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Utilitarianism: Bentham & Mill

The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies
the end.
Jeremy bentham
Brief discussion about utilitarianism
“Utilitarianism seeks to promote the greatest good for the greatest number “
Now let’s move on the origins and nature of this theory of utilitarianism.
These are the portraits of the two philosophers who are responsible in the concept of utilitarianism.
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart mill in which Jeremy Bentham is named as the father or the founder of
utilitarianism and John Stuart mill contributed to utilitarianism by developing the htheory. They have
different perceptions regarding utilitarianism and let’s start with Bentham’s Utilitiarianism.
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Actions are approved when they are such as to promote happiness, or pleasure,
and disapproved of when they have a tendency to cause unhappiness, or pain
Principle of utility- The principle tells us that an action is right or wrong according to
whether it promotes happiness.
Utility – usefulness or it is basically
wellness or happiness
Ex: There are three people drowning and you have the chance to save them. But the thing is
The two are close to each other and the other person is separated to them which means
either of them were only to be saved. In Utilitarianism, the right thing to do is to save the two
persons rather than saving the only one because it will produce greater happiness or greater
Killing that one person is right because it produces more pleasure.
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He is claiming that we are ruled by this 2 sovereign masters- pleasure and pain.
From what Bentham said that we are ruled by pain and pleasure, he means that whatever
we do or act or say and think, our decisions is based on the pleasure and pain it will give to
us. We are motivated by pain and pleasure.
Since we are governed by these 2 sovereign masters, he means that we are seekers of
pleasure and avoiders of pain. People act based on our own interest, Bentham said. And this
interest of us is to look for pleasure and keep away the pain.
4th slide- but he said that the physical source of pleasure is the most fundamental or the
basis of all others.
In utilitarianism, how do we know what act produces the greatest happiness?
Bentham created the hedonic calculus.
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This hedonic calculus is like a calculator in calculating or quantifying the pleasure an act will
give. It is a way of determining how great the pleasure will be from the action that you will
He was dubbed as the quantitative hedonist or quantitative utilitarian because of his
standpoint that an act should be quantified by how much pleasure it will create.
So he wrote down 7 criteria in quantifying pleasure
Intensity – how intense the pleasure. Will the act you’re going to make will produce strong
or high pleasure
Duration- how long the pleasure will last.
Certainty- Is this guaranteed or is it uncertain. The assurance that it will produce pleasure
Propinquity- (when is the time that the pleasure will be achieved?) how far in the future
is this pleasure going to occur, is this right now or maybe after a year.
(do you want the pleasure of your act to occur right now or for the next month or a year)
Well in bentham’s theory, pleasure should be achieved immediately
Fecundity- how much further pleasure is going to be generated (may susunod ba may
kasunod na pleasure or yun lang ba and that’s it ?) is it just a onetime pleasure or will the
act produce more pleasures
Purity- The purity of the pleasure. This is similar to certainty but this purity is where the
pleasure do not have a mix of pain. The act should result to pure pleasure.
Extent – the number of people affected by the pleasure
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Actions are approved when they are such as to promote happiness, or pleasure, and
disapproved of when they have a tendency to cause unhappiness, or pain
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The retributive theory seeks to punish offenders (wrong doers, sinner ) because they
deserve to be punished.
Maybe some of you may agree that those who commit mistakes or the sinners deserves to
be punished.
The utilitarian theory of punishment seeks to punish offenders to discourage, or "deter,"
future wrongdoing
Bentham’s utilitarnism is an ACT utiltiarianims
Because in every situation you are choosing how to ACT. Your actions are important. You can
act differently in every situation depending on the calculator .
Mill’s Utilitarianism
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But his version of utilitarianism disagrees with what Jeremy Bentham stated.
Jeremy bentham believed that physical pleasure is the most fundamental source of pleasure
but Mill disagrees with it as he is claiming that intellectual pleasures are higher than
physical pleasures
These physical pleasures are sensual pleasures, like eating or sleeping. And this intellectual
pleasure which mill considered as higher pleasures are in terms of emotion, listening to
music, enjoying meditating and more.
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Rule- you need to make general rules in order to maximize happiness:
Ex: In a hospital, there are people in need of organ transplants and there is one healthy
person at the hospital too. The organs of the healthy person can be harvested in order to
save the four people’s lives. If that is the situation, utilitarianism would kill that one person in
order to save the 4 people because it produces the greatest number of pleasure.
In rule utilitarianism, it is wrong to kill people and therefore even if you can maximize the
happiness in the situation by saving those five people’s lives, the rule says do not kill so
therefore that person’s life is save.
Another example is lying. In act utilitarianism, if making a lie gives more happiness or
pleasure then you go and consider lying for the sake of many people. But in rule
utilitarianism, and the general rule is lying is bad, sicne it is a general rule, and can maximize
the general people’s happiness then we do not choose to lie.
Business Fascination with Utilitarianism
Utilitarianism gives us a sense of direction for what we should do and what
decisions we should make namely the decision that produces the greatest
happiness for the greatest number of people- Business fascination
Normally in business context, we think and make decisions that will give us the
best benefit or happiness or pleasure. That is how utilitarianism apply to business.
For example in a pharmaceutical company, they are to release an approved drug
that have side effects but can treat a disease. if the number on the problems of
side effects is lesser than the benefits that the cure can give then it is that the act
is right or the act is justified.
The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies
the end.
Who is the quantitave hedonist?
Jeremy Bentham *
John Stuart Mill
Immanuel kant
Who is the qualitative hedonist?
Jeremy Bentham
John Stuart Mill *
Immanuel kant
Utilitarianism dictates that actions are morally good
when they promote the actor's interests and well-being.
when they promote general happiness.
when they are performed by a virtuous person.
when they reflect the following of a just principle, regardless of the consequences
Which of the following actions would Mill judge as
morally the best?
Saving a person from drowning out of a sense of moral duty.
Saving a person from drowning out of a desire for celebrity.
Saving a person from drowning out of a desire for reward money.
All three actions are equally good.
Who is associated with Act Utilitarianism?
John Stuart Mill
Jeremy Bentham
Which one uses the Hedonic calculus ?
Act Utilitarianism
Rule utilitarianism
How many elements are there to the Hedonic calculus?
Who said that pleasures of the mind are greater than the
ones of the body?
John Stuart Mill
Jeremy Bentham
WD Ross
hat are higher order pleasures?
Intellectual pleasures eg. reading
Physical pleasures eg. eating
What did Bentham say were the
“two sovereign masters” that
govern humans?
Pleasure and Pain
Happiness and Sadness
Legalism and Antinomianism
Evil and Suffering
Which one of the following is NOT
part of the Hedonic Calculus?
What does ‘propinquity’ mean?
How much pleasure?
How certain is the pleasure?
How long will the pleasure last?
How close or far away is the pleasure?
Mill said, “It is better to be ---dissatisfied than a fool satisfied”.
A pig
A human being