Cawa-Cawa Falls Market Research The Researchers: Bolante, Ernie Galicia, Erica C. Hilot, Roxanne Kyla M. Manggol, Ma. Yvette F. Reig, Dan Raiden A. Solomon, Diana Joy Executive Summary The purpose of conducting this research is to find out how often people goes to outdoor places and who can be the target customer of the marketed tourist attraction and to know if the introduced tourist attraction is feasible to be marketed considering the insight of respondents and their rates of the given place. The findings are concentrated on the insight of the target customer and their behavior towards tourist attractions. There is no Secondary Research due to lack of related studies about the place. To achieve the two objectives of this research, the researcher conducted primary research on quantitative design. Using social media platform, questionnaire is disseminated on participants which are chosen randomly. Data collected undergo SPSS or Statistical Packages for Social Sciences to generate data for analysis and graphs and table are used for better interpretation of individual data. The survey is consisted of 30 respondents and the research recommended that marketers could makes use of social media as a platform to attract more potential customers. To understand more about the place, they could indicate the information, as well as the advantages, disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses of the tourist spot. To conclude this research, gaps and limitations are included. Nonetheless, researcher made the first study about the introduced place which can be used by future researcher or the researcher themselves to create and improve strategies on marketing and attracting customers. Content Page 1. Introduction and Background 2. Secondary Research 3. Problem Statement 3.1 Management Decision Problem 3.2 Research Problem 3.3 Research Objectives 4. Methodology 4.1 Research Method 4.2 Instrument Development 4.3 Sampling 4.4 Fieldwork 4.5 Data Analysis 5. Results 5.1 Demographics 5.2 Perception towards energy drinks 5.3 Perception towards product placement 6. SPSS Analysis 6.1 One Sample t-test 6.2 Correlation Tests 6.3 Cross Tabulation Analysis 6.4 Independent Samples t-test 7. Discussion & Implications 8. Limitations 8.1 Lack of Interaction 8.2 Respondent Error 8.3 Limited Sampling 9. Conclusion 10. Appendices 11. Bibliography 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The Philippines is well-known for its gorgeous mountains, beaches, and other tourist attractions. Some of its wonders are concealed, while others are yet to be found. Cawa-Cawa Falls, located in Buli, Pinamalayan, was found by the researchers. It is a genuine gem from Mother Nature herself. And will be presented shortly to tourists in both domestic and international countries. The study's major goal is to advertise the tourist destination to both domestic and international travelers in order to improve the tourism sector. The researchers used survey questionnaires and observations to gather more information and data on the location. It is difficult to locate the location due to a lack of transportation, but it is simple if you have one. Bicycles, motorcycles, and tricycles can use the roadway, but four-wheelers cannot because it is only one way. This study intends to attract visitors aged 18 to 50 to visit the mentioned location in order to grow local tourism and enhance business in the surrounding region. The researcher gave analysis and honest views about the location to help grow local tourism in Buli, Pinamalayan. It is appropriate for swimmers but might be hazardous to youngsters. If you enjoy traveling in nature, this is the spot for you. 2. SECONDARY RESEARCH 3. PROBLEM STATEMENT 3.1 Research Problem This study's objective is to introduce the chosen tourist destination while creating a marketing plan for its intended audience. 3.2 Research Objectives RO One: To find out how often people goes to outdoor places and who can be the target customer of the marketed tourist attraction. To ascertain the preferences of travellers and the factors that they valued the most when choosing a destination, such as location, inclusions, price, service, etc. RO Two: To know if the introduced tourist attraction is feasible to be marketed considering the insight of respondents and their rates of the given place To offer perspective, which may be used as a successful approach to carry out in order to obtain significant support and encouragement from the target customers. 4. METHODOLOGY 4.1 Research Method The researcher used online questionnaire survey as method of collecting quantitative result from 30 respondents. All questions formulated for the survey are structured questions and survey were distributed using multiple social media platform such as Facebook and Messenger. To avoid interaction and expenses for papers, researchers utilize online survey which is noninteractive communicating method. With the use of it, result are generalize that allows researcher to draw the conclusions easily. 4.2 Instrument Development/Questionnaire Design The formulated and disseminated questionnaire are all concise, clear, and straightforward to avoid confusion of the respondents. The online survey was conducted after the actual survey as there are lots of possible respondents though needed respondents are only 30 participants. The research is in quantitative design with the use of questionnaire consisting of 12 questions. Questions are all close-ended as it require little or no effort and are easy to tabulate. Questionnaire are consisted of 6 Nominal questions, 4 Yes or No questions, 1 Likert Scale and 1 Rating Scale. There is no filtration of questions during the survey because the participants are aware of the data that the researchers are gathering. 4.3 Sampling Plan Respondents Target The target population of this research are male and female aged 18 to 50 years old living in different area around Mindoro Province. Responses from participants outside Mindoro Province are not included on the results and other factors such as occupation, religion, status and income status are disregarded. Sampling Frame There is no sampling frame employed on this survey because it requires lots of effort to identify all Mindorenos aged 18 to 50. Thus, the participants are chosen randomly. Sampling Procedure The target sample size of the researchers are 30 respondents. Individuals beyond our target respondents even they responded on the survey will be excluded during data collection to eliminate any sample selection error. Sampling Technique Using an online questionnaire survey through social media platforms employs the use of Probability Sampling-Simple Random Sampling. The researchers randomly choose respondents from their social media friends list and disseminate the questionnaire after asking permission. Sampling Process: The researchers clearly define target population of the research. After that, they select the sampling frame from the identified population/target population. Probability sampling-Simple Random Sampling was used as Sampling Technique. As there was no sampling frame, there’s no need to determine the sample size. After collecting data, the researchers assess response rate of the respondents that take part in the study. 4.4 Fieldwork Due to distribution of the survey online, it doesn’t require researchers for fieldwork. Moreover, the questions formulated and disseminated are all close-ended so researchers don’t need for feedback. Distribution of survey through online platforms are quick and cost-efficient and gives more convenience for both researchers and respondents. 4.5 Data Analysis Method The researchers tabulated and analyze the collected data through the use of Statistical Packages for Social science (SPSS). Using SPSS is an efficient and effective way of collating results and generate them into statistical information which can easily understand by the researchers and future researchers who will use the research paper as source of the study. The 12 question consists of Nominal Questions, Yes or No Questions, Likert Scale and Rating Scale. The researcher uses SPSS to generate frequency distribution tables-cross tabulation, T-test table and correlation table. 5. RESULTS 5.1 Demographics 1. 1. Age Frequency Percentage % 18 60% 9 30% 3 10% 30 100 17 to 19 20 to 25 26 to 30 TOTAL TABLE 5.1 100% of respondents aged between 17 to 27 years old which falls within our respondent target. More than 50% of our respondents are aged between 17 to years old. 2. 2. Gender Frequency Percentage Female 16 53.3 Male 14 46.7 TOTAL 30 100 We surveyed a balance number of males and females to ensure minimal biases. 5.2 Perception towards Cawa Cawa Falls 3. How often do you visit Frequency Percentage outdoor places? Often 18 60% Sometimes 6 20% Rarely 6 20% Never 0 0% TOTAL 30 100 Out of 30 respondents, 60% of the respondents said that they oftenly visits outdoor places. 6% of them answers sometimes, another 6% said rarely and none of the respondents answered never. 4. What month of the year do Frequency Percentage you usually prefer to visit? January 5 16.7% February 1 3.3% March 4 13.3% April 6 20% May 7 23.3% June 3 10% July 3 10% August 1 3.3% September 0 0% October 0 0% November 0 0% December 0 0% TOTAL 30 100 Out of 30 respondents, 23.3% of them said to visit outdoor places during the month of May. 20% on the month of April, 16.7% during the month of January,13.3 during the month of March, both June and July have 10% of respondent’s visitors and both month of February and August got 3.3% of visitors. 5. Have you ever heard about Frequency Percentage Cawa Cawa Falls? Yes 24 80% No 6 20% TOTAL 30 100 Out of 30 respondents, 80% of them answers yes when asked if they heard about the Cawa Cawa Falls, and 20% of them answered no. 6. How did you know about it? Frequency Percentage From a friend 56.7% 17 Heard from someone I don’t 3 10% personally know News 1 3.3% Locals 3 10% From the researcher 6 20% TOTAL 30 100 When asked on how they knew about the falls, 56.7% of the respondents answered that they heard it from a friend, 20% of the respondents answered from the researchers, 10% heard from someone they don’t personally know ,another 10% because of the locals while 3.3% answered by help the news. 7. What is your insight about Frequency Percentage Cawa Cawa Falls based on its visual? Very poor 0 0% Poor 0 0% Average 5 16.7% Good 20 70% Excellent 5 16.7% TOTAL 30 100 We asked the respondents about the insight about Cawa Cawa Falls based on its visual, out of 30 respondents, 70% think it’s good. 15% thinks it’s just an average place while 15% think that it’s an excellent place. 8. Whom do you prefer to be Frequency Percentage with if you were to visit Cawa Cawa Falls? Family 11 36.7% Friends 12 40% Classmates 2 6.7% Lover 3 10% Alone 2 6.7% TOTAL 30 100 Out of 30 respondents, 40% of them prefers to visit the Cawa Cawa Falls with their friends, 36.7% together with their family, 6.7 % chose to be with their classmates while there’s 6.7% who prefers to be alone. 9. Do you think it’s safe? Frequency Percentage Yes 14 46.7% No 0 0 Maybe 16 53.3% TOTAL 30 100 Out of 30 respondents, 53.3% of them thinks that the place is just “maybe” safe while 46.7% of them said that they think it is safe. 10. Is it budget friendly? Frequency Percentage Yes 14 46.7% No 0 0% Maybe 7 23.3% It’s okay 9 30% TOTAL 30 100 46.7% of respondents thinks that the way to the falls is budget friendly, 30% of them answered just “maybe” while 23.3% thinks that it it’s just “okay”. 11. If there’s a chance, are you Frequency Percentage happy to go visit the Cawa Cawa Falls? Yes, of course 25 83.3% No, not really 0 0% Maybe, I’ll go give it a chance 5 16.7% TOTAL 100 30 Out of 30 respondents, when asked, 83.3% of them answered that they’ll be happy to go visit the Cawa Cawa Falls if there’s a chance while 16.7% of the answered “maybe” but they’ll go to give it a chance. 12. Rate the place on the scale of Frequency Percentage 1 to 10 1 0 0% 2 0 0% 3 0 0% 4 0 0% 5 1 3.3% 6 0 0% 7 4 13.3% 8 13 43.3% 9 8 26.% 10 4 13.3% TOTAL 30 100 When asked to rate the Cawa Cawa Falls on the scale of 1 to 10, majority of respondents(43.3%) rate the place an 8, 26.7% of respondents rate the place a 9, 13.3% rates it a 4, another 13.3% of them rates it a 10 while there’s a 3.3% who rates it for a 5. 6. SPSS ANALYSIS 6.1 CROSS TABULATION ANALYSIS Research Objective One: To know if the introduced tourist attraction is feasible to be marketed considering the insight of respondents and their rates of the given place. 1. Qn 3&4 (Popularity of the Area and Source of Information of Knowing the Place) Case Processing Summary Cases Have you ever heard of Cawa-Cawa Yes N Falls? If yes, Percent 24 No/Maybe/It’s Okay Total N N Percent 80% 6 20% Percent 30 100% how did you know about it. Have you ever heard of Cawa-Cawa Falls? If yes, how did you know about it. Is it budget friendly? Crosstabulation Count Have you ever heard of Cawa-Cawa Falls Yes No Total From a friend. 17 17 If yes, how did you From someone 3 3 know about it. News 1 1 Locals 3 3 From the 6 6 6 30 researchers. Total 24 Out of 30 respondents, 24 (80%) know about Cawa-Cawa Falls and some of the respondents have heard about it from a friend, from someone they don’t actually know, from the news, and from local citizens. On the other hand, 6 (20%) of the respondents don’t know what or where CawaCawa Falls is and they only heard of it from the researchers. 2. Qn 7&8 (Safety and Budget Friendly) Case Processing Summary Cases Do you think it’s safe? Is it Yes No N Percent budget Maybe N Percent N Percent 14 46.7% Total 16 53.3% N Percent 30 100% friendly? Do you think it’s safe? Is it budget friendly? Crosstabulation Count Is Do you think it’s safe? budget friendly? Total Yes it Yes No Maybe 14 No Total 14 0 0 Maybe 7 7 It’s Okay 9 9 16 30 14 0 Out of 30 respondents, 14 (46.7%) says that going to Cawa-Cawa Falls is safe and 16 (53.3%) says Maybe. In addition, the 46.7% (14) also said that it is budget friendly while the 53.3% (16) split into two groups where 7 respondents say that Maybe it is budget friendly and 9 says that It’s Okay. 6.2 Independent Sample T-Test – Gender and Notice Group Statistics Have you ever heard of Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Male 14 7.5 4.1833001327 1.1180339887 Female 16 8.5 4.7609522857 1.1902380714 Std. Error Mean Cawa-Cawa Falls? Independent Samples Test Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances F Have you Equal ever variances heard of assumed Cawa- Equal Cawa Variances Falls? If not yes, how assumed did you know about it. 21.25 Sig. 0.1 0.1 t-test for Equality of Means t 1.73 1.73 df 13 15 Sig. Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence interval tailed) (2- Difference Difference of the Difference 0.373333 -1 0.7972 Lower Upper 0.75734 0.6757 0.6757 0.75734 0.373333 -1 0.7113 Since the value of p is 0.5, we know that the mean noticeably between females (8.5) is significantly different from males (7.5). Since there is more female who took part in this survey, this shows that females generally love to go to places like Cawa-Cawa Falls. 6.3 ONE SAMPLE T-TEST – Source of Information Research Objective Two: To attract visitors aged 18 to 50 to visit the mentioned location in order to grow local tourism and enhance business in the surrounding region. One Sample Statistics If yes, how did you know about it. N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 17 9 4.9 1.22 3 2 0.81 0.57 1 1 1 1 3 2 0.81 0.57 6 3.5 1.70 0.76 Friend If yes, how did you know about it. Someone they don’t really know If yes, how did you know about it. News If yes, how did you know about it. Locals If yes, how did you know about it. The Researchers One-Sample Test 95% Confidence Interval of the Test Value = 5 Difference t If yes, how did you know df Sig. (2- Mean tailed) Difference Lower Upper -275.76 16 0 -7.780 -11.2034 -4.3566 -533.47 2 0.000004 -1.430 -3.2662 0.4062 1 1 0 0 0 0 -533.47 2 0.000004 -1.430 -3.2662 0.4062 -401.30 5 0 -2.740 -4.9269 -0.5531 about it. Friend If yes, how did you know about it. Someone If yes, how did you know about it. News If yes, how did you know about it. Locals If yes, how did you know about it. Researchers We analyzed five sources of information regarding Cawa-Cawa Falls and the only SOI with a mean score higher than five is Friends. 6.4 CORELLATION- Attractions and Ratings Correlations If there’s a chance, are you Pearson Correlation happy to go visit the Cawa- Sig. (2-tailed) Cawa Falls? N If there’s a chance, are you If you’re going to rate the happy to go visit the Cawa- place from 1-10, how much Cawa Falls? will you rate it? 1 -.973 .000 121 If you’re going to rate the Pearson Correlation place from 1-10, how much Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 121 will you rate it? 121 1 121 Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Since p<0.01, how disruptive a product placement is and whether it increases tourist’s interest were significantly correlated and has a negative association. Therefore, there was a very strong negative correlation between the two variables. The study shows that as the tourist’s interest in going increases, tourists’ ratings decrease. The area should be advertised more in order to attract more tourist and increase the tourist sector in the local area. 7. DISCUSSION & IMPLICATION Research Objective One: Many people nowadays would like to go spend their vacation in some of the tourist spots around their location. From the given data shown in figure 5.4, Out of 30 respondents, 60% of the respondents said that they often visits outdoor places. 6% of them answers sometimes, another 6% said rarely and none of the respondents answered never. Having a tourist spot near their area plays a significant role in attracting their target customer/travellers as reflected on our survey results in figure 5.1, 100% of respondents aged between 17 to 27 years old which falls within our respondent target and more than 50% of our respondents are aged between 17 to years old. This proves that the target customers aged between 17 to 27 years old are most likely a students and workers that wanted to explore and discover some of the possible tourist attraction. Moreover, the target respondents would be able to have fun and relax around the month of April and May since it coincides with the country’s tropical dry season based on the results in figure 5.4, Out of 30 respondents, 23.3% of them said to visit outdoor places during the month of May. 20% on the month of April, 16.7% during the month of January, 13.3 during the month of March, both June and July have 10% of respondents’ visitors and both month of February and August got 3.3% of visitors. Furthermore, some of the factors that a target customer prefer in choosing a destination are the safety and the cost of the marketed tourist spot when travelling. Some pictures are attached in the survey questionnaires to show the actual perspective of the customers. In figure 5.9, Out of 30 respondents, 53.3% of them thinks that the place is just “maybe” safe while 46.7% of them said that they think it is safe, this could be due to the roughness and slippery of the rocks. In figure 5.10, 46.7% of respondents thinks that the way to the falls is budget friendly, 30% of them answered just “maybe” while 23.3% thinks that it is just “okay”. Given the fact that the researchers marketed tourist attraction is part of our mother nature, the cost would just be the expense to their transportation all the way to the falls. As a result, the target customers of the researchers’ marketed tourist attraction aged between 17 to 27 years old are often go to outside places and thinks that it is safe and affordable to be a destination. This could increase attraction from the potential customers like travellers and adventurers. Research Objective Two: A popular tourist spot plays an important role in influencing a customer in choosing a tourist destination. According to the data gathered in figure 5.5, Out of 30 respondents, 80% of them answers yes when asked if they heard about the Cawa Cawa Falls, and 20% of them answered no. This proves that the respondents most likely heard that the marketed tourist attraction has a potential to visit. As reflected in figure 5.6, when asked on how they knew about the falls, 56.7% of the respondents answered that they heard it from a friend, 20% of the respondents answered from the researchers, 10% heard from someone they don’t personally know, another 10% because of the locals while 3.3% answered by help the news. Additionally, In figure 5.11, Out of 30 respondents, when asked, 83.3% of them answered that they’ll be happy to go visit the Cawa Cawa Falls if there’s a chance while 16.7% of the answered “maybe” but they’ll go to give it a chance. In figure 5.12, When asked to rate the Cawa Cawa Falls on the scale of 1 to 10, majority of respondents(43.3%) rate the place an 8, 26.7% of respondents rate the place a 9, 13.3% rates it a 4, another 13.3% of them rates it a 10 while there’s a 3.3% who rates it for a 5. Therefore, the researchers found out that the Cawa Cawa Falls is feasible to introduce to the potential customers as shown by the given rates of the respondents, which it can also be used as a significant support to encourage more potential customers to visit the marketed tourist attraction. Recommendation The researchers could makes use the social media as a platform to attract more potential customers. To understand more about the place, they could indicate the information, as well as the advantages, disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses of the tourist spot. 8. LIMITATIONS 8.1 Lack of Interaction With the absence of an interviewer to clarify and probe the respondents further for in-depth response, online survey results may possibly result in unreliable data. The average response rate for online surveys is 34% as reported by Harris et al. (2010). Hence, we can consider conducting focus groups with a trained interviewer so as to gain deeper and richer insights from respondents in the future. 8.2 Respondent Error Online survey research is widely used by researchers in gathering a data. However, it does come with its own limitations. Survey error affects the validity of the results, meaning the survey does not provide a proper descriptive measure of what it was designed to measure. Survey error can also affect the generalizability of the results. Response bias adversely affects the accuracy (truthfulness) and reliability (consistency) of the results obtained. Bias influences the ability, or willingness, of participants to answer questions precisely or truthfully. 8.3 Limited Sampling Certain populations are less tech-savvy and unlikely to respond to online surveys. As shown in our research, amongst our target audience, only 30% of our respondents are 26 to 30 years of age. This may result in sampling error. On site surveys can be done in future to target less tech- savvy population to provide a more accurate result for our data collection. 9. CONCLUSION The research findings provided information prior to research objectives. Based on the results generated from tabulated data, the research finds outs that most of the respondent aged 19 years old. It was found that 60% or 18 respondents often visit outdoor places with their family during month of April. The research also finds out that Cawa-Cawa falls is budget friendly and is safety for 18-50 years old. Because the place has rough road and prone to accident due to rocks around the falls, the research finds out that it is suitable for 18-50 years old. Moreover, respondents have positive impression about the place and if given a chance, they are willing to visit the Cawacawa falls. Given the fact that the researchers marketed tourist attraction is part of our mother nature, the cost would just be the expense to their transportation all the way to the falls. The researchers would like to recommend that they could makes use of social media as a platform to attract more potential customers. To understand more about the place, they could indicate the information, as well as the advantages, disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses of the tourist spot. 10. APPENDICES 11. BIBLIOGRAPHY,from%20all%20target%20population%20segments. SAMPLING SURVEY QUESTIONS 1. Age– (1) 15-20 (2) 21-25 (3) 26-30 (4) 31-35 (5) 36-40 (6) 41-45 (7) 46-50 2. Gender- (1) Female (2) Male 3. How often do you visit outdoor places? (1) Often (2) Sometimes (3) Rarely (4) Never 4. Which month of the year do you usually prefer to visit? (1) January (2) February (3) March (4) April (5) May (6) June (7) July (8) August (9) September (10) October (11) November (12) December 5. Have you ever heard about Cawa-Cawa Falls? (1) Yes (2) No 6. If yes, how did you know about it? (1) Friend (2) Someone (3) News (4) Locals (5) Researchers 7. What is your insight about Cawa-Cawa Falls based on its visual? (1) Very poor (2) Poor (3) Average (4) God (5) Excellent 8. Whom do you prefer to be with if you were to visit Cawa-cawa falls? (1) Family (2) Friends (3) Classmates (4) Lover (5) Alone 9. Do you think it’s safe? (1) Yes (2) No (3) Maybe 10. Is it budget friendly? (1) Yes (2) No (3) Maybe (4) It’s okay 11. If there’s a chance, are you happy to go visit the Cawa-cawa falls? (1) Yes, of course (2) No, not really (3) Maybe, I’ll give it a chance 12. If you’re going to rate the scale from 1-10, how much will you rate it? (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5 (6) 6 (7) 7 (8) 8 (9) 9 (10) 10