Uploaded by Autumn Gandy

Kindergarten Science Lesson Plan: Basic Needs of Living Things

UT Tyler Teacher Directed Lesson Plan Format
Autumn Bunch
Grade: Kindergarten
Subject: Science
Basic Needs for Living Things
TEKS and other applicable standards: K.9B
(9) Organisms and environments. The student knows that plants and animals have basic needs and
depend on the living and nonliving things around them for survival. The student is expected to:
(B) examine evidence that living organisms have basic needs such as food, water, and shelter
for animals and air, water, nutrients, sunlight, and space for plants.
Name the central focus/overarching goal of the lesson:
The central focus is examine basic needs such as food, water, and shelter for animals and air,
water, nutrients, sunlight, and space for plants.
In order to examine the needs of a living organism, the students will match
The purpose for teaching this content is so that the students can expand their knowledge of
what organisms need to survive. This knowledge will be used when they learn about life
Academic Language
ole Class
Supports – Wh
Supports –Differentiated
Language Function:
Syntax :
Technology Integration: Indicate how technology is used in this lesson by students and the teacher to enhance teachi
Youtube Video of what living organisms need to survive :
ng and learning.
Smartboard, Crayons, sticky note, poster board, worksheet
The students may not understand the
vocabulary used throughout the lesson. Ex: organism
Possible student misconceptions of the content being taught:
Information about Students and their special learning needs: How will student’s special needs be addressed thr
oughout the lesson.
Students with special needs will receive their normal accommodations.
Lesson Objective and Rationa
le: Objectives are
observable/measurable a
nd aligned with the stand
ards. Rationale is the rel
evance of objective to st
udent or
discipline of study.
What will the student lea
2) Why is the learning
important to the
individual or the
discipline of study.
Objective: This student will identify that living organisms have
basic needs such as food, water, and shelter for animals and air,
water, nutrients, sunlight, and space for plants.
Rationale: The purpose for teaching this content is so that the
students can expand their knowledge of what organisms need to
survive. This knowledge will be used when they learn about life
UT Tyler Teacher Directed Lesson Plan Format
Opening of Lesson
Gain student attention/Foc
Describe how you will open t
he lesson and seek student
knowledge of the topic to b
e taught. Consider the follo
wing when designing the o
How could you activate p
rior knowledge ?
How will you relate the o
bjective(s) to the
students ?
How could you Involve a
nd motivate the
4) How could you assess
what students know
about the topic?
To open the lesson I will ask what living and non- living things are.
This content was taught the week prior so asking this question
will help me identify if I need to go over it again or if I can move
on. I will then show the video “Needs of Living Things.” This
video shares the basic needs of living organisms such as people,
animals and plants. After the video I will show them my poster
that has all the basic things plants, animals and people need to
survive. I will go over each organism one at a time.
Instructional Input/MODELIN
G: What content will be taug
ht and how will you demonst
rate the process.
Instructional Input
1) What is the
explanation of content
being taught?
(Concepts, principles
and generalizations.)
1) How will you
demonstrate the
learning (Concepts,
principles and
Instructional Input: Throughout the lesson, I will teach words
● Living- eat, reproduce, move, grow, breathe
● Non- living- does not eat, reproduce, move, grow, breathe
● Organism- is any living system that functions as an
individual entity.
● Shelter- Something, especially a structure, that provides
cover or protection
● Nutrients- a substance that provides nourishment
essential for growth and the maintenance of life:
Modeling: After the video, I will go over my poster that goes over
the needs of plants, animals and humans. I will explain why each
organism has those needs.
Checking for Understandi
ng: The formative assess
techniques you will use duri
ng the lesson.
1) What questions will
you ask (Include higher
level questions).
2) What other formative
assessment strategies
will be used during this
After showing the poster, I will ask them some examples of food
and shelter that is needed for humans, animals and plants. As
they answer, I will write them down on a sticky note and put
them on the poster.
UT Tyler Teacher Directed Lesson Plan Format
Guided Practice: The pract
ice students will engage in
demonstrate they have learn
ed the content. (teacher and
student together.)
1) What will students do
to show their learning
of content?
2) What opportunities
will you provide for st
to practice content
The student will do an activity where they cut up words with
pictures and match them in the two columns (plants and animals)
that the organisms need. There are two columns and 10 boxes with
words that have pictures. The words are
● Space
● Water (2)
● Air (2)
● Soil
● Sun (2)
● Food
● Shelter
Because the boxes have the word and picture, the students will be able
to practice the vocabulary that has been used throughout the lesson.
Independent Practice: The
practice students will engage
in on their own to reinforce
the content. (students on o
No independent practice.
Closing of Lesson
Review of key ideas of lesson.
The closing should include a s
ummary of the primary learni
ng (concepts, principles or
generalizations, etc.) of t
he lesson. (May be teac
her or
students provided.)
1) How will the students
or teacher
summarize/share what
they have learned.?
I will ask the students to draw a picture of something that organisms
need to survive in their journal. Ex: water, food, shelter, sun.
● What is something new you learned today
● What was something that was hard to do during the activity
● What is something you do not understand