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Rwandan Genocide DBQ: Long-Term Causes & Analysis

Rev Con Document-Based Question
January 2022
In Rwanda in 1994, Hutus shocked the world with their mass killing of Tutsis using everything
from machine guns to machetes and spears. To be sure, there are short-term causes or catalysts
for major events like this in history. But often what is more significant in creating conflict are the
long-term factors (political, economic, social, geographic, ideological, etc.). Examine Rwandan
history and assess the long-term reasons why genocide occurred in 1994. As you analyze the
evidence, be sure to determine which was MOST significant reason for this conflict to occur and
include that as part of your thesis.
2) Be sure that your introduction includes some background information, and ending in a a
strong thesis statement. Any good introductory paragraph sets the stage for the
thesis…building up to it so that it doesn’t come as a surprise at the end.
3) This essay naturally will include a counter-argument—i.e., another cause that you will bring
up as NOT AS SIGNIFICANT as your primary cause. Be sure that you acknowledge this
counterargument and rebut it as you build your thesis.
4) Support your thesis with at least two concrete, specific ideas. To illustrate your idea, rely on
evidence. You must use at least two the documents and reference them or quote them in your
essay. These documents are also meant to remind you of other evidence you have learned in the
reading and in class, and you should incorporate that, as well. You may use parenthesis to cite
your sources (Document A, B, C…etc.).
5) In the last few sentences of each paragraph, write analytically. Make the connection for your
reader about why your evidence is significant and how it proves your thesis.
5) Remember that in this essay, you are building an argument-. Your analysis should also explain
how one example is more persuasive than the other two.
6) Do not tell me all that you have learned or read about Rwanda. BE SURE THAT YOUR TOPIC
7) Finish your essay with a brief conclusion
8) This essay should be NO MORE THAN 3 pages, double-spaced, 12 font.
"It appears impossible to believe, judging from the physical appearance of the Wahuma [Tutsi],
that they can be of any other race than the semi-Shem-Hamitic of Ethiopia.... [They] fought in
the Somali country, subjugated that land, were defeated to a certain extent by the Arabs from
the opposite continent, and tried their hands south as far as the Jub river, where they also left
many of their numbers behind. Again they attacked Omwita (the present Mombas), were
repulsed, were lost sight of in the interior of the continent, and, crossing the Nile close to its
source, discovered the rich pasture-lands of Unyoro, and founded the great kingdom of Kittara,
where they lost their religion, forgot their language, extracted their lower incisors like the
natives, changed their national name to Wahuma, and no longer remembered the names of
Hubshi or Galla--though even the present reigning kings retain a singular traditional account of
their having once been half white and half black, with hair on the white side straight, and on the
black side frizzly."[5]
-John Hanning Speke, "Theory of Conquest of Inferior by Superior Races", 1863
“The problem is basically that of the political monopolization of one race, the Tutsi.”
--Gregoire Kayibanda, Bahutu Manifesto, 1957
1. Every Hutu must know that the Tutsi woman, wherever she may be, is working for the Tutsi ethnic cause. In consequence, any
Hutu is a traitor who: - Acquires a Tutsi wife; - Acquires a Tutsi concubine; - Acquires a Tutsi secretary or protégée.
2. Every Hutu must know that our Hutu daughters are more worthy and more conscientious as women, as wives and as mothers.
Aren’t they lovely, excellent secretaries, and more honest!
3. Hutu women, be vigilant and make sure that your husbands, brothers and sons see reason.
4. All Hutus must know that all Tutsis are dishonest in business. Their only goal is ethnic superiority. We have learned this by
experience from experience. In consequence, any Hutu is a traitor who:
- Forms a business alliance with a Tutsi
- Invests his own funds or public funds in a Tutsi enterprise
- Borrows money from or loans money to a Tutsi
- Grants favors to Tutsis (import licenses, bank loans, land for construction, public markets...)
5. Strategic positions such as politics, administration, economics, the military and security must be restricted to the Hutu.
6. A Hutu majority must prevail throughout the educational system (pupils, scholars, teachers).
7. The Rwandan Army must be exclusively Hutu. The war of October 1990 has taught us that. No soldier may marry a Tutsi
8. Hutu must stop taking pity on the Tutsi.
9. Hutu wherever they be must stand united, in solidarity, and concerned with the fate of their Hutu brothers. Hutu within and
without Rwanda must constantly search for friends and allies to the Hutu Cause, beginning with their Bantu brothers. Hutu must
constantly counter Tutsi propaganda. Hutu must stand firm and vigilant against their common enemy: the Tutsi.
10. The Social Revolution of 1959, the Referendum of 1961 and the Hutu Ideology must be taught to Hutu of every age.
Every Hutu must spread the word.
-Hutu Ten Commandments, published in the December 1990 edition
of Kangura, an anti-Tutsi, Hutu Power Kinyarwanda-language newspaper in Kigali, Rwanda.
-Interhamwe, Northern Rwanda, 1992