Instructional Plan Template: NAME: The Media and Propaganda: America at the End of the 19th Century workshop Activity Name/Grade level/Subject area Purpose Activity Overview Goal: What new or deeper concepts, ideas or understanding do you want your students to have? Specific State Standards Addressed Time Required—no more than a 3-6 hour lesson— can be within a larger lesson. If so, describe. Describe--the unit you will be teaching when you plan to insert this instructional plan Material/Resources— what must you or the students have on hand to do this activity? Preparation—what must you and your students know before you can teach this plan? Procedure—in clear, sequential steps, outline how the plan will progress; highlight the instructional strategies practiced in the workshop Product—Describe the product/s your students will create as the assessment for your activity Assessment/Reflection— how will you measure your objectives and the standards were met in the student product?