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Introduction to Technopreneurship: A Guide

So you want to be a Technopreneur?
Yes? No?
What is Technopreneurship?
• Technology + Entrepreneurship ?
What is a Technopreneur?
• Describing an entrepreneur who uses cutting- edge
technology to develop new business models
-Mankani, D.
“Someone who uses technology
to do something new or invents
new devices & then makes a
business from selling these new
Entrepreneurship entails:
Understanding the situation.
Committing money and resources to
pursue it.
Entrepreneurial Equation
Give up well-paying job
Put everything into a venture
No experience
Too Risky?
Why us rather than
someone else?
What are our
differentiating factors?
Meeting customer needs?
Innovative in solutions?
Being able to value-add?
Who is technopreneur?
Why become a technopreneur?
Technopreneurial motivation.
Technopreneurial Traits,
Characteristics and Skills.
Entrepreneurship &
Entrepreneurship involves having the guts to
do what you believe is right, thinking out of
the box and making business out of it.
Technopreneurship is being an entrepreneur
◦ Using existing technologies & suiting it to a new
◦ Inventing or developing a new product
-Axiom Technologies Mfg. Pte. Ltd.
Being A Technopreneur
Flexible – can adapt to changing
circumstances and recover from setbacks.
Visionary- have a vision of what he wants
to achieve so that he is not distracted from
his goal.
Practical- pointless to have ideas if they
cannot be executed.
Realistic- to know that most start ups fail
& that in all probability he will fail.
Being A Technopreneur
Romantic- will beat the odds & succeed.
Loner- by nature but to succeed he has to
be part of a team (the more no. of
productive & intelligent people, the higher
the probability of success).
Leader- driving the team towards his
vision (but to succeed must also listen to
his team members).
Being A Technopreneur
Greedy- for success & rewards
(performance-oriented individual who
wants results, yet he has to be mindful of
the contributions of his team members &
may have to make sacrifices to keep a
winning team).
Discipline- has to manage himself & his
team (else, his team will lose focus,
dissipating their energy by duplicating
tasks, squabbling and straying down blind
Who are Technopreneurs?
◦ Technology entrepreneurs who develop an
enterprise or business venture based on
innovative technological products or services.
What is Technopreneurship?
◦ It is a socio-economic phenomenon which
supports new economic growth in the k-based
◦ Technopreneur Development Division,
TDF Operational Framework
Spawning & facilitating the
growth of technopreneurs & ICT
companies for success
Market Access
Venture Capital
Success comes from attitudes
Share the following:
1. A challenge in all things
2. A desire to do things as best as possible
3. A belief that everything can be done
4. Differentiating themselves from the rest
5. Challenging the norm
Concluding Remarks
You cannot be taught how to be an
You should enjoy the challenge
Innovation is the key, technology is the
Concluding Remarks
Differentiate yourself from the rest
Don’t be caught up with the money
Have fun