Results and Discussion Average of Color 9 8 7 7,6 7,7 B E 6,233333333 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A The results for the three samples of citrus fruit juice made from three different varieties of citrus shows that A has an average of 6.23, B has an average of 7.6 and E has an average of 7.7. As shown in the bar graph above, juice E has the highest average score, next is B and A as the lowest. This means that E is the most preferred for the Color preference of the respondents. Average of Acidity 6,9 6,866666667 6,85 6,8 6,766666667 6,75 6,733333333 6,7 6,65 A B E According to the results for the three samples of citrus fruit juice made from three different varieties of citrus, A, B, and E each had an average of 6.86, 6.73, and 6.77 respectively. Juice A has the highest average score, followed by E and B, as indicated in the bar graph above. According to the respondents' acidity observation, A is the most acidic. Average of Aroma 8 7,766666667 7,8 7,6 7,433333333 7,4 7,2 7 6,8 6,8 6,6 6,4 6,2 A B E A has an average of 6.8, B has an average of 7.4, and E has an average of 7.77 according to the results for the citrus fruit juice made from three different varieties of citrus. According to the bar graph above, juice E has the greatest average score, followed by B and A, which was the lowest. This indicates that E has the aroma that respondents most often choose. Average of Taste 7,8 7,6 7,6 7,5 7,4 7,2 7 6,833333333 6,8 6,6 6,4 A B E According to the three citrus fruit juice made from three different varieties of citrus, A has an average rating of 6.83, B has an average rating of 7.5, and E has an average rating of 7.6. The average score for juice is E, followed by B, and then A, as indicated in the bar graph above. This indicates that E is the taste that respondents most often choose. Average of General Acceptability 8 7,8 7,733333333 7,766666667 2 3 7,6 7,4 7,2 7,1 7 6,8 6,6 1 Three samples of citrus fruit juice made from three distinct citrus varieties were made and was opted for taste-test with thirty respondents, and the average ratings for A, B, and E were 7.1, 7.73, and 7.77, respectively. As shown in the bar graph above, the average score for juice is E is the highest, followed by B, and then A. This shows that the general characteristics and overall appearance of Juice E is the most appealing to the respondents. There were also several written comments from the respondents: According to Respondent 1, All juices taste good. “Lami ang E. very nice,” Respondent 5 commented. Respondent 6 also said that the sample E is sweeter. Conclusion Three different varieties of citrus were processed and made into fruit juice. Juice A was made from Lemon, Juice B was made from calamansi and Catsup E was made from passion fruit. Several ingredients were mixed into the mixture to create home-made citrus fruit juice from raw materials. Then the products were subjected to taste test with thirty respondents and several factors were evaluated such as color, acidity, aroma, taste and general product. Out of the three treatments, Juice E ranked the highest for color, aroma, taste and general acceptability. Juice A ranked as the highest for the acidity. However, it ranked last for the color. Juice B ranked in the middle for almost all the factors except the acidity as it ranked second. APPENDICES Lemons sliced in half-crosswise Materials that were used to make the lemon fruit juice: pitcher, chopping block, knife, refined sugar, bottle, lemons. Lemon squeezer to be used for getting the lemon juice extract Squeezing of lemon juice extract Cooking pot to simmer the fruit juice Adding 1 liter of water Adding the lemon juice extract Measuring 200 grams of sugar Adding the sugar Mixing using a ladle Simmering the mixture Sterilizing the bottles Hot-filling the juice to the sterilized container Groups Count 30 30 30 A B E ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups Within Groups SS 40.28889 130.8667 Total 171.1556 Sum Average Variance 187 6.233333 1.909195 228 7.6 1.075862 231 7.7 1.527586 df MS 2 20.14444 87 1.504215 F 13.392 P-value F crit 8.5E-06 3.101296 89 Single Factor ANOVA Summary Table for Color Groups Count 30 30 30 A B E ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups Within Groups SS 0.288889 252.7 Total 252.9889 Sum Average Variance 206 6.866667 2.11954 202 6.733333 3.236782 203 6.766667 3.357471 df MS 2 0.144444 87 2.904598 F P-value F crit 0.04973 0.951514 3.101296 89 Single Factor ANOVA Summary Table for Acidity Groups Count 30 30 30 A B E ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups Within Groups Total SS 14.46667 147.5333 Sum Average Variance 204 6.8 1.2 223 7.433333 1.564368 233 7.766667 2.322989 df 162 MS F P-value F crit 2 7.233333 4.265477 0.017093 3.101296 87 1.695785 89 Single Factor ANOVA Summary Table for Aroma Groups Count 30 30 30 A B E ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups Within Groups SS 10.42222 196.8667 Total 207.2889 Sum Average Variance 205 6.833333 1.798851 225 7.5 1.775862 228 7.6 3.213793 df MS F P-value F crit 2 5.211111 2.302912 0.106031 3.101296 87 2.262835 89 Single Factor ANOVA Summary Table for Taste Groups A B E ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups Within Groups Total Count 30 30 30 SS 8.466667 113.9333 122.4 Sum Average Variance 213 7.1 0.989655 232 7.733333 0.822989 233 7.766667 2.116092 df MS F 2 4.233333 3.232592 87 1.309579 P-value F crit 0.04424 3.101296 89 Single Factor ANOVA Summary Table for General Preference