Practice and Level-up your Ratings at CodeChef. Submit Link:[Code] I. Getting Started for Unrated Coders: - You need to take part in a monthly rated contest to achieve a rating on the platform. Practice these problems to attain the confidence to participate in your first contest on CodeChef. 1. Getting-Started: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Number Mirror START01 614 2 Enormous Input Test INTEST 464 3 Find Remainder FLOW002 421 4 Sum of Digits FLOW006 455 5 Reverse The Number FLOW007 588 6 Add Two Numbers FLOW001 242 7 Chef And Operators CHOPRT 770 8 ATM HS08TEST 410 9 First and Last Digit FLOW004 461 10 Lucky Four LUCKFOUR 775 11 Valid Triangles FLOW013 750 12 Id and Ship FLOW010 847 II. Level Up 1-star to 2-star: - You need to have a rating of at least 1400 in order to become a 2-star on CodeChef. If you manage to learn the concepts behind these problems and solve them on your own, you can confidently aim at solving the first 2 problems in Division 3 of CodeChef's monthly contest- Starters. 1. Basic Programming Concepts: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Richie Rich CHFRICH 878 2 The Two Dishes MAX_DIFF 1254 3 Vaccine Dates VDATES 938 4 Motivation IMDB 1098 5 Hoop Jump HOOPS 930 6 Two Dishes TWODISH 1140 7 Programming Languages PROGLANG 1001 8 Problem Category PROBCAT 860 9 Smallest Possible Whole Number SMOL 1306 10 Turn It NFS 1350 11 Chef and Spells CHFSPL 965 12 Weight Balance WEIGHTBL 1045 13 Chef and Stock Prices CSTOCK 1096 14 Maximum Length Even Subarray MXEVNSUB 1221 15 Distinct Pair Sums MANYSUMS 1480 16 Tom And Jerry 1 TANDJ1 1379 2. Arrays: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Chef in Vaccination Queue VACCINQ 1016 2 Chef and IPC Certificates IPCCERT 922 3 Make them equal MAKEEQUAL 1267 4 A Subtask Problem SUBTASK 1217 5 ICPC Balloons BALLOON 1205 6 Gasoline Introduction BEGGASOL 1263 7 Carvans CARVANS 1264 8 Hard Cash CASH NA 9 Average Flex AVGFLEX 1442 10 Nobel Prize NOBEL 1372 11 College Life 2 COLGLF2 1519 12 Cops and the Thief Devu COPS 1242 3. Strings: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Pawri Meme PAWRI 1182 2 Chef and the Wildcard Matching TWOSTR 1254 3 Magical Doors MAGDOORS 1355 4 Chef and Feedback ERROR 1199 5 Studying Alphabet ALPHABET 1123 6 Hiring Test HIRETEST 1260 7 Lapindromes LAPIN 1159 8 Count Substrings CSUB 1330 9 Equinox Strings EQUINOX 1272 10 Snake Procession SNAKPROC 1014 11 Password PASSWD 1470 4. Sorting: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 The Smallest Pair SMPAIR 1352 2 Racing Horses HORSES 1231 3 Maximum Weight Difference MAXDIFF 1308 4 Maximise the Subsequence Sum SIGNFLIP 1308 5 Daanish and Problems DIV03 1388 6 Chocolate Monger CM164364 1369 7 Chopsticks TACHSTCK 1320 8 Sticks STICKS 1261 9 Chef and Linear Chess LINCHESS NA III. Jump from 2-star to 3-star: - You need to have a rating of at least 1600 in order to become a 3-star on CodeChef. If you manage to learn the concepts behind these problems and solve them on your own, you can confidently aim at solving the first 4 problems in Division 3 of CodeChef's monthly contest- Starters. 1. Basic Programming Concepts: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Make it Divisible MAKEDIV3 1379 2 Indivisible Permutation INDIPERM 1329 3 Minimum Number of Pizzas MINPIZZAS 1532 4 Distinct Pair Sums MANYSUMS 1480 5 Turn It NFS 1350 6 Alternating Work Days ALTER 1486 2. Sorting: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 The Smallest Pair SMPAIR 1352 2 Chopsticks TACHSTCK 1320 3 Daanish and Problems DIV03 1388 4 Mix the Colors MIXCOLOR 1419 5 Chocolate Monger CM164364 1369 6 Missing a Point PTMSSNG NA 7 Max Mex MEX 1478 8 Equal Difference EQDIFFER 1500 9 Javelin Qualification JAVELIN 1538 10 ChefWatson uses Social Network BOOKCHEF 1610 11 Remove One Element REMONE 1700 12 Chef Restaurant CHEFRES 1776 3. Binary Search: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Average Flex AVGFLEX 1442 2 Minion Chef and Bananas MINEAT 1781 3 Stacks STACKS 1799 4 Forest Gathering FORESTGA 1829 5 Shortest Route SHROUTE 1756 6 Snake Eating SNAKEEAT NA 7 A temple of Snakes SNTEMPLE NA 8 Squirrel and chestnut SQUIRREL 1611 9 Flu Shot Lineup FLUSHOT 1692 4. Standard Library Template: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Sudhanva and Books SUDBOOKS NA 2 Attendance ATTND 1148 3 Chef In Infinite Plane CHFPLN 1582 4 Version Control System VCS 1217 5 Book Exercises BEX 1728 6 Lowest Sum LOWSUM 2302 7 IPC Trainers IPCTRAIN 1863 8 Hussain Set COOK82C 2608 9 ChefTown Parade CHEFTOWN 1882 10 Iron, Magnet and Wall FEMA2 1725 5. Bit Manipulation: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Prajit and bits ADDI NA 2 Jon and Selina SELINA NA 3 Chef and Chefina CHFNA NA 4 XOR-ORED XORORED 1621 5 Maximum Damage MAXDMGE 1636 6 XOR Engine ENGXOR 1632 7 Chef and Easy Problem XXOR 1810 8 XOR with Subset XORSUB 1879 6. Dynamic Programming: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Count Subarrays SUBINC 1479 2 Count K-Primes KPRIME 1549 3 Chef and Frogs FROGV 1688 4 Digit Longest Increasing Subsequences 2 LISDIGIT 1297 5 Chef and Good Subsequences GDSUB 1999 6 Magic Rankings MGCRNK 1540 7 The White Knight E1 1530 8 Gravity Guy GRGUY 1568 9 W String WSTRING 1809 10 Chef and Wedding Arrangements CHEFWED 1841 11 Dish Distribution DISHDIS 1596 12 Maximal crosses MAXCROSS 1570 7. Number Theory: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Minimum Number of Pizzas MINPIZZAS 1532 2 Chef and GCD CHFGCD 1481 3 Arranging Cup-cakes RESQ 1322 4 Appy and Contest HMAPPY2 1358 5 Alternating Work Days ALTER 1486 6 Chef and Keyboard CHEFKEY 1323 7 Chef and Linear Chess LINCHESS NA 8 GCD operations GCDOPS 1462 9 Gcd Queries GCDQ 1674 10 Yet Another Cute Girl PRETNUM 1850 IV. Rise from 3-star to 4-star: - Transitioning from 3 star to 4 star (rating=1800) is challenging, and hence many coders do not pursue further. If you manage to learn the concepts behind the following problems and solve them on your own, you can confidently aim at solving the first 4 problems in Division 2 of CodeChef's monthly contest-Starters. 1. Basic Graph Theory - Trees, DFS, BFS: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Maximum Size RISK 2113 2 Ada King ADAKNG 1581 3 Snakes and transition from Capitalism to Socialism SNSOCIAL NA 4 IS IT DSU HARD!! CFMAR04 NA 5 Root the Tree ROOTTREE 1934 6 Family Tree FAMTREE NA 7 Queries with Bags DSUBAGS NA 8 Subtree Removal SUBREM 2010 9 Cosmic Temple COSTEMP NA 10 Moving Segments SEGDIR NA 11 Even Edges EVEDG 1945 12 Treeversion TREEVERS 2453 13 Abdullah and Toll Discounts ABDTOLL NA 14 Tourists in Mancunia TOURISTS 2133 15 Doubly Increasing Path DINCPATH 2493 2. Basic Graph Theory II - Shortest Paths: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Chef and Reversing REVERSE 1879 2 Chef and Digit Jumps DIGJUMP 1886 3 Galactik Football GALACTIK 1860 4 India Fights Corona CORONA 2560 5 Graph on an Array ARRGRAPH NA 6 Road Decoration AMR14B NA 7 Per Capita Income PERCAPTA 2132 8 FCAR INSQ15_F NA No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Home Delivery HDELIVER 1621 2 Shortest Path in Binary Trees BINTREE 1413 3 Path-etic Sums PATHSUMS 1838 4 Lavanya Loves DFA ICM2006 1586 5 One more weird game OMWG 1536 6 Ciel and Tomya CIELTOMY 1877 7 Petersen Graph PETERSEN 1894 8 Rendezvous TR1 1638 9 End Of The World CHEFHACK 1730 10 Robot Game TR2 1754 3. Graphs: 11 Brush Fire FIRE 1761 12 Curry Stained Napkin F3 1815 13 Treasure Hunting N1 1634 14 Gravel SPREAD 1822 15 Maximal Score Path RG_01 1836 16 Kingdom Unity KINGCON 1851 17 Maze of Digits K3 1859 18 Birthday Gift CHEFGIFT 1868 19 Soccer League M3 1906 20 Byteknights and Byteknaves BYTEISLE 1919 4. Number Theory - Sieving: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Prime Tuples PTUPLES 1809 2 Odd Divisors ODDDIV 1657 3 Count K-Primes KPRIME 1549 4 Number of Factors NUMFACT 1710 5 Special Triplets SPCTRIPS 1673 6 Levy Conjecture LEVY 1510 7 Modular Equation MODEQ 1761 8 Cool Guys COOLGUYS 1758 9 Prime Game PRIGAME 1792 10 Churu and Balls CBALLS 1697 11 Yet Another Cute Girl PRETNUM 1850 12 Yet Another Problem About EARTSEQ 2011 Sequences 13 Destroy Cells DESTCELL 2297 5. Dynamic Programming - Knapsack: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Polo the Penguin and the Test PPTEST 1603 2 Paying up MARCHA1 NA 3 Coin Partition COINPART 2804 4 MasterChef MCHEF 2016 5 Permutation Split PERMSPL 2996 6 Chef and Pepperoni Pizza Again PEPPERA 2516 7 Blackjack BLKJK 2903 8 Mean Mean Medians MEANMEDI 2719 6. Dynamic Programming: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Count Subarrays SUBINC 1478 2 The White Knight E1 1530 3 Chef and Frogs FROGV 1668 4 Dish Distribution DISHDIS 1596 5 Maximal crosses MAXCROSS 1570 6 Count palindromes COUNTPAL 1631 7 Barcelona Gameplay Tactics FCBARCA 1658 8 Pizza Delivery DBOY 1666 9 Total Diamonds VK18 1786 10 Trip TRIP 2005 11 Chef and Rectangle Array CHSQARR 2088 12 Offer for Chef CHEFOFR 2100 13 Matrix MATRIX2 2209 14 Chef and Two String CHEFTWOS 2222 15 Squirrel and chestnut SQUIRREL 1611 16 K-important Strings N3 1729 17 Dessert Wizard DELISH 1804 18 W String WSTRING 1809 19 A-E Hash Function AEHASH 1832 20 Bytelandian Robots F2 1884 21 Physical Exercise PHCUL 1865 22 Lucky Sum LUCKY3 1875 23 Gerrymander GERMANDE 1904 24 Little Elephant and Mouses LEMOUSE 1941 25 String Merging STRMRG 1965 26 Random decreasing function RDF 1975 27 Girl Friend and String Gift CHGLSTGT 1986 28 Sereja and Arrays SEARRAYS 1999 29 The Lost Arithmetic Sequences TAASEQ 2012 30 Little Elephant and Median MEDIAN 2023 31 Kirito in labyrinth KIRLAB 2047 32 Strategy for the World Cup WORLDCUP 2055 33 Player RRPLAYER 2067 34 Odd Binomial Coefficients ODDBIN 2107 7. Segment Trees: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Way Out WOUT 1845 2 Appy Loves One HMAPPY1 1932 3 Chefs in Queue CHFQUEUE 2146 4 Chef and Strings STRQ 1930 5 Sereja and Commands SEACO 1990 6 Chef and Sub Array CHEFSUBA 1908 7 Chef and Subarray Queries CSUBQ 2345 8. Modulo Multiplicative Inverse: No. Name Code Difficulty 1 Adi and the Matrix ADIMAT NA 2 Perfect Tree Problem PTREE 2900 3 E - Make it Zero INFDIV NA 4 New Restaurant NEWREST 1800 5 Trees and Degrees TREDEG 2783 6 Chef World CHEFWD 2049 7 Gifts at Olympics OLYMPIC 2696 8 Counting Mobiles MOBCNT NA 9 The Uncountable Ways CNTWAYS 1992