Department of Education Division of Pasig City RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL- SHS Dr. Sixto, Antonio Ave., Caniogan, Pasig City GRADES 1 TO 12 SEMI-DETAILED LESSON PLAN (School) (Teacher) Teaching Date & Time) RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL-SHS RIZAFE A. TORRALBA (Grade Level) (Learning Area) (Semester) (Week No.) WEEK 4 I.(Objectives) A.( Content Standards) B.(Performance Standards) C. (Learning Competencies) II. (Content) DAY 1 (First Session) DAY 2 (Second Session) GRADE 12 SOCIAL SCIENCE UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY AND POLITICS SECOND, 1ST QUARTER DAY 3 (Third Session) DAY 4 (Fourth Session) Culture as a “‘complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person learns and shares as a member of society.” The significance of studying culture, The learners shall be able to appreciate the nature The learners shall be able to appreciate the Appreciate the nature of culture and society, and politics. of culture and society from the perspective of nature of culture and society from the society from the perspectives of The rationale for studying anthropology, anthropology perspective of anthropology anthropology and sociology. political science, and sociology Recognize the common concerns or Explain anthropological perspective on culture Explain anthropological perspective on culture Describe society and culture as a intersections of anthropology, sociology, and society (LC CODE: UCSPC11DCS-Ic-6) and society (LC CODE: UCSPC11DCS-Ic-6) complex whole. and political science with respect to the UCSPC11/12DCSIc-7 phenomenon of change. (USCP11/12SPU-Ib-4) Identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science. (USCP11/12SPU-Ib-5) The Definition of Anthropology, Defining Culture and Society from the perspective Defining Culture and Society from the Defining Culture, Society and Politics of anthropology Perspectives of Anthropology and Sociology Sociology and Political Science The significance of studying culture, The learners demonstrate an understanding of The learners demonstrate an understanding of society, and politics. culture and society as anthropological concepts the culture and society as anthropological and The rationale for studying anthropology, sociological concepts. political science, and sociology III. (Learning Resources) A. (References) 1. (Teacher’s Guide Pages) 1 DLL IN INTRODUCTION TO WORLD RELIGIONS AND BELIEF SYSTEMS Pages 8-9 (Understanding Society, Culture and 2. (Learner’s Materials Pages) 3. (Textbook Pages) 4. (Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal) B. (Other Learning Resources) IV. (Procedures) A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Politics) Pages 7-10 (Understanding Society, Culture and Politics) Lanuza, G. M. et’al. (2016). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. Rex Book Store. Unit 1. Lesson 1. Notebook, manila paper, Pentel, chalk, board, projector, laptop 1. As the students to write or recite their own observation about the activities last week. 2. As much as possible, focus on the nature of the course as a core subject in Senior High School. The teacher may use the following follow-up questions as student’s guide in their review: What is the most significant learning that you acquire last week? Laptop, LCD bao/danny-maribaosociety-ampculture-as-a-complex-whole Check-Up Activity What is culture? What are the aspects of culture? The students will compose a meaningful sentence using the following words. anthropological perspective, society, culture a. What is the most significant learning that you acquire last week? b. How important for Senior High School learners to learn this subject? c. Do you believe that we live in a dynamic world? B. (Establishing purpose for the Lesson) Activity Concept: Simulation Test Activity Title: “Villagers Ville” Directions: 1. The teacher will divide the class 2 DLL IN UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY AND POLITICS Introduction in the form of motivational questions: DEFINITION OF TERMS: The teacher posted the following words in the board and the meaning of each word. The teacher PINOY HENYO 1. Group the students into three. 2. Present the mechanics of the game: “Pinoy Henyo” a. Each group will choose one Video Clip presentation Guide questions: How does culture evolve? Why are there so many different cultures in into four (4) groups. 2. Each group will simulate a village. 3. They should be able to establish their own village according to the additional instruction given by the teacher. Each group will present their work after. C. Presenting examples /instances of the new lessons) a. The teacher will play a scenario to set the mood inside the classroom. b. The teacher will guide the students as they prepare and 3 DLL IN UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY AND POLITICS intentionally jumbled the meanings, allowing the students to determine the correct meaning and match it the word. This serves as the preliminary input in delivering the meaning of culture and society in the viewpoint of anthropology: Anthropology- the study of humans, past and present. - The science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind 1. Cultural-study of cultures, beliefs, practices, values, ideas, technologies, economies and other domains of social and cognitive organization 2. Archaeology 3. Physical/Biological 4. Linguistic 5. Philosophical Anthropology – the study of the nature and essence of humankind. Perspective-means perception, outlook, standpoint, or viewpoint Culture-could refer to philosophy, art, music, literature, and civilization - The characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Society-could refer to civilization, people and association The teacher shows a short video about culture. (Note to the teacher: Please have the discretion to look for a video suited to the topic) After the video the teacher states the relevance of representative who will guess the word. b. Each time the representative guesses the word, the rest of the group will shout, “YES, NO, OR MAYBE” c. The representative will be given 2 minutes to guess the word. d. The group who can guess the word the lesser time consumed will be declared as winner. the world, and how are they changing? First Word: SOCIOLOGY Second Word: SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Third Word: SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION The teacher will ask the following questions: 1. What is sociology? 2. What is sociological imagination? 3. What do you mean by sociological perspectives? How does culture affect the way we behave? How can we understand other cultures and the way people in different cultures see the world? D. (Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1. perform the given task. c. Use the following as student’s guide in preparing for their task: Political Organization Economic Provisions Social Responsibilities Rules and Regulations (Security) Infrastructures and structures Culture, Rituals and Traditions d. The presentation is in written and actual. e. Since this activity is simulation, the students should act in accordance with their village concept. f. Each group is given 10 minutes to present their simulation and 2 minutes to explain their presentation. It is more likely if, the group has props and costumes to make it more realistic. TOPIC: DEFINITION OF ANTHROPOLOGY, POLITICAL SCIENCE, AND SOCIOLOGY 1. Lead a discussion about the definition, relationship and importance of studying Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science. Highlight the following ideas: a. Anthropology is the study of human past and present in order to understand the full complexity of cultures across all human history. 4 DLL IN UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY AND POLITICS the video and the topic for the day. What do you think are the sociological perspectives on society and culture The teacher shows pictures of known tribal groups in the Philippines and some in the world. With their answers, the teacher will process the answers of the students. (Note to the possible user: I wasn’t able to paste pictures in this DLP due to unavailability of internet connection.) Sociology – is the “scientific study of society, including patterns of relationships, social interaction, and culture” (Calhoune, 2002) Picture No. 1- Some Filipinos who lived near dumpsites Picture No. 2- Filipinos ride on a motorcycle innovated for more than 1 person to take the ride Picture No. 3- most Filipinos lived in kubos or Sociologist August Comte Emile Durkheim Perspective on Society Society as a social organism processing a harmony of structure and function. Society as a reality in its own right. Collective consciousness is of key importance to Discussion on the four complex whole. 1. Beliefs 2. Values 3. Norms 4. Symbols b. Sociology is the study of human development, structure and functioning in a society. c. Political Science is the study on how human governs and analyzes political activities and behaviors in a society. Tell the students to examine the reading in the reference book about Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. huts . Picture No. 4-5- Inuits Of Arctic Region in their Igloos and Tupiqs. Igloos serves as temporary shelter made during hunting-gathering season. The Tupiqs are for summer season. Talcott Parsons Picture No. 6- Hindus in India regarded cows as holy, thus it’s a taboo to kill them and generate meat out of it; cows also requires less maintenance in times of drought George Herbert Mead Morris Ginsberg Practice No. 7-The Mursi women of Ethiopia. Teeth will be removed to attach the plate to the lower lip of a woman. After a certain period of time, the plate will be removed. They do this as they believed that it makes them beautiful, and that their society sees it as beautiful. See attached photo in the power point presentation. Practice No. 8- While it may seem that the Karen women have unusually long necks, their traditional brass rings actually smash their shoulders and rib cages down just making their necks seem longer. The brass rings, which are also around their shins and arms, are made out of one solid pieces of metal making them quite heavy, with over 25 rings on their necks. The practice of the brass rings was started not just for beauty, but also to protect against tigers and in some cases even just because the village leader said he preferred it; or for the sake of tradition or holding on to their heritage. George Douglas Cole Robert Maclver and Charles Page society, which society cannot survive without. Society is a total complex of human relationships in so far as they grow out of the action in terms of means-end relationship Society is an exchange of gestures that involves the use of symbols. Society as a collection of individuals united by certain relations or mode of behaviour that marks individuals off from others who do not enter into these relations or who differ from them in behaviour. Society as the complex of organized associations and institutions with a community. Society as a system of usages and procedures of authority and mutual aid of many groupings and division, of controls of human behaviour and liberties. Source: Shandra (2007) Then the teacher will introduce the concept of sociological perspective Sociological Perspective - A special point of view of sociology that sees the general patterns of society in the lives of particular people. Transition: One of the works that elaborate this special 5 DLL IN UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY AND POLITICS point of view is C.W Mills’ s Sociological Imagination Sociological Imagination -refers to the ability of sociologist to understand society systematically (C. Wright Mills, 1959) - requires a global perspective, a study of the larger world and our society’s place in it (Macionis 2012:6) The sociological imagination helps us understand everyday events. According to Mills, “society-not people’s failings- is the main cause of poverty and other social problems. By turning personal problems into public issues, the sociological imagination also is the key to bringing people together to create need change” (Macionis 2012:7) E. (Discussing new concepts & practicing new skills #2) F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Use the following instruction as the The teacher gives instruction: students read the articles in the reference Each of you will choose two among the given book. pictures. When you look at each of the picture, there must be questions that are automatically a. Highlight important terms and formed in your mind, those questions may start concepts. with What, When, Where, Who, Why, and How. b. Write all the point of interest Having so, try to answer those questions by your which are blurry and unclear. own base on the given pictures. Prepare it for the discussion. Use graphic organizers to summarize the After 5 minutes, the students will form a triad and discussion for the day. discuss among each other the output they have. Activity Concept: Simulation Test Each triad will answer the following questions and write the answers in a 1 whole sheet of paper. 1. What do you think is/are the reason(s) Directions: 1. The teacher will show a caricature why we are viewing these pictures? to the class. 2. What is meant by culture? 2. For discussion purposes, let the 3. Are there factors that affect culture? 6 DLL IN UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY AND POLITICS Poster Making The teacher will ask the students to make an illustrative interpretation of the theme, “Society and Culture as a complex whole”. Group Activity: Turning Personal Problems into Social Problems 1. Students will be divided into three groups. 2. They will think of their personal The teacher will conduct one-day exhibit on the student learning outputs about society and culture which will be evaluated by 3 judges. students to share their thoughts about the picture. Synthesize the answers of the students and form a big “Thought Cloud” about the topic for the week. Give time for the students to analyze the picture before proceeding to the sharing. G. (Finding Practical Applications of concepts and skills in daily living) Explain. 4. Base on the pictures, can you give characteristics of culture? Why do you say so? Explain and provide concrete example. 5. Can culture influence society? How? Cite concrete example that you observed. After explaining what is asked the Instructs the students to fill this diagram. Culture of Parent’s Society H. (Making Generalizations & Abstractions about the lessons) 7 DLL IN UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY AND POLITICS Culture of individual Culture of Interacting Society Teacher calls 1-2 students to summarize the topic problems that at the same time social problems. 3. They will assign a reporter to explain their answers. Students will explain the sociological perspectives on culture and society through a graphic organizer. Cultures have these and possibly many other universal traits, different cultures have developed their own specific ways of carrying out or expressing them. For instance, people in deaf subcultures frequently use their hands to communicate with sign language instead of verbal language. However, sign languages have grammatical rules just as verbal ones do. While cultures are complexes of learned behavior patterns and perceptions, societies are groups of interacting organisms. Societies are groups of people who directly or indirectly interact with each other. People in human societies also generally perceive that their society is distinct from other societies in terms of shared traditions and expectations. The teacher asks the students to group according to their preference: I. (Evaluating Learning) Short Quiz Answer the following: 1-4. What are the three aspects of complex whole of society and culture? 5-7. Three elements that constitute of Filipino values system. 8-9. Three dimensions of halaga. 1. Writing 2. Reading 3. Singing 4. Dancing 5. Sleeping (This manner of grouping the students is random, depends on the teacher; purpose is to remix/and get the students out of their comfort zone in terms of friends.) (The teacher has discretion to add preference for grouping, depending on the class size. Maximum no. of members in each group is 5. Each group will fill this graph, based on their observations in their community/community. This graph is given to each group. Subdivision of Anthropology Observations (Write as many as you can) Cultural Anthropology Archaeology Physical/Biologi cal Linguistic Philosophical Anthropology J. (Additional activities for application or remediation) On one whole sheet of paper, answer the following questions: 1. Differentiate Culture from Society. 8 DLL IN UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY AND POLITICS No Assignment Students are tasked to read/research on the given concept below. Society and culture as a complex whole. Explain: “Culture is a complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person learns and shares as a member of society.” (E.B. Tylor 1920 [1871]) V. (Remarks) VI. (Reflection) A.No.of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation B. No.of learners who requires additional acts.for remediation who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.of learners who caught up with the lessons D. No.of learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work? F.(What difficulties did I encounter which my principal/supervisor can help me solve? G.What innovations or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Prepared by: RIZAFE A. TORRALBA-BACCAY Subject Teacher 9 DLL IN UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY AND POLITICS Checked by: MS. IRENE J. MONDEJAR SGH, Social Science Department