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Same-Sex Marriage Legalization in the Philippines Essay

Resolve that same sex marriage should be legalized in the
Necessity :
Negative Side
Homosexual relations/relationships are not biologically natural. Same-sex couples cannot
naturally produce children through their union.
It would weaken the definition and respect for the institution of marriage.
It would further weaken the traditional family values essential to our society.
It confuses children about gender roles and expectations of society knowing that only a
man and a woman can pro-create.
The gay lifestyle is not something to be encouraged, as a lot of research shows it leads to
a much lower life expectancy, psychological disorders, and other problems.
Positive side
Homosexuality is an accepted lifestyle nowadays with most evidence strongly supporting
biological causation.
It doesn't hurt society or anyone in particular. Therefore, denying these marriages is a
form of minority discrimination.
Legalizing same sex marriage will be a big help for orphanages since same sex partners
cannot pro-create which would probably brought them to adopting orphans.
The only thing that should matter in marriage is love.
The same financial benefits that apply to man-woman marriages apply to same-sex
Positive :
There are at least 1 million LGBT people contribute daily to Filipino life inside and outside the
country in a multitude of ways culturally, socially, financially, politically, vocationally, and spiritually.
These contributions can be realized only by legalization of the same-sex marriage. These people
should be treated equally regardless of sex, religion, and everything according to the law.
Improve psychological, physical, and social well-being amongst
LGBT people
Same-sex married couple can h
ave stable psychological and social well-being as they can also enjoy the rights and benefits of a
normal Filipino living inside or outside the Philippines. LGBT people can achieve their full potential if
given all the rights and freedom just like opposite-sex married couples.
Promote family stability
This generation’s children represent the Philippines’ future and it is the country’s best interest to
support their development, regardless of whom they are parented by. The denial of same-sex
marriage could affect badly to children raised by same-sex couples. They can always be
discriminated and bullied by other children because of their same-sex parents.
Provide economic and business opportunities
The legalization of same-sex marriage in other countries has long been seen to provide an economic
boost. Wedding planning is one of the best businesses out there that is on continues rise. Small
wedding planning and reception companies in the city can double their customers if same-sex
marriage is legalized. Report said that the State of New York made $260 million in economic boost
following the legalization of same-sex marriage.
Strengthen national and international reputation
Unmarried same-sex couples from countries where same-sex marriage is illegal often find
themselves at odds. They tend to have low self-esteem because of lack of recognition. Legalizing
same-sex marriage would erase these doubts.
Promotes true freedom of religion
Freedom of religion allows a person or group to pursue the practice of his/her own religion without
government of dominant church interference. The most fair and ethical approach — which treats all
people equally regardless of religious affiliation — is to factor out religious points of view when
crafting marriage laws within a secular context
There are other hundreds of benefits a married gay can enjoy like employee’s benefits,
paternal/maternal leave, family insurance, real-estate sharing, etc.
On the other hand, there is no benefit in not legalizing the same-sex marriage. The Catholic Church,
the most dominant religion in the country is the number one opponent of same sex-marriage while
always failing to contain its internal problems.
Child abuse among Catholic priests has been a hot topic without any solid preventive measure from
the Vatican – the same with pregnancy on nuns.
Same sex-marriage in the Philippines should be legalized for the good of all. There is no sensible
reason why this law will not be passed.
Benefits :
The Advantages of Same Sex Marriage
1. Not Allowing Some People To Marry Is Unconstitutional
By allowing some people to marry, and not others, the government is discriminating
against citizens. This creates the feeling that the government classifies homosexual
people as second rate citizens who do not have the same rights as heterosexual
2. Access To Equal Benefits
There is a wide variety of benefits that are offered to couples who are legally married.
Some of these include tax benefits and insurance perks. Since same sex couples can
now marry, they too get to enjoy these benefits and perks that come along with being
3. “Traditional Marriage” Views Have Changed
The way that society think has drastically changed over the past decades. People’s
minds are opening to things that they may have not understood before. The same idea
goes with same sex marriage, the idea of two men or women getting married often
confused people, which is why they did not support it. Times have changed and
legalizing same sex marriage is a testament to this.
4. Everyone Needs Love
All couples experience different relationships, but the idea and feeling of love is
universal. Marriage is a traditional thing that truly solidifies and commits a relationships,
and straight couples should not be the only ones who have the privilege of doing this.
5. Religion Is The Problem
The biggest reason that it is wonderful that same sex marriage has been legalized is the
fact that the argument is largely religious. It is unfair to oppress some people based on
the views of few.
Negative : The
Disadvantages of Same Sex Marriage
1. Marriage Is A Religious Sanction
The entire idea of marriage is from religion. This is what arguers of same sex marriage
speak the most about. The traditionally defined marriage is between a man and a
woman, same sex marriage is against what the Bible teaches, so it is sac religious to
marry two men or two women into a religious sanction.
2. Confusing For Children
Another big problem wit same sex marriage is how it will affect the children of the
country. By legalizing same sex marriage it gives the message to children that it is
normal or okay to be in a homosexual relationship. This also causes confusion for them
as to how reproduction works.
3. Marriage Is For Procreation
The entire purpose of being on this planet and getting married is to have children,
expand the population, and keep the human race going. Same sex couples cannot have
children because it requires both a female and male to conceive a child. If we begin to
praise people for not having children, the human race could slowly begin to dwindle.
4. It’s A Slippery Slope
By legalizing same sex marriage, you are opening the door for other types of non
traditional couples to fight for their right to marry. This could include underage
marriages, incestuous, and even group marriages.
5. Having A Mother And Father Is Important
Kids need balance in their life in order to be successful adults. This balance comes from
having influences from a mother and a father in their developmental years. Same sex
couples cannot give this to a child because there is only one gender having influence
over their life.
6. Reduces To Sanctity Of Marriage
Marriage is a traditional and religious ceremony and commitment that people hold very
sacred. The institution of marriage has been degrading slowly over time, and we need
to do everything that we can to preserve this. Same sex marriages devalue traditional
marriages and cause people to sway away from getting married.