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Organizational Leadership & Management Course Description

Organizational Leadership and Management
Course Description
The course concentrates on approaches and theories of leadership and its application in
management processes. The course reviews the development of various theories and
approaches on the topic of leadership of the past century at this time. The course will cover
the different definitions of leadership, the relationship between leaders and those they lead,
different leadership styles and the position of leadership and vision within organizations.
Course objectives
Learn and understand leadership phenomena.
Look at the different processes that happen within the space between leaders and followers.
Week 1
Leadership basics and the difference between leadership and management.
Week 2
Historical Background: Developing Leadership Theory.
Week 3
The theory of the Great Man.
Week 4
Situational leadership
Week 5
Visionary leadership
Week 6
Charismatic leadership
Week 7
Transformational leadership
Week 8
Adaptive leadership
Week 9
EQ in leadership
Week 10
Leadership development
Week 11
1. Bryman, A. K Leadership in organizations. (1996). In: S.R. Clegg, C. Hardy & W.R.
Nord (Eds.). Handbook of Organization Studies. London: Saga Publication. p. 276284.
2. George, J. (2000). Emotions and leadership: the role of emotional intelligence. Human
Relations, 53, 1027-1055 .
3. Howell, J.M. (1988). Two faces of charisma: Socialized and personalized
Leadership in organizations. In J. A. Conger & R.N. Kanungo (Eds). ,
Leadership, (pp. 213-236). San Francisco: Jossey -Bass.
4. Tims M., Bakker A.B., & Xanthopoulou D. (2011). Do transformational leaders
enhance their followers' daily work engagement? Leadership Quarterly, 22(1), 121131.
5. Vroom, V. H., & Jago, A.G.(2007). The role of situation in leadership. American
Psychologist, 62(1), 17-24.
6. Yukl (1998). Leadership in Organizations. Chapter 1: The nature of leadership. pp.
7. Kotter, J. (1990). What leaders really do? Harvard Business Review, May June, pp.
8. Yukl, G. (1999). An evaluation of conceptual weaknesses in transformational and
charismatic leadership theories. Leadership Quarterly, 10, 285-306.
9. Zhang, Z., Ilies, R., & Arvey, R.D. (2009). Beyond genetic explanations for
leadership: The moderating role of the social environment. Organizational Behavior and
Human Decision Processes, 110, 118-128.