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Muslim Scientists' Contributions to Pharmacy & Medicine

Yaqoob Ibne Ishaq Al_Kindi
Abu Yusuf ya’qub Ibne Ishaq s_sabbah al_kindi was an Arab Muslim philosopher, polymath,
mathematician, physician and Muslim theorist.He was born in 801 at kufa and died in 873 at
Baghdad,Abbasit caliphate (now in Iraq).Al kindi was the first of the Islamic peripatetic
Philosophers, and is known as the “father of Arab philosophy”. He had a great contribution in
every field as he was fond of physics, ethics, Islamic theology,logic, mathematics, chemistry
and so on.He did extensive research in meteorology, specific gravity and tides.
● Ya’qub Al kindi’s contribution to medicine dealt with the correct dosage of drugs,
Ophthalmology, proper use of chemistry and the errors of alchemy.
● One of the largest and famous hospitals in present day Baghdad is named after him
like mustashfa kindi hospital.
● There are more than 30 treasties assigned to al_kindi in the field of medicine,in which
he was greatly influenced by the ideas of Galen.His most important work in this field
is De Gradibus,in which he demonstrates the application of mathematics to medicine,
particularly in the field of pharmacology.
● Using the mathematical and medical expertise,he was able to develop a scale that
would allow doctors to evaluate the power of their medication.Al_kindi’s
philosophical writings has compatibility between philosophy and other theologies.
● He did valuable work on the geometrical optics.
● He discussed the music from the scientific point of view and expressed different notes
of music in terms of their frequency.
● Al kindi realized the therapeutic value of music and make an effort to cure a
quadriplegic boy with music therapy.
● Al kindi was strongly influenced by the ideas of Plato,Porphyry, Proclus and Aristotle
and he built their ideas into overall scheme which was certainly his own invention.
● Al kindi also wrote many works on arithmetic which includes manuscripts on Indian
numbers, harmony,lines and multiplication of number.
● His several books are translated into latin and known as Al_kindus.
● In Short he has spend his all life in serving the humanity by different methods.
Al_kindi also put forward a theory that “everything in the world emits rays in every direction,
which fill the whole world”.This theory put a great influence on later scholars such as Ibne Al
Haitham and many other scholars.
Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al-Razi
Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al Razi was one of the most well-known and respected
physicians he did a lot of contribution in medicine and psychiatry.
Al-Razi influenced several medical fields, including psychosomatic medicine, pediatrics,
neurology, pharmacology and medical ethics.
Al-Razi was born in 865 A.D. in al-Rayy.In Baghdad he undertook medical studies and later
practiced at the local hospitals.
● The contributions of Al Razi in medicines were that he was the first to describe
smallpox and to differentiate it from measles; he did this while he was serving as the
chief physician in Baghdad.
● He wrote a treatise on the subject: “Kitab al Judari wa al Hasbah”. This book was
translated more than dozen times into Latin.
● The first monograph written on pediatrics was authored by Al Razi It is known in
Latin as Practice Puerorum. Radbill reviewed a Latin translation of this treatise,
which is named “Booklet on the Ailments of Children and their Care” The book
has 24 chapters dealing with various illnesses in infants and children. The topics
included gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, skin diseases, ear and eye
diseases, abdominal diarrhea, distention and constipation. He devoted chapters to
epilepsy, paralysis, and enlargement of the head.
Avicenna was born in Bukhara ,Uzbekistan.
Avicenna’s Arabic name was Ibn e Sina.
Avicenna is the most famous Philosopher and Doctor in the Middle east .
Avicenna is also known for his Islamic thinking, he also worked on Islamic
Avicenna is also known for his work on poetry, those poetries are a part of
Arabic and Persian culture.
Avicenna's research was based on astronomy, philosophy, medicines,
mathematics, chemistry, and pharmacology.
Avicenna served many royalties and dealt with many complex medical cases
,which includes Nuh II,RULER OF SAMANIDS, Shams Al Dawla, the Emir
of Hamadan, Ala al Dawla Muhammad, Military Commander. and many
Avicenna has written 450 books, in which only about 240 are left, among them
150 are on philosophy and 40 on medicines.
famous books of Avicenna's are as follows:
1: "BOOK SHIFT, a Philosophical and Scientific encyclopedia
Avicenna's research and work were considered a part of standard curriculum till 1650
A.D as standard medical books
Avicenna's books are a part of medical world till today, In 1973 Avicenna's
book "MEDICAL LAW" was republished in Newyork
• Avicenna's contribution in Pharmacology was a revolutionary step which plays
a vital role till today.
• In his book he mentioned six conditions for clinical trials before introducing a drug
into a market, which includes
1: Drug must be pure.
2: Drug must be tested for only one condition.
3:Drug must be tested in contradictory disease states.
4:Strength of a drug must be proportionate to severity of disease.
5:Time of therapeutic effect must be considered.
6:Drug must be tested in human before judgment.
• Avicenna introduced Aroma therapeutic treatment, which he used to cure
heart conditions. He produced Rose essence an essential oil which is prepared
by using a Steam Distillation method.
• Avicenna worked on the idea of Jabir and Aristotle as well, which include
classification of minerals into stones,fussible substances uses of Sulphur and
• Avicenna's major work include drug delivery system, drug designing and dosage
form design, he even worked on excipients to prepare a dosage form in lieu of
Patient Compliance.
• In the field of medicine Avicenna expertise his skill for the best outcome and his
worked has shaped the medical system, some of his major work include:
• "CANON OF MEDICINE" this book is a medical encyclopedia
• Cardiac Drug; Avicenna has designed many cardiac drug as he was reputed
physician of his time.
Avicenna worked on kidney stones as well, in his book "CANON OF
MEDICINE" he designed 65 herbal, 8 animal and 4 mineral medicine for the
management of kidney calculi.
• In Philosophy his most important work include, " The book of healing" this book is
a scientific and philosophical encyclopaedia. This book is based conception of
healing soul, this book is divided into four parts which includes logic, natural
science, mathematics and meta physics.
• "AVECENNIAN LOGIC" he developed his own system of logic in his book
"THE BOOK OH HEALING", His logic was functional known to cure heart n
• Avicenna was among the greatest of the mind his worked is considered a part of a
curriculum till today his exceptional ideas and conception has revolted the world
with his work on medicince,pharmacology,astronomy, mathematic and
Ibn Al baitar was one of the greatest scientist of Muslim Arab botanist and pharmacist whose
work include both botanical and pharmaceutical encyclopedias .he was great scientist of
Muslim Spain ,he born in Spanish city of malaqa toward the end of the century.
● He learned botany from Abu AK abbas and collecting plants in around Spain .in 1224
he became Chief botanist /herbalist for al kamil
● His kitab al Jami fi Al adwiya al mufrada,which remain used still late 19 century .in
this book he discuss the variety of drug and their specific applications to a variety of
aliments ,discuss disease of head eyes ear etc.
● those who study about plants called plant scientits ,herb are group if plant that used
for medicinal purpose Among the Muslim botanists, Ibn Al-Baitar is known as the
pioneer of botanists and
pharmacist. Previously, when the Roman Empire
disintegrated, its tributary economy disappeared, civilization collapsed and all
development stagnated. This dismal prevailed until the establishment of Islam when
the Muslim Agricultural Revolution transformed and the essentials of life and its
environments. Ibn Al- Baitar like to create a phenomenal repertoire in the field of
botany. The progress of Muslim scientific knowledge then continued uninterrupted for
several centuries.
● Essential oil and hindiba are two major example of ibn al baitar finding Essential oils
can do everything from curing what distresses people to freshening spaces. They can
be used in diffusers, added to pot pourri or burned as incense, applied--in a diluted
form-directly to skin, or used to make cosmetics, soap or candles. With so many
different types of essential oils, the possible mixtures and uses are seemingly endless.
Some of the greatest advantages to essential oils are the mental and emotional effects
they can have. Many have a very relaxing effect, and can be used to relieve stress.
Because of this they are often added to massage oils or hot baths. On the other hand,
some oils are very invigorating and can be used to wakeup and energize that's why
use of essential. Oil is called aroma theory .
● Hindiba One of Ibn Al-Baitars’ most remarkable achievements was the discovery of
the anti-cancer effects of the plant named “Hindiba,” which Ibn Al-Baitar later
identified as having “anti-cancer” properties and which can be used to treat tumors
and neoplastic disorders. After its usefulness in the treatment of neoplastic disorders
was recognized.
● He critically studied medicinal plants and relevant literature from Greece, Spain,
North Africa and Turkey, as a result of which he prepared more than 150 manuscripts.
He has enumerated the properties more than thousand items like plants, minerals, and
animals. The drugs are listed in accordance with their therapeutically value. The
different chapters deal with the plants bearing significance to disease of different parts
of the body. On surgical issues he has frequently quoted the famous Andalusian
surgeon, Abul Qasim Zahrawi. Beside Arabic, he has given Greek, Latin, Spanish,
and Berber names of plants, thus facilitating transfer of knowledge to Europeans and
the reader ,also indicate time of drug taking day and night he doesn’t directly said first
he observed that’s why he so confident about he said.
Ibn Al-Baitar had proven to the world that herbs is beneficial to be used especially as
medicine based on his research during the golden age of Islam. Essential oils as
aromatherapy and hindiba as cancer and tumor treatment are the examples of his great
findings that people use
until now. Therefore, it would be pleasure if the world may look back to the traditional ways
of preparing medications that use herbs instead of using chemicals that give bad effects to
the patients.
Al-Biruni was born on 5th September 973 at Khwarazm in Uzbekistan, his full name was “Abu
Rayhan Muhammad Ibn Ahmed Al-Biruni“. The information on Al-Biruni’s early life is rare.
He spent the first twenty-five years of life in studies like logic, Islamic laws, philosophy,
mathematics, and astronomy – the study of stars and planets. He used to be the intelligent one
and because of this rulers of his time would keep him in their company.
Al-Biruni (Al-Beruni) worked on multiple fields. Apart from mathematics, he knew about
planets and stars, languages, geography, cultures and history. Besides, he was a traveler,
therefore, he visited India and worked on its languages, religion, and people. His time is known
as the Golden Age of Islam.. Al-Biruni died at Gazni, in Afghanistan.
Al-Biruni discovered the mathematical methods to find the distance between the Sun
and Earth or Moon and the Earth with the help of old astrolabes. He also laid the foundation of
knowing planetary distances. He founded the way to measure the distance of the Earth’s
● He laid the foundation of the study on multiple religions like Buddhism, Christianity,
Hinduism, and Islam. Therefore, he learned languages like Hebrew, Greek, and
● He invented a device through which he successfully determined the specific gravity of
few metals.
● He invented a device through which he successfully determined the specific gravity of
few metals.
● Due to his intelligence, Al-Biruni not only remained closed to the rulers but he even
helped settle disputes between tribes and also worked for them on scientific and
religious matters
Due to his intelligence, Al-Biruni not only remained closed to the rulers but he even
helped settle disputes between tribes and also worked for them on scientific and
religious matters.He earned fame due to his research on India and wrote notes on its
culture and people. Due to his such contribution, he was given the title of ‘the Founder
of Indology’.
Abu Mansoor Muwaffaq was a renowned Muslim scientist of the 10th century. He was a Persian
physician who was born and raised in “Herat” now called Afghanistan. He made remarkable
contributions in the domain of medicine and left an everlasting impact with his work.
He was the first person to translate and compile the the book of dioscoride ‘Materia medica’
into persian which greatly benefitted the humanity. He went to great lengths to obtain the
essential information required for his research. He traveled extensively to India and Persia in
the quest of knowledge.
He had a strong grip on chemistry and also the first person to discern between sodium
carbonate and potassium carbonate. He was aware of the harmful effect of lead and copper
compounds. Not only this, he had knowledge about many other chemical compounds, their uses
and toxicological effects.
He is also an author of the book ‘Al-Abnyia’ (The book of remedies), which he wrote
between 968 to 977. The book is a compilation of 585 remedies out of which 466 are plant
based remedies, 75 remedies are mineral based and 44 are animal based. This book was
transcribed later by Asadi Tusi, a great poet, and is preserved in the Vienna library. His work
and contribution in pharmacology holds a great significance and will always be remembered
and applied for the benefit of the humanity.
Jabir Ibn Hayyan also named as Al-Sufi was a Muslim scientist that lived in the Golden era of
Islam around the area of Kufa. He was known to the Europeans as Geber. Jabir Ibn Hayyan was
a student of Imam Jaffar Al Sadiq and studied Chemistry, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Astronomy
and Medicine.
He was born in the city of Tus in the province of Khorasan in Iran in 721 ADS, and he died at
the old age of 94 in 815 ADS in Kufa.
Jabir Bin Hayyan was an avid writer and is considered to have written hundreds if not
thousands of books during his lifetime on various subjects such as philosophy, mechanical
devices, and alchemy.
He is the first scientist who transformed chemistry into an experimental science following the
theory of nature and its four elements; fire, water, earth, and air.
He is considered by modern-day chemists to be the father of chemistry due to his invaluable
contributions to the field. He was the first person to develop acids, which include nitric,
hydrochloric, and tartaric acids.
Jabir Ibn Hayyan also invented aqua regia which is known to be one of the few compounds that
can dissolve gold. This discovery not only fueled the gold industry but also fueled many
scientists for many more years.
He also discovered the use of manganese oxide in making glass, a process which is still used to
date. Some of his discoveries laid the foundation for many other scientist’s works. For example,
his notation of a flammable vapor due to the boiling of vibe laid the framework for Al-Razi’s
discovery of ethanol.
Jabir Ibn Hayyan stressed the importance of physical experiments rather than just developing
theory and was quoted saying that to master anything, it is necessary to indulge in physical
examination and experimentation.
There is no argument against the fact that Jabir Ibn Hayyan was one of the greatest minds and
scientists to have lived in our world. His work inspired many others to follow a similar
approach to science and has a lot of relevance and impact even in today’s modern times.
Yaqoob Ibne Ishaq Al_Kindi
● https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/m/01nyqc&hl=en-PK&q=Al-Kindi&kgs=fa21
● https://incois.gov.in/Tutor/science+society/lectures/illustrations/lecture16/alkindi.html#:
● https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Kindi
Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al-Razi
● https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org › appi.ajp-rj.2018.130905
● https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC6074295
● https://ha.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibn_Sina
● https://www.britannica.com/biography/Avicenna
● https://docplayer.net/137240128-Ibn-al-baitar-the-pioneer-of-botanist-and-pharmacist-b
● https://1library.net/document/y9n5epvz-ibn-al-baitar-the-pioneer-botanist-and-pharmaci
● https://science4fun.info/al-biruni/
● https://www.facsimilefinder.com/facsimiles/abu-mansur-muwaffak-ibn-ali-al-harawi-the
● https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/m/01nyqc&hl=en-PK&q=Al-Kindi&kgs=fa21
● https://incois.gov.in/Tutor/science+society/lectures/illustrations/lecture16/alkindi.html#:
● https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Kindi