Xylem Structural spport and transport of wtare Cell wall have lignin nd celluslose Lignin is strong hard and water proof Bands wd different patters XYLEM VESSELS Aka vessel elements Made of elongated cells joined en to end Non living Need hllow lumen and no organelles as more speace for water and less resistance Thick ccell wall made of celluslose allows structureal support and allows adhesion of water (is to celluslose) /cw/ contains lignin dats prevemts it from collaposing and is water proof so no water can leave and no end walls so less resistance to water Pits form from plamodesmata nd have no lignin. Allow lateral movement(side way) of h20. It connects all parts of plants. Air bubble dat blovk vessel pits allow to move into another vessel to bypass the watr bubble PHLOEM Transport of assimilates (sucrose nd aa) Frm source ( site of synthesis of photopsyntheitc products) To sink( site where asimalets stored) Through translocation Have sieve tube elements and companion cells SIEVE TUBE ELEVMENTS Elengotaed seieee lements joind end to end to form contionuos column called sieve tie. SE are lving Have plasmodesmata allow loading of sucrose to companion cells cc nd for quik entery of water from near by Have tsrong vellulose to prevent buldging due to excsess oressue from sucrose moving in Has few organelles cellulose cell wall plamas membrane nd itochondira n der only No nucleus ribosome nd vacuoles Have peripheral cytoplasm lining cw This is so that there is less resitsnace to flow nd max vol of phloem sap containing assimaiates transpirte Have SEIVE PLATES (PERFORATED cw wd many sieve pored) Cytoplasm of cells r connected Reduce barrier to flwo nd prevent bugging nd pores become pugged wd callose to prevent loss of ploem sap after damage COMPANION CELL Next to sieve elemnts Many mitochondria as needs atp for aerobic repirtaion for active transport of translocation Many ribosome nd rer for polypepetide produvtion Many plasmodesta for transport Xyem is just up the root Phloem cn have upward nd downwards but each ploem will have either 1 TRANSPORT IN PLANTS Things transported is gases produvts of photosynthesis mineral ions and h20 Plants have a slower transport system than naimals as lower enrgy fresuirement nd lower rate of respiration nd lower requirement for oxygen and glucode Gsees transported thro simple diffusoi n nd leaves r thin and flat and have a branch sha[e nd network fo air space, high sa to vol ration Water nd ions move from root to xylem to atmosphere Produvys of [htosynthis froms srource to phloem to sink FOR H20 ND MINERAL IONS Both from root upwards Frm soil to root hair to cortex to endodermis to xyem to mesophyll in leaves to stomata to atmosphere MOVEMENT OF WATER FROM SOIL FROM ROOT HAIRS Root cap is immerable to water and is tough to provide protection Root haird r permeabke to water h20 nd mineral ions r takeip by facilitated diffusion a they have charge nd thro active transport Able to reach in soil partiles Delicate so replaced after few days Large SA more absorprtion 1. Soil ha a hugher water potential as root hair cytoplasm hs higher conc of ion nd organic substances eg protein dn sugar 2. Water diffuses down the gradienr via osmosus thro partially permeable memebrane 3. Itno vvacuole nd cytoplas of root hair MOVEMNT OF H20 FROM HAIR TO CORTEX Hair have hgher than cortex nd so moves down gradient thro osmosis 3 routes 1. Apoplastic Thro cell wall or intercellular spaces between cellusolos fibres Adhesion of water to celluslose nd water does not corss membrares and neters the cels 2. Sylplastic Thro cytoplasm Travel cel to cell via plasmodesmata 3. Vacular pathway Water cn pass into vasculoe, part of symplashtic lil different Aploplast has a cell wall has a MOVEMENT FROM ROOT HAIR TO CORTEX TO EDODERMIS Endodermis has asparuan strip(suvberized strip) Has waxy band of suberin in cell wall dats impermeable In endodermal cells apopolast blocked Ony way to cross is thro cytoplasm in sylmplast Water nd iions pass thro endodermal cells so transport of ions cn be controlled at carrier protein of plasma membrane. Asorbed by acve tran sort nd contribute to root pressue MOVEMENT OF WATRE FROM ENDODERMIS TO XYLEM Water cotnues down gradient Acorss pericycle(layer of cell lower endodermis) pits in xylem vessles allow water inside root ha higher pressue den leave sso water moves up from roots to leaves FROM XYELM IN LEAVES TO ATMOPHERE xylem as highr poetential so down gradient xyelem vessels in leaves to pits of xylem vessels to palisade nd spongy mesophyll to surface of SM CW. Water on the surface of SM evaporates into air space. Water from air pace diffuses thro stomata into atomospere. Air spaces r also saturates after evaorationso hugher gradient 19 17 transporation vid 2 Transpiration Loss of water vapour from leaves Causes cooling of leave Thro stomata by diffusion only when its open for gas exhange and for entry for of co2 Loss from cuticle but very small amount Wat makes water move upwards 1. Transpirttional pull and cohesion nd adhesion of water During transpiration water vapor diffuse out of stomata the evaportaion of water lower potential gradient At roots higher potential so water moves down gradient from root to leaf thro xylem Transpiration from leaves creates transpirational pull ALONG WD DIS tension is set up in xylem due to H bonds between h20 molecules nd cohesion bw h20 in xylem nd in root cells nd adhesion of water molecules to cellulose cw of xylem vessel Cohesion nd adhesion result in capillary action (ability of fluid to move upwards against gravity in narrow spaces) THUS CREATING continuous colum of water extndinf from root hair to stomata in leaves nd included qater from apoplasg thro endodermis by osmosis Cohesion nd tesnsjon so strong dat it can cause trees to reduce its girth when rate of transpiratntion is high 2. Root pressure Capsarian strip at endodermis bpock apoplast pathway so water nd ions pass thro endoermal cell thro symphlast Solutes actively pumple across membrane jnto xylem vessels in roots requiring atp Xv in root incrwases in solute conc Low water poetstiol Increase in hydrostatic pressure Water moves up root Rate of transpirtajton 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Factors Humidity low humidity steeper gradient Wind speed hugher steeper Mrke water inside plant steeper geadient as sotmata wld close is less water isnide Temp rise ymo more ke nore evaporation byt cery high closes Light high nore transliration due to increased ohotosythsis byt at very hugh close Stonatal aoerature more wifth more water goes out Rate on transpiration measured by potometer Rate 9f transpiration is rate of uptake however some used for respirstion nd hydrolysis reactiom Plants living in places wd short h20 supple Strcutral adaptations yo reduce h20 loss Marram grass nd cactus Adaptations 1. Rolled leafes exposing cutucle to routside air nd enclosing stomata 2. Haurs nd truchromes infolded inner surface dat trap water vapour 3. Sunken stomata minìmise affect of wind nd tràp layer of moist air 4. Reduce stomat 5. Leaves reduces to spines nd needles nd smalleaves so less sa bd protection 6. Thick water proof cuticle to increase distance 7. Multiplsyer epidermis to increase dustance Xerophytes How they gainor 3ater 1. Stems dat soak more water that r swollen. 2. Flattened and 3. deep extensive roots TRASNPORT IN PLANYS TRANSLOCATION OF SUVROSE 1. Made at mesophyll 2. Loaded to companion cells 3. Translovated to seive tubes 4. Unloading of scurose in cells at sink Transloactoion Transport of assilimalates Assimilarted r soluble organic substances made by plant via photosynthesis like sucrose and aa Transported as phloem sap in phloem tissue SOURCES site of syntheis of photopyttic producets laosing of OF scurose intk seive tubes here e.g mesophyll SINk Sitee where assimilated stored Unloading from seive tube here e.g root hair tuber Can be able or jelow soruve Phloem sap cn mobe upward or downaeds but 1 way direction in 1 seive tube at 1 time MESOPHYLL CDLL TO NEAR SIEVE TUBES Photosyntheis in mesophyll ro produce glucose covertes to suvrose Transport of suvrose thro symphlast nd apoplast LOADING OF SUCPRSE TO SEIVE TUBES Active transport involved as requires atp H ioms in companion cells r pumped put into mesophyll cell wall H ions gradient builds up H ions re enter companiom cells down conc gradient using sucrose/h ions coytasporter protein Sucrose cotransproted togetehr jnto companion cell again conc gradient H ions via facilated diffusion Suvrose transpoeted via secondary active transport LOADING OF SUCROSE JNTO SEIVE TUBES Survose diffuse from companion cell into seive tube down the conc geadient via plasmodemata TRASNOLCATION IN SEIVE TUBES Presence of sucrose lower water potentiom in seive tube element Water enters seive tubes via osmossi down the graideny Increase hydrostatic pressure in seive tube near soruve (water moving in flushes down the sucrose) Near sink lower hydrostaric lrssure due to 7removal kf surcoese So phloem sap wd sucroe move from region kf high to low lydrstatic lressure This results in mass flow which is moevemnt of fluids down a hydrostatic pressure gradient Water in seive tube near sink has hugher hydostaic pressure than xylem vells due to amss flow So qater moves back to xylem vessels down the hydrostatic pressure gradient UNLAODJNF OF SUCROSE Sink has lower conc So moves down via diffusion At sink sucorse converted to glusocse fructose statch Processed catalysed by enzymes Used for respirations growrh and storage TRANSOLCATION IS AN ACTIVE PROCESS