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Financial Management Essay: Corporate Governance & Decisions

PHONE NUMBER;0977753042
i) the role of the board of directors are include corporate governance and strategic governance.
Cooperate governance involve the relationship that the board of directors have amongst
themselves. The other role encompasses the role of the board in strategic management. Also,
with top management and shareholders. The case above cites some of the cooperate roles and
strategic roles that the board of directors have.
Cooperate governance
One of the roles of the board of directors in the case sited above is a serious problem in the
relationship between the board of directors and top management. For the board of directors to
remove the managing director after he publicly accepted the liability for polluting a water
source that affected 600 villagers show that there was a conflict of interest between top
management and the board of directors.
As far as strategic management is concerned, it is the role of the board of directors to monitor
the happening at the firm. There was a lapse in monitoring role by the board when they had no
clue that top management a bad record with labor officers. The board should have step in
monitor inside and outside cooperate activities.
It is also evident that the board had evaluated and influenced management’s decision as their
role is concerned when management went as far as evaluating and influencing the top
management to begin excavating an area located in wildlife reserve despite it having a back
lash from the community.
ii. Corporate governance is about enabling organisations to achieve their goals, control risks
and assuring compliance. Good corporate governance incorporates a set of rules that define
the relationship between stakeholders, management and the board of directors of a company
and influence how the company is operating.
To avoid mismanagement, good corporate governance is necessary to enable companies
operate more efficiently, to improve access to capital, mitigate risk and safeguard stakeholders.
It also makes companies more accountable and transparent to investors so as to minimize
expropriation and unfairness for shareholders
the three primary objectives of corporate governance are: The motivation of valuemaximizing decisions; the protection of assets from unauthorized acquisition, use or
disposition, and the production of proper financial statements (e.g., that meet the legal
Therefore, here below is how board effectiveness can be improved;
 The board must be held accountable for their duties and responsibilities
 It must be more cognizant of their level of diligence and engagement in board matters
 Considering the pressures that arise, the board is required to get the right talent on their
boards, including having an effective board chair.
 The board must know and understand their roles, specifically in the areas of oversight,
guiding organisational behavior and clearly delineating their responsibilities form the
responsibilities of the management. Consequently, digital tools like board selfevaluations, can help to elevate their performance and also to streamline board
processes as the best means for improving board effectiveness.
Question TWO (a)
Salient factors in managing the following:
i) Cash
Cash is a key part of working capital management. In as much as cash needs to be invested in
order to earn returns, any business need to have a certain amount readily available. This is due
to the fact that cash is needed for transactions – meeting day-to-day expenses for instance
payroll and payment of suppliers, precautionary – to be held as cushion against unplanned
expenditure as well as to guard against liquid problem and investment/speculative motives –
cash need be available so that a business is able to take advantage of market opportunities.
Moreover, the failure to carry sufficient cash levels can lead to loss of settlement discounts,
loss of supplier goodwill, poor industrial relations and potential liquidation. Therefore, debt to
be collected as quickly as possible, suppliers have to be paid as late as possible and promptly
bank cash takings.
ii. Debtors
In order to manage our debtors, persons, firms or companies that owe us money, Debtors
statements is an important factor in improving our cash flows. These are statements or
documents that used in helping us control our customers’ accounts. They are vital to a
companies’ cash flow and for keeping its accounts up to date as they make available a
summary of all unsettled payments a business is owed by customers or clients. This is also
fundamental in focusting cash flows accurately. Using debtors’ statements is critical as it
impacts our business relationships that we have with our clients. Debtors’ statements can
assist us in making a cash flow forecast and give us a healthier idea of how much money we
can realistically spend in the near future without risking our financial welfare. Sending
debtors statements out to our clients at regularly is a decent way of gently reminding them
that they are owing us money.
iii) Inventory
Inventory is a product made or acquired by a business with the purpose of selling. Inventory is
an integral part our firm’s day-to-day business operation. The quantity of a product in stock
that is meant for sale appears on our balance sheet as an asset. We need to maintain our
inventory so that we know how much of it we have; how much it is worth and the rate at which
it is selling. This knowledge about our inventory makes it possible for us to plan efficiently
when it comes to their finances.
we need inventory to do our business; a company cannot sell what it doesn't have. Being wellinformed about our inventory levels is important to ensure that our businesses run efficiently.
Inventory management is one of the main ways we can maximize sour potential sales. When
we don’t maintain our adequate levels of inventory, it puts us in a position to lose out on
potential sales or customers. when we carry over too much inventory, we run the risk of our
inventory becoming outdated or damaged. Inventory can help us plan and budget financial
expenditures effectively. we may suspend some expenses, such as debt repayment, to make or
acquire extra inventory that it needed to keep cash flows steady.
b) ii) On one hand annual percentage rate (APR), goes a step beyond simple interest telling
individuals the true cost of borrowing money. For instance the APR received when buying a
house considers the fees paid to originate the loan including the interest that need to be paid.
Nonetheless, APR does not include the effects of compound interest.
On the other hand, effective annual rate (EAR) also called annual percentage yield (APY),
takes into account the effects of compound interest. The compound interest is useful for
evaluating loans that compound interest at regular intervals like monthly or daily. Therefore,
the main difference between APR and EAR is that APR is based on simple interest, whereas
EAR takes compound interest into account. APR is most useful for the mortgage evaluation
and auto loans, while EAR (or APY) is most effective for evaluating frequently compounding
loans for instance credit cards
i) The goal of wealth maximization has a number of distinct returns. To begin with, the goal
clearly considers the timing and the risk of the benefits expected to be received from stock
ownership. Likewise, managers must take into account the elements of timing and risk as they
make important financial decisions, for example capital expenditures. Equally, managers can
make decisions that will contribute to increasing shareholder wealth. It is possible to determine
whether a particular financial decision is consistent with this goal. Moreover, shareholder
wealth maximization is an impersonal goal that is stockholders who object to a firm’s policies
are free to sell their shares under more favorable terms. From the afore-mentioned, the
shareholder wealth maximization goal is very vital in financial management.
ii) The three critical financial decisions regarding a firm’s resources are investment decision,
financing decision and dividend decision. Investment decision is categorized into two that is
short term (working capital management) and long term (capital budgeting) and it relates to the
determination of total amount of assets to hold in the firm, the composition of these assets and
the business risk complexions of the firm as perceived by its investors. It is the most vital
financial decision more specifically due to the fact that funds involve cost and are available in
a limited quantity. As a result, its good use is very essential to achieve the goal of wealth
Equally, once the firm has taken the investment decision and commits itself to new investment,
it has to decide the best means of financing these commitments. As a consequence, a firm will
be endlessly planning for new financial needs. Moreover, the financial decision is not
concerned only with how best new assets can be financed but it also shows concern with the
best overall mix of financing for the firm. Finance manager has to make a selection of such
sources of funds which will make optimum capital structure. However, what need to be
considered is the proportion of various sources in the overall mix of the firm. As such, the debt
equity ratio should be fixed in such a way that it helps in maximizing the profitability of the
Further, the third critical financial decision relates to the disbursement of profits back to
investors who supplied the capital to the firm. A decision has to take into consideration whether
all the profits are to distribute, to retain all the profits in business or to keep a part of profits in
the business and distribute others among shareholders. Thus, the dividend decision is
concerned with the quantum of profits to be distributed among shareholders.
iii) Financial market is significance to an economy as it acts as an intermediary between savers
and investors, or rather help savers to become investors. Likewise, it helps businesses to raise
more money for their business expansion. Such a market also help to lower unemployment
because it creates massive job opportunities. This in turn brings about the growth of the
Pros and cons of the following sources of income.
i) Debt (Corporate bond)
Like anything in life, specifically in finance, corporate bonds have both pros and cons. The
pros of debt (corporate bond) are as follows;
 Tend to be less risky and less volatile than stocks
 Wide universe of corporate issuers and bonds to choose from
 The corporate bond market is among the most liquid and active in the world
The cons of Debt (Corporate Bond) are;
 Lower risk translates to lower return, on average
 Many corporate bonds must be purchased OTC
 Corporate bonds expose to investors to both credit (default) risk as well as interest rate
ii) Finance Lease
 It gives business customers the use of an asset of newer, higher specification than they
could otherwise buy outright
 The cost of the asset is paid by monthly instalments unlike a large upfront investment
 Flexible repayment structures are available that are tailored to match a company’s cash
 There are claims of up to 100% of the VAT on commercial vehicles, and 50% on cars
(subject to being VAT registered.
 There is a secured agreement against the asset: thus if one fails to pay, the asset may be
 The credit rating of both the business and the guarantor can be affected negatively by
 One will not own the asset since the finance company are the legal owners of the asset
 In an event where an individual or his or her company are made bankrupt, the asset is
not protected
iii) Commercial Bank Loan
 Repayments are more flexible
 Low interest rates that enable business owners to access critical funding whilst
maintaining lower overhead costs
 Commercial lenders are not entitled to the business profits. Their only look-out is the
debt repayment
 Funds are more available that is a small business loan can have access to large sums
depending on the actual requirement of an enterprise. In short money is available for
immediate use
 Lower interest rates and extended payment plans decrease the potential default, this in
turn reduces the business investment’s risk
 It affects the valuation of the business since a loan belongs to the bank hence appears
on the liability side of the balance sheet
 Established business have the preference
 Loans do not guarantee the business improvement
 Businesses that are small lack choice
 The application process is exhaustive