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Sources for Intelligence Units

• Sources for Intelligence units:
Lowy Institute – www.lowyinstitute.org
Australian Strategic Policy Institute – www.aspi.org.au
Australian Institute of Criminology – www.aic.gov.au
Quarterly Essay – www.quarterlyessay.com
Inspector General of Intelligence and Security – www.igis.gov.au
Australasian Legal Information Institute – www.austlii.edu.au
Parliament of Australia – Parliamentary Library – www.aph.gov.au/library/
Australian Institute of International Affairs – www.aiia.asn.au
Academic search premier - http://www.ebscohost.com/academic/academicsearch-premier
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law – www.mpepil.com
Google Scholar – http://scholar.google.com.au
Foreign Affairs – www.foreignaffairs.org
Transparency International – www.transparency.org
International Crisis Group – www.crisisgroup.org
JSTOR – www.jstor.org
HeinOnline – www.heinonline.org
Rand Corporation – www.rand.org
Cambridge Journals Online – http://journals.cambridge.org
Centre for Strategic and International Studies – http://csis.org
International Journal of Intelligence & Counter Intelligence http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ujic20
Intelligence & National Security - http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/fint20
Columbia International Affairs Online - http://www.ciaonet.org/main/wps.html
World Bank – www.worldbank.org
United Nations Information Centre – www.un.org.au
TED – ideas worth spreading – www.ted.com/talks
Big Ideas – www.abc.net.au/tv/bigideas/
Journal of Intelligence History
AIPIO (Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers) Journals
Joint Center for International Security Studies
CRS – Congressional Research Service – “Intelligence” tab includes reports to Congress on current
Intelligence issues
National Intelligence Council
Centre for Counterintelligence: http://www.cicentre.com/
CIA website – CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence
Foreign Affairs journal/Council on Foreign Relations website
Kokoda Foundation
International Crisis Group
Brookings Institute
Journal of Intelligence History
Defense Intelligence Journal
U.S. Senate Committee on Intelligence website
Australian Journal of International Affairs
Foreign Policy Research Institute: http://www.fpri.org/pubs/
Jane’s Intelligence Digest– see Macquarie Library website for access
There are also many very good books available – (See also the Course Readings)
The Craft of Intelligence by Allen W Dulles
Intelligence and National Security by Loch Johnson
Intelligence - From Secrets to Policy by Mark Lowenthal
Intelligence and the National Security Strategist edited by Roger George and Robert Kline
(particularly good).
Why Secret Intelligence Fails by Michael A. Turner
9/11 Commission Report
Articles on Intelligence by: Jeff Stein of the Washington Post; Lawrence Wright of the New Yorker;
Robert Baer of Time Magazine
Documentaries from “Frontline” or“Charlie Rose” on Intelligence or National Security
Recently the Strategy Executive within the Department of Defence launched its updated website.
The site includes a ‘Publications’ page that provides access to current and past Defence strategy
publications in PDF format.
The page has been created as a single reference point for the public, academics and researchers, and
students to view a complete history of Australia’s strategic policy and other significant Defence
publications. It is the first time many of the historic publications have been available electronically.
The site can be accessed at:
The publications available include:
• Defence White Papers
• Defence Updates
• Strategy Frameworks
• Strategic Reviews
• Defence, Capability and Force Structure Reviews
• A History of Australian Strategic Policy Since 1945
• The 1973 Australian Defence Reorganisation Report (the Tange Report)
• Defence Annual Reports
• Portfolio Budget Statements
Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin: http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/army/mipb/index.html
THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE is an independent non-governmental research institute and
library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and
publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A taxexempt public charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is supported by
publication royalties and donations from foundations and individuals. http://www.nsarchive.org