A Two-Parameter Ratio-Product-Ratio Type Exponential Estimator for Finite Population Mean in Sample Surveys Housila P. Singh School of Studies in Statistics, Vikram University, Ujjain- 456010, M.P., India hpsujn@gmail.com Anita Yadav School of Studies in Statistics, Vikram University, Ujjain- 456010, M.P., India yadavd.anita@gmail.com Abstract This paper suggests a two-parameter ratio-product-ratio type exponential estimator for a finite population mean in simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR) following the methodology in the studies of Singh and Espejo (2003) and Chami et al (2012). The bias and mean squared error of the suggested estimator are obtained to the first degree of approximation. The conditions are obtained in which suggested estimator is more efficient than the sample mean, classical ratio and product estimators, ratiotype and product type exponential estimators. An empirical study is given in support of the present study. Keywords: Finite populations mean, Study Variable, Auxiliary Variable, Bias, Mean Squared Error. 1. Introduction In sample surveys it is well established fact that the improvement in the precision of an estimator of the population mean Y of the study variable y is possible by using information on an auxiliary variable x (highly correlated with the study variable y ) at the estimation stage. It is known that if the correlation between study variate y and the auxiliary variate x is positive (high) the usual ratio estimator is employed. On the other hand if this correction is negative (high), the product method of estimation can be employed. Consider the finite population U = (U1 ,U 2 ,...,U N ) of size N. Let ( y , x ) be the study, auxiliary variates respectively likely values ( yi , xi ) , i = 1,2,..., N respectively. Let 1 N 1 N Y = yi , X = xi be the population means of the variates ( y , x ) respectively. It N i =1 N i =1 is desired to estimate the population means of the variates ( y , x ) respectively. It is desired to estimate the population mean Y of the study variable y using known population mean X of the auxiliary variable x. For estimating the population mean Y , a simple random sample of size n is drawn without replacement from the population U. The usual unbiased estimator for population mean Y is defined by 1 n (1) y = yi n i =1 The classical ratio and product estimators for population mean Y are respectively given by Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 Housila P. Singh, Anita Yadav X y R = y x (1.2) and x y P= y X (1.3) It can be shown that the ratio estimator y R is more efficient than the unbiased estimator y if 1 (1.4) C 2 and the product estimator y P is more efficient than the usual unbiased estimator y if 1 (1.5) C− , 2 S yx Sy Cy S where C = ,Cy = , Cx = x , = , X S ySx Y Cx S y2 = ( N − 1 )−1 ( yi − Y ) , S x2 = ( N − 1 )−1 (xi − X ) and N 2 N 2 i =1 i =1 S yx = ( N − 1 )−1 ( yi − Y )(xi − X ) . N i =1 Bahl and Tuteja (1991) suggested the ratio-type and product-type exponential estimators for the population Y respectively as X −x (1.6) y Re = y exp X +x and x−X y Pe = y exp x+X . (1.7) The ratio-type exponential estimator y Re is better than unbiased estimator y if 1 (1.8) C 4 and the product-type exponential estimator y Pe is better than the unbiased estimator y if 1 (1.9) C− 4 In this paper taking motivation from Singh and Ruiz Espejo (2003) and Chami et al (2012), we have suggested a class of ratio-product-ratio-type exponential estimators for estimating the population mean Y and its properties are studied under large sample approximation. We have compared the proposed class of ratio-product-ratio-type exponential estimators with the three traditional estimators ( y , y R , y P ) , ratio-type exponential estimator y Re and product-type exponential estimator y Pe and conditions are 216 Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 A Two-Parameter Ratio-Product-Ratio Type Exponential Estimator for Finite Population Mean in Sample Surveys obtained in which the proposed class of ratio-product-ratio-type exponential estimators is preferred. We carry out an empirical study showing that the proposed class of ratioproduct-ratio-type exponential estimators out performs the estimators y , y R , y Re , y P and y Pe . In this context reader is referred to Shirley et al (2014), Singh and Pal (2015, 2017) Singh et al (2016) and Sharma and Singh (2015). 2. The Suggested Two Parameter Ratio-Product-Ratio Type Exponential Estimator For estimating the population mean Y of the main variable y , we suggest the following two-parameter ratio-product-ratio type exponential estimator: (1 − 2 )(x − X ) (1 − 2 )(X − x ) (2.1) Te( , ) = y exp + (1 − ) exp (x + X ) (x + X ) where , are real constants. The aim of this paper is to derive values for these constants , such that the bias and / or the mean squared error (MSE) of Te(, ) is minimal. We mention that Te( , ) = Te(1− ,1− , ) , that is the estimator Te(, ) is invariant under point 1 1 1 1 reflection through the point ( ,) = , . In the point of symmetry ( ,) = , , the 2 2 2 2 estimator reduces to the sample mean y , that is, we have T 1 1 = y . In fact, on the e , 2 2 whole line = T 1 e , 2 = y. 1 our proposed estimator reduces to the sample mean estimator y , that is 2 For ( , ) = (1, 1) the proposed estimator Te(, ) reduces to the Bahl and Tuteja (1991) ratio-type exponential estimator y Re defined at (1.6) while for ( , ) = (1, 0),(0, 1) it reduces to the Bahl and Tuteja (1991) product-type exponential estimator y Pe defined at (1.7). Owing to the simplicity of the proposed estimator Te(, ) and that all three known estimators y , y Re , y Pe can be obtained from it by choosing appropriate parameters why we study the estimator in (2.1) and compare it to the three known estimators ( y , y Re , y Pe ), usual ratio estimator y R and product estimator y P . 2.1 Bias and Mean Squared Error (MSE) of the Proposed Estimator Applying the standard techniques we evaluate the first degree of approximation (upto terms of order n −1 ) to the bias and mean squared error (MSE) of the suggested estimator Te( , ) . Let y = Y (1 + e0 ) , and x = X (1 + e1 ) ( ) so that E(e0 ) = E(e1 ) = 0 , E e02 = (1 − f ) C 2 , n y Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 ( ) E e12 = (1 − f ) C 2 , E (e e ) = (1 − f ) C C , x 0 1 y x n n 217 Housila P. Singh, Anita Yadav where, f = n is the sampling fraction. Further, it is assumed that the sample is so large N as to make e0 and e1 small, justifying the first degree approximation considerd wherein we ignore the terms involving e0 and/or e1 in a degree greater than two, see Sahai and Ray(1980, p.272). Bias of the Estimator Te(, ) Expressing (2.1) in terms of e’s we have (1 − 2 )e1 − (1 − 2 )e1 Te( , ) = Y (1 + e0 ) exp + (1 − ) exp (2 + e1 ) (2 + e1 ) −1 −1 (1 − 2 )e1 e1 − (1 − 2 )e1 e1 ( ) = Y (1 + e0 ) exp 1 + + 1 − exp 1 + 2 2 2 2 (2.2) Expanding the right hand side of (2.2) and neglecting terms of e’s having power greater than two we have (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) e + (3 − 4 − 2 ) (1 − 2 )e 2 − (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) e e Te( , ) Y 1 + e0 − 1 1 0 1 2 8 2 (2.3) or (Te( , ) − Y ) = Y e0 − (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) (e1 + e0 e1 ) + (3 − 4 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) e12 (2.4) 2 8 Taking expectation of both sides of (2.4) we get the bias of Te(, ) to the first degree of approximation as (1 − f ) YC 2 (1 − 2 )3 − 4 − 2 − 4C + 8C (2.5) B(Te( , ) ) = x 8n The bias of Te(, ) would be zero if = 1 or 2 = 1.5 − 2 − 2C + 4C . (2.6) The suggested ratio-product –ratio-type exponential estimator Te( , ) , substituted with the values of from (2.6), becomes an (approximately) unbiased estimator for the ˆ 3 population mean Y .In the three dimensional parameter space ( ,,C ) R , these unbiased estimators lie on a plane (in the case = 1 ). We mention further that as the 2 sample size n approaches the population size N, the bias Te(, ) becomes negligible, since (1 − f ) tends to zero. the factor n 218 Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 A Two-Parameter Ratio-Product-Ratio Type Exponential Estimator for Finite Population Mean in Sample Surveys Mean Squared Error of Te ( , ) Squaring both sides of (2.4) and neglecting terms of e' s having power greater than two we have 2 2 2 ( 1 − 2 ) (1 − 2 ) 2 2 2 (Te( , ) − Y ) = Y e0 − (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 )e0 e1 + e1 4 (2.7) Taking expectation of both sides of (2.7) we get the MSE of the estimator Te(, ) to the first degree of approximation as MSE (Te( , ) ) = E Te( , ) − Y = 2 (1 − f ) Y 2 C 2 + (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) C 2 (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) − 4C n y 4 x (2.8) Taking the gradient = , of (2.6), we get 2(1 − f ) 2 2 (1 − 2 )(1 − 2) MSE (Te ) = Y Cx − C (1 − 2 ,1 − 2) (2.9) n 2 Equating (2.9) to zero to obtain the critical points, we get the following solutions: 1 1 (2.10) = , = 2 2 or 2C = (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) (2.11) It can be easily shown that the critical point in (2.10) is a saddle point unless C = 0 , in which case we get a local minimum. However, the critical points determined by (2.11) are always local minima; for a given C , (2.11) is the equation of a hyperbola symmetric 1 1 through ( , ) = , . Inserting (2.10) into the estimator Te( , ) gives the unbiased 2 2 estimator y (sample mean) of the population mean Y .Thus we get the MSE of the sample mean y as (1 − f ) Y 2 C 2 = (1 − f ) S 2 . MSE Te 1 ,1 = MSE ( y ) = y y n n 2 2 (2.12) 1 in (2.1), the class of estimators Te( , ) reduces to the estimator for the 2 population mean Y as For = (1 − 2 ) (x − X ) − (1 − 2 ) (x − X ) y (2.13) + exp exp 2 (x+ X ) (x+ X ) whose bias and MSE to the first degree of approximation are respectively given by (1 − f ) (1 − 2 )2 C 2 B T 1 = Y (2.14) x e , 8 n 2 and T 1 e , 2 = Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 219 Housila P. Singh, Anita Yadav (1 − f ) MSE T 1 = S y2 = MSE ( y ) e , n 2 (2.15) 1 is 2 positively biased though it will be negligible for sufficiently large sample size n. However it has MSE equal to the sample mean y . So the estimator Te (1 2, ) at (2.13) is It is observed from (2.14) and (2.15) that the proposed estimator Te( , ) at = not advisable to use in practice. By substituting (2.10) into the estimator, an asymptotically optimum estimator (AOE) T e((0 ), ) is obtained. For the first degree approximation of the MSE, we find (independent of and ) ( ) MSE Te((0) , ) = (1 − f ) S 2 (1 − 2 ) . n (2.16) y In fact Srivastava (1971, 1980) has shown that (1 − f ) S 2 (1 − 2 ) is the minimal possible y n MSE up to first degree of approximation for a large class of estimators to which the x estimator (2.1) also belongs, for example, for estimators of the form y g = y .g X where g is a C 2 function with g (1) = 1 . Further Srivastava and Jhajj (1981) incorporating sample and population variances of the auxiliary variable x might yield an estimator that (1 − f ) S 2 1 − 2 especially when the relationship between the has a lower MSE than y n study variate y and the auxiliary variate x is markedly non-linear. Thus irrespective of value of C, we are always able to select an AOE y e(0(), ) from the two-parameter family in ( ) (2.1). 3. Comparison of Mean Squared Errors and Choice of Parameters 3.1 Comparing the MSE of the Sample Mean y to the Suggested Estimator Te( , ) From (2.8) and (2.12) we have (1 − f ) Y 2 C 2 (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 )(1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) − 4C MSE (Te( , ) ) − MSE ( y ) = x 4n which is less than zero if (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) − 4C 0 Therefore, either (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 1 1 (i) , and C (3.1) 2 2 4 (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 1 1 (ii) , and C 2 2 4 (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 1 1 (iii) , and C 2 2 4 220 Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 A Two-Parameter Ratio-Product-Ratio Type Exponential Estimator for Finite Population Mean in Sample Surveys 1 2 1 2 (iv) , and C (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 4 Combining these with the condition − 1 1 C , 4 4 we get the following explicit ranges : 1 4 1 2 ( 1 2 + 4C − 1) , (from (i)) 4 2(2 − 1) 1 1 (ii) If 0 C and , then 4 2 (2 + 4C − 1) 1 , (from (iv)) 2(2 − 1) 2 1 1 (iii) If − C 0 and , then 2 2 (2 + 4C − 1) 1 , (from (ii)) 2(2 − 1) 2 1 1 (iv) If − C 0 and , then 2 2 ( 1 2 + 4C − 1) , (from (iii)) 2 2(2 − 1) (i) If 0 C and , then We note that the case C=0 implies = 0, and thus the sample mean y is the estimator with minimal MSE. 3.2 Comparing the MSE of the Ratio-Type Exponential Estimator y Re to the Suggested Estimator Te ( , ) 1 4 For C , the ratio-type exponential estimator y Re due to Bahl and Tuteja (1991) is used instead of the sample mean y or product-type exponential estimator y Pe .Thus, we are concerned with a range of plausible values for and , where the suggested estimator Te( , ) performs better than the ratio-type exponential estimator y Re . Putting ( , ) = (1, 1) in (2.8) we get the MSE of the ratio-type exponential estimator y Re as MSE( y Re ) = (1 − f ) Y 2 C 2 + C x2 (1 − 4C ) n y 4 (3.2) From (2.8) and (3.2) we have ( ) (1 4−nf ) Y 2C x2 1 − (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 1 + (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) − 4C MSE( y Re ) − MSE Te( , ) = (3.3) which is non negative if (2 − − )2C − 1 − (2 − − ) 0 Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 (3.4) 221 Housila P. Singh, Anita Yadav Therefore, (i) (2C − 1) (2 − − ) 0 or (ii) (2C − 1) (2 − − ) 0 Hence, from solution (i), where C 1 2 1 (ii) If , then 2 (i) If , then 1 , we have the following: 2 ( + 2C − 1) . (2 − 1) (2 − 1) ( + 2C − 1) . (2 − 1) (2 − 1) 1 1 C , we obtain the following: 4 2 ( + 2C − 1) . (2 − 1) (2 − 1) ( + 2C − 1) . (2 − 1) (2 − 1) Further, from solution (ii), where 1 2 1 (ii) If , then 2 (i) If , then 3.3 Comparing the MSE of the Product-Type Exponential Estimator y Pe to the Suggested Estimator Te ( , ) 1 It is known that C − , the product-type exponential estimator y Pe is preferred to the 4 sample mean estimator y and the ratio-type exponential estimator y Re .Putting ( , ) = (0, 1) or (1, 0) in (2.9) we get the MSE of the product-type exponential estimator y Pe to the first degree of approximation as MSE( y Pe ) = (1 − f ) Y 2 C 2 + C x2 (1 + 4C ) n y 4 (3.5) We, therefore, seek a range of and values, where the suggested estimator Te( , ) has lesser MSE than the product-type exponential estimator y Pe due to Bahl and Tuteja (1991). From (2.8) and (3.5) we have ( ) (1 −n f ) Y 2C x2 1 + 2 − − 2C − (2 − − ) (3.6) MSE( y Pe ) − MSE Te( , ) = which is positive if 1 + 2 − − 2C − (2 − − ) 0 (3.7) We obtain the following two cases: (i) 2C (2 − − ) −1 (if both factors in (3.7) are positive) or 222 Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 A Two-Parameter Ratio-Product-Ratio Type Exponential Estimator for Finite Population Mean in Sample Surveys (ii) 2C (2 − − ) −1 (if both factors in (3.7) are negative) 1 Observing that C − , so we get from (i), 4 1 − 2C (2 − − ) −1 2 (3.8) 1 1 C − , and the range for and where these 2 4 inequalities hold are explicitly given by the following two cases: We mention that this implies − (i) ( − 1) ( + 2C ) . (2 − 1) (2 − 1) ( + 2C ) ( − 1) . (2 − 1) (2 − 1) 1 2 If , then 1 2 (ii) If , then For any given C, we again note that the two regions determined here are symmetric 1 1 through ( , ) = , . We also note that the parameters ( , ) which yields an AOE [see 2 2 (2.11)] which for a fixed C lie on a hyperbola, are contained in these regions. 1 1 In case (ii), where 2C −1 i.e. C − (and therefore automatically C − ), the range of and are given by 2 4 ( − 1) ( + 2C ) . (2 − 1) (2 − 1) ( + 2C ) ( − 1) . (2 − 1) (2 − 1) 1 2 (i) If , then 1 2 (ii) If , then 3.4 Comparing the MSE of the Classical Ratio Estimator y R to the Suggested Estimator Te ( , ) To the first degree of approximation, the MSE of the usual ratio estimator y R is given by MSE ( y R ) = (1 − f ) Y 2 C 2 + C 2 (1 − 2C ) n y (3.9) x From (2.8) and (3.9) we have ( ) (1 −n f ) Y 2C x2 1 − (1 − 2 )(21 − 2 ) 1 + (1 − 2 )(21 − 2 ) − 2C MSE( y R ) − MSE Te( , ) = (3.10) which is non-negative if (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 1 − 2 (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 0 1 − 2C + 2 Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 (3.11) 223 Housila P. Singh, Anita Yadav Therefore, (i) (ii) (2C − 1) (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 1 2 ( 1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) (2C − 1) 1 or 2 Hence from solution (i), where C 1, we have the following: (2 + 4C − 3) (2 + 1) . 2(2 − 1) 2(2 − 1) (2 + 1) (2 + 4C − 3) . 2(2 − 1) 2(2 − 1) 1 , then 2 1 (ii) If , then 2 (i) If 1 C 1, we obtain the following: 2 (2 + 1) (2 + 4C − 3) . 2(2 − 1) 2(2 − 1) (2 + 4C − 3) (2 + 1) . 2(2 − 1) 2(2 − 1) Also from solution (ii), where 1 , then 2 1 (ii) If , then 2 (i) If 3.5 Comparing the MSE of the classical Product Estimator y P to the Suggested Estimator Te ( , ) 1 It is well known that, for C − , the product estimator y p is more efficient than the 2 sample mean y and ratio estimator y R . Thus, we are concerned with a range of plausible values for and where the proposed estimator Te( , ) acts better than the classical product estimator y P . The MSE of the usual product estimator y p to the first degree of approximation as MSE ( y P ) = (1 − f ) Y 2 C 2 + C 2 (1 + 2C ) n y (3.12) x From (2.8) and (3.12) we have ( ) (1 −n f ) Y 2C x2 1 + (1 − 2 )(21 − 2 ) 1 + 2C − (1 − 2 )(21 − 2 ) (3.13) (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 0 1 + 2C − 2 (3.14) MSE( y P ) − MSE Te( , ) = which is positive if (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 1 + 2 224 Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 A Two-Parameter Ratio-Product-Ratio Type Exponential Estimator for Finite Population Mean in Sample Surveys Thus the proposed estimator Te( , ) is more efficient than the classical product estimator y p if either − 1 (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) (2C + 1) 2 or (2C + 1) (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) −1 2 (3.15) or equivalently, min.− 1,(2C + 1) (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) max.− 1,(2C + 1) 2 (3.16) 4. Unbiased Asymptotically Optimum Estimator (AOE) From (2.6) and (2.11), we can calculate the parameters and where our proposed estimator becomes at least up to first approximation- an unbiased AOE. We obtain a line 1 with = (recall that on this line our estimator always reduces to the sample mean 2 estimator y ) 1 C=0 (4.1) = , 2 ( ) or a “curve” (C ), (C ),C R 3 in the parameter space with 1 (C ) = 1 2 C 1 , (C ) = C (2C − 1). 2 2C − 1 (4.2) We mention that the parametric “curve” in (4.2) is only defined for C 0 or C 1 in 2 fact, this parametric “curve” is three hyperbolas. Inserting the values of (C ) and (C ) from (4.2) in (2.1), the proposed estimator takes the form: ye (C ) = T e (C ), (C ) = C 2 C (2C − 1)(X − x ) exp + 1 − 2C − 1 (X + x ) y 1+ 2 C 2 C (2C − 1)(x − X ) exp 2C − 1 (X + x ) It can be easily shown to the first degree of approximation that B y e (C ) = 0, ( 1− f ) 2 2 MSE y e (C ) = Sy 1− n ( (4.3) ) ( ) ( ) (4.4) Thus, the estimator ye (C ) of (4.3) is an unbiased AOE. Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 225 Housila P. Singh, Anita Yadav Using (2.11) in (2.5) we get the first degree of approximation of the bias of an AOE B(Te( , ) ) = (1 − f ) YC 2 4C (1 − 2C ) + (1 − 2 )2 8n (4.5) x 1 . 2 Otherwise, there is always a positive contribution coming from the term 4C (1 − 2C ) that does not vanish no matter what we select for R. Further from (4.5) we note that the It follows from (4.5) and (2.11) that the bias can only be made zero if C 0 or C choice = 1 always yields the least possible bias. Given (2.11) and unless C=0, we can 2 only assume be close to 1 and select accordingly. 2 Remark 5.1: It is important to mention that the optimum choice of = (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) depends upon the value of C = yxC y C x .Reddy (1978) has shown that the value of ‘C’ is more stable than other population parameters such as, the linear regression coefficient, over a period of time and least affected by the sampling fluctuations. So its value can be quite accurately guessed from the past data or a pilot survey or experienced gathered in due course of time. However, if the value of ‘C’ is not known, one may estimate it on the basis of sample observations without much loss of efficiency, for instance, see Singh et al (1994, p. 216). 6. Empirical Study To illustrate the performance of the proposed class of estimators Te( , ) over sample mean estimator y , Bahl and Tuteja’s (1991) ratio-type ( y Re ) and product-type ( y Pe ) exponential estimators, classical ratio estimator y R and product estimator y P we have two natural population data sets. Population-I [Source: Kadilar and Cingi (2003)] y: Apple production amount. x: Number of apples trees. N = 106 , C y = 5.22 , n = 20 , Y = 2212.59 , X = 27421.70 , = 0.86 C x = 2.10 , Population-II [Source: Gupta and Kothwala (1990)] y: Population of irrigated area x: Area under crop gram and mixture during 1983-1984 in a village of Rajasthan N = 400 , C y = 0.9928 , 226 n = 100 , C x = 0.9617 , Y = 36.7183 , X = 6.5638 , = −0.4020 Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 A Two-Parameter Ratio-Product-Ratio Type Exponential Estimator for Finite Population Mean in Sample Surveys We have computed the percent relative efficiency (PRE) of the proposed class of estimators Te( , ) with respect to y , y Re , y Pe , y R and y P , using the following formulae: ( ) PRE Te( , ), y = ( C + (C 4)(1 − 2 ) (1 − 2 ) ) 2 y ( 100 + C x2 (1 − 2C ) 2 y (6.1) − 4C (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) C + (C 4)(1 − 2 ) (1 − 2 ) − 4C(1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 100 C + C (1 − 2C ) )= C + (C 4)(1 − 2 ) (1 − 2 ) − 4C(1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 100 (6.3) + ( C x2 ) 4 (1 − 2 ) (1 − 2 ) − 4C (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) 2 2 C + (C 4)(1 − 4C ) 2 y ) ( C 2 (6.2) C y2 PRE Te( , ), y Re = PRE Te( , ), y P 2 2 x 100 PRE Te( , ), y R = ( C y2 2 y 2 x 2 2 x 2 2 y 2 y ) PRE Te( , ), y Pe = 2 x 2 2 x C + (C 4)(1 + 4C ) 2 y 2 x C + (C 4)(1 − 2 ) (1 − 2 ) 2 y 2 2 x (6.4) 2 2 100 (6.5) − 4C (1 − 2 )(1 − 2 ) Note 1: We have computed the values of PRE (Te( , ), y ), PRE (Te( , ), y R ), and PRE (Te( , ), y Re ) for population I as the correlation coefficient between study variate y and auxiliary variate x is positive. Note 2: We have computed the values of PRE (Te( , ), y ), PRE (Te( , ), y P ) and PRE (Te( , ), y Pe ) for population II as the correlation between the study variable y and variable x is negative. Findings are shown in tables 6.1 and 6.2. Table 6.1: PREs of the proposed class of estimators Te( , ), with respect to the yR usual unbiased estimator y , ratio estimator exponential estimator y Re for population I ( ( , ) PRE Te ( , ) , y (-2.00,0.00) (-2.00,0.25) (-1.75,0.00) (-1.75,0.25) (-1.50,-0.25) (-1.50,-0.00) (-1.50,0.25) 355.06 257.77 381.04 234.53 262.65 379.55 212.82 ) Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 ( PRE Te ( , ) , y R 246.58 179.02 264.63 162.88 182.41 263.59 147.80 ) and ratio-type ( PRE Te ( , ) , y Re ) 166.84 121.12 179.05 110.20 123.42 178.35 100.00 Table 6.1 continued… 227 Housila P. Singh, Anita Yadav ( , ) (-1.25,-0.25) (-1.25,0.00) (-1.00,0.50) (-1.00,0.25) (-1.00,0.00) (-0.75,-0.75) (-0.75,-0.50) (-0.75,-0.25) (-0.75,0.00) (-0.50,-1.00) (-0.50,-0.75) (-0.50,-0.50) (-0.50,-0.25) (-0.50,-0.00) (-0.25,-1.50) (-0.25,-1.25) (-0.25,-1.00) (-0.25,-0.75) (-0.25,-0.50) (-0.25,-0.25) (0.00,-2.00) (0.00,-1.75) (0.00,-1.50) (0.00,-1.25) (0.00,-1.00) (0.00,-0.75) (0.00,-0.50) (0.25,-2.00) (0.25,-1.75) (0.25,-1.50) (1.25,1.25) (1.25,1.50) (1.25,1.75) (1.25,2.00) (1.25,2.25) (1.50,1.00) (1.50,1.25) (1.50,1.50) (1.50,1.75) (1.50,2.00) (1.75,1.00) (1.75,1.25) ( PRE Te ( , ) , y 334.64 351.21 262.65 381.04 306.54 239.15 355.06 368.23 257.77 262.65 355.06 379.55 306.54 212.82 262.65 334.64 381.04 368.23 306.54 234.53 355.06 381.04 379.55 351.21 306.54 257.77 212.82 257.77 234.53 212.82 234.53 306.54 368.23 381.04 334.64 212.82 306.54 379.55 355.06 262.65 257.77 368.23 ) ( PRE Te ( , ) , y R 232.40 243.91 182.41 264.63 212.89 166.08 246.58 255.73 179.02 182.41 246.58 263.59 212.89 147.80 182.41 232.40 264.63 255.73 212.89 162.88 246.58 264.63 263.59 243.91 212.89 179.02 147.80 179.02 162.88 147.80 162.88 212.89 255.73 264.63 232.40 147.80 212.89 263.59 246.58 182.41 179.02 255.73 ) ( PRE Te ( , ) , y Re 157.24 165.03 123.42 179.05 144.04 112.37 166.84 173.03 121.12 123.42 166.84 178.35 144.04 100.00 123.42 157.24 179.03 173.03 144.04 110.20 166.84 179.05 178.35 165.03 144.04 121.12 100.00 121.12 110.20 100.00 110.20 144.04 173.03 179.05 157.24 100.00 144.04 178.35 166.84 123.42 121.12 173.03 ) Table 6.1 continued… 228 Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 A Two-Parameter Ratio-Product-Ratio Type Exponential Estimator for Finite Population Mean in Sample Surveys ( , ) (1.75,1.50) (1.75,1.75) (2.00,1.00) (2.00,1.25) (2.00,1.50) (2.25,1.00) (2.25,1.25) (2.50,0.75) (2.50,1.00) (2.50,1.25) opt (,) ( PRE Te ( , ) , y 355.06 239.15 306.54 381.04 262.65 351.21 334.64 212.82 379.55 262.65 384.02 ) ( PRE Te ( , ) , y R 246.58 166.08 212.89 264.63 182.41 243.91 232.40 147.80 263.59 182.41 266.70 ) ( PRE Te ( , ) , y Re 166.84 112.37 144.04 179.05 123.42 165.03 157.24 100.00 178.35 123.42 180.45 ) Table 6.2: Percent relative efficiencies (PREs) of the proposed class of estimators Te( , ) with respect to usual unbiased estimator y , product estimator y P and Product- type exponential estimator y Pe for population II ( , ) (-2.00,0.75) (-2.00,1.00) (-1.75,0.75) (-1.75,1.00) (-1.75,1.25) (-1.50,0.75) (-1.50,1.00) (-1.50,1.25) (-1.25,1.00) (-1.25,1.25) (-1.25,1.50) (-1.00,1.00) (-1.00,1.25) (-1.00,1.50) (-0.75,1.00) (-0.75,1.25) (-0.75,1.50) (-0.75,1.75) (-0.50,1.00) (-0.50,1.25) (-0.50,1.50) (-0.50,1.75) (-0.50,2.00) (-0.50,2.25) ( PRE Te ( , ) , y 163.25 197.16 156.60 197.74 166.29 149.82 193.99 183.80 186.38 195.24 159.72 175.78 197.74 183.80 163.25 190.62 197.16 178.46 149.82 175.78 193.99 197.16 183.80 159.72 ) Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 ( PRE Te ( , ) , y p 132.43 159.93 127.02 160.40 134.89 121.53 157.36 149.09 151.18 158.37 129.56 142.58 160.40 149.09 132.43 154.62 159.93 144.76 121.53 142.58 157.36 159.93 149.09 129.56 ) ( ) PRE Te ( , ) , y pe 108.97 131.60 104.52 131.99 110.99 100.00 129.48 122.68 124.40 130.31 106.61 117.32 131.99 122.68 108.97 127.23 131.60 119.12 100.00 117.32 129.48 131.60 122.68 106.61 Table 6.2 continued… 229 Housila P. Singh, Anita Yadav ( , ) (-0.25,1.25) (-0.25,1.50) (-0.25,1.75) (-0.25,2.00) (-0.25,2.25) (0.75,-2.00) (0.75,-1.75) (0.75,-1.50) (1.00,-2.00) (1.00,-1.75) (1.00,-1.50) (1.00,-1.25) (1.00,-1.00) (1.00,-0.75) (1.00,-0.50) (1.25,-1.75) (-1.75,-1.50) (-1.25,-1.25) (-1.25,-1.00) (-1.25,-0.75) (-0.75,-0.50) (-0.50,-0.25) (1.50,-1.25) (1.50,-1.00) (1.50,-0.75) (1.50,-0.50) (1.50,-0.25) (1.50,0.00) (1.75,-0.75) (1.75,-0.50) (1.75,-0.25) (1.75,0.00) (2.00,-0.50) (2.00,-0.25) (2.00,0.00) (2.25,-0.50) (2.25,-0.25) (2.25,0.00) (2.50,-0.25) (2.50,0.00) (2.50,0.25) opt ( , ) 230 ( PRE Te ( , ) , y 156.60 175.78 190.62 197.74 195.24 163.25 156.60 149.82 197.16 197.74 193.99 186.38 175.78 163.25 149.82 166.29 183.80 195.24 197.47 190.62 175.78 156.60 159.72 183.80 197.16 193.99 175.78 149.82 178.46 197.16 190.62 163.25 183.80 197.74 175.78 159.72 195.24 186.38 183.80 193.99 149.82 198.04 ) ( PRE Te ( , ) , y p 127.02 142.58 154.62 160.40 158.37 132.43 127.02 121.53 159.93 160.40 157.36 151.18 142.58 132.43 121.53 134.89 149.09 158.37 160.40 154.62 142.58 127.02 129.56 149.09 159.93 157.36 142.58 121.53 144.76 159.93 154.62 132.43 149.09 160.40 142.58 129.56 158.37 151.18 149.09 157.36 121.53 160.64 ) ( PRE Te ( , ) , y pe 104.52 117.32 127.23 131.99 130.31 108.97 104.52 100.00 131.60 131.99 129.48 124.40 117.32 108.97 100.00 110.99 122.68 130.31 131.99 127.23 117.32 104.52 106.61 122.68 131.60 129.48 117.32 100.00 119.12 131.60 127.23 108.97 122.68 131.99 117.32 106.61 130.31 124.40 122.68 129.48 100.00 ) 132.18 Pak.j.stat.oper.res. Vol.XIV No.2 2018 pp215-232 A Two-Parameter Ratio-Product-Ratio Type Exponential Estimator for Finite Population Mean in Sample Surveys Tables 6.1 and 6.2 exhibit that (i) there is considerable gain in efficiency by using the proposed class of estimators Te( , ) over ( y , y R , y Re ) for population I and ( y , y P , y Pe ) for population II; (ii) (iii) (iv) larger gain in efficiency is seen by using Te( , ) over y as compared to y R ( y P ) and y Re ( y Pe ) . largest gain in efficiency is observed at optimum ( , ) ; there is considerable gain in efficiency by using the proposed class of estimators Te( , ) over ( y , y R , y Re ) for population I and ( y , y P , y Pe ) for population II even when the values of ( , ) deviates from their optimum values of ( , ) .Thus there is enough scope of choosing the values of scalars ( , ) for obtaining estimators better than ( y , y R , y Re , y P , y Pe ) from the proposed class of estimators Te( , ) . 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