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MIMO Antenna Design for 5G Indoor Wireless Terminals

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Design of MIMO Antenna System for 5G Indoor Wireless Terminals
Conference Paper · February 2019
DOI: 10.1109/CEET1.2019.8711818
3 authors, including:
Muhammad Zahid
University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila
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2019 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET)
Design of MIMO Antenna System for 5G Indoor
Wireless Terminals
Muhammad Zahid and Sultan Shoaib
Department of Electrical Engineering
HITEC University
Taxila Cantt., Pakistan
Abstract— The proposed MIMO antenna system consists of
six elements, its operating frequency band is 31.22-34.17 GHz
and 31.79-33.37 GHz for -6dB and -10dB with resonant
frequency of 32.56 GHz respectively. It covers the 5G proposed
(additional) band, i.e., 31.8-33.4 GHz. 5G is much concerned with
fast speeds in signal and data transmission as well as higher
spectral efficiencies. The MIMO antenna system can improve the
capacity and transmission rates in a communication system. The
design with the help of simulation is quite important in
visualization of the desired output and helps in achieving the
required antenna results. Simulation results help in analysis of
some parameters such as return loss and antenna isolation, to
check the performance requirements of the designed system.
According to the simulation results, the isolation is 17 dB
between the antennas throughout the frequency band of 31.8-33.4
GHz, it will meet the requirements of future generation.
Keywords— MSPA;
communication; MIMO
band 31.8-33.4 GHz and isolation of 17 dB is obtained, the six
antennas are arranged opposite to each other in the area 30x20
mm². In this design, the single and multiple antenna design is
considered as the micro strip antenna elements can be used to
create MIMO antenna. Micro-strip elements are widely used
owing to their usability in the sense that they can be easily
fabricated, they are light in weight and can be easily mounted.
Generally, they are best suitable for customer applications.
To come up with the MIMO antenna, first of all, the single
antenna is designed as in the following procedure, in order to
be stacked together to form a MIMO antenna. The comparison
will also be done between the performance features between
the two antennas, such as their efficiencies. The proposed
antenna with a front and back view is shown in Fig.1.
To approach the requirements of future generation, the
analysis of 5G communication antennas has significant
applications. The 5G becoming a balmy topic in the area of
mobile communications. In 2013, the EU introduced the
Mobile and wireless Enablers for The 2020 Information
Society (METIS) project for the future generation [1], South
Korea and China configures the IMT-2020 5G Technology
and Propulsion Team respectively.
Currently, most of the countries are working on a huge
discussion in the perception of growth, enabling technologies,
key technical indicators and application requirements of 5G in
[2]. By the implementation of 4G mobile communication
systems, the requirements of users are rapidly increasing day
by day. In the favor of these requirements, the research and
development have been carried out for the 5G antenna in [35]. Nowadays, the research regarding 5G antennas goes day by
day. In the recent communications systems, the technology of
MIMO (multiple input multiple output) has been employed in
a bid to improve the rate of data transmission and increase the
channel capacity [6-7].
The development of the high speed and large capacity antenna
has greatly improved the quality of communication. A good
feature of the MIMO micro-strip antenna is the fact that its
capacity can be easily increased if its channels are independent
and also distributed identically [8]. In this paper, the six
elements MIMO antenna is proposed, this antenna operates in
Fig. 1. The proposed antenna structure. (a) Front view.
(b) Back view.
This antenna consists of three ears (branches) opposite to feed
line and chopped off with a rectangle. This antenna is
designed for the band of 31.8-33.4 GHz.
Values (mm)
Values (mm)
2019 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET)
The printed circuit board is selected to have a size of
(10x10)mm², the circuit board is fabricated using 0.254mm
thickness of ROGERS RT5880 substrate with loss tangent
0.0009 and relative permittivity 2.2, the thickness of copper is
0.018mm. The dimensions of the proposed antenna are given
above in the Table I.
Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Studio was used to
examine the simulated results and in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, the
simulated and measured S-parameters of the single element
are shown.
Fig. 4. Simulated S-parameters
Fig. 2. Geometry of 3x2 MIMO. (a) Front view. (b) Back view
Fig. 5. Measured S-parameter
Very thin substrates are therefore used in order to attain an
improvement in the bandwidth and impedance.
Fig. 3. Geometry of 3x2 practical MIMO. (a) Front view.
(b) Back view
The patch antennas are the most preferred antennas of mobile
units for MIMO systems. The major drawback however is the
low bandwidth. This can be done by decreasing the substrate
thickness or by decreasing the value of permittivity.
The proposed antenna is to be a patch antenna with 3 layers. A
bandwidth of even up to 98 % can be achieved by using
reduced ground plane areas. This is because, the capacitance
between the patch area and the ground plane decreases for
reduced ground areas, and thus the bandwidth is increased.
The proposed and fabricated six element MIMO antenna is
shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 respectively.
Fig. 6. 2D Realized Gain
2019 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET)
For this design, the I-shaped piece chopped from ground plane
was informed by the fact that such a design and shape
contribute to good bandwidths and gains. The gain of
proposed antenna at resonance frequency 32.52GHz is approx.
6.12dB and the efficiency is 89%. The 2D-realized gain is
shown in the Fig. 6. The six elements MIMO antenna having a
reflection coefficient of -10 dB in the frequency range of 31.833.4 GHz is shown in Fig. 7, with acceptable impedance
matching is 46.46Ω.
Fig. 9. Simulated ECC of MIMO antenna
The radiation efficiency is 89.4% and the total efficiency is
89.15%. The directivity is 6.614 dBi, IEEE gain and Realized
Gain is 6.13dB and 6.12dB respectively.
Fig. 7. Simulated Reflection Coefficient
Transmission coefficients between antennas are given in Fig.
8, its resonant frequency is 32.56 GHz, which is less than -17
dB for all the frequencies in the 5G proposed (additional)
band, which is acceptable for 5G wireless communication.
Antenna efficiency is 83% for six element MIMO antenna
throughout the band. The obtained Envelope Correlation
Six element MIMO antenna is proposed for 5G indoor
wireless applications, we attain the requirements of reflection
coefficient and relatively high isolation between MIMO
networks which becomes an ideal candidate for today's
wireless communications. The proposed antenna is designed,
which has a compact size, on a low-cost substrate Rogers
RT5880 to operate for 31.8-33.4 GHz. In addition, the results
show that the proposed antenna has good performance in
terms of radiation pattern characteristics, reflection
coefficient, gain, efficiency and bandwidth. The results
indicate its promising potential for 5G applications.
Coefficient (ECC) of the six element MIMO antenna is shown
in the Fig. 9, which is less than 0.0075 throughout the band.
Fig. 8. Simulated Transmission Coefficient
From the simulation of the S-parameters result, it is visible
that the system bandwidth recorded is good, with a value of
31.8-33.4 GHz which equals to 1.6 GHz. The dip of SParameters is at 32.56GHz.
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