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Literary Abstracts: Modern & Social Protest

Abstract 1 : Introduction to present-day literature:David Lodge
:Small World
1.Full name of the author/s: David Lodge
2.Full title of the piece and its symbolism: .small world- means to me
that people in diferrent areas,cities,villages in the world are
somehow similar in opinios,views...
3.First published: 1984
4.Genre : . academic romance,tone:ironic
5:Setting (when,where): 1970-1980 , RUMMIDGE ,everywhere
6.Main characters:
. Persse McGarigle-narrator
Morriss ZappAngelica Pabst
Philip Swallow
Arthur Kingfisher
7.Plot: . Percy mcgarbage was an assistant. On the conferention
organised by Swallow he felt in love with american women called
Swallow was unextraordinery,unpopular and not succeful professor
from english unoversity.
Zapp was succesfull charismatic,handsome american professorf.
Zapp and Swallow made an intership. They changed their
universities-jobs, their cities,homes, their wifes.(here we can see
many briliant satiric reflections).
By the time Zapp became an asexual fat man .he is travelling around
the world where in scientifical conferences about english literature
presents the same essey all the time.
Outsider Swallow became the headmaster of faculty.he started to be
attractive for women.He is also travelling around the world to be on
conferences .he is also trying to escape from his old wife with new
nice,young girl.
modern language,absorud-realistic style with ironic tone
she held the glass up to her face as it were a flower-metafor
Black hair ,fell in shinig waves to her shoulders-metafor
An impertinent question-dead metafor
Eyes dark as peat pools-simile
WHEN April with its sweet showers has pierced the drought of
March to the root-personification
9.Explain symbols: young sun- the summer is comming
a gaggle of geese-geese is symbol of love
10.Theme: The art of literature has changed a lot. It is not just
about recognition and success anymore.It is also about Money from
grants,travelling,escaping from daily routines,families,wifes...
11.How can I connect: me, as future teacher,even if I will attend
conferences I will try to not loose myself.I mean I will go there
because I want to have knowledge ,to hear another points of views,
to share my opinions with collegues... this will be the main priority
not grants and so on.
12.My evaluation: The story has ironic tone and I really adore
it.Anyway the bookcalled changing places was more interesting for
In my point of view the book -Small world was sometimes ad
absurdum which was funny but not realistic and I prefer realistic
stories even if they are not so funny.
Abstract 2: Social protest of the Angry Young Men: J.
1.Full name of the author/s: John Wain Title
2.Full title of the piece and its symbolism: Manhood = the title has to
do with the story since manhood means: the state or period of being
a man rather than a child. Man|hood – hood is a suffix. – it mean
adulthood,mature = it is the same thing relationship between father
and son
3.First published: 1980
4.Genre : : Short story
5:Setting (when,where): : Willison’s family , countryside set in =
unspecified english town and unspecified present
6.Main characters: Rob Willison, Mr. And Mrs. Willison
7.Plot: Rob is 14 years old boy.He has problems with his heart.He is
not so strong and ambitious as his father.Rob tries to satisfy his
father.His father wants to give him everything what he did not have
as child.The father is strcit and frustrated.Rob ´s mother takes care
about healthines of her and her son too much.The father wants him
to be an athlete and boxer but Rob gave up boxing.
8.Language,Style,Tropes: : simple past thense, conversational
language, use of informal language „
Rob lay like a sullen corpse by the roadside“ - metaphor
9.Explain symbols: over my dead bosy = used to say that you are
determined not to allow something to happen. Take a grip on
yourself = start controlling your emotions when you have been very
upset as fit as fiddle = in very good health
10.Theme: social problems,problems with family, influence of
society, communication barrier between the parents and the son.
11.How can I connect: think there’s many families with the same
problem. Lots of people have troubles with relationship and this
story shows how parent’s frustrations influence children.
12.My evaluation: The tale perfectly describes how pushy parents
can be. And how children feeling to be under pressure then tends to
lie to make their parents happy. But a good family should discuss
problems and find solutions together.
Abstarct 3:Intllectual protest of the Angry Young Men:J.
Osborne:Look Back in Anger
1.Full name of the author/s: John Osborne
2.Full title of the piece and its symbolism: Look Back in Anger- In my
opinion Osborne wanted to say Jim should look back in
anger.Everybody is respensile for their way of life ,for their
fortune.everybody is responsible how they live their life.If we have
not the best time we should not give up.
3.First published: . May 8, 1956
4.Genre :Drama
5:Setting (when,where): . Middland-large industrial town,lived in
attic room.
6.Main characters:
Alison Porter- from upper class,wife of Jimmy.
Jimmy Porter-graduated from the university but Works in candy
Nigel- Alison ´s Brother
Cliff- their co-habitate
7.Plot: JImmy was upset . He did not have a good job. He has
university but he has to do second-rate job.Daddy was in India
.Jimmy called him colenel dedferry.Daddy was very high class.
Jimmy was asking all the time why daddy came back from India .He
had very luxurious life there.(he came because in 1947 all british
soldiers were sent back to England). Daddy was one of the soldiers
called bright uniforms-they ate home made cakes,played cricket,
they were not fighting,donating their life for country,they were
doing nothing, they were part of upper class of english soldiers on
India. Jimmy critisse Alison ´s father –daddy.Jimmy imagine daddy ´s
life in India like this.Alison parents can´t stand him. Jim hates
Sundays ,beiing interrupted,everything,wife(call her terrible.Jimm
hurts her emotionally and psychically.She may married him because
she was from upper class.She married him simply because love is
blind.They had love-hate ralationship.Jim loves her as woman but he
hates her as a representative of upper class.Jim thinks that he
reason why ho does not have a good job for him is society.Jim with
blaming the society could not change pretty much anything..Cliff
doesn ´t blame anyone. Jim did not try to find a good job.He could
do some requalification course but he did not.
8.Language,Style,Tropes: language and style modern
cheerful malice-euphemism
if she were stamping on someone's face, and draws the curtains
back with a great clatter-methaphor
simple visit to the lavatory sounded like a medieval siege.-simile.
9.Explain symbols: Jimmy Porter: Jimmy-it is not name for
respectable job.
Porter-symbolic name,porter is name for person who Works in hotel
and take care about luggage.His name pre-destine him to working
Sundays symbolize routin,nothing much happens,just reading
newspapers,drinking tea,wife is ironing,beeing interupted.
10.Theme: Jim is the angry young man ..Cliff is not .Cliff is calm
and flegmatic.we can see here contrast between their
personalities.Osborne needs him in the play as contrast epecially to
show that Jim does not to be upset. The theme is also
behavior,relationships between parents and childs with their
11.How can I connect: When I do not have job or when i do not have
a good job it is my problem .It is not mystake of society.. I will not
blame anyone just me.I will try do gain some certificates.I will do
requalification course and I will try to do some training in some
12.My evaluation: This drama was pretty much
interstening.Sometimes I found myslef in Jimm´s personality.I had to
think so much about him. I was telling to myself that he should tlak
to Alison more,he should pay more interest for her.I was asking
myself my he did not help her forexample with ironing..Why he just
complains about everything?So this drama touched my thoughts
a lot.
Abstract 4 :Social protest of the Working Class Novelists:A.
Sillitoe:Uncle Ernest
1.Full name of the author/s: Allan Sillitoe
2.Full title of the piece and its symbolism: Uncle Ernest- brown
symbolic dirty from another point of view it could symbolise
illusions. lostUncle Ernest is kind of metaphor.He represent working
3.First published: 1958
4.Genre : short story
5:Setting (when,where): Urban working-class slums,after first world
6.Main characters: Uncle Ernest Brown- his job is
upholsterer(working class).this job is not well paid.He is quiet
poor.He lives in subsistence level.he is dirty because there is
nothing to live for. He is alone.He has psychological problem-he is
isolated and he looses his social level.For example he leaves his
equipement in public toilets because he is sleeping in a plece where
someone could steal it.
7.Plot: Uncle was in a war.He is a vet.He was propably in first world
war and all his friends died there.that is why he did not make
friends.He is afraid off loss.Lost as lost generation.He lost his
illusions of the life.It was first global conflict.Ernest has serious
psychological frustrate.Only place where he could go was Saloon
Bar.He was just sitting there.One day he saw 2 girls there –Alma and
Joan,10 and 12 years old.He bought them cakes and tea and they
became a kind of friends.This friedship goes on for a while but than
2 well dress came –detectives.They told him that they had
complains about him.they thought that he is deviant and
paedofile.they told him :stop meeting this girls immediately or we
will put you before a magistrate.They thought that he was giving
them Money and hewas leading them on wrong way.Ernest stopped
to meet the girls. detectives disrespect uncle.They had complains
from bar customers but they did not do any research.Detectives
/policemen were not sure if the complains were true or not they just
treated to him as to criminals straight.Why uncle could not speak to
these girls?He was just charitable.Girls called him uncle.Their dad
died. Uncle interrupt with kids,it was easier.Kids does not judge
him.He felt good because they nedeed him. Uncle deserves little
more respect.
8.Language,Style,Tropes: language seems quiet
normal,realistic,narrative structure .Author uses symbols and
metaphors a lot.
Uncle Ernest-metaphor
Over the theatre patches of blue sky-methaphor
treacherous wind lashed out-personification
cigarette packets cartwheeling along unswept gutters-methaphor
Having passed through the half dozen noisy people-hyperbol
9.Explain symbols: Brown- dirty
2 well dressed men-system
Magistate-system,the establishment ,those in power
When the policemen trated to uncle as to criminals we can feel
there critic of the society
10.Theme: . Author wanted to say that system treat to working class
or to vets not very well.System limits his freedom.Reader can think
.What the system can do for lonely people?
11.How can I connect: I have realized that I am going to behave
good to older people. They deserves respect from me.
12.My evaluation: My evaluation is very possitive just because the
reader has to think .What the system can do for lonely people :build
clubs for vets or individual has to help themselves...Also I adore that
tale because reader has/can decide where does he stand : left
Abstract 5:P.Scott:The Jewel in the Crown
1.Full name of the author/s: : Paul Mark Scott
2.Full title of the piece and its symbolism: The Jewel in the Crown the jewel should be India itself
3.First published: 1942
4.Genre :short story
5:Setting (when,where): India,at the times of english colonisation in
6.Main characters: Miss Crane- older teacher at mission school Mr
Cleghorn- Miss Crane's superior
7.Plot: Miss Crane became some sort of heroine for her students
after she stood up to rioters. In order to keep students focused,she
asked for transfer. Before she leaves she attends a presentation of a
picture called The Jewel in Her Crown. She knew this picture,
because she had used it when she taught english in india.
idealised: Casts in general not just in India but everywhere can not
even stand next to each other.You can not change your level of
casts,i tis writen in your ID.She is telling that around the queen are
princes and farmers...-people from diffetent casts. Why so
unrealistic?It is propaganda of british rule suggested that everyone
is equal.
Mr.Disraeli-priminister,writer in 19th century,He thought that British
should colonize because they are bringing educations,religious and
hygiene..He felt proud to go to India because it was his
incomplishment and tactfull humulity.He wanted to be tactfull to
Indians .Why ?British had India under the control and they wanted
to have friendly faces?They wanted to play firends.Why? That was
ther way of colonisation.They did not say we are terorist,they said:
we are freedom-fighters.
8.Language,Style,Tropes: common, historical, descriptions
Crimson conopy-metaphor
Radiant sun-metaphor
bursting out of bulgy clouds.metaphor
9.Explain symbols:
: Jewel= India
Angels-baroque-symbol ,god ´s consent
10.Theme: : Life of an English teacher in India through the second
world war.
11.How can I connect: Miss Crane is an admirable teacher. She
wants to give her students the best conditions for study even if it
means beign transfered. For me as future teacher this is an inspiring
12.My evaluation: An interesting story from the era of the world war
two where author handily inserted some informations about an
earlier era in India's history.
Abstract 6:Escapefrom social problems to the colonial past and
postcolonial present: D.Lessing: Little Tembi.
1.Full name of the author/s: Doris Lessing
2.Full title of the piece and its symbolism: Little Tembi- symbol of
sweet little shy black boy .white lady saved his life and she take
care about him as he would be her own son.When she had own
childs she forget on him.It can also be a symbol of forgetting.we
usually forget on people who adore us just because we do not
have time. Little Tembi can be be contrast between black-native
and white-colonists way of life. Symol that white people brought
to colonial areas hygiene,medicene,education- good influence on
colonial areas.
3.First published: 1964
4.Genre : short story
5:Setting (when,where): . farm in the south Affrica,
exact time is not specified. 1795-1806 english colonisation in
South Africa
6.Main characters: Jane McCluster-She had been nurse before she
Willie McCluster-husband of Jane,He was farmer.
Jane and willie were white colonist with scotish accent.
(natives called them ´´good hearted one´´ they hepled to
everyone,because of baby care,because she started a clinic,in
winter forexamle she gave to people hot cacao...)
Little tembi
7.Plot: After 2 years of marriage they could not have kids.Jane went
to the city to see the doctor,she needed an operation.
Little Tembi was brought to her for help.He had the hot weather
sickness-greyish skin,the stomach distended.His mother thought
that he will die.Jane saved him.Jane called him sweet little
piccanin.Little tembi grew into shy,fat,little boy.Tembi liked to go to
Jane´s house because of hug from her,because og sweet and fruits
which she was giving to him and because of amused smile from
Willie.Tembi became a kind of her was pet .He was a black boy.
Jane said to his mother: when the rains come this year I shall also
have child.
Tembi was herd boy.He started with herding cattle of calf when he
was 7 years old.He started with his older Brother but Brother joined
the gang og older piccanins who worked with the hoe.The worked
for Willie.
When Jane had own childs she ignored Tembr him.i,did not have
time for him. Tembi had an accident.He fall asleep and the herd run
away,they ate somethong from neighbour´s property and calf mada
a damage.Willie beated him. Tembi behavior is crazy .He started to
pinch and steel stuff from McCluster ´s house. He did not want
Money.He wanted their attention.Jane did not understand why he
did all this terrible things..
8.Language,Style,Tropes: language is modern, normal and style
Sweet little piccanin-metaphor
What a sweet little thing he was? -metaphor,rhetorical question.
His eyes flashing-metaphor
9.Explain symbols: ..good-hearted one- symbol of
polite,respectable,kind,nice ,decent person who take cares also
about others.
Hug-symbol of affection
Smile-good relation
10.Theme: author want to show us the positive and negativ
influence of british colonies on present and social problems
11.How can I connect: . when my little Brother will be crazy ,I will
not give him a slap I will realise that I just want my attention .
12.My evaluation: . Really boring, I did not like it. I was ready to die
when I read this..
Abstract 7:England abrouad:literature written by foreigners:
K.Ishiguro: A familly supper
1.Full name of the author/s: : Kazuo Ishiguro
2.Full title of the piece and its symbolism: : A family supper: last
family dinner together. Assence of national identity. Japanese
3.First published: 1990
4.Genre : Short story
5:Setting (when,where): : In Tokyo ( Japan ), Kamakura district 60's 70's - after WW I evening, 2 years after mother's death
6.Main characters: Kazuo Ishiguro - narrator ( son) kikuko - daughter
7.Plot: : Story stared when Kazuko had came home from Califronia
and his fatehr told to him about mother's and his bussiness partner
death. They had dinner first time after his mother death and his
father prepared special dish - fugu = fish dish ( mother died because
she ate this fish - symbol) His father is lonely without her wife and
his children whated to leave him .
8.Language,Style,Tropes: : Story stared when Kazuko had came
home from Califronia and his fatehr told to him about mother's and
his bussiness partner death. They had dinner first time after his
mother death and his father prepared special dish - fugu = fish dish (
mother died because she ate this fish - symbol) His father is lonely
without her wife and his children whated to leave him
9.Explain symbols: " nearing the end of a sunny day" - autumn "A
man of principle and honor" - his father, he did not want to live with
10.Theme: . Japanese vs American culture = his father - japanese ,
his children - american habits - big difference between these 2
cultures .
11.How can I connect: There was a conflict between his father and
them because his father did not understand that tehy want to have
12.My evaluation: : There we can see a big generation gap between
father and cchildren and i think it's a big problem in this time too.
parent's can't understand their children - they are more open to new
Abstaract 8:England abroad:literature written by foreigners:
S.Rushdie: The Prophet ´s Hair
1.Full name of the author/s: : Salman Rushdie
2.Full title of the piece and its symbolism: The Promphet's hair religion and Money
3.First published: 1994
4.Genre : short story
5:Setting (when,where): Kashmir valley in India, Shrinagan in winter
6.Main characters: Hashim - protagonist ,Atta and Huma - his
children, Sheik Sin thief
7.Plot: : Moneylender Hashim found a religious relic containing a hair
of the Prophet Muhammad. He didn't turn it back to the mosque - he
do not want to take it back . under this influence he was motived by
money and he did not see nothing except his family only this. His
son Atta tried to take it back but he lost it. Huma hires thief SHeik
Sin. In the end of story he kileld his children and himself too
8.Language,Style,Tropes: : Unique style of writing, satire,Myth &
duty was clear – personofication
his poor mind had been dwelling-personification
painfully beautiful girl – oxymoron
9.Explain symbols: Hair symbolizes religion .
10.Theme: : deals with religion, wealth, crime
11.How can I connect: : there we can see how person can be blinded
by money and another things. i think i will never prioritize this things
against family.
12.My evaluation: : Author satirically attacks fundamental
devoteness, but not just of Islam, fundamentalism and hypocracy
generally speaking. But because of his quite oriental style of writing
the story is rather difficult to understand. Reader must concentrate
very carefull.
Abstract 9:Excape from the social problems to exotic
literature:G.Greene:Invisible Japanese gentlemen
1.Full name of the author/s: Graham Greene
2.Full title of the piece and its symbolism:Invisible Japanese
gentleman- How naive upper class people can be in some aspects
3.First published:1965
4.Genre : short story
5:Setting (when,where): Bentley's - restaurant in London
6.Main characters: 8 japanese men, young lady and her fiance
7.Plot: Story about girl. She is sitting in a restaurant and looking at
japanese men whom are always smilling and bowing. SHe is talking
with her fiance. SHe is writer snd she is about to get her 2st book
published. 8 japanese men are having a fish dinner. She think she is
a very good writer but publisher only wanted to print her photo with
her beautiful face in the cover.
8.Language,Style,Tropes: : lot os elements = make short story
Contrasts between japan. men and girl
sarcastic comments
wood panels = persinification
9.Explain symbols: Power of observation –Woman didn´t notice
Japanese men
Japanese gentlemen – symbolize exotic element, tropic travels
Bentley (restaurant) - type of car which is very expensive and owned
by snobbish people.
10.Theme: Irony in several contrasts: appearance vs harsh speaking,
just left school vs wants to get married, she proposed not her fiancé;
self-centeredness, upper class.
11.How can I connect: Just I can connect with story, because I
know some people who have the same behaviour as young lady.
They trying to do the best but only for them, not for the other. In this
way they forget on people who love them and do everything because
of their happiness.
12.My evaluation: really short shory but very interesting. I couldn't
believe how author could told everything in such a short shory like
Abstrct :excape from the social problems to exotic literature:William
Golding.Lord of the Flies
1.Full name of the author/s: William Golding
2.Full title of the piece and its symbolism: Lord of the Flies – the
3.First published: 1954
4.Genre :novel
5:Setting (when,where): Unspecified: Indian- Pacific Ocean, Desert
During war
6.Main characters: Ralph - is 12 and one of the older boys on the
island. He has an athletic figure, full of power and health. He is the
leader throughout most of the book being determined, rational, and
understanding. He tries to understand the problem and the people on
the island trying to give rational solutions. He symbolises
a democracy
. Jack - Jack is also one of the older boys and about Ralph's age. He
starts as the leader of the choir boys, and develops into the leader
of the hunters eventually taking over everyone on the island. He
jealous of Ralph’s power He is strong, villainous, and proud
perpetuating the crimes committed by the boys on the island. He
cares only for his own power and not for the common good. He
symbolises an anarchy.
Piggy - It is only his nickname. In fact we don´t know his real name.
Piggy is slightly younger than Ralph and in the weakling in the group
being overweight and suffering from asthma. He is weak, smart, and
friendly. He symbolises an intelligence, because of his glasses.
Simon - Simon is the saint in the story. He is kind, caring and
sincere. He tries to help everybody. He is the first who find out what
is a monster. In the novel, he serves to bring a certain insight into
the story. He is the one that seems to best understand the inner evil,
and the first to understand the beast. He symbolises the Jesus.
7.Plot: Lord of the flies tells the tale of a group of British boys
whose plane crashes on a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. It
looks that it is big adventure for them, cause they are without
adults there. Ralph with Piggy find a conch and only who hold it can
talk. Problems aside, they decide it would be best to make a fire to
signal any passing ships. To do so, they use the glasses of a boy
named Piggy. But there is also Jack who wants to be commander
too. He also says that he would like to eat some meat not only fruits.
He decides to go hunting with boys. But there is a problem. While
they are hunting, the fire is dying down and they lost chance to be
saved. There is an argue between Ralph and Jack. But one day they
divided into two groups because some of boys wanted to be hunters.
Their leader is Jack. Later boys found out that something is
watching them and they started to be feared of it. Simon is a boy
who finds out that the is no monster, but there is a man. But when
he is coming to them, they kill him in ritual hunting dance. Piggy and
Ralph stayed alone. They decided to mage assembly but Piggy was
killed. Hunters started to hunt Ralph and finally when they reached
him, he saw big ship and man who found them and rescued. The
boys are rescued from their mock war, but we’re left with the image
of the Navy’s “trim cruiser” from the real war of the adults.
8.Language,Style,Tropes: Author uses rich vocabulary, but on the
other hand the whole novel is written in simple language. Metonymy
- group of barbarian- boys Metaphor- The heart of civilization. Simile The tribe started to laugh like a hyena
9.Explain symbols: English cathedral choir schoolboys – microcosm
Piggy, glasses: intelligence
Ralph, the conch – democracy
Simon – Jesus
Roger – Evil,Satan
Jack – anarchy
The island – a microcosm, world
The beast – evil residing within everyone
Conch -represents democracy
Head of a pig- symbolized hunting
Fire- symbol of hope
10.Theme: Regression of society, difficulty of enforcing rules,
psychology of children. Group of boys trying to survive on deserted
island. In this novel we can see how people can lose their morality,
when they are out of civilization. Collapse of civilization: transition
from civilised to barbaric. Author shows that English society is not
perfect as a lot of people think.
11.How can I connect: I think that this can happen also in real life.
People are very influenced by situations in which they are. They
transform characters especially when they are trying to save their
12.My evaluation: I think that this can happen also in real life.
People are very influenced by situations in which they are. They
transform characters especially when they are trying to save their