It is teacher's responsibility to understand the types of learners in the class and provide learning experiences accordingly. Instructional material is of great help to provide various learning experiences to students. Now let’s understand what is meant by Instructional material. Instructional materials are the tools used in educational lessons, which includesactive learning and assessment. Basically, any resource a teacher uses to help him teach his students is an instructional material. There are many types of instructional materials, but let's look at some of the most common ones. TYPES OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS IN TEACHING What are instructional materials? Instructional Materials include all materials designed for use by students and their teachers as learning resources to help students to acquire facts, skills, and/or to develop cognitive processes. Instructional materials in teaching or resources are available from many sources. Modern education faces lots of problems. The attempts at solving these problems, which involve the use of, organized combination utilization of people, materials, facilities, equipment and procedures to achieve the desired instructional materials in teaching, instructional media and educational media virtually mean the same thing. They all involve media materials derived from communication revolution, which can be used to promote teaching learning process. According to Agu Okogbuo (2000) instructional materials in teaching could be classified into: 1. 2. Visual material - such as picture, diagrams buildings, projectors, teachers themselves, chart, real objects (realia) studies etc. these materials such as books, newspapers journals, magazines, pamphlets, handout or modules were also involved. Audio materials – such as tape recording, cassette, radio, teleconferencing, language laboratories, teachers voice. They appeal to the sense of hearing.