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Solvent ZLD Process for Hyper Brine Concentration

First ESCO Solvent ZLD Process
Hyper brine Concentration and
Zero Liquid Discharge
What is ZLD
➢ ZLD –Zero Liquid Discharge is a treatment Process designed to remove
all waste liquid from the system
➢ Objective of ZLD is to economically extract all water from waste stream
so that water can be recycled
➢ ZLD is expected to recover the entire water from the waste stream and
remove solids as a cake
Need for ZLD
➢ As per Environmental regulations, Reject water from Industrial effluent
treatment plants can not be discharged in to river / water bodies. ZLD will
be deployed to process the reject water to remove the waste solids and
recycle the water.
➢ RO (Reverse Osmosis) plants have reject water with high concentration
which can not be processed further ( TDS>90000 mg/Lit). Instead of
discharging the hyper brine to either ocean or ground, same can be
processed further with ZLD to reuse the water
➢ Where there is fresh water scarcity, Industrial effluent water may be
treated with ZLD for recycling and reuse
Applications of FE-Solvent ZLD Process
➢ ETP / WTP / Desalination plant Reject water Recycling to meet
environmental regulations
➢ Recycling of Industrial effluent Water for reuse
➢ Black Liquor Concentration for Kraft Recovery Boiler process
➢ Brine saturation in Caustic Soda Manufacturing Plants
➢ Process Liquid Concentration
ZLD- Conventional Technologies
➢ Multi effect Distillation by vacuum evaporation
➢ Falling film vacuum evaporation
➢ Crystallization
For all these technologies , specific energy consumption
Is very high
ZLD- Conventional Technology
RO-ZLD Conventional Technology
MVR Evaporator - Conventional Technology
First ESCO Solvent ZLD Process
➢ This process makes use of property of some solvents to absorb
water at elevated temperatures
➢ In this process, solvent and Hyper Brine are heated to 80 Deg C
and mixed together
➢ Solvent absorbs Pure water Leaving salts/ concentrated brine.
➢ Solvent and pure water emulsion is separated from the brine by
settling in a tower
➢ Next stage Solvent plus pure water emulsion is cooled to 36 deg
C. Pure water is separated from emulsion by settlement in a
settling tower.
➢ Concentrated brine is reheated to 80 deg C and circulated to
continue the process.
First ESCO Solvent ZLD- Process - Concept
FE RO-Solvent ZLD Process - Paper Mill ETP
First ESCO Solvent ZLD Process – Applications
➢ Brine saturation for Caustic soda manufacturing
➢ Black liquor Concentration in Kraft process ( paper&Pulp)
➢ Sugar cane Juice Concentration for Sugar Plants
➢ Desalination Plant reject Brine Treatment for Zero Liquid
➢ Effluent treatment Plant Zero Liquid Discharge
➢ Retrofit of existing ZLD plants to replace Multi effect
Next steps
Please send us following details
➢ Waste water / Hyper Brine Flow rate (M3/Hr)
➢ Waste Water/ Hyper brine analysis
➢ Details of Present waste Water Treatment facilities
➢ Details of Present ZLD process if any
➢ Present Specific Energy for ZLD (kwh/M3 and KWth/M3)
➢ Present Water treatment cost Rs./M3
We will submit our assessment and potential solutions for Zero
Liquid discharge and economical water recycling
Thank you
First ESCO India Pvt.Ltd.
3rd Floor, KR Towers
Road No.12, Banjara Hills
Mobile : +91-9985502589
Email : info@firstesco.in
Web : www.firstesco.in