2022-2023 Informative Rubric Ideas -The main idea is clear. Organization -The order makes sense-easy to follow. -supporting details are evident. -Very specific details and examples (since, because, then, for example, also) Language & Convention: - Different types and lengths of sentences -Correct spelling of the words. -There is coherence in the ideas of the same paragraph. -Make good use of punctuation marks Our Vision: To create an outstanding and creative educational environment which empowers students to achieve their potential and to become life-long learners and future leaders. . توفير بيئة تعليمية إبداعية مميزة تمكن الطلبة من استغالل طاقاتهم وامتالك مهارات التعلم مدى الحياة وأن يصبحوا قادة المستقبل:رؤية المدرسة