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JTAG Gigablue HD800 Solo/SE Instructions

How to use “JTAG” for Gigablue HD800 Solo and SE
1. You need use WinXP 32bit.
2. Install Broadcom Broadband Studio 3, do NOT use setup.exe, use:
\\Broadband Studio 3\broadbandstudio3.msi and \\bcm97325.msi
3. Copy and paste both flash files for Solo and SE (both unzipped, xml files) into
the explorer directory:
C:\Program Files\Broadcom\Broadband Studio 3\Flashes"
these files are called:
- for SOLO = Numonyx M29EWL_1024G.xml
- for SE = MXIC MX29GA320EL.xml
4. Connect BBS (Broadcom Broadband Studio) interface, BBS pinout:
2. SCL
3. SDA
4. GND
You can use LPT or USB inteface:
LPT - i2c PC interface:
USB - Cypress CY7C68013A-56PVXC (FX2LP)
How to install the USB interface is in
Broadbandstudio3 “USB2I2C dongle
instillation”, after installation make sure the
broadcom test adapter (cypress board) is
shown in the device manager.
It is important you follow the correct sequence. If you make a mistake then please
reboot your system and start over again
5. AC Power OFF the STB.
6. Connect interface to GigaBlue, DO NOT CONNECT VCC
7. AC Power ON the STB and run BBStudio, click Bcm97325 on left side:
now if rightly connected there must be “Connected”, if not then “Disconnected”
8. Select flash Explorer.
9. Select type in Flash Explorer, here look above which one for SOLO which one for SE,
both you should have before pasted into “Flashes” folder.
10. Select Refresh Button, you will see information about Flash “Detected Flash Info”
11. Now go to erase and start erasing...
12. After erased go to “Download” and choose the right cfe.bin file – cfe.bin you find in
SOLO firmware and SE Firmware folders “PREFLASH” – both are different, so
choose the right one and click “Start”
After done close BBStudio.
AC Power OFF.
Disconnect BBS interface.
AC Power ON and install new firmware.