PURE LIFE- HEALTH AND CARE SUPPLEMENT MANUFACTURER AND SELLER Abstract: PURE LIFE is a manufacturer and seller of products made from algal oil, a perfect substitute for the products made using fish oil promoting sustainable and healthy living. 1 CONTENTS SL.NO TITLE PAGE NO. 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 2. BUSINESS CONCEPT 4-5 3. FUTURE OF ALGAL OIL 5 4. LOBBYING STRATEGIES AND GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 6 5. MARKETING STRATEGIES 7-8 6. HR STRUCTURE 9 7. REQUIRED FINANCIALS AND POSSIBLE SOURCE FOR FUND 10 8. PITCH TO INVESTORS 11 9. REFERENCES 12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 2 PURE LIFE specialises in the field of Health and Care supplements. It aims in promoting a life where individuals choose products wisely keeping in mind the consequences that the environment has to face because of our decisions. It manufactures products that are a perfect substitute for the products made using fish oil. With so many fishes being killed in the making of fish oil, PURE LIFE uses marine algae, to promote the use of ocean resources in the best and most sustainable way. The same nutritional value is being added in algal oil not compromising on the quality and benefits received from fish oil. In the health field, our company manufactures algal oil capsules that are plant based and consist of Omega-3 and Omega-9 fatty acids. This capsule can be taken by every single person ignoring the diet type they follow. Since it is plant based, vegetarians and vegans can also consume this product unlike the omega-3 capsules made using fish oil. DIET TYPE: Vegetarian SPECIAL INGREDIENTS: Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) DOSAGE: 400mg per consumption In the care sector, PURE LIFE manufactures unadulterated SPF creams that contain original Omega 3,6 and 9 fatty acids again derived from algal oil. There are many companies that manufacture SPF creams that are made of Omega acids derived from fish oil but not a single company that promotes algal oil SPF creams. 3 BUSINESS CONCEPT: Over 23%-38% of people in India are vegetarians and over 16% are vegan. Fish oil supplements cannot be consumed by these area of population in India, but algal oil supplements can be consumed by everyone. Keeping sustainability in mind and economic development at hand, PURE LIFE brings plant based Omega-3 capsules and Algal oil SPF cream. PURPOSE OF PURE LIFE: Consuming Omega-3 capsules can improve body conditions. Our purpose is to make people aware of the various health benefits received from consumption of PURE LIFE capsules. PURE LIFE health capsules help with inflammation, improve brain functioning and memory, reduce depression,and asthma. OUR CORE VALUES AND BELIEF: PURE LIFE promotes the use of ocean resources in the most sustainable manner without causing much damage to the environment. By this,we believe we are doing our bit for the environment. We value the lives of each marine organism and adhere to strict measures to protect them. USE OF PURE LIFE PRODUCTS-: Plant based Omega 3 capsules can be used by both humans and animals promoting healthy lifestyle. Algal oil SPF sunscreen can save you from the tan when you decide to spend a hot sunny day at the beach. TARGET GROUP: We at PURE LIFE do not target any specific age group but rather focus on all people who are interested in improving their lifestyle and their intake of food. PURE LIFE products are plant based and fit perfectly for all age groups from birth onwards. This is because Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids play a vital role in the functioning of the body. 4 WHY CHOOSE PURE LIFE: By choosing PURE LIFE products, you are not just promoting your health benefits but at the same time promoting and encouraging sustainable living. You are living wisely by making wise choices to consume plant based products rather than harsh animal products. HOW WE DO WHAT WE DO AT PURE LIFE: Production of algal oil is done through the algal biomass method. The process starts from the very basics of pretreatment and conditioning. It involves the construction of ponds. After this the marine algae are made to multiply into thousands and millions and billions. Once the process of multiplication happens, alages are fermented for a long time. After this it is distilled and stored in flexible air bags where they are exposed to ample sunlight for the process of drying to take place. After this process, the alages are completely dried making it easy for the workers to extract oil using adequate temperature because using extreme temperatures destroys the oil content in the algae. Once the oil is collected, this is not the final product. The extracted oil is taken for purification under a catalyst. This removes dirt or any harmful bacterias making it suitable for human consumption and application. Some part of the purified oil is been packed in capsules for direct consumption for humans and animals and the remaining portion of the oil is been used in the manufacturing of SPF creams. The process takes about 10-15 days to manufacture algal oil. Once manufactured, 1,50,000 capsules are manufactured per day and 50,000 SPF creams and packed and sold on the same day. FUTURE OF ALGAL OIL: Algal oil has a strong nutritional profile for both humans and animals. The future of algal oil is brimming because many people have understood the need to shift from an animal based diet to a plant based diet. Being a perfect substitute for fish oil and providing the same nutritional value, people are not hesitant to change their diet form. Government has also recognised the importance of banning harmful fishing practices to extract fish oil and encourage people to shift to the use of algal oil products. 5 LOBBYING STRATEGIES AND GOVERNMENT SUPPORT: The government of India has various schemes for new startups in India. Ministry of skill development and entrepreneurship skills- using this scheme PURE LIFE can benefit from the gap-funding and skills development of the workers. The government of India has strict environmental laws such as the Environmental Protection Act and PURE LIFE strictly adheres to these laws. PURE LIFE is a company designed to promote a sustainable environment and shift from the use of animal based products to safe and efficient plant based products. The economy advisory body of India can proudly promote PURE LIFE since it is one of the only companies that aims for profit maximisation and not harming the environment in any possible way. 6 MARKETING STRATEGIES: POSTER SAMPLE: 7 BANNER SAMPLE: 8 HR STRUCTURE: Since PURE LIFE is a new business organisation, there are alot of factors to consider. There is a need for proper HR structure. 1. Job analysis and recruitment- This is the key role of the HR. The HR does a thorough analysis of the job needs and requirements and employs only those people who fit best for the respective role. It is done keeping in mind RIGHT MAN FOR THE RIGHT JOB. 2. Training and development- once The person is recruited another wing of the HR will concentrate on providing training and skill enhancement. 3. Performance management- the HR keeps a constant track on the performance of each employee. Necessary actions are taken for those who fail to meet the company’s requirements. 4. Labour relation- HR also has to keep in mind that the workers have a safe and comfortable working atmosphere. The workers must maintain a healthy working environment amongst themselves as well as with the employers. 9 REQUIRED FINANCIALS: AREA OF EXPENDITURE % OF EXPENSE AMOUNT in RS. Land charges 25% 25,00,000 Installation charges 25% 25,00,000 Production unit 10% 10,00.000 Drying unit 3% Packaging unit 10% R&D 6% 60,000 Transportation cost 5% 50,000 Marketing expense 6% 60,000 Labourers 10% 10,00.000 TOTAL 100% 1,00,00,000 50,000 10,00.000 The health and care supplement industry is a slightly costlier industry when compared to others. This is because of the high maintenance and production costs that go into the making of the products. Nevertheless, products rich in Omega -3 are of great demand and value in the society because people have understood the importance of clean and healthy eating. POSSIBLE SOURCE FOR FUNDS: SOURCE AMOUNT PERSONAL CAPITAL 35,00,000 LOAN FROM COMMERCIAL BANKS 25,00,000 INVESTORS 40,00,000 10 PITCH TO INVESTORS: There is no doubt that health supplement industries are going great in India. This segment will be growing at the brim in the next 3-5 years. Plant based supplements are going to be a hit because people have started to become considerate about the environment, what they eat and how products are made on the basis of ingredients content, nutritional value and the overall process of manufacturing. People have started to see the ugly and dirty secrets behind mass killing of fishes in the fish processing units. More and more people have started to go on a vegan diet or become vegetarians. By choosing to invest in PURE LIFE, returns are promised and the future aspect of growth is guaranteed. PURE LIFE promises its customers top quality products and aims for customer satisfaction not forgetting to do its bit for the environment. Investing in PURE LIFE is the best thing you can do simply because, IT IS THE FUTURE OF INDIA. 11 REFERENCES: www.sciencedirect.com www.nutritioninsight.com www.incois.gov.in 12