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2D Steady-State Analysis Guide: Geometry, Mesh, Setup

2D Steady-State Analysis
It is better to construct your own 2D geometry in Design Modeler. Modifying and optimizing
geometry will be easier than importing a modified geometry every time you need to modify. At least
named selections in Mesh ICEM software will be preserved unless affected by the changed.
Design modeling is a parametric modeler where dimensions can be modified, and constraints can be
One way to create a good-quality orthogonal mesh is the following:
In Design Modeler, go to tools > face split. Split your geometry into faces as needed.
In ICEM, insert MultiQuad Zone.. choose all quad ..continue
Insert edge sizing. Choose edges of interest.. continue
Always refine mesh at areas where flow is subject to significant changes like constrictions and flow
diverting elements. A rule of thumb for constrictions is to create at least 10 grids in between the
constriction walls.
Coupled solver has performed well with most high-pressure applications we’ve encountered.
Always start with First-order discretization schemes. Once a stable solution is reached, increase
discretization order as needed.
For all fields except Energy, always start with low under-relaxation factors (i.e., 0.1 or 0.3). Once a
stable solution is reached, increase under-relaxation factors (i.e., 0.5 or 0.7) to get faster
Under-relaxation factor for Energy should be normally high (0.98-1). It has been noticed, however,
that this can be critical. Choosing this to be 0.98 can lead to convergence, while 1 can lead to
divergence. So, start with 1, then go down to 0.98 if needed.