additional liquidated damages at prescribed rates relating to other matters under the contract, including any failure by the contractor to meet the required heat rates or to achieve completion of the facility for commercial use by a stipulated date. However, the contract also included a “maximum liability” provision that limited to $5,000,000 the contractor‟s liability for all liquidated damages due to failure to achieve (i) the specified electrical power output, (ii) the guaranteed heat rate and (iii) the specified completion date. The contract clearly provided that under no circumstances was the contractor to be liable for any other damages beyond the overall total of $5,000,000 for liquidated damages. Pulpco‟s sole and exclusive remedy for damages under the contract was strictly limited to the total liquidated damages, up to the maximum of $5,000,000. The contract specified that Pulpco was not entitled to make any other claim for damages, whether on account of any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, howsoever caused. 21 Part „B‟- April 16, 2011 Exam Unfortunately the contractor‟s installation fell far short of the electrical power generation specifications (achieving less than 25% of the specified megawatts) and the heat rate specifications provided in the contract. The contractor was paid $27,000,000 before the problems were identified on startup and testing. Because of its very poor performance, the contractor also failed to meet the completion date by a very substantial margin. Applying the liquidated damages provisions, the contractor‟s overall liability for all liquidated damages under the contract totalled $4,000,000. Ultimately Pulpco had to make arrangements through another contractor for new equipment items and parts to be ordered and installed in order to enable the cogeneration facility to meet the technical specifications, with the result that the total cost of the replacement equipment and parts reached an additional $15,000,000 beyond the original contract price of $30,000,000. Explain and discuss what claim Pulpco could make against the contractor in the circumstances. In answering, explain the approach taken by Canadian courts with respect to contracts that limit liability and include a brief summary of the development of relevant case precedents. 22 Study Guide - Part ‘B’ April 16, 2011 Exam Reprint The object of Part ‘B’ is to examine a knowledge of elementary law, as this may apply to an engineer‟s work experience. Question 1. is definitions, and requires only 5 answers from the 8 options. Questions 2., 3. and 4. are case studies. Each answer should include the names of relevant legal terms and principles, and how each term or principle applies to one or more elements of the case. A candidate should be able to show a basic understanding of all the elementary legal principles of contracts and tort. The 3 case study answers therefore, should each reach a pass value on their own. Page references below are for the Marston text, 4th edition, and are given here for study purposes. In the case of a perceived ambiguity, the text should be taken as authoritative. 1.(i) Duress - threatened or actual, violence or imprisonment used to persuade a party to enter into a contract. Such a contract is voidable, page 110. 1.(ii) Consideration – an essential element of an enforceable contract and is a payment or promise given by one party in exchange for an undertaking or promise of another party, pages 79 & 91. 1.(iii) Employment rights, equal treatment - meaning without discrimination regardless of (list only 5 of the 14 given here) race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed / religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, record of offences, or handicap, page 322. 1.(iv) Arbitration awards - in 1958 a „New York Convention‟ under United Nations auspices, was signed by over 135 nations including Canada. By the terms of this convention, arbitration decisions are internationally enforceable. International contracts should be with a party from a signing nation, page 30. 1.(v) Contract A in tendering – is an agreement by the parties to adhere to the terms and conditions of a tender. A request for proposals is an offer, and the submission of a bid that is compliant with the terms is acceptance. Any violation of the terms is a breach of Contract A. 23 Study Guide - Part ‘B’ April 16, 2011 Exam Reprint There are as many Contract A's as there are bidders. Contract B is one signed agreement with the one successful bidder, pages 119 - 134. 1.(vi) Contra proferentem, rule of - where a contract provision is ambiguous, it will be construed or interpreted against the party who drafted the provision. Who drafted what, should be noted, page 136. 1.(vii) Discoverability concept - is a point in time when a limitation period begins. For the 2year basic limitation period, it begins when the damage or loss is discovered, or ought reasonably to have been discovered. For the 15-year ultimate limitation period, it begins when the act or omission took place, e.g., when a building was built. A tort action or an action for breach of contract must be commenced within these limitation periods, otherwise it will be „statute barred‟, pages 71 - 73. 1.(viii) Common law, „judge-made‟ - precedent court decisions used to establish predictability, page 2. 2. Tort, potential liabilities - the purpose of tort law is to compensate an aggrieved party for damages, so far as money will suffice. The 3 essential principles of tort law are relevant, and they are 1) a duty of care 2) a breach of that duty and 3) damage or injury as a result of the breach. The owner (TO) has contracts with the architect (TA) and the experienced contractor (EC) but does not have contracts (privity) with the engineer (TE) or the roofing subcontractor (RS). Therefore legal action(s) by TO against TE and RS, would be in tort. Although only responsible for the structural aspects, a TE working in this field, ought to be competent about the characteristics of membranes. So also should the EC and especially the RS. Expert testimony by the second engineering firm would establish that TA and TE should have objected to the substitution. TA, TE, EC and RS all had a duty of care 1) to provide a podium deck roof membrane which would perform under colder temperatures. This duty was breached 2) since a significant number of leaks occurred in the podium deck. There was resulting damage or loss 3) since the substitute membrane had to be replaced by the rubberized membrane originally specified in the contract. Potential liabilities might be, TA 30%, TE 20%, EC 20% and RS 30%. They are concurrent tortfeasors. The TE and RS liabilities are in tort. TA and EC liabilities are in contract and there may be some in tort. A relevant case precedent is Unit Farm Concrete vs. Eckerlea Acres, page 46. 24 Study Guide - Part ‘B’ April 16, 2011 Exam Reprint 3. Equitable estoppel - the information technology firm (ITF) was not entitled to terminate the contract. ITF was exposed to significant loss, and was trying to use the default of a 4th payment from the airline’s finance department (AFD) within 15 days of certification, as an excuse to break the contract. If ITF insists on the express wording of the contract, AFD could invoke the relevant legal principle or concept of "promissory" or "equitable estoppel", which is to ensure the result would be equitable. A "gratuitous promise" had been made by the ITF representative to AFD. The promise to AFD was, to be given additional information relating to an invoice from a sub-contractor to ITF, before AFD would make the fourth progress payment. The contract was not amended, the promise was not in writing, and it was freely made. This makes the promise "gratuitous". AFD was clearly depending on the promise. The contract stays in force and ITF takes the loss. Strict contractual rights are not followed because the equitable estoppel remedy makes an exception to those rights. Any other result would be inequitable. A similar case precedent is Conwest Exploration vs. Letain, page 92. 4. Contract, breach of and liability - Pulpco could make a claim against the industrial contractor (IC) for excess costs, including lost profits and production delays. Pulpco had paid $27,000,000 of a contract price of $30,000,000 and paid another contractor (AC) an additional $15,000,000 that is $12,000,000 more than expected to achieve the desired result. Therefore the IC is apparently liable to return $12,000,000 to Pulpco, which is well above the $5,000,000 for 'maximum' liability. This is a case of fundamental breach going to the root of the contract. Based on case history, a clause(s) to limit liability is not enforceable, and IC would be responsible to pay $12,000,000. The clause may be enforceable if the cause is unknown or there is ambiguity, but neither is evident here. Some Canadian courts have allowed enforceability of liability clauses. If the construction of wording of a contract clause which determines the liquidated damages, is clear and true, and is a genuine pre-estimate of damages, then a 'true construction approach' to the wording of that clause is considered to have taken place. Therefore the clause is enforceable, all of which 25 Study Guide Part ‘B’ April 16, 2011 Exam Reprint means the law has changed in this area. In this case IC would be liable only for the calculated liquidated damages of $4,000,000. Relevant case precedents are Harbutt's Plasticene vs. Wayne Tank and Pump, where the clause was not enforceable, and Hunter Engineering vs. Syncrude Canada, where it was, pages 155 to 162. 26