Uploaded by Deepak Dhakad

Supply Chain Management Introductory Questions

IBM 311
14 Jan, 2023
Illustrative list of questions from the Introductory Module:
1. What is portfolio analysis?
2. List the steps involved in the purchasing process.
3. What is the middle income trap?
4. How is moving up the supply chain related to the prosperity of a nation?
5. What is a value chain?
6. What is a chain? Draw parallels between the mechanical and electro-magnetic
coupling, and, the supply chain.
7. State the fundamental problem of Supply chain management.
8. What are process taxonomies?
9. List the various categories of process variations? How are they dealt with?
10. Sketch a cursory history of the purchase process.
11. How can purchasing be a source of competitive advantage for an organization?
12. What is an organization? Why do they exist?
13. Explain the make vs buy continuum. What factors determine an organization’s
decision of make or buy?
14. What is supply chain management?