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Agri Crop Production: Record Keeping & Inventory (Grade 12)

LO 1
1.1. Determine Inventory inputs according to
enterprise requirements
1.2. Determine defective tools and equipment
according to operation manuals
1.3. Inspect facilities according to standard codes
and laws
Pre Activity
Directions. Encircle the following terms in
the password puzzle.
Lesson 1.1
Determine Inventory Inputs
According to Enterprise
To facilitate the management of the farm, the farmer should
maintain records to show his/her expenses in the operation of the farm.
The record should show his/her expenses for materials, labor and other
expenses, and more importantly his/her sales. Without the records,
he/she may not be able to know if he/she is gaining or losing in the
operation of the farm. These records should be kept up to date, complete
and accurate.
In this lesson, we will focus on determining farm inputs according
to enterprise requirements.
Read the situation below and answer the following
questions in your activity notebook.
The farm of Mang Juan was hit by Typhoon Pablo. The rice field,
garden and the house was flooded. He suffered great loss due to
typhoon. After the typhoon, Mang Juan decided to avail a loan
from Land Bank of the Philippines. He returned to his house and
looked for the documents needed for the loan application but he
was not able to find those documents
Give you Answers
1. What happened to the farm of Mang Juan?
2. If you were Mang Juan, where are you going to keep your documents for
safekeeping? And why?
3. And what are examples of documents to be kept?
Answer ______________________________________________________.
Group Activity
Directions: Using the Semantic Web, describe the word record
keeping by choosing appropriate word or group of words inside the
Importance of Keeping Farm
1. Farm records provide facts, it should include the cost of
production of vegetable crops, the yields, expenses and income
the grower’s financial position and net worth.
2. In maintaining the records, one may be able to determine the
efficiency and deficiency factors of the operation.
3. Records aid in controlling the current farm operation. The
records will show whether his/her investments obtained the
return as per plan on budget under which he/she is operating
based on the farm’s performance.
The purpose of inventory is to provide information as to
the utilization and availability of farm inputs such as fertilizers,
seeds, pesticides and insecticides. It will help the farmers to
decide whether or not they will buy additional farm inputs for
the farm operation for the next planting season.
The result of inventory should be recorded, kept up to
date and accurate.
A. Manual – involves using inventory sheets and
pencil to record the actual count
B. Electronic – involves using technology.
In small farm, it is advisable to use the manual
1. Plan
During planning, the date of the inventory and the persons
responsible for the tasks should be considered.
2. Prepare the stockroom/storeroom
3. Segregate farm inputs from farm tools, implements and equipment.
4. Count
5. Consolidate the result of the count
6. Record
Here is an example of Farm Inventory
Table 1. Inventory Form
Data needed in Inventory Form
Date – write the date of inventory
Item – name of farm inputs
Unit of Measure - standard of measurement (Examples:
kilogram, bot., bag, mg., etc
Quantity – number of items
Unit Value – the amount paid for the item
On Hand per Count – shows the farm inputs that are available
in the stockroom.
Based on the given example, answer the following questions:
1. How many bags of fertilizers are available in the stockroom?
Ans. _________________
2. How many bags of seeds are available for the next planting
Ans. _________________
Directions: Arrange the steps in the process of Farm Inventory.
Write the number on the space provided before each number.
____ Plan
____ Segregate farm inputs from farm tools
____ Prepare the stockroom/storeroom, implements and
____ Count
____ Record
____ Consolidate the result of the count
Given the result of actual count, prepare an Inventory Record using
Table 1. Inventory Form. One point for every correct answer.
A. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the questions carefully and select the best answer. Write your answer in
your activity notebook.
1. It shows the date of inventory. What is it?
a. Date
b. Item
c. Unit of measure
d. On hand per count
c. Unit of measure
d. On hand per count
2. What shows the name of farm inputs?
a. Date
b. Item
3. It shows the farm inputs that are available in the stockroom. What is it?
a. Date
b. Item
c. Unit of measure
d. On hand per count
4. What method is using inventory sheets and pencil to record the actual count manually?
a. Electronic
b. Specific
c. Manual
d. Weighted
5. What method is using technology to record the actual count?
a. Electronic
b. Specific
c. Manual
d. Weight
Determine Defective Tools
and Equipment According to
Operation Manuals
Complete the statement.
Directions: Complete the statement by selecting the
appropriate words below.
1. Never __________a defective tool.
2. Double check all __________ prior to use.
3. Ensure __________ tools are repaired.
4. Farm __________ occur due to the operation of defective tools and equipment.
5. __________ are tools and equipment that are not able to perform its regular function.
Why maintain inventory of tools
and equipment?
A farmer should maintain tools and equipment on a regular
basis. In doing so, it will maximize the lifespan of the tools and
equipment and reduce farm accidents due to the operation of
defective tools and equipment in the workplace.
To achieve that, inventory of farm tools and equipment is
Words to Remember…
1. A complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents
of a building.
2. Having a defect or flaw, imperfect in form, structure, or function.
Activity. Identification of Pictures
Directions: Identify the pictures below. Write F if tools are
functional and NF if tools are nonfunctional.
Functional Tools and Equipment – are those that are in good condition and
can perform its regular function.
Non Functional Tools and Equipment – known as defective tools and
equipment are those tools that are not able to perform regular function
because of impaired and damage parts.
1. Never use a defective farm tool and equipment.
2. Double check farm tools and equipment prior to use.
3. Ensure defective tools and equipment are repaired.
4. Farm accidents occur due to the operation of defective
tools and equipment.
5. Non - functional are tools and equipment that are not
able to perform its regular function.
How to Conduct Inventory of Farm Tools
and Equipment?
Step 1. Make a checklist of farm tools and equipment.
Step 2. Check/Inspect farm tools and equipment.
Step 3. Label the farm tools and equipment that are defective.
Step 4. Segregate the farm tools and equipment which are in good condition from the
defective ones.
Step 5. Count the farm tools and equipment (both functional and non-functional).
Step 6. Record the actual count in the Record book. Make a separate record/list of
defective tools.
Step 7. Prepare an inventory report by using Inventory Form.
Note: Keep the result of inventory.
Table 2. Sample Checklist of Farm Tools
Table 3. Sample Checklist of Farm Equipment
Note: After accomplishing the checklist, proceed to Inventory Form by indicating
the date of inventory, items, unit of measure, unit value and the actual count of
the items.
Table 4. Sample Inventory Form for Functional Farm Tools
Table 5. Sample Inventory Form for Non Functional Farm Tools
Table 6. Sample Inventory Form for Functional Farm Equipment
Table 7. Sample Inventory Form for Non Functional Farm Equipment
Date – write the date of inventory
Item – name of farm inputs
Unit of Measure - standard of measurement (Examples: kilogram, bot.,
bag, mg., etc
Quantity – number of items
Unit Value – the amount paid for the item
On Hand per Count – shows the farm inputs that are available in the
Performance Task
Directions: In your home, make a checklist of farm tools and
equipment. Indicate the condition of the farm tools and
equipment by checking the appropriate box. Write your answer
in your activity notebook. Follow Table 6.2 and 6.3 as your
Inventory Form for Functional Farm Tools
Inventory Form for Non Functional Farm Tools
Inspect Facilities
According to Standard
Codes and Laws
Why conduct a safety inspection?
The most important responsibility of any farm owner or
manager is to ensure the safety and health of his or her
employees and family members.
Most farm accidents are completely preventable. The farm
owner or manager takes an approach to farm safety by
conducting regularly scheduled and thorough inspections
of the entire farmstead.
1. As a farmer, you should use defective farm tool and
2. Double check farm tools and equipment prior to use.
3. Ensure defective tools and equipment are repaired.
4. Farm accidents occur due to the operation of tools and
equipment in good condition.
5. Non – functional are tools and equipment that are not
able to perform its regular function.
What is the man doing in the
What is Agriculture
Agriculture inspection assesses all operations
involved in food production agriculture, such as
farming, logging, and fishing to ensure compliance
with laws and quality standards. Agriculture
inspections are closely related to food safety which
also protects public health from any foodborne
What Should Be Inspected?
1. Farm House
Farm house inspection is not just about making sure the cleanliness
of it but will ensure the health and safety of the people working in the
farm, save you money and time in the long run.
2. Farm equipment and machineries
According to OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) Procedures, farm
machineries must pass inspection before use. If any of the safety features
are in despair, the farmer must not use the equipment to ensure safety.
Ex. Tractor, thresher, harvester, corn miller, etc.
3. Chemicals
Production of agricultural products involves the usage of various chemical
substances such as pesticides, and herbicides. Many workers are exposed to
these chemicals on a daily basis and without precautions and safety systems in
Ex. Fertilizers, pesticides/insecticides and herbicides
4. Environmental factors
Light, temperature, water, and soil—greatly influence plant growth and
geographic distribution. These factors determine the suitability of a crop for a
particular location, cropping pattern, management practices, and levels of
inputs needed.
Who should do the inspection?
In small farms, the farm owner is the person in charge in the inspection
of farm tools and farm equipment because he/she is familiar with the operation.
But in big farms, the farm owner or manager hire safety professionals or
inspectors with experience in detecting hazards and can provide assessment
about hazards and risks in the farm/workplace.
But both small and big farms are required to submit to government
inspection to determine if the farm owners strictly follow government
regulations mandated by law in its operation.
How long will an inspection
The length of time required to conduct an
inspection will vary with the size and variation
of farming facilities. A small farm safety
inspection may only require 30 minutes to an
hour. Large farms with several operations may
require several days.
When should the inspection
take place?
General farmstead inspections, as well as inspections
of buildings may be conducted at any time.
Inspection of farm machinery, grain handling,
chemical, and fuel facilities should be conducted before the
planting and harvesting seasons.
It’s important to establish a regular safety inspection
This agriculture safety inspection
checklist is designed to check the health and
safety programs, workplace conditions, and
hazards specific to agriculture of farms.
Ensure safety on farms with this simple
Activity 3: Inspecting Farm PPE
and Chemical
Analyze the following pictures and
do inspection. Check the
appropriate column according to
standard and Laws
Inspection Checklist of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Does the farmer wear appropriate PPE during farm
Does the farmer wear hand and arm protection if materials are
likely to cut or scratch?
Does the farmer wear respirator during application of fertilizer and
spraying of insecticides?
Does the farmer used earplugs to keep noise below the permitted
Inspected by:
Signature of Inspector: ___________________
Printed Name of Inspector: ___________________
Date of Inspection: ___________________
Inspection Checklists of Farm Chemicals stoarage are
Are the chemical stored in their respective cabinet or
designated place
Are the chemicals are properly labelled for easy
Are there warning signs posted where workers enter the
area where chemical are kept?
Are there any instruction on the chemical for the proper us
Are washing facilities available for workers who mix, load
and apply pesticides
Inspected by:
Signature of Inspector: ___________________
Printed Name of Inspector: ___________________
Date of Inspection: ___________________