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Ecology: Energy Flow & Matter Cycling Study Guide

Many thanks to all the teachers who contributed to the content throughout the years.
CHHS Assessment Standards .................................................................................................................................................. 1
General Outcome A1: Students will explain the constant flow of energy through the biosphere and ecosystems.......... 1
General Outcome A2: Students will explain the cycling of matter through the biosphere. .............................................. 2
General Outcome A3: Students will explain the balance of energy and matter exchange in the biosphere, as an open
system, and explain how this maintains equilibrium. ........................................................................................................ 2
Key Vocabulary ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Chapter 1.1 How Energy Enters the Biosphere....................................................................................................................... 4
Review Questions page 15 .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Thought Lab 1.1 Analyzing Energy Transfer page 20 .............................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 1.2 Energy Transfer in the Biosphere ........................................................................................................................ 6
Thought Lab 1.2 Energy Fluctuation in an Ecosystem page 25............................................................................................... 7
Biomagnification: A Fish Story page 27................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Role of Water in Cycles of Matter ..................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Biogeochemical Cycles .................................................................................................................................................... 10
The Hydrologic Cycle ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Water Cycle Lab Gizmo ................................................................................................................................................. 10
The Carbon and Oxygen Cycle .................................................................................................................................. 11
3. The Sulfur Cycle ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
4. The Nitrogen Cycle ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
The Phosphorus Cycle ............................................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 The Balance of the Matter and Energy Exchange ........................................................................................................... 14
Thought Lab 2.3 Too Much of a Good Thing page 54 ........................................................................................................... 16
Investigation 2.D: Biosphere in a Bottle page 57 .................................................................................................................. 16
Phytoremediation page 62 ................................................................................................................................................... 16
CHHS Assessment Standards
General Outcome A1: Students will explain the constant flow of energy through the biosphere and ecosystems.
A student achieving the acceptable standard/excellence can:
Identify the biosphere components as the hydrosphere, lithosphere, cryosphere, and atmosphere.
Identify the sun as the source energy of almost all life on Earth.
Identify how energy enters and interacts with the biosphere components.
Distinguish between open, closed, and isolated systems; and recognize Earth as a closed system.
Define albedo and analyze the albedo of various surfaces.
Relate changes in albedo to climate change.
Explain, in general terms, the one-way flow of energy through the biosphere and how stored energy in the biosphere, as a system, is
eventually “lost” as heat; e.g.,
cellular respiration (muscle-heat generation, decomposition)
energy transfer by conduction, radiation and convection
Explain how energy in the biosphere can be perceived as a balance between both photosynthetic and chemosynthetic activities and
cellular respiratory activities; i.e.,
energy flow in photosynthetic environments
energy flow in deep sea vent (chemosynthetic) ecosystems and other extreme environments.
Compare food chains to food webs, and draw/interpret food chains and webs for various ecosystems.
Explain the structure of ecosystem trophic levels, using models such as food chains and food webs.
Identify, for any given ecosystem: producers; primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers; and decomposers.
Explain, quantitatively, the flow of energy and the exchange of matter in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, using models such as
pyramids of numbers, biomass and energy.
Analyze data on the diversity of plants, animals and decomposers of an endangered ecosystem, e.g., wetlands, short grass prairie, and
predict long-term outcomes
Compare alternative ways of presenting energy flow data for ecosystems; i.e., pyramids of numbers, biomass, and energy.
Describe the advantages and limitations of the pyramids of numbers, biomass, and energy.
Relate the laws of thermodynamics to the overall shape of ecological pyramids
Describe the rule of 10 and relate the number of feeding levels to the rule of 10.
Describe the process of bio magnification in regards to food chains.
General Outcome A2: Students will explain the cycling of matter through the biosphere.
A student achieving the acceptable standard/excellence can:
Appreciate that there is a finite amount of chemical elements and compounds on Earth that must be recycled and reused.
Identify the major elements and compounds present in living organisms (eg, C, H, O, N, P, S, H 2O).
Describe the terms biotic and abiotic and identify examples.
Identify and describe the chemical and physical properties of water, including universal solvent, adhesion, cohesion, hydrogen bonding,
surface tension, polarity, and specific heat capacity.
Explain the hydrologic cycle including waters major reservoir, cycling pattern, cycling processes, energy driving the cycle, and human
Analyze data collected data on water consumption and loss in plants and animals (transpiration).
Explain and summarize the biogeochemical cycling of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus and relate this to general reuse of
all matter in the biosphere cycle including chemical forms, major reservoir, cycling pattern, cycling processes, energy driving the cycle,
and human impacts.
Describe the role of nitrogen fixing, nitrifying, and denitrifying bacteria in the cycling of nitrogen.
Identify and describe the fast and slow cycling processes, including: photosynthesis, cellular respiration, combustion, evaporation,
condensation, precipitation, erosion, runoff, sedimentation, decomposition, fossilization, excretion, dissolving, and weathering.
Hypothesize how alterations in the carbon cycle, resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, might affect other cycling phenomena; e.g.,
sulfur, iron,
Predict disruptions in the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles that are caused by human activities (eg. mining, emissions, fertilizer synthesis
and use, agricultural/industrial/residential runoff, sewage release, algal bloom, etc).
Measure and record the pH and the amount of nitrates, phosphates, iron or sulfites in water samples.
Explain that science and technology have both intended and unintended consequences for humans and the environment
• discuss the influence of human activities on the biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus, sulfur, iron and nitrogen:
feedlot operations; composting; fertilizer applications; waste and sewage disposal; vehicle and refinery emissions; acid deposition;
persistent organic pollutants
• discuss the use of water by society, the impact such use has on water quality and quantity in ecosystems, and the need for water
purification and conservation: manufacturing and processing; petrochemical industry; agricultural systems; mining industry; domestic
daily water consumption
• analyze the relationship between heavy metals released into the environment and matter exchange in natural food chains/webs and
analyze the impact of this relationship on quality of life.
General Outcome A3: Students will explain the balance of energy and matter exchange in the biosphere, as an open system, and
explain how this maintains equilibrium.
A student achieving the acceptable standard/excellence can:
Describe what is meant by ecosystem productivity, and how it depends upon energy, temperature, and moisture.
Explain the interrelationship of energy, matter and ecosystem productivity (biomass production); e.g.,
Antarctic Ocean versus tropical seas
tropical rain forest versus desert
taiga versus tundra
intertidal zone versus deep-sea benthos
Arctic versus Antarctic
Explain how the equilibrium between gas exchanges in photosynthesis and cellular respiration influences atmospheric composition.
Describe the geologic evidence (stromatolites) and scientific explanations for change in atmospheric composition, with respect to oxygen
and carbon dioxide, from anoxic conditions to the present, and describe the significance to current biosphere equilibrium.
Explain that science and technology have both intended and unintended consequences for humans and the environment.
Predict the effects of changes in carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration on the atmospheric equilibrium due to a significant reduction
of photosynthetic organisms through human activity.
Design and evaluate a model of a closed biological system in equilibrium with respect to carbon dioxide, water and oxygen exchange.
Key Vocabulary
NOTE: This is a selection of vocabulary. You are strongly recommended to add additional terms to your collection for review.
the deposit of acid to land and water through acidic rain, snow, or sleet
a variety in the number and kind of species in a given area
the buildup of harmful chemicals in higher trophic levels (top predators)
all areas on Earth that can sustain life and are inhabited by organisms (air, water, land)
a system that removes more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it releases into the atmosphere
someone who advocates saving and/ or conserving natural resources
the process of converting nitrates in the soil into nitrogen gas
denitrifying bacteria
an analysis of human consumption of natural resources compared to the ability of Earth to recreate them.
This analysis gives an estimate of the area (hectares) required for humans to live based on their given
lifestyles—most North American lifestyles are not currently sustainable according to the analyses.
all living components of the biosphere (e.g., humans, bacteria, plants) balance in a system; the overall
fluctuations in the system balance out and there is no net change over time
energy in a system cannot be created nor destroyed; it changes forms
a diagram or model that uses a straight line to show how food (energy) transfers from producers to
primary consumers to higher trophic levels
a diagram or model that shows the connections among food chains (food/energy transfer) in an
heat capacity
limiting factor
a type of soil bacteria that converts ammonia into nitrates and nitrites
the process of converting nitrogen gas into ammonia
deep layers of mosses and plant remains unable to completely decompose due to the lack of oxygen in
water-saturated soil
organisms that are able to produce their own food (energy) by harnessing chemical or solar energy; also
called autotrophs
describes the feeding level through which matter and energy are transferred; indicates an organism’s
position in the food chain (e.g., producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer)
*After completing the table, review using D2L “A123. Energy & Matter Key Vocab Practice”. *
Chapter 1.1 How Energy Enters the Biosphere
The Study of Ecology
Ecology is a Greek word that means ___________. Ecology is the study of the relationships between ___________ and
the ___________ environment.
The Biosphere: Earth’s Life Support System
A system is an object or group of objects with a distinct ___________ that separates it from its surroundings. Two forms
of systems are:
Open: allows ___________ and ___________ to move across the boundary.
Closed: allows ___________ to move across the boundary.
Earth is essentially a closed system to ___________ and an open system to ___________. The area where life is possible
on Earth is described as the ___________ which consists of three main regions: ___________, ___________and
The Need for Energy
All organisms require energy to carry out life processes. The break down of energy rich organic compounds (ie.
___________) to release energy is called ___________. The equation is: _________________________________.
Energy is stored in energy rich organic compounds through the process of ___________. The equation is:
_________________________________. Organisms that utilize photosynthesis to produce their own energy rich
compounds are called ___________ or ___________ (‘self-feeders'). Organisms that consume energy rich compounds
are called ___________eeders’).
A Closer Look at Producers
The ___________ is the initial source of energy for most life on Earth. This energy is directed as:
~30% albedo: (Description: _________________________________)
~20% absorbed by the ___________. Some reflected back into space.
~50% absorbed by the ___________d ___________. Some is reflected back into space.
Approximately ___________% is captured by consumers/autotrophs.
Energy for Life in the Deep Ocean
Chemosynthetic organisms utilize the energy stored in ___________ when they metabolize various compounds (ie.
Hydrogen sulphide, ammonia).
A Closer Look at Consumers
A number of types of consumers exist:
Herbivors: consume ___________ (also described as ___________)
___________ consume other animals (also described as ___________)
Decomposers: consume dead or ___________ material to reycyle in the biosphere. Examples include: fungi,
Fate of Energy in the Biosphere
Energy is ___________ and matter is ___________ through the biosphere. The Laws of Thermodynamics help describe
1st Law: _____________________________________________________________________________
2nd Law: _____________________________________________________________________________
___________ supply the constant energy that sustains life in the biosphere.
Most energy enters the biosphere through the process of ___________Some energy enters the ‘extreme’
regions of the biosphere through the process of ___________.
Energy is released from energy rich organic compounds through the process of ___________.
Energy flows through the biosphere from ___________--> primary consumers --> ___________ --> ___________
Energy flow through the biosphere follows the Laws of ___________.
Review Questions page 15
7. If global warming is occurring, as most scientists accept it is, and if the Arctic is experiencing losses of snow and ice
cover, as satellite evidence and resident Inuit observers report it is, describe how incoming radiant energy from the Sun
could change as a result of changes in albedo.
8. Skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus), shown in the photograph, is a woodlands and wetlands plant that grows in
eastern North America as well as in northeastern Asia. It is one of the first wetland plants to bloom in the spring. Inside
the spike-like structure that pushes out of the ground is a cluster of tiny flowers that produce enough heat to raise the
temperature within this structure to between 16 °C and 24 °C. In the photograph, the snow has melted in a ring
surrounding the emerging plant. Explain what has happened to produce this result.
Thought Lab 1.1 Analyzing Energy Transfer page 20
1. How much energy from the sun is available to humans at the end of each chain?
2. About 80% of the world’s population eat mostly grain-based foods. Why do you think this is the case?
3. How might diet influence the number of humans that Earth can ultimately support?
Chapter 1.2 Energy Transfer in the Biosphere
An ecosystem is a human defined area that describes the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living)/physical environment.
Abiotic factors include: __________, __________ and __________. The transfer of __________ and __________ is a
component in the study of __________.
Trophic Levels Describe Feeding Relationships in Ecosystems
Trophic (food) levels describe the transfer of energy and matter between __________ (1 st trophic level) and various
levels of consumers. __________ feed at all trophic levels.
Food Chain and Food Webs
A food chain shows the linear path that food/energy is transferred from __________ to __________ as it moves through
the trophic levels. A food web describes the transfer of food/energy between all the food chains in an __________. Food
chains usually have between __________ and __________ trophic levels. The length of food/chains/number of trophic
levels is limited due to the __________. The amount of energy transferred between trophic level is ~__________ %.
Example: Refer to Fig1.4 p.11 to determine the amount of energy from the sun that producers use (= 1.5%). Using this %
and the “Rule of 10” (p.18), determine the amount of energy (%) that is passed to each trophic level in the food chain
% incoming
% passed =
% passed = 10% x % incoming = % available to the next trophic level
Modelling Feeding Relationships through Ecological Pyramids
Ecological pyramids describe the relationship between __________ distribution and the __________ organisms at each
trophic level. Three ecological pyramids exist:
Numbers: often show a large base of __________ with a decreasing number of consumers at subsequent trophic
levels. Model can be used to estimate the amount of __________ in each trophic level. A limitation does not
take into account the size of organisms which can create pyramids with __________ shapes (ie. Fewer producers
than primary consumers).
Biomass: in estimating the amount of energy in each trophic level a biomass pyramid takes into account the
__________ of organisms by expressing their mass/unit of __________. A limitation with this model is
__________ inverted shapes are possible.
Energy: are always upright in shape as there is always less energy in __________ trophic levels due to the 2 nd
Law of Thermodynamics and the ‘10% Rule of Energy Transfer’. The decreasing amount of energy at higher
trophic levels is what limits the size/lengths of __________.
The stability of an ecosystem __________ with a reduction in biodiversity (ie. The number of different __________). This
is most significant when there is a decrease in the number of __________ in an ecosystem.
Food chain: ______________________________________________________________________
Food web: ______________________________________________________________________
Food chains are limited in length as only ~__________% of the energy from a trophic level is available to the
next higher trophic level.
Three ecological pyramids model the transfer of food/energy through an ecosystem: __________, __________
and __________. These pyramids describe a quantitative relationship between __________.
Changes within trophic levels may affect __________ and ecosystem __________.
Thought Lab 1.2 Energy Fluctuation in an Ecosystem page 25
1. How might the change in energy content of the sea lions’ prey affect the body size of the sea lions?
2. How might the body size of sea lions relate to their overall population numbers?
3. Suggest 2 reasons why the number of sea lion pups might be decreasing each year.
4. You are an ecologist who has recently discovered a decrease in the numbers of kelp (a type of seaweed) in the same
Arctic ecosystem. You have also found an increase in the numbers of sea urchins that feed off of the kelp and a
decrease in the number of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) feeding on the sea urchins. You know that there are no longer
enough sea lions in the area to support the orcas (“killer whales”), Orcinus orca, but the numbers of the whales
remains stable. Draw a food web to explain the feeding relationships in this ecosystem. Using your food web, explain
how a change in the diet of the sea lions could result in a decline in the numbers of kelp. (Hint: What dietary change
have the killer whales most likely made?)
Biomagnification: A Fish Story page 27
1. Sketch a possible food web for five of the saltwater organisms listed in the table above, based on the amount of
methylmercury found in their tissues.
2. Calculate how much methylmercury you would ingest if you consumed 0.2 kg of a) shrimp b) tilapia c) goldeye
3. Why does Health Canada recommend that women of child-bearing age not eat shark meat more than once a
4. Fish make up about 25 percent of the traditional diet of many Aboriginal peoples in Alberta. How might fish
consumption advisories take this into account?
5. What actions could you take to reduce levels of methylmercury in the environment?
*Use the D2L quiz questions to self-test your understanding! *
2.1 Role of Water in Cycles of Matter
Water and other chemicals are cycled within the biosphere through a mechanism called a __________. The __________
cycle describes how water is moved through the biosphere. Some points associated with this cycle include:
Water commonly exists in all phases. Water vapour in the atmosphere comes from __________, __________
(collectively called evapotranspiration) and __________.
Water vapour is a __________ gas. it is associated with trapping and __________ head energy through the
Water liquid distributes heat through large bodies of water and can moderate __________ over nearby land.
The cycle consists of evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Energy to drive the cycle comes from the
The Universal Solvent
As many chemicals can dissolve in water it carries matter through the biosphere during the hydrologic cycle. Some
properties of water that make it a good solvent include:
Polarity: water is a __________ molecule. The hydrogen end of the molecule is relatively __________while the
oxygen end of the molecule is relatively __________.
Hydrogen bonds: the weak attraction between __________ of one molecule of water and __________ of
another molecule.
Hydrogen Bonding Affects Water in Different Phases
Hydrogen bonding allows water to remain in the __________over a relatively large
range of temperatures.
Hydrogen bonding allows water to be __________ dense in the solid state. Water
reaches its maximum density at __________°C. This means water turns over during
spring thaw and water freeze up. This allows __________ and dissolved __________
to cycle through the body of water. As ice floats on water it __________deeper
water to maintain an environment for aquatic organisms over the water.
Cohesion: attraction of water to __________produces __________ which allows
insects and organic matter to be supported at the surface as food for aquatic
Adhesion: attraction of water to __________. Water moves up plants from the __________ to the __________
for photosynthesis due to cohesion and adhesion.
Heat capacity: water has a high heat capacity _______________________________________
__________________________________________________. This helps organisms with significant water in
their tissues to __________ internal temperature. This helps ecosystems with large bodies of water __________
air temperatures. This helps oceans distribute heat throughout the biosphere.
Water World
Animals gain water through __________absorption through skin and __________. Animals lose water by __________,
__________, and waste excretion. Plants obtain water through their __________ and lose water through the process of
Water: An essential Service
Water quantity and quality are important in ecosystems. Water is a __________ resource (through the hydrologic cycle)
if used efficiently.
Water and Ecosystems
The __________ is linked to all other cycles of matter. A change in this cycle from changing temperatures, amounts of
precipitation, pollution etc. can have a significant impact on ecosystems.
Water is cycled through the __________. It commonly exists in all phases within the biosphere.
Water has several properties (ie. Polarity, hydrogen bonding, cohesion, adhesion, high specific heat capacity)
that allows it to __________ and __________ materials.
Water quality and quantity are essential for __________ and __________.
The hydrologic cycle is associated with moving other nutrients through the biosphere (called __________
2.2 Biogeochemical Cycles
Using the textbook, pages 35, 42-52 to complete the diagrams and questions.
1. The Hydrologic Cycle
Describe how and where humans may affect the cycle:
Water Cycle Lab Gizmo
“Two Hydrogen’s and an Oxygen: One Small Molecule, One BIG Role.”
1. To access the Gizmo, go to the Explore Learning website
(https://gizmos.explorelearning.com/index.cfm?method=cUser.dspLoginJoin). Enter the class code:
____________ into the “Student Class Enrollment” box. Click on the “Simulation” tab and then click “Reset”.
Click “Ocean” to specify the starting point of this cycle.
a. Click “Atmosphere”, then “Cloud”, then “Precip (snow)”. What determines whether precipitation falls as
rain or as snow?
b. Click “Ice/Snow”. What percentage of Earth's water is in the form of ice or snow at any one time?
c. Due to greenhouse gas emission, many scientists agree that the Earth is gradually warming up. If global
warming continues, what do you think will happen to the glaciers and icecaps of the Earth? What
consequences will this have for people and other living things?
d. Continue choosing new locations for the water to pass through until the cycle is complete and the water
returns to the ocean. How many locations does your new water cycle pass through? List them, in order.
(You don't have to remember them all. Use the PATH tab.)
2. Click “Reset” and create one more water cycle. Begin wherever you like but be sure it is truly a cycle (begins and
ends in the same location). Make sure that your new cycle passes through “Industry” and through “Agriculture”.
Then answer the following questions.
a. Worldwide, what percentage of human water usage does industry account for? (Note: This relates to
water usage now, not water supply.) What is the percentage in the United States?
b. Worldwide, what percentage of human water usage is the result of agricultural activity?
c. What are some of the ways water is used in industry?
3. Consider your own household water usage.
a. Besides drinking and cooking, in what other ways do you use water?
b. Which activity do you think accounts for the greatest percentage of your own personal water usage?
c. In what ways could you reduce your water usage if there was a water shortage?
2. The Carbon and Oxygen Cycle
A) Complete the table by identifying and describing the carbon cycle:
Name(s) of Process
Part of the Slow
Carbon Cycle?
Part of the Fast
Carbon Cycle?
Allows carbon to enter
the atmosphere
Allows carbon to exit
the atmosphere
Allows carbon to enter
the Earth’s crust
Allows carbon to exit
the Earth’s crust
B) Describe how and where humans may interfere with the slow cycling of carbon.
C) Sketch fast cycling of carbon:
E) Describe how and where humans may interfere with the fast cycling of carbon.
3. The Sulfur Cycle
A) Sulfur cycles through which three components of the biosphere?
B) Describe the role bacteria play in the sulfur cycle.
C) Describe the role acid deposition play in the sulfur cycle. What are the main sources of sulfur that contribute to aid
D) Complete the chart:
Name of the Process
Form of Sulfur
Description of Process
Released into the atmosphere by weathering, volcanic
activity, mining and burning fossil fuels.
H2SO3 (aq)
H2SO4 (aq)
E) Explain why powdered limestone may be added to a lake in the spring?
F) What form of sulfur do plants require? Why?
4. The Nitrogen Cycle
A) Identify the forms of nitrogen that plants can use.
B) Explain why bacteria are an essential component of the nitrogen cycle?
C) Complete the chart:
Forms of nitrogen
How does nitrogen
How does nitrogen
Human impact
Soil biotic community
Aquatic biotic
D) Describe how farmers utilize soil bacteria to increase the productivity of their crops.
5. The Phosphorus Cycle
A) Identify the form of phosphorus that plants can use.
B) Unlike nitrogen, carbon, and sulfur, phosphorus is not found in which component of the biosphere?
C) Explain how excess phosphorus can be harmful to an aquatic ecosystem.
2.3 The Balance of the Matter and Energy Exchange
The biosphere is not a __________ system because there is a constant input of __________ from the __________ and
output of __________ to space. The amount of __________ that is received by an ecosystem affects the __________ in
the ecosystem.
Productivity is the rate at which organisms produce new __________. (How fast is the turnover?) Therefore, a grassland
has __________ productivity (new mass accumulates fast) than a forest, even though the forest has a very high
Use Fig. 2.20 page 53 below to answer the next two questions.
1. identify the ecosystem that is found most commonly on the Earth’s surface (Graph A): __________.
2. Complete the table using Graph B:
Explain Why High Or Low Productivity
3. List four factors that affect the productivity of an ecosystem:
4. Explain how moisture may limit an ecosystem’s productivity. Provide two examples.
The Biosphere in Balance
Maintaining a state of balance, or equilibrium is called __________. In 1979, __________ proposed that __________
describes the biosphere like a living organisms that ____________________________. The changes in Earth’s
atmospheric and oceanic composition can be observed in sedimentary rocks, called __________.
Scientists have tried to replicate the self-regulating conditions of the biosphere in an artificial environment such as
__________ located in Arizona, USA. Explain why this experiment failed: ______________________________________.
Using Fig 2.23 page 56 answer the next two questions:
Explain the sudden increase in atmospheric oxygen
2. Place a vertical line and arrow on the graph, indicating the time
period when stromatolites would show black bands of iron oxides.
Human Activities and the Natural Balance
__________ are regions of lakes or oceans in which aquatic life has _____________________. Summarize four ways that
pollution can cause algal blooms:
Solutions? Wetlands may act as large __________ or reducing CO2 emissions by using __________ such as “Weather
Dancer 1” in Alberta.
Thought Lab 2.3 Too Much of a Good Thing page 54
1. What might be the effects of increasing amounts of UVR on productivity?
2. What direct effects does increasing UVR have on animals?
3. What indirect effects might increasing UVR have on animals?
*Use the D2L quiz questions to self-test your understanding! *
Investigation 2.D: Biosphere in a Bottle page 57
1. Read through the lab “Question”, “Materials”, and
“Procedures” for background knowledge.
2. Watch the video “The Bottle and The Biosphere with
Wolfgang Brunner” (https://youtu.be/wTFiLCGtPwc)
3. Since we are not performing the experiment, use the data
below for “Analysis” and “Conclusions” questions.
*Use the D2L quiz questions to self-test your understanding! *
Phytoremediation page 62
1. Where might you look for plants that could be useful in
Number of Organisms
Temperature (°C)
2. Sometimes, bacteria convert hydrocarbons into more toxic products. Because of this risk, should
phytoremediation be abandoned as a solution to hydrocarbon pollution? Explain.
3. Why might scientists be concerned about animals feeding on plants that are being used for phytoremediation?
4. Suppose that there is a large petrochemical spill that could quickly contaminate ground water. Would
phytoremediation be an appropriate choice to deal with the spill? Explain your reasoning.
5. What makes phytoremediation a relatively economical solution for treating hydrocarbon contamination?
6. How would a phytoremediation method for treating heavy metal contamination be different from a
phytoremediation method for treating hydrocarbon contamination?