1 DEVELOPING CHARACTER FOR PERSONAL AND COOPERATE SUCCESS CHARACTER MATTERS: TRUTHS ABOUT CHARACTER MICHAEL ENDWELL 2 Copyright © 2017 by Michael Endwell. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. Published By: Value Spot Media: www.valuespot.org Author Name: ENDWELL MICHAEL Email: Iamendwellmichael@gmail.com 3 This title and others are available for quantity discounts for sale promotions, gifts, and evangelism. Visit our website or email us to get started. Any scripture quotation in this book is taken from the King James Version or New International Version, unless stated. All texts, letters, testimonies, and inquiries are welcome. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER ONE: WHAT IS CHARACTER? CHAPTER TWO: THE FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH ABOUT CHARACTER CHAPTER THREE: ATTRIBUTES OF A GODLY CHARACTER... CHAPTER FOUR: AREAS TO EXERCISE DISCIPLINE 5 INTRODUCTION This book may not be 100 pages, but am sure it will impact your life greatly. This book will provide you with practical guidelines on how to build and protect your character. 6 FREE GIFT ♦ ♦ ♦ To say thanks for downloading my book, I’d like to give you these books for free Download These 4 Powerful Books Today for FREE… Discover the secrets to building character, achieving more than ever and growing in ways you never thought possible. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD 7 Expect harvests breakthroughs and testimonies that will overwhelm you and those around you in Jesus name. Let your Amen confirm it now. Click Here to get my other amazing books that will change your life for good. You are blessed. 8 CHAPTER ONE WHAT IS CHARACTER? Character is who you are when no one is watching or in the dark. For example, if your name is mentioned among a group of people, what people know you for is your character. For example, when we hear the name Jesus Christ, we know him as the savior of the world. The question now is, if your name is mentioned now, what do people know you as? What will people say you are? Have you ever wondered why alphabets and numbers are called characters? It's because they don't change. In the morning, the letter A will still 9 be letter A, even at night. In China, one will still be one. They don't change with the weather or with time. They are predictable and that is why they are called characters. The question now is, how often do you change? Are you predictable? A lot of us cannot be predicted, not even by our spouses. You must get to a point where your spouse can say; "If you go to where my husband or wife is now, she is doing this, and when we get there, he is actually doing that." Character implies that your "yes" should be "yes" and your "no" should be "no." Character can make or break you! 10 One day, I spoke to my boss about wanting to learn to drive. He agreed and said I should use his car to learn. He told me to ask one of his daughters in the Lord who knows how to drive to take me to a park to teach me. One faithful Sunday, I went for the car keys after church service so I can learn. When I got to his office, he gave me the keys but asked me to go with his daughter. When I went to the lady that was supposed to teach me, she was busy. I decided to try it out myself. I remembered that he had explained how things worked with the car and I was motivated to do it because he told me no one taught him how to drive and he learned it himself. 11 As you would predict, I entered the car and drove. I drove as someone who has never driven a car before, but I was smart enough not to scratch the car. When I came back, his daughter told him I drove the car alone. After he heard that, he called me into his office and told me something no one has ever told me before and till date, that statement still echoes in my mind and it is helping me make proper decisions. He told me I cannot be trusted again. It was a painful statement to hear, but what kept me going was when I remembered I can pass on the experience to others. Beware! 12 I want you to beware of this. One poor decision or error in judgment can destroy all you have worked for or built in years. You must be careful before you make decisions. Don't decide before you consult, consult before you decide. I would have avoided a lot if I had consulted him or the daughter before I tried it on my own. But I tried without consulting. The trust I lost that Sunday was what I have built for more than 2 years of hard work, service, and dedication. He may not have meant what he said, but he damaged me psychologically. 13 As I sit behind my computer to share this painful experience with you, I am sharing it with a lot of pain in my heart. To be honest, if I had another chance, I would do better. The only joy I have now is that I am at least sharing the experience with you, so you can learn from it too. 14 CHAPTER TWO THE FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH ABOUT CHARACTER 1. IT IS A MATTER OF THE HEART: To experience success we must apply Godly character. The root of character is the heart. Mark 7:21-23: “For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, Coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.” 15 This means you cannot change your character unless you change what is on the inside. Whatever is displayed outside begins from within. Your thoughts determine your feelings, your feelings determine your actions, and your actions determine your habits. Until the inside is taken care of, the outside cannot be changed. Your character is a function of what goes on inside, so when you make the inside clean, the outside will also be clean. IT IS YOUR TRUE BEAUTY: True beauty is not found in shoes, clothes, make-up, or physical appearance. True beauty is found in one's character. To lack character is like being 16 "naked." Imagine a pretty young lady that is known for stealing. She may be physically attractive, but her character of stealing disqualifies her, making her beauty useless. Therefore, your true beauty is your character. I want you to know that a lot of marriages fail today because of character. Don't say you are beautiful or handsome based on your looks if you lie. You are as ugly as anything and if you are a liar, your marriage will not last. CHARACTER IS NOT A GIFT, IT IS CULTIVATED: Character is not a gift, it is cultivated. You must consciously cultivate your character because it 17 determines your lasting success. It is important to actively work on developing and building a strong character. 18 CHAPTER THREE ATTRIBUTES OF A GODLY CHARACTER... 1. HONESTY: Honesty is an important attribute of a godly character. It is being truthful and straightforward, not cheating or lying. Honesty is important for building trust with others, and without it, respect can be lost. The scripture says in 2 Corinthians 8:20-21; "Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord but also in the sight of men." 19 Honesty means not only being truthful in the eyes of God, but also in the eyes of others. Practice honesty as a lifestyle, not just a pretense. 2. DISCIPLINE: Discipline is another important attribute of a godly character. It involves bringing oneself under a law, having self-control and being willing to take orders. This attribute affects all aspects of life, from punctuality to duty. Consider what the bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:1; "Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?" 20 This verse highlights the importance of discipline in dealing with conflicts, and how it helps us to handle them in a godly manner. Discipline is crucial for self-improvement and growth and it's an important aspect in maintaining a godly character. 21 CHAPTER FOUR AREAS TO EXERCISE DISCIPLINE TIME: Time is a precious resources. It is important to respect it by disciplining yourself. Learn to manage your time effectively and make the most out of each moment. Set goals, create a schedule and stick to it. Avoid procrastination and meet deadlines. Remember, time waits for no one. MONEY: Money management is an important aspect of discipline. Have a budget, stick to it and avoid 22 overspending. Plan your finances and use money for the purpose it was intended for. Avoid impulse buying and save for future expenses. SLEEP: Getting enough sleep is essential for good health and productivity, but it is also important to be disciplined with sleep. Avoid oversleeping. No successful man sleeps too much. All successful men don’t sleep too much. Be disciplined with sleep, don’t sleep anyhow. A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest— and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man. - Proverbs 6:10-11 23 If you check well, you will observe that poor people sleep too much. They are not poor because they don’t have money; they are poor because of their mentality. You may not have cash in your pocket but your mentality is not poor. Poverty has to do with the mind. Have a consistent sleep schedule and get enough rest to keep your mind and body functioning at their best. APPETITE: Disciplining your appetite is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Avoid overeating and eat a balanced diet. Portion control and mindful 24 eating can help you avoid overeating and maintain a healthy weight. DISCIPLINE IN SEX: Having discipline in your sexual life is important for maintaining a healthy relationship. Avoid using sex as a tool for punishment or manipulation. Communicate openly with your partner about what you both want and need. Hear this: Husband, your wife is not a machine. Wife your husband is not a machine. Some of us are not disciplined with sex. Sex is for enjoyment, not for punishment. Too much sex makes the brain dull. Satisfy your wife or husband but discipline your sex life. 25 Note: It's important to note that discipline is not about being strict or restrictive, but rather it's a way of living that allows us to make the best out of our lives and reach our goals. Find a balance and to practice self-control in all areas of our lives. 26 CONCLUSION Myles Munroe says and I quote him. No one should think they are too smart or too safe to avoid the consequences of a lack of character. “Character is the number one plague of leadership today. Character is the most important balance for leadership. Character is like a personal alarm system that protects you from breaking and violating your convictions and value system” he says. 27 Click Here to get my other amazing books that will change your life for good. You are blessed. 28