English 7 Applying Appropriate tools in Oral Communication Situations Subject Area and Grade Level: English 7 Activity Sheet No. _______ First Edition, 2020 Published in the Philippines By the Department of Education Region 8 – Division of Samar Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is crafted shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may among other things impose as a condition the payment of royalties. This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 8 – Division of Samar. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 8 – Division of Samar. 1 ENGLISH 7 Learning Area Name of Learner: ______________________ School: ______________________________ I. Grade Level:___ Section:______ Date:___________ Introduction Communication skills are vital for a student’s academic success and future career prospects. In today’s challenging environment, students must not only possess academic expertise, but also the requisite skills to enhance their learning and employability prospects in the future. As you develop your communication skills, you prepare for a future in which you will enjoy greater success. Speaking well can have a big impact on your student life and future professional life as well. When you leave a better impression of yourself through the way you communicate, you enhance your credibility as a speaker and as a person. 2 II. MELC (with code): EN7OL-II-g-2.6.2 (MELC Page 137) EN7OL-III-b-3 Use the appropriate oral language, stance and behavior when giving information, instructions, making explanations, and narrating events in factual and personal recounts Learning Objective: 1. Use appropriate oral language, stance and behavior through identifying whether the given situations are giving information, instruction, explaining something or narrating. III. Strategy: In this learning experience, be ready to learn what and how to use appropriate oral language in different communication situations. A. Explore Pre-Test Test I - Instructions: Read and understand the questions. Write the letter of your answer in another sheet of paper. 1. It is a symbol system composed of sounds that can stir up meanings in people who use it. A. language B. sound C. speech D. stance 2. This refers to the way you stand or sit properly. A. eye contact B. facial expression C. gesture D. posture 3. It is a purposive movement of the fingers, hands, legs, shoulders, or trunk, to give meaning or emphasis. A. eye contact B. facial expression C. gesture D. posture 4. The following are types of bodily actions except one: A. gesture B. language C. movement D. posture 5. A characteristic of oral language that uses simple words to convey meaning. A. clarity B. directness C. impressiveness D. vividness 3 Test II Instructions: Read the statements about bodily gestures carefully. Write YES if you agree to the statement and NO if you disagree. ___6. Bodily gestures occur naturally if you know what you want to say. ___7. Crossing your arms makes you look defensive. ___8. Face your audience with your hands on the side with your chin up. ___9. Shrugging your shoulders suggests that you know something. ___10. Putting your hands on your hips makes you seem aggressive. ___11. Stand with confidence to achieve a comfortable speaking position. ___12. Shaking your fist is a sign of naughtiness. ___13. Use your hands to emphasize or reinforce your message when speaking. ___14. Making an OK sign with your fingers emphasizes a point. ___15. Clapping your hands to make your audience clap shows promptness. 4 B. Learn Lesson 2 ORAL LANGUANGE, STANCE AND BEHAVIOR Aside from the speech content, delivery is also essential in effective communication. When you deliver a speech, you send messages to your listeners even before you open your mouth to say the first word. Your body talks before, during and after the speech. Therefore, you have to make sure that your bodily action enhances the meanings you communicate through words. Let’s Remember… Let’s Recall… Activity 1: Matching Time! Match the multimedia resources in Column B with the description in Column A. Write the letter of your answer in space provided. A B 1. _____a short video usually part of a recording a. vlog 2. _____a picture made using a camera and stored b. animation Digitally c. photographs 3. _____ a method in which figures are manipulated to e. video clips appear as moving objects 4. _____a presentation that allows you to create anything d. flipcharts f. webidence g. PowerPoint from slide shows 5. _____an evidence of a statement took from the internet 5 Let’s Learn… Multimedia resources help in retaining the interest and attention of the audience. They can be effective tools to use in making your talk lively and interesting in various communication situations. Take a look at the cartoon below that illustrates a simple communication situation. I miss Sarah Geronimo’s concert. I wish I could watch it again. Hi, Dan! I’m glad to see you. What’s up, Jessa! I have here a link of Sarah Geronimo’s virtual concert. I know she is your favorite. Do you want to have a copy of it? Yes, yes, yes! I’ve been wanting to seeCopy it. Direction: Good! I am sure you will enjoy watching it. sheet/answer the Venn Diagram on a separate sheet. Use the questions inside the diagram as your guide in filling it in with the similarities and differences of prepaid and Thank you for sharing postpaid phone plans. it. I have to go and watch it at home. Bye. You’re welcome. Goodbye. Now, review each frame of the cartoon and identify the symbols that Daniel and Jessa used to communicate with each other. 6 In the first frame, Dan used language to express his wish. In the second frame, they use hand signal in greeting each other. They used facial expression and gesture in greeting each other. In the third frame, there are circles around the greetings exchanged by Dan and Jessa. In the fourth, fifth and sixth frames, there are circles around the language, voice and bodily action that Dan and Jessa used to communicate with each other. Language, stance and behavior are tools symbol systems you use for communication. They are representations of your thoughts and feelings. Also, these tools communicate your ideas. Oral language Language is the means to transfer your messages to another person. If you both speak same language, it is easier to understand each other. However, when the language used is not common to both of you, then, there is a greater possibility for misinterpretation which may lead to misunderstanding. Characteristics of Effective Oral Language 1. Clarity – language must be grammatically correct in order to transfer exact meaning. 2. Directness – effective oral language is also direct and conversational. Make large use of personal pronoun as in “You are a model student” instead of just referring to model students. 3. Appropriateness – language must be suitable to the purpose of the speaker. It should meet the needs and expectations of your listener. 4. Vivid – to hold the attention and maintain interest of your listeners, use varied concrete, figurative and original expressions. 7 Stance and Behavior When you speak, you probably accompany your words with an action which is a result of muscular activity. This bodily action combines with your oral language to convey a message. Below are some examples of postures and bodily gestures that influence how your listeners understand your message when you are speaking. 1. Stand with confidence – To prevent swaying or rocking while talking in front of others, spread your feet about 6 to 8 inches apart parallel to each other to achieve a comfortable speaking position. 2. Face your audience with your hands on the side with your chin up. This will help you appear open and sincere to your audience and give the impression that you are in control of the situation. 8 Avoid the following as much as possible: crossing your arms hands at the back - makes you look defensive as if you are hiding something hands in your pocket as if you’re hiding something hands on hips – makes you seem aggressive; as if you’re bullying your audience hands on chin – as if you’re not ready with what you’re going to say because it seems you’re still thinking of what to say two hands cupped in front of your chest – makes it look like you’re covering something in front of your chest Use your hands to emphasize your message when speaking. 3. If relevant gestures are used at the right time, your message will be easily understood. These gestures can be used to: • emphasize the point you are making – shake your fist to show you are serious; make an OK sign with your fingers • suggest something – shrug the shoulders to show that you don’t know • describe – act as if you are falling to describe that you fell face first into the water • prompt – clap your hands to make your audience also clap 9 Lesson 3 Different Communication Situations Being able to communicate effectively is perhaps the most important of all like skills. It is what enables us to pass information to other people, and to understand what is said to us. Study the table below. Communication Situations Used for • Explaining a process Giving Instructions Making Explanations • Influencing the feelings and attitudes of others A teacher discussing the process of online enrolment. • Communicating Information A youth leader explaining • Expressing needs about a reach out • Getting things done program • Expressing personal feelings Narrating Events Example Situations • Creating stories 10 A student narrating a worthwhile quarantine experience. C. Engage Activity 1 The illustrations below are posture and bodily gestures that may add meaning to the message of a speaker. Identify and write the meaning of each act. 1. _________________ 2. 2. ________________ __________________ 4. ___________________ 5. 11 ________________ C. Apply A. Directions: Study the pictures below. Identify what communication situation is observed. Choose the letter of your answer from the box A. Giving of Information B. Making Explanations C. Narrating Events 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12 B. Write YES if you agree with the statement; Write NO if you disagree. 1. Applying the communication tools will make the speaker’s message more understandable. 2. If you are crossing your arms, it makes you look prepared. 3. If you put your hands at the back, it seems that you are hiding something. 4. If your hands are in your pocket, you are confident. 5. It is alright to sway your body when you are talking in front of others. For learners with available internet connectivity and technology that can be used this activity, the teacher can facilitate this activity. (Optional) Directions: Make a video with at least 1 (one) communication tool (Oral language, stance, and behavior) of your choice and apply it in your speech delivery. Upload your video on your class group chat or Facebook with your teacher mentioned on the description. The rubric on the next page will be used in evaluation your video. 13 D. Rubric Category 5 Content is relevant and well-developed. Purpose is well-defined. Main points are stated clearly. Content Arguments are sound and supported with valid and credible sources. Speech is ended with a review of the main points. Language used is grammatically correct. Oral language is direct and conversational. Language is suitable to the purpose of the speaker. Oral Language Language holds the attention and maintains interest of the listeners. The speaker uses varied concrete, figurative and original expressions Speaker is prepared and confident. Stance and Behavior Distracting movements or mannerisms are avoided. Facial expressions are appropriate to the message. Mastery of the speech is evident. Bodily actions are expressive, dynamic, and natural. Camera is stable, smooth movements and pans Technical Sound is clear and understandable Video is edited effectively, flows well Transitions are used effectively Subject is framed well, images are well composed 14 4 3 2 1 https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/communication-skills.html https://collegepuzzle.stanford.edu/oral-communication-skills-areimportant-for-students/ Lucanus (2017), “Oral Communication Skills Are Important for Students” VI. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ENGAGE Hiding something Look defensive Covering something Looks aggressive explaining something APPLY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A C C B B B. 1. YES ACTIVITY 1 1. E 2. C 3. B 4. G 5. F 2. NO 3. YES 4. NO 5. YES PRE-TEST 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. YES 7. YES 8. YES 9. NO 10. YES 11. YES 12. NO 13. YES 14. YES 15. YES Answers Key Prepared by: BRIGET M. LEONES Englis Teacher, Pequit IS Checked by: GERONIMA G. CEBLANO SSP-III, School Head Approved: TEODORA B. ABAIGAR, PhD Public Schools District Supervisor