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Classical Management Approaches Worksheet

1.5 Classical Management Approaches
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Learning Goals:
● You will classical management approaches
● You will discuss scientific management, administrative principles and bureaucratic
organization through an infographic
Purpose of Assessment: Assessment of Learning
Method of Assessment: KTCA Four Level +/-
K: 25%
T: 25%
C: 25%
A: 25%
Ontario Curriculum Expectation
A1. Assess the role of management within an organization’
A1.1 Identify the characteristics of an organiza­tion (e.g., purpose, division of labour, hier­archy
of authority);
A1.2 evaluate the different levels of management with respect to roles, responsibilities,
activ­ities, skills, and competencies;
A1.3 evaluate major management theories and practices (e.g., classical, behavioural,
quan­titative approach, systems theories; total quality management)
Step 1:
Fill in the table with full sentences based on what you learned in the lesson.
Scientific Management
The definition of scientific management is the
use of scientific methods to explain the ''best''
and most efficient way to complete a
task(Reeder, 2022).I think scientific
management is developing and applying
science in work to improve the work’s
productivity, ensure highest possible profit, high
management quality ,and secure cooperations
and coordination between managers and
Weber’s Bureaucracy
employees in the greatest and cheapest
possible way.
John was the general manager of a company
that produced garments.At first, he had very
little cooperation with the workers and they
were not paid enough .These two factors led to
the downfall in productivity,frustrations and loss
of motivation of workers.Therefore,he applied
Frederick Taylor’s scientific management theory
in his workplace.He motivated his workers by
declaring that they would get their daily wages
plus additional 10% bonus if they finished a
certain amount of work in the given time.He
also wanted each of his workers to be
responsible of the job so he ensured every
worker had a crucial task to accomplish based
on each worker’s capability.Additionally, he
provided sufficient training and supervision to
his employees and monitored their work
performance for his company’s overall
achievement.These applications of Frederick
Taylor’s scientific management theory led to a
surge in the company’s work productivity and
overall performance.
Max Weber’s type of bureaucracy is an
administration that upholds the rules and
regulations with strict adherence to protocol.
The guidelines are written, followed, and
enforced consistently from employee to
employee(Sridharan, 2023).It can also be
described as a management that contains
hierarchical structure, clearly defined policies
and procedures,well-structured organization,
and formalized decision-making.
The greatest utilization of Max Weber’s
bureaucratic management is in the military. It
contains a formal hierarchical structure which
means that it includes different ranks(Supreme
commander, Generals, Brigadier, Colonels, etc)
and each rank controls the ones beneath it.The
superior decides duties and orders and
Fayol’s Administrative
Step 3:
subordinates must follow them.Moreover, Drew
(2023) states that promotions within the military
are often based on a system of seniority and
tenure, rather than merit.Rules and regulations
within the military are also formalized and
stable.In our country,Myanmar, the military
uses this bureaucracy and the citizens have to
stay and struggle under this non-elected,
bureaucratic military government.
Fayol's administrative management theory can
be defined as an approach to management and
increasing productivity by emphasizing
organizational structure and human behavior
and it focuses on the relationship between
personnel and its management(Wilson, 2021).
Henri Fayol wrote that “Employees should
receive orders from one supervisor only.”
I personally think his administrative principles
are still applicable in current work
An example of Fayol’s administrative principles
is in a pizza restaurant..The manager decides
and gives orders to chefs, waiters, cleaners
and cashiers who was to take responsibility for
which particular task.He also initiates to
increase the amount of customers and fame by
giving discounts.Division of labor is also applied
in this type of restaurant.One takes the orders,
one makes the pizza dough, one prepares the
ingredients and the oven and one makes the
drinks.If an employee makes a mistake or does
not follow the discipline, he or she must take
the responsibility making sure discipline is an
important part of the restaurant.Moreover, the
manager needs to treat the employees in
equity, and ensures there is unity and
cooperation between the employees.Basically,
the pizza restaurant I mentioned obeys Henri
Fayol’s administrative principles.
Create an infographic with the theme “Classical Management Approach”. It can be
digitally made through canva, piktochart or any software of your choice. Use pictures or
graphics to make it attractive. Insert your picture in the box provided below.
References listhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1a8gtZcuTo3EPqQy2qVX675KIoEqL8bprjP
Step 4: Review
Read through your work before submitting it for marking. Use the provided rubrics below as a
guide in editing and finalizing your work.
Step 5: Submit
Upload a copy of your work on your shared course folder.
Student Name:
Level 1: 50%-59%
Level 2: 60%-69%
Level 3: 70%-79%
Level 4: 80%-100%
Knowledge and Understanding: How well did you show your understanding of the content of required tasks and include specified
elements? How well did you demonstrate your knowledge of classical management approaches?
Demonstrates limited
understanding of
content of required
tasks and includes few
of the specified
Demonstrates some
understanding of
content of required
tasks and includes
some of the specified
Demonstrates limited
knowledge of classical
Demonstrates some
knowledge of classical
understanding of
content of required
tasks and includes most
of the specified
considerable knowledge
of classical
Demonstrates thorough
understanding of
content of required
tasks and includes all of
the specified elements.
Demonstrates thorough
knowledge of classical
Thinking: How well did you demonstrate your critical and creative thinking skills by presenting the meaning, and adding information,
in creative ways when presenting your Performance Task?
Uses critical and
Uses critical and
Uses critical and
Uses critical and
creative thinking skills
creative thinking skills
creative thinking skills
creative thinking skills
with limited use and
with moderate
with considerable
with a high degree of
effectiveness in
effectiveness in
effectiveness in
effectiveness in
showing the roles of
showing the roles of
showing the roles of
showing the roles of
classical management
classical management
classical management
classical management
Communication: How well did you communicate your information and ideas by using language effectively to convey meaning; by
using a form of presentation to effectively communicate with the audience?
information and ideas
with limited clarity.
information and ideas
with some clarity.
information and ideas
with considerable clarity
information and ideas
with a high degree of
Uses language with
limited accuracy and
Uses language with
some accuracy and
Uses language with
considerable accuracy
and effectiveness.
Uses language with a
high degree of accuracy
and effectiveness.
Communicates with a
limited sense of
audience and purpose.
Communicates with
some sense of
audience and purpose.
Communicates with a
clear sense of audience
and purpose.
Communicates with a
strong sense of
audience and purpose.
Application: How well did you apply your thinking skills when addressing your content; demonstrate synthesis of information;
assimilate all parts of assignment and how well did you show punctuality?
Does not address
higher order thinking
skills, does not
demonstrate synthesis
of information, not able
to assimilate all parts of
the assignment.
Addresses beginnings
of higher order thinking
skills, slight synthesis of
information (not enough
detail), only partially
assimilates all parts of
the assignment.
submitted late by three
or more days.
submitted two days late.
Overall Percentage
Addresses some higher
order thinking skills,
demonstrates some
synthesis of information
(not enough detail),
does not fully assimilate
all parts of the
submitted one day late.
Addresses higher order
thinking skills,
synthesis of
information, able to
assimilate all parts of
the assignment.
submitted on time.
Teacher Comments