EMBRYOLOGY J Bf - wmm H I .4 Number of 0 Incu bation ti me in ho accordin g to:— Huettner Patten Stage * Duval somites 4 20 17-18 18 Anterior imal i length, cida. 5 21 19 20 Mesoderm, somites and kidney Nervous system ’rimitive streak Lillies 18-19 i.e., 0 REFERENCE TABLE OF 19-22 " | 6 6 Vascular system intestinal portal shaped sheet of mesoderm spreads out laterally from the primi- Shield 2.2 0.7 of area Groove, pit ^^mode present. tive streak. Neural plate and neural to decrease in 1.9 mm. Noto- folds visible. grows forward ’n^Pnode. Lateral horns of mesoderm grow forward. The first somite may appear simultaneously with the formation of the head fold ( stage Mesenchyme cells form isolated in extra-embryonic mesoderm. First seen to be present. The blood islands begin to unite and the first blood corpuscles are produced within the resulting tubes. as the foregut elon- blood islands 7). 3 8 22 23 23 25-28 Reduced 1.5 to a length of mm. Neural folds meet in brain region but do not fuse. Lateral horns grow round the mesodermless proamnion. Segmented somites joined to lateral plate mesoderm intermediate by mesoderm A Moves back gates. nephrotome ). cavity, the myocoel, ap( pears in somites. 5 8+ 23-25 25 25-26 27-30 1.2 mm. long. Fusion of fclvL bcgi..^ ir. brain region; further back neural folds meet but they splay out over the somites. T.'.c meet 10 13 10 11 29-30 33-34 30 33 30-31 33-34 33-38 40-45 0.6 0.4 mm. mm. long. long. 37-41 37 38-40 46-50 0.2 mm. long. 43-46 43 44-48 48-52 No longer distinguishable: contributes material to tail bud. Lies posterheart prim- with ventral and dorsal material between somites six and ten. The first somite begins to disappear. Five brain vesicles can be seen. Anterior neuropore closes. The neural folds fuse thirteenth the Fore brain at an angle to hind brain due to flexure. A shallow infundibulum is The dorso-lateral buds differentiate into pronephric tubules and the pronephric duct forms by fusion of material from the tubules. First signs of Wolffian duct. Connection between somites and nephrotomes is lost. The mesonephros develops pronephros along with below the somites. Wolffian duct extends from tenth to Jifteenth somite. Differentiation begins in anterior somites. 14 + .-»hryr> t'c'-omes linked to the ? together aortae. The intermediate meso- The heart primordia fuse to form a derm begins to separate off tubular heart which bends slightly to dorsally. The pronephric the right of the embryo. Faint and tubules develop from this sporadic pulsation of the heart occurs. present. 21 V blood island system by vitelline veins. Paired primordia of the heart develop cles visible. somite. 12 + son :‘cs cf Fore brain at right angles to hind brain. Fore brain enlarges in telencephalon region. ior the to ordia. anteriorly. Except for anterior neuropore, fusion offolds is completed in the brain region. Three primary brain vesi- beyond 17 v’vm- become radially arranged about the myocoel cavities; cavity reduced by a central core of cells. Lateral horns Pronephros begins to appear anterior to dis- the eleventh somite. In the ansomites a distinct der- terior matome can be seen and The heart becomes distinctly dis- placed to the right. The rate and amplitude of the heart beats increase. A network of blood vessels established in area vasculosa. The heart is beating efficiently by this stage and blood circulates. The heart is S-shaped. The first aortic arch begins to develop. The dorsal aortae fuse between somites three and four. The vitelline artery can be seen between somites sixteen and seventeen. The atrium begins to divide into right auricles. The first aortic arch is established and the second begins to form. Fusion of dorsal aortae may reach somite eight. The vitelline and left cells migrate from the somites and neural crests to the sclerotomes round the notochord. artery 17-19. The posterior somites remain undifferentiated; an- Besides the two auricles heart has distinct ventricle and conus arteriosus. Two aortic arches present. Dorsal aortae fuse as far back as somite twelve. The vitelline arteries lie between somites eighteen and twenty. is May reach the first somite. Reaches the second somite. Reaches the third somite. Reaches the fourth somite. distinct between somites form 24 15 44-46 48 48-50 The telencephalon becomes the diendistinct from 50-55 cephalon. Rathke’s pocket grows under the infundibulum. 27 16 48 50-52 50-55 Telencephalon and diencephalon become separated by the velum transversum. A distinct isthmus can be seen between the mesencephalon and metence- 51-56 teriorly tiate into somites differen- dermatome, myo- tome and sclerotome. There are eleven pairs of mesonephric tubules between somite five and sixteen. Differentiation matome, into der- myotome and sclerotome reaches somite twenty. Wolffian duct and mesonephric tubules seen in trunk sections. phalon. 30 17 52 58-60 55-60 S2-6m 1 deepens. The isthmus Paired telencephalic vesicles develop. Roof of hind brain becomes very thin in myelencephalon region. Brain bent double by now. 36 18 + 68-72 72 72 72 1 The cerebral hemispheres develop from the telencephalic vesicles. The inwith fundibulum joins Rathke's pocket to form the pituitary. i The third aortic arch appears. The dorsal aortae fuse between somites four and fourteen. The vitelline artery lies between somites 19 and 21. Vitelline ductus veins venosus join which to opens Is the in region of somites five to six. Lies between somites seven and ten. form into sinus venosus. Differentiation reaches the twenty-fifth somite. Wolffian duct grows back towards cloaca. Glomeruli can be seen in mesonephric tubules. Differentiation reaches the somite. Wolffian thirtieth duct may later. reaches cloaca not fuse with it but until There are three complete aortic arches and the fourth begins to develop. The first pair of uortic arches may begin to atrophy at this stage. Dorsal aortae fused up to somite 16. Vitelline artery between somites 20 and 22. The first pair of aortic arches continue to atrophy as the fourth pair develop. Dorsal aortae fused as far back as somites 17-20. Vitelline artery is in region of somites 21-22. Has moved back to between lie somites ten and twelve. Between somites thirteen and fourteen. CHICK DEVELOPMENT SEATTLE qcq i 3 F877A Alimentary system PUBUCUBRARV qi0U7 031 ExiSSL. Eyes 0 000l040 Foregut 0.15 mm. .asr ^H e c i& long. Foregut 0.3 to 0.4 mm. long. Foregut 0.5 to 0.8 mm. long. Foregut about 1.0 mm. lung. SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE BOOK NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THIS ROOM Foregut is about 1.3 mm. long. R591.3 P877A 2194015 The remains of the primitive streak begin contributing material posteriorly to the tail bud. is 1.5 mm. long there are indications of the first pair of visceral clefts. The foregut and The first pair of visceral clefts are distinct and the second pair begin to form. first and second visceral clefts are clearly visible; the third pair begin to develop. The hind gut appears. The The lens rudiments in- vaginate to form lens vesicles. The optic vesicles invaginate to form optic cups The mouth of each auditory pit begins to and constrict auditory vesicles form. The mouth of the lens The mouth of the vesicle begins to close. auditory vesicle is reduced to a small aperture. Cranial flexure, i.e. angle between fore- and hindbrain, is 90°. Cervical flexure begins in hind-brain region and trunkflexure can also be seen. Cranial flexure causes the fore-brain to be directed backwards close to the heart. Cervical flexure The head is fully turned to the left. The first five to seven somites also exhibit torsion. Torsion is apparent in somites eight to ten. becomes a broad curve. The second and third first, visceral The clefts liver are present. bud appears as do and anal plate. the tail gut The lens becomes cut off from the ectoderm. The cups optic are almost The retina disThe eye is still an- closed. tinct. terior to the ear. The fourth pair of visceral The liver bulge conspicuous. Tail gut further into tail. clefts develop. is now extends The optic cup eyes now the ears. lie closes. The auditory vesicle is connected to the small ectodermal aperture the by ductus endolympha- Cranial flexure is at its maximum. Cervical flexure increases. Trunk flexure is noticeable in the region of somites ten to twelve. Torsion extends to somites eleven, twelve and thirteen or even further. The aperture closes. posterior to Cloaca begins to form. Cranial flexure remains unchanged. Cervical flexure is about 100 °. Trunk flexure develops into a broad curve. Caudal flexure begins. Torsion as far back as somites fifteen to Caudal flexure causes tail be at an angle of 90° to The whole posterior region exhibits some degree of torsion. nineteen. Lung buds develop. The eyes, due The auditory lie pear-shaped with a narrow ductus en- to flexure, well posterior to the vesicle is dolympha ticus. to the body. The The sero-amniotic connection is somewhat attenuated. The amnion covers somites six to thirteen. Tail fold appears. a distinct The head fold has extended to the region between somites sixteen to twenty-four. The tailfold has grown forward over som- oval aperture somites 26-28. over bud begins The tail bud can be seen projecting behind the hind gut. limb The buds appear as low swellings. Begins as an outgrowth of the hind gut in the cloacal region. 29-30. The head and tail folds meet or leave a small tail to develop posterior to the hind gut. The head fold grows back and may lie anywhere between somites ten and eighteen. The ites Four pairs of visceral clefts. The tail gut begins to degenerate. The anterior and posterior intestinal portals approach each other, leaving an open intestinal umbilicus of 3 mm. is bud. tail Tail folds may begin to develop. tailfold begins to grow forward. ticus. The There The hind brain andfirst few somites are covered by the amnion. The tail bud begins curve forward. The fore limb bud between somites 17-19 and the hind limb bud between somites 26-30. to lies Allantoic stalk Limb buds are now and quite vesicle. The vesicle enlarges after 72 hours. conspicuous and begin to exhibit nipple-shaped apices The hind limb bud extends to somite 32. An Atlas of f( Embryology by W. H. FREEMAN, 1 Head of B.Sc., \\ the Biology Department, Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School, Chief Examiner, ‘A’-level Zoology, London and BRIAN BRACEGIRDLE, Senior Lecturer in Biology, St Katharine’s College, London, Assistant Examiner, ‘A'-level Zoology, London HEINEMANN LONDON B.Sc., a.r.p.s., Heinemann Educational Books Ltd LONDON MELBOURNE TORONTO TOWN SINGAPORE AUCKLAND IBADAN HONG KONG CAPE © W. H. Freeman & Brian Bracegirdle 1963 First published 1963 Reprinted 1964 77 Ft Published by Heinemann Educational Books Ltd 15-16 Queen Printed in Street, Mayfair, London W.l Great Britain by Bookprint Limited, Kingswood, Surrey SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Preface This book consists of photomicrographs of sectioned and entire embryos of frog and chick, with large detailed drawings to correspond. Descriptive embryology is still recognised as a necessary and valuable part of courses in zoology and biology leading to the General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level, and to first degrees. As teachers and examiners we have become aware of the difficulties experienced by students in interpreting the embryological structures seen under the microscope. The present book is intended to help overcome these difficulties, while at the same time summarising the descriptive embryology of frog and chick in sufficient detail for degree level. Care has been taken to label fully, and to make the drawings and photographs large enough for clearness. It has become apparent that the embryology slides in general use are not of very high attempt was made to obtain slides of better quality, but to use those normally confronting the student - in this way we hope to have improved the chances of artifacts being recognised as such. A large number of slides was looked through, but in the end we confined ourselves to a relatively small number of the more typical quality. For this reason, little specimens. By doing this we were able to produce a book inexpensive enough for wide general use. Each slide was photographed through the microscope, with special attention being paid to securing a flat field and good depth of focus - especially difficult with these rather large specimens. Not all the slides selected for inclusion were of a quality desirable for photomicrography, as will be obvious from the photomicrographs themselves; but we feel that this need be no great drawback, since students are often required to interpret these poorer-quality slides. Each drawing was made completely independently of the photograph, directly from the An accurate outline was obtained by microprojection, with the emphasis on line work, as it should be in students’ drawings. Where it made for greater clarity, the drawing was diagrammatised, as in the case of some of the embryonic membranes. Later the drawing was compared with the photograph, and dotting was added where it seemed desirable for greater clarity. It will be seen that more detail appears in many of the drawings than in the corresponding photographs. This detail is obtainable only by the proper use of the fine focusing of the microscope at increased magnification, and should serve as a salutary reminder to the student that it is necessary for him to do the same to interpret his slides! Much care and effort has been expended on the labelling of the drawings, and all the usual texts have been consulted. Even so, it was often necessary to have recourse to serial sections, where these were available. In many cases, none were, and so some errors are likely to remain, even though we were fortunate to have the fullest co-operation of Dr Ruth Bellairs, of University College, London, in checking the work. We are most grateful to Dr Bellairs for her great help; any errors remaining are, of course, the entire responsislide. bility of the authors. It would not have been possible to have produced this work from the slides already in our possession. For their kindness in making available extra material, we are deeply indebted to the following: Mr Charles Biddolph, Mr C. V. Brewer, Dr Ben Dawes, Mrs J. Froud, Mr George Gardener, Mr A. T. Green, Mr C. Fleather, Dr Brian Lofts, Mr C. T. Pugsley, Mr A. R. Tindall, Mr H. Whate, and the Zoology Department of Wye College To ' TECHNOLOGY 1965 7 2 SEP 2194015 6 Mr George Gardener we owe an additional debt for his early criticism and encouragement. were likewise fortunate in our lettering artist, Mr Alan Plummer, who co-operated in most wholehearted manner; and also in our Publishers - in Mr Alan Hill and Mr Hamish MacGibbon we found a most sympathetic support and facilitation of our aims. Last, but very definitely not least, we must thank our wives very sincerely indeed for their help and encouragement, and for their stoicism when surrounded for weeks on end by all the impedimenta of drawing and photomicrography. We a W.H.F. September 1 962 B.B. Contents Frog: cleavage, 2-cell stage, V.S. 2 Frog: cleavage, furrows, V.S. 40 Chick: 6-somite stage, somitic region, 1 3 Frog: cleavage, 1 T.S. 6-cell stage, V.S. Chick: 6-somite stage, notochord, T.S. 42 Chick: 6-somite stage, primitive streak, 41 4 Frog: cleavage, 24-cell stage, V.S. 5 Frog: cleavage, blastula, V.S. 6 Frog: early gastrula (dorsal lip), T.S. 43 Chick: 6-somite stage, V.L.S. 44 Chick: 10-somite stage, V.L.S. 45 Chick: 0-somite stage, forebrain region, V.S. 7 Frog: later gastrula (yolk plug), V.S. 8 Frog: later gastrula (yolk plug), H.S. 9 Frog: neural plate stage, T.S. 10 Frog: neural fold stage, T.S. 1 T.S. 46 Chick: 12 Frog, neural tube stage, T.S. Frog: neural, V.L.S. 13 Frog: newly-hatched larva, optic region, 1 1 T.S. 47 Chick: T.S. 14 Frog: newly-hatched larva, auditory 16 Frog: external Frog: external gill larva, optic region, T.S. larva, gill larva, heart gill larva, gill larva, and T.S. brain, T.S. gill region, T.S. 53 Chick: 24-somite stage, fore and hind Frog: external trunk region, T.S. brain, T.S. 54 Chick: 27-somite stage, trunk region, 20 Frog: external head region, H.L.S. 21 T.S. 55 Chick: 27-somite stage, posterior trunk Frog: external gill larva, trunk region, gill larva, trunk region, H.L.S. region, T.S. 56 Chick: 22 Frog: internal V.L.S. 27-somite stage, eye and ear region, T.S. 57 Chick: 30-somite stage, fore and hind 23 Frog: internal gill larva, optic region, T.S. brain, T.S. 58 Chick: 30-somite stage, 24 Frog: internal gill larva, gill region, T.S. 25 Frog: 19-mm tadpole, forelimb region, heart region, T.S. 59 Chick: 30-somite stage, anterior trunk T.S. 26 Frog: 3-somite stage, posterior trunk 17-somite stage, trunk region, 52 Chick: 24-somite stage, fore and hind 18 Frog: external 19 1 Chick: 21-somite stage, trunk region, auditory region, T.S. region, T.S. 51 gill region, heart region, T.S. 50 Chick: 17 heart 13-somite stage, T.S. 49 Chick: Frog: newly-hatched larva, trunk region, T.S. 10-somite stage, T.S. 48 Chick: region, T.S. 15 0-somite stage, hindbrain region, 1 region, T.S. 19-mm tadpole, trunk region, 60 Chick: 30-somite stage, posterior trunk T.S. region, T.S. 27 Chick: blastoderm, head-process stage, 61 Chick: E. 36-somite pharyngeal stage, region, T.S. 28 Chick: blastoderm, head-fold stage, E. 29 Chick: blastoderm, 3-somite, E. 30 Chick: blastoderm, 6-somite, E. 31 Chick: blastoderm, 10-somite, E. 32 Chick: blastoderm, 13-somite, E. 33 Chick: blastoderm, 17-somite, E. 34 Chick: blastoderm, 20-somite, E. 35 Chick: blastoderm, 25-somite, E. 36 Chick: blastoderm, 30-somite, E. 37 Chick: blastoderm, 35-somite, E. 38 Chick: blastoderm, 40-somite, E. 39 Chick: 6-somite stage, head region, T.S. 62 Chick: 36-somite stage, hind-brain region, T.S. 63 Chick: 36-somite olfactory stage, pit region, T.S. 64 Chick: 36-somite stage, optic region, T.S. 65 Chick: 36-somite stage, trunk region, T.S. 66 Chick: 45-somite stage, limb region, T.S. tail 67 Chick: 36-somite stage, H.L.S. A reference table of chick development is printed on the end-papers and hind- Frog: cleavage, 2-cell stage, V.S. Frog: cleavage, 16-cell stage, V.S. mag. 50 X mag. 50 x 2. 4. Frog: cleavage furrows, V.S. mag. 50 X Frog: cleavage, 24-cell stage, V.S. mag. 50 x I, SMALL AMOUNT OF YOLK IN MICROMERES MICROMERES BLASTOCOEL- BLACK PIGMENT YOLKY CELLS OR MEGAMERES YOLK GRANULES VEGETATIVE POLE VITELLINE MEMBRANE 5. 6 . Frog: cleavage, blastula, V.S. Frog: early gastrula (dorsal lip), mag. 45 X V.S. mag. 40 Drawing X 2, 3, 4, 5, ANIMAL POLE of specimen 5 6 7,8 DORSAL SURFACE PRESUMPTIVE CHORDA- MESODEI ARCHENTERON PRESUMPTIVE IN VAOINATING CELLS NEURAL PLATE DORSAL LIP OF BLASTOPORE YOLKY ENDODERM BLASTOPORE CELLS ANTERIOR POSTERIOR ECTODERM VENTRAL LIP BLASTOPORE BLASTOCOEL VENTRAL MESODERM VENTRAL SURFACE Drawing of specimen 7 Drawing of specimen 8 OF 9. Frog: neural plate stage, I I . Frog: neural tube stage, T.S. mag. 42 X T.S. mag. 35x 10. Frog: neural fold stage, T.S. mag. 35x 9, 10, II NOTOCHORD ''SOMITE NEURAL PLATE - NEURAL FOLD - OUTER LAYER ECTODERM NEURAL CREST OF NEURAL GROOVE x DORSAL NEURAL FOLD NEURAL CREST NEURAL PLATE NOTOCHORD CRANIAL GANGLION ( appears before the neural Folds INNER LAYER r e OF ECTODERM. met in Froj) DERIVED FROM NEURAL ARCHENTERON (OUT) CREST COELOM SOMITE V (The separation CRANIAL GANGLION 'between these layers is an SOMATIC SPLANCHNIC MESODERM MESODERM DERIVED artefact) FROM NEURAL CREST MESODERM ARCHENTERON (GUT) ENDODERM YOLKY ENDODERM YOLKY ENDODERM ECTODERM VITELLINE MEMBRANE VENTRAL VENTRAL Drawing of specimen 9 Drawing of specimen SEPARATION OF ECTODERM INTO LAYERS IS AN ARTEFACT NEURAL TUBE TWO these layers are normally in NEURAL CANAL contact NEURAL CREST SOMITE 10 NOTOCHORD < -ECTODERM LATERAL PLATE MESODERM COELOM ENDODERM ARCHENTERON BREAK YOLKY IN ENDODERM TISSUE .CELLS VENTRAL Drawing of specimen I I 60x mag. V.L.S. neurula, Frog: 12. BRAIN) (HIND RHOMBENCEPHALON 55 larva, mag. newly-hatched T.S. region, Frog: auditory 14. larva, 80x mag. newly-hatched T.S. region, Frog: 13. optic 13, C <u £ u <u Q- txO c > LAYER PIGMENTED o M NEUROCOEL NEURAL TUBE LARGE VACUOLATED CELLS SUBNOTOCHORDAL NOTOCHORD ROD SOMITE DORSAL AORTA NEPHROSTOME GLOMUS PRONEPHRIC DUCT POSTERIOR CARDINAL PRONEPHRIC SINUS TUBULES ENDODERMAL LAYER OF INTESTINE MESODERMAL LAYEROF INTESTINE PERITONEUM HEPATIC VEIN Drawing of specimen 15 14 l 15 lOOx mag. T.S. region, optic larva, gill external Frog: 16. I 16 EPITHELIUM PIGMENTED CAROTID VENTRAL ARTERY I00x mag. T.S. region, auditory larva, gill external Frog: 17. 17 ARTERIOSUS TRUNCUS <D Oto O bO I20x mag. T.S. region, gill and heart larva, gill external Frog: 18. 18 VENTRICLE- 1 CAVITY PERICARDIAL VENTRICLE 4TH OF ROOF 80x mag. T.S. region, trunk larva, gill external Frog: 19. OBLONGATA MEDULLA 19 specimen of Drawing 1 20. Frog: external gill larva, head region, H.L.S. mag. 85 21. Frog: external gill larva, trunk region, H.L.S. mag. 50x 20, 21 MESENCHYME FORMING CHOROID AUDITORY VESICLE OLFACTORY ANTERIOR CARDINAL PIT VEIN HIND BRAIN VIITH CRANIAL FORE GANGLION BRAIN VTH CRANIAL GANGLION OLFACTORY PLACODE ANTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN Drawing of specimen 20 EXTERNAL OESOPHAGUS CLOSED BY PLUG OF CELLS DORSAL AORTA MYOTOMES PRONEPHRIC BULGE NOTOCHORD STOMACH -PHARYNX GILL -DORSAL AORTA -INFUNDIBULUM OLFACTORY ORGAN TAIL COELOM POSTERIOR CARDINAL SINUS NEPHROSTOME TELOCOEL PRONEPHRIC TUBULES VISCERAL ARCHES — AORTIC ARCHES VTH, VIITH & IXTH CRANIAL GANGLIA” Drawing of specimen 21 TELENCEPHALON OPTIC CUPP- 1 L- LENS 22 specimen of Drawing 80x mag. T.S. region, optic * larva, gill internal Frog: 23. 23 s -7 LU 45 mag. T.S. region, Gill larva, gill internal Frog: ; 24. 24 L-U <N c a> £ u <L> CL 00 O 00 c £ fd Q CARTILAGE- PARACHORDAL c 35x mag. T.S. region, forelimb tadpole, 19-mm. Frog: 25. 25 40x mag. T.S. region, trunk tadpole, 19-mm. Frog: 26. 26 26 specimen of Drawing 25x mag. E. stage, head-fold blastoderm, Chick: 28. 25x mag. E. stage, head-process blastoderm, Chick: 27. 29. Chick: blastoderm, 3-somite, E. mag. 40x 2 -A PROAMNION V BORDEROF ANTERIOR INTESTINAL PORTAL ECTODERM OF HEAD FOLD FORE BRAIN fur" ( FORE GUT LATERAL J HORN OF MESODERM LATERAL HEAD FOLD c _ NEURAL FOLD NOTOCHORD c AMNIO-CARDIAC VESICLE AREA PELLUCIDA INTERSOMITIC 1ST "SOMITE FURROW FOLD IN BLASTODERM FOLD 3RD SOMITE IN BLASTODERM 'ARTEFACT; LATERAL PLATE MESODERM HENSEN'S NODE AREA OPACA BLOOD ISLANDS PRIMITIVE BEG INN INC 'STREAK TO LINK UP TO FORM BLOODVESSELS SINUS TERMINALS Drawing of specimen 29 30. Chick: blastoderm, 6-somite, E. mag. 40x LATERAL HORNS OF MESODERM ANTERIOR NEUROPORE PROAMNION HEAD RAISED UP ABOVE PROAMNION ENDODERMAL WALL OF FORE OUT PROSENCEPHALON OR FORE BRAIN CAUDAL EXTENT OF FREE HEAD ECTODERM OF HEAD FOLD VITELLINE VEIN & HEART AMNIO-CARDIAC VESICLE PRIMORDIA EXTRA -EMBRYONIC AREA BORDER OF ANTERIOR INTESTINAL PORTAL NEURAL FOLDS BEGINNING TO FUSE NEURAL FOLDS SPLAYING OUT BOUNDARY OF AREA PELLUCIDA MESODERM EMBRYONIC AREA AREA OPACA INTER-SOMITIC 1ST FURROW SOMITE 6TH SOMITE NOTOCHORD UNSEOMENTED MESODERM TRIMMED EDGE HENSEN'SNODE THE BLASTODERM THAT HAS BROKEN PIECE OF PRIMITIVE FOLD PRIMITIVE STREAK' PRIM l AWAY AND BEEN GROOVE DISPLACED MARGIN OF BLOOD VESSELS FORMING IN AREA VASCULOSA AREA VASCULOSA Drawing of specimen 30 31. Chick: blastoderm, 10-somite, E. mag. 45x ANTERIOR NEUROPORE FORE BRAIN OR PROAMNION - PROSENCEPHALON ECTODERM OPTIC VESICLE ENDODERM OF HEAD FORE OUT OF FOREOUT HEART MID BRAIN OR BORDER OF ANTERIOR MESENCEPHALON INTESTINAL HIND BRAIN OR PORTAL RHOMBENCEPHALON SOMITES NEURAL FOLDS NOTOCHORD AREA RHOMBOIDALIS HENSEN'S NODE UNSEOMENTED MESODERM LATERAL PLATE MESODERM PRIMITIVE PRIMITIVE STREAK GROOVE PRIMITI FOLD SINUS TERMINALS ROUND BOUNDARY OF AREA VASCULOSA AREA VASCULOSA BLOOD VESSELS OVER YOLK Drawing of specimen 31 (Drawn from ventral aspect; photograph is of dorsal aspect) - 32. Chick: blastoderm, 13-somite, E. mag. 35x ECTODERM OF HEAD HEAD AMNIOTIC FOLD ENDODERM OF FORE OUT CLOSED NEUROPORE VENTRAL AORTA FORE BRAIN OR PROSENCEPHALON TRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS OPTIC VESICLE AUDITORS PLACODE FORE GUT FUSION OF VITELLINE VEINS MID BRAIN OR MESENCEPHALON HINDBRAIN OR RHOMBENCEPHALON PROAMNION HEART VITELLINE VEIN BORDER OF ANTERIOR LATERAL MESODERM INTESTINAL PORTAL SOMITES NEURAL TUBE AREA VASCULOSA SINUS TERMINALS FORMING THE BOUNDARY OF AREA VASCULOSA POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN DEVELOPING UNSEGMENTED PARAXIAL VITELLINE ARTERY MESODERM LATERAL PLATE MESODERM DISAPPEARING PRIMITIVE STREAK Drawing of specimen 32 33. Chick: blastoderm, 17-somite, E. mag. 30x ECTODERM OF HEAD HEAD SHOWING TORSION PROSENCEPHALON MID-BRAIN OR MESENCEPHALON OPTIC VESICLE LEFT ANTERIOR VITELLINE VEIN CRANIAL FLEXURE METENCEPHALON MARGIN OF AMNION FORE GUT MYELENCEPHALON RIGHT ANTERIOR VITELLINE TRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS AUDITORY PLACODE INVAGINATING TO FORM AUDITORY PIT FIRST VEIN VENTRICLE ATRIUM TWO SOMITES SHOWING SLIGHT TORSION VITELLINE VEIN BORDER OF ANTERIOR INTESTINAL PORTAL SOMITES 6 &7 NETWORK OF BLOOD VESSELS IN AREA VASCULOSA NEURAL TUBE POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN VITELLINE ARTERY SOMITE 17 LATERAL PLATE MESODERM RHOMBOIDAL SINUS PRIMITIVE STREAK PRACTICALLY GONE Drawing of specimen 33 34 (Left) 34. Chick: blastoderm, 20-somite, E. mag. 40x * : 35. Chick: blastoderm, 25-somite, E. mag. 45x MESENCEPHALON LEFT ANTERIOR VITELLINE VEIN CAVITY OF THE MOUTH ISTHMUS DIENCEPHALON METENCEPHALON EYE PHARYNGEAL LENS MEMBRANE OPTIC CUP THIN ROOF DF HIND BRAIN MYELENCEPHALON 1ST VISCERAL POUCH DUCTUS ENDOLYMPHATICUS AUDITORY VESICLE 2ND VISCERAL POUCH 1ST AORTIC ARCH TELENCEPHALON 2ND AORTIC ARCH 3RD VISCERAL POUCH PHARYNX TRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS VENTRICLE ATRIUM RIGHT ANTERIOR VITELLINE VEIN TORSION APPARENT IN SOMITES 10 & 11 MARGIN OF ANTERIOR INTESTINAL PORTAL SOMITE 12 MARGIN OF AMNION LATERAL AMNlOTlC FOLD NEURAL TUBE POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN VITELLINE ARTERY SOMITE 25 TAIL BUD TAIL Drawing of specimen 35 AMNlOTlC FOLD 36. Chick: blastoderm, 30-somite, E. mag. 25x RIGHT ANTERIOR VITELLINE VEIN METENCEPHALON ISTHMUS LEFT ANTERIOR VITELLINE VEIN AMNION ' MESENCEPHALON DUCTUS CRANIAL FLEXURE ENDOLYMPHATiCUS MOUTH CAVITY MVELENCEPHALON POSITION OF AUDITORY VESICLE INFUNDIBULUM — DIENCEPHALON OPTIC CUP LENS JELENCEPHALON AORTIC ARCH 2ND AORTIC ARCH 1ST ^—7 - 3RD AORTIC ARCH ATRIUM TRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS SINUS VENOSOS ^ -VENTRICLE ANTERIOR INTESTINAL PORTAL ftt&HT VITELLINE VEIN or 01 SOMITE <f 18 MARGIN OF AMNION VITELLINE ARTERY X- POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN SOMITE 29 SOMITE 30 SEPARATING TAIL BUD TAIL AMNIOTIC FOLD Drawing of specimen 36 ANTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN RIGHT ANTERIOR VITELLINE VEIN AMNION ANTERIOR VITELLINE VEIN 1ST VISCERAL POUCH DUCTUS ENDOLYMPHATIQUS 2ND VISCERAL POUCH AUDITORY VESICLE 3RD VISCERAL POUCH THIN ROOF OF MYELENCEPHALON 4TH VISCERAL POUCH PHARYNX VTH CRANIAL (GASSERIAN) GANGLION METENCEPHALON 2ND VISCERAL ARCH ISTHMUS 4TH AORTIC ARCH RIGHT AURICLE -MESENCEPHALON CUVIERIAN DUCT 1ST VISCERALARCH SINUS VENOSUS TRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS S<L NOTOCHORD POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN INFUNDIBULUM CHOROID FISSURE VENTRICLE LIVER BULGE EYE LENS ANTERIOR INTESTINAL OLFACTORY PIT PORTAL BORDER blEN CEPHALON CEREBRALHEMISPHERE EPIPHYSIS TELENCEPHALON FORE LIMB BUD DORSAL AORTA POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN VITELLINE VEIN VITELLINE ARTERY HIND LIMB BUD NEURAL TUBE SOMITE 28 CLOSURE OF AMNION ALLANTOIC VESICLE ALLANTOIC STALK SOMITE 35 AMNION Drawing of specimen 37 38. Chick: blastoderm, 40-somite, E. mag. 30 x 38 PHARYNX 3RD VISCERAL POUCH MYELENCEPHALON 4TH VISCERAL POUCH AUDITORY VESICLE RIGHT AURICLE DUCTUS ENDOLYMPHATIC DORSAL AORTA GENICULATE <VII> & ACUSTICO <VIID GANGLIA POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN THIN ROOF OF MYELENCEPHALON ANTERIOR CARDINAL LEFT AURICLE 1ST VISCERAL LIVER BULGE TRUNCUS VEIN POUCH 2ND VISCERAL ARCH ARTERIOSUS 1ST VISCERAL ARCH AMNION VTH CRANIAL 'GASSERIAN) GANGUON VTH CRANIAL NERVE (OPHTHALMIC BRANCH) METENCEPHALDN VENTRICLE ISTHMUS FORE LIMB BUD INFUNDIBULUM SOMITE 16 BORDEROF MESENCEPHALON EYE ' ANTERIOR LENS INTESTINAL DIENCEPHALON PORTAL . ECTODERM OF HEAD EPIPHYSIS VITELLINE_ VEIN TELENCEPHALON VITELLINE CEREBRAL HEMISPHERE ARTERY OLFACTORY PIT POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN TAIL SOMITE 40 HIND LIMB BUD NEURALTUBE SOMITE 30 ALLANTOIC VESICLE ALLANTOIC STALK Drawing of specimen 38 40. Chick: 6-somite 41. stage, somitic region, T.S. Chick: 6-somite stage, notochord, T.S. mag. 200x mag. 225x at it? C &iQ*9w**** %* •*** gS&8r r* % f**** 42. Chick: 6-somite Y ~ 11 * :i |£* * •* %? stage, primitive streak, T.S. ** * #- % * » t * * * * ** « mag. 200x - #t ^ 39 40 41 , 42 , , NEURAL FOLDS BRAIN PHARYNGEAL REGION HEAD REGION 'OF FOREGUT ECTODERM SOMATIC MESODERM SOMATOPLEURE SPLANCHNOPLEURE SPLANCHNIC MESODERM AMNIO-CARDIAC ENDODERM VESICLE OPEN ENTERON Drawing of specimen 39 NEURALGROOVE SOMITE NEURAL FOLD MESENCHYME FORMING CENTRAL CORE OF CELLS DORSAL AORTA ECTODERM SOMATIC MESODERM ——SOMATOPLEURE COELOM SPLANCHNOPLEURE SPLANCHNIC MESODERM OPEN ENTERON ENDODERM Drawing of specimen 40 PRIMITIVE STREAK — MESODERM Drawing of specimen 42 ENDODERM 28x mag. U.L.S. stage, 10-somite Chick: 44. 43, 44 C <L> Q) E E u <L» a) Q. CL. l/> w»— O O &0 £ Cl Q c £ a Q 45. Chick: 10-somite stage, forebrain region, T.S. mag. 46. Chick: 10-somite stage, hindbrain region, T.S. lOOx mag. 200x 45, 46 PROSENCEPHALON - HEAD FOLD OF AMNION HEAD MESENCHYME ECTODERM SOMATIC MESODERM EXTRA- EMBRYOF SOMATO COELOM - PLEURE DEVELOPING ANTERIOR CARDINAL OPTIC VESICLE VEIN - OPTIC STALK SPLANCHNIC SPLANCHNO PLEURE ENDODERM SUBCEPHALIC POCKET PROAMNION Drawing of specimen 45 NEUROCOELOR NEURAL CANAL ENDODERM NEURAL FOLDS MEETING NEURAL CREST NEURAL TUBE- MID BRAIN REGION HEAD FOLD OF AMNION HEAD MESENCHYME SOMATOPLEURE NOTOCHORD SOMATIC PHARYNX MESODERM ECTODERM HEAD FREE FROM THE REST OF THE HEAD ATTACHED TO REST OF BLASTODERM BLASTODERM (embryo asymmetrical ENDODERM or section slightly obligue) SPLANCHNIC MESODERM SUBCEPHALIC POCKET 45 S , AMNIO-CARDIAC VESICLE COELOM 45 46-Sj£-46 PROAMNION 47=41*47 SPLANCHNO PLEURE Drawing of specimen 46 E 47. Chick: 10-somite stage, heart region, T.S. mag. I50x 48. Chick: 13-somite stage, heart region, T.S. mag. I50x 47, 48 — ARTEFACT - NEURAL FOLDS DO MEET HIND BRAIN NEUROCOEL — SOMATOPLEURE SOMATIC MESODERM HEAD MESENCHYME ECTODERM NOTOCHORD DORSAL AORTA - ENDOCARDIAL SEPTUM PHARYNX ENDOCARDIUM PERICARDIAL COELOM — EPI- MYOCARDIUM REMAINS OF VENTRAL MESOCARDIUM SPLANCHNOPLEURE 45 46 SPLANCHNIC MESODERM c 47|J YOLK SAC ENDODERM Drawing of specimen 47 ANTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN CAVITY OF HIND BRAIN DORSAL AORTA RHOMBENCEPHALON OR HIND BRAIN HEAD MESENCHYME AUDITORY PLACODE AMMIOTIC NOTOCHORD FOLD PHARYNX — SOMATO- ECTODERM DORSAL MESOCARDIUM SOMATIC ENDOTHELIUM EPI- MYOCARDIUM HEART DISPLACED TO THE RIGHT CAVITY OF HEART (it is on the left of slide CONTAINING because anterior surface BLOOD CORPUSCLES of section is PERICARDIAL ENDODERM COELOM SPLANCHNIC MESODERM SPLANCHNOPLEURE Drawing of specimen 48 uppermost 45 -46 f47 49. Chick: 50. 13 -somite stage, Chick: 17-somite posterior trunk region, T.S. mag. stage, trunk region, T.S. mag. I50x /75x 49, 50 INTERMEDIATE MESODERM OR NEPHROTOME CENTRAL PRIMORDIUM OF CELLS f PRONEPHRIC TUBULE NEURAL ECTODERM TUBE SOMATIC MESODERM ARTEFACT S0MAT0PLEURE SPLANCHNOPLEURE SPLANCHNIC MESODERM ENDODERM COELOM DORSAL AORTA Drawing of specimen 49 5TH SOMITE BEGINNING TO DIFFERENTIATE DERMATOME LATERAL MYOTOME BOOY FOLD POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN VITELLINE VEIN ECTODERM AMNI0T1C SOMATIC FOLD MESODERM SOMATOPLEURE — ' EXTRA EMBRYONIC COELOM SPLANCHNOPLEURE VITELLINE VEIN 504A L SPLANCHNIC MESODERM ENDODERM Drawing of specimen 50 200x mag. T.S. region, trunk stage, 21-somite Chick: 51. —1 cd o lU a o t/o 2 *< : § LU 51 ad LU Q O 2 O O o' IZ 51 c_> h<t O 2 X C O 0 : LO MESODERM SPLANCHNIC c a» E ‘u o a. O oo c > cj 53. Chick: 24-somite stage, fore- and hind-brain, T.S. (2). mag. 7 Ox 52, 53 LENS RUDIMENT CONSTRICTING TO FORM A VESICLE INFUNDIBULUM OPTIC CUP DEVELOPING CHORION OR SEROSA ARCH 1ST AORTIC AMNION NOTOCHORD AMNIOTIC MESENCHYME METENCEPHALON SOMATIC ECTODERM MESODERM ECTODERM SOMATIC EXTRAEMBRYONIC COELOM MESODERM SPLANCHNIC MESODERM YOLK SAC ENDODERM DIENCEPHALON BRANCHES OF VITELLINE VEIN Drawing of specimen 52 ANTERIOR 1ST VISCERAL CARDINAL VEIN MYELENCEPHALON SOMATIC MESODERM DORSAL AORTA , \ <PHARYNQEAL> POUCH AUDITORY VESICLE - PHARYNX MOUTH OF VESICLE 1ST AORTIC CLOSING DIENCEPHALON AMNIOTIC CAVITY ECTODERM EXTRA EMBRYONIC COELOM CHORION YOLKSAC-^ SPLANCHNIC MESODERM ENDODERM PRE ORAL GUT VITELLINE VEIN TRIBUTARIES NOTOCHORD Drawing of specimen 53 ANTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN 55. Chick: 27-somite stage, posterior trunk region, T.S. mag. 95x 54, 55 MIGRATING NEURAL ~ CREST MATERIAL NEURALTUBE DERMATOME SOMITE 18 IN EARLY STAGE OF DIFFERENTIATION AMNIOTIC FOLD NEURAL CREST POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN SCLEROTOME MVOCOEL ' LATERAL BODY FOLD .(SULCUS) ECTODERM SOMATIC MESODERM SPLANCHNIC“ MESODERM f . ENDODERM - NOTOCHORD MESONEPHRIC OR WOLFFIAN DUCT DORSAL AORTA MESONEPHRIC TUBULE Drawing of specimen 55 EXTRAEMBRYONIC COELOM 90x mag. T.S. region, ear and eye stage, 27-somite Chick: 56. 56 75x mag. T.S. hind-brain, and fore- stage, 30-somite Chick: 57. f 57 specimen of Drawing I30x mag. T.S. region, heart stage, 30-somite Chick: 58. AORTAE DORSAL FUSED r— 1 COELOM • OUT EXTRA-EMBRYONIC ROUND MESODERM SPLANCHNIC *,-** v* 59. Chick: 30-somite stage, anterior trunk region, T.S. mag. I25x 59, 60 SERO-AMNIOTIC CONNECTION- SEROSA OR CHORION SECONDARY FOLD AMNION SOMITE 10 SOMITE 9 NEURAL TUBE ECTODERM SOMATIC MESODERM SPLANCHNIC MESODERM ENDODERM — YOLK SAC VITELLINE VEIN DERMATOME MID OUT MYOTOME ANTERIOR INTESTINAL PORTAL EXTRA-EMBRYONIC COELOM — NOTOCHORD SPLANCHNIC MESODERM ROUND OUT SCLEROTOME EMBRYONIC COELOM POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN DORSAL AORTA Drawing of specimen 59 •SCLEROTOME AM IN OTIC FOLD NEURAL TUBE AMNION NEURAL CREST CHORION SOMITE 1 19 NEURAL CREST CELLS MIGRATING TOWARDS SCLEROTOME or 20 MYOTOME DERMATOME AMNIOTIC CAVITY MYOCOEL ECTODERM SOMATIC YOLK SAC MESODERM SPLANCHNIC MESODERM' EXTRA EMBRYONIC COELOM ENDODERM NOTOCHORD EMBRYONIC COELOM POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN DORSAL AORTA VITELLINE VEIN Drawing of specimen 60 MESONEPHRIC DUCT MESONEPHRIC TUBULE 9 62 62 specimen of Drawing VEIN ANTERIOR CARDINAL CHORION OF VENTRICLE ECTODERM I -*V. 64 TELENCEPHALON VEIN CARDINAL POSTERIOR 65. 66. Chick: 36-somite Chick: 45-somite stage, stage, tail trunk region, T.S. mag. 75x and hind-limb region, T.S. mag. 60x 65, 66 SEROSA OR CHORION AMNIOTIC FOLD AMNION SERO- AMNIOTIC AM Nl OTIC CONNECTION CAVITY ECTODERM NEURALTUBE SOMATIC MESODERM SOMITE 22 POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN MESONEPHRIC DUCT DERMATOME MYOTOME MESONEPHRIC TUBULE - SPLANCHNIC MESODERM SCLEROTOME ENDODERM EXTRA- EMBRYONIC COELOM YOLK SAC NOTOCHORD LATERAL BODY FOLD VITELLINE VEIN DORSAL AORTA — 5PLANCHN0C0EL VITELLINE ARTERY Drawing of specimen 65 SCLEROTOME MYOTOME NOTOCHORD CHORION ECTODERM OF CHORION YOLK SAC ECTODERM OF AMNION ECTODERM OF EMBRYO DORSAL AORTA SPLANCHNIC MESODERM OF YOLK SAC EXTRAEMBRYONIC COELOM ENDODERM OF YOLK SAC SOMATIC MESODERM AMNION HIND LIMB AMNIOTIC CAVITY BUB \ APICAL RIDGE POSTERIOR CARDINAL VEIN WOLFFIAN DUCT RECTUM CLOACA ALLANTOIC STALK AMNIOTIC CAVITY Drawing of specimen 66 SPLANCHNOCOEL 67. Chick: 36-somite stage, H.L.S. mag. 25x ISTHMUS METEMCEPHALON NEUROMERES MYELENCEPHALON SEESSEL'5 POCKET AMNIOTIC CAVITY MESENCEPHALON PHARYNX TRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS OESOPHAGUS INFUNDIBULUM WALL OF NEURAL TUBE RATHKE'S POCKET OR POUCH DIENCEPHALON TRACHEA AURICLE DORSAL AORTA LIVER BUD TELENCEPHALON SINUS VENOSUS VENTRICLE NOTOCHORD DERMATOMES YOLK SAC AMNION SOMITES SPINAL GANGLIA VITELLINE VEIN VITELLINE ARTERY VITELLINE VEIN MESONEPHRIC DUCT DORSAL AORTA AM Nl OTIC CAVITY EXTRA- EMBRYONIC COELOM AMNION HIND LIMB BUD RECTUM SOMITE 35 NOTOCHORD NEURAL TUBE Drawing of specimen 67 £ 591.3 F877A 2194015 SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Please keep date-due card in this pocket. A borrower's card must be presented whenever library materials are borrowed. REPORT CHANGE OF ADDRESS PROMPTLY REFERENCE TABLE OF A Number 0 Anterior Incu nation tinne in hov rs accordin to:— Lillie P uettner Patten Stage* of Mesoderm, somites and kidney Nervous system Primitive streak Duval somites 17-18 20 4 18-19 18 Maximal length, 2.2 mm., i.e., 0.7 of area Shield and node present. 0 19 21 5 20 19-22 6 Begins to decrease mm. Noto- length, 1.9 portal of tive streak. in Neural plate and neural Lateral horns of mesoderm Mesenchyme folds visible. grow forward. blood The first somite may appear simultaneously with the formation of the head fold ( stage chord grows forward from node. 6 sheet mesoderm spreads out laterally from the primi- Groove, pit pellucida. shaped intestinal Vascular system islands cells in form isolated extra-embryonic mesoderm. First seen to be present. 7). 3 8- 22 23 23 25-28 Reduced 1.5 to a length of mm. Neural folds meet in brain region but do not fuse. Lateral horns grow round the mesodermless proam- nion. Segmented somites joined to lateral plate mesointermediate derm by mesoderm The blood islands begin to unite and Moves back the first blood corpuscles are pro- as the foregut elon- duced within the resulting tubes. gates. nephrotome ). A cavity, the myocoel, appears in somites. 5 8+ 23-25 25 25-26 27-30 1.2 mm. long. Fusion of folds begins in brain region; further back neural folds meet but they splay out over the somites. ( The cells of the somites become radially arranged about the myocoel cavities; cavity reduced by a central core of cells. Lateral horns The embryo becomes linked to the Lies poster- blood island system by vitelline veins. Paired primordia of the heart develop heart prim- together aortae. with and dorsal ventral ior the to ordia. meet anteriorly. 10 13 29-30 10 33-34 11 30 33 30-31 33-34 33-38 40-45 0.6 0.4 mm. mm. long. long. Except for anterior neuropore, fusion offolds is completed in the brain region. Three primary brain vesi- The intermediate meso- The heart primordia fuse to form a derm begins to separate off tubular heart which bends slightly to dorsally. The pronephric the right of the embryo. Faint and tubules develop from this sporadic pulsation of the heart occurs. cles visible. material between somites six and ten. The first somite begins to disappear. Five brain vesicles can be seen. Anterior neuropore closes. The neural folds fuse beyond thirteenth the somite. 17 12 + 37-41 37 38-40 46-50 0.2 mm. long. Fore brain at an angle to hindbrain due to flexure. A is shallow infundibulum present. The dorso-lateral buds differentiate into pronephric tubules and the pronephric duct forms by fusion of material from the tubules. First signs of Wolffian duct. 43-46 43 44-48 48-52 No longer distinguishable: contributes material to tail bud. Fore brain at right angles to hind brain. Fore brain enlarges in telencephalon The heart stage heart is S-shaped. The first aortic arch begins to develop. The dorsal aortae J'use between somites three and four. The vitelline artery can be seen between somites sixteen and seventeen. ites and is lost. Pronephros begins to appear anterior to dis- the eleventh somite. In the anterior somites a distinct der- region. matome can be seen and cells migrate from the somites and neural crests to form the sclerotomes round the notochord. 24 44-16 15 48 48-50 50-55 The telencephalon becomes distinct from the dien- cephalon. Rathke's pocket grows under the infundibulum. 27 48 16 30 52 17 36 18 + 68-72 50-52 58-60 72 50-55 55-60 72 51-56 52-64 72 Telencephalon and diencephalon become separated by the velum transversum. A distinct isthmus can be seen between the mesencephalon and metencephalon. The isthmus deepens. Paired telencephalic vesicles develop. Roof of hind brain becomes very thin in myelencephalon region. Brain bent double by now. The cerebral hemispheres develop from the telencephalic vesicles. The inwith fundibulum joins Rathke's pocket to form the pituitary. • Hamilton & Hamburger beating efficiently by Connection between som- duct extends from tenth to fifteenth somite. Differentiation begins in anterior somites. 14 + distinctly dis- nephrotomes The mesonephros develops pronephros along with below the somites. Wolffian 21 The heart becomes placed to the right. The rate and amplitude of the heart beats increase. A network of blood vessels established in area vasculosa. The posterior somites remain undifferentiated ; anteriorly somites tiate into dermatome, myo- differen- tome and sclerotome. There are eleven pairs of mesonephric tubules between somite five and sixteen. into der- myotome and Differentiation matome, sclerotome reaches somite twenty. Wolffian duct and mesonephric tubules seen in trunk sections. is and blood this circulates. The The atrium begins to divide into right and left auricles. The first aortic arch is established and the second begins May reach the first somite. Reaches the second somite. Reaches the third somite. Reaches the fourth somite. to form. Fusion of dorsal aortae may reach somite eight. The vitelline artery is distinct between somites 17-19. Besides the two auricles heart has Is distinct ventricle and conus arteriosus. Two aortic arches present. region of somites five Dorsal aortae fuse as far back as somite twelve. The vitelline arteries lie between somites eighteen and twenty. to six. appears. The The third aortic arch dorsal aortae fuse between somites four and fourteen. The vitelline artery lies between somites 19 and 21. Vitelline ductus veins venosus join which to opens the in Lies be- tween somites and seven ten. form into sinus venosus. Differentiation reaches the twenty-fifth somite. Wolffian duct grows back towards cloaca. Glomeruli can be seen in mesonephric tubules. Differentiation reaches the somite. Wolffian reaches cloaca but not fuse with it until thirtieth duct may later. There are three complete aortic arches and the fourth begins to develop. The first pair of aortic may begin to atrophy at this Dorsal aortae fused up to somite 16. Vitelline artery between somites 20 and 22. Has moved back to between lie arches somites ten stage. and twelve. The first pair of aortic arches continue to atrophy as the fourth pair develop. Dorsal aortae fused as far Between back as somites 17-20. Vitelline artery is in region of somites 21-22. fourteen. somites thirteen and CHICK DEVELOPMENT Eyes Alimentary system Ami Torsion Flexure Ears bud and Tail - 1 Allantois limb buds 1 L Foregut 0.15 mm. long. 1 Foregut 0.3 to 0.4 mm. long. Foregut 0.5 to 0.8 mm. long. Foregut about 1.0 mm. long. Foregut about 1.3 mm. long. is Primary form. optic vesicles The head bends ventrally and sinks into the yolk. stalks begin to constrict at the base of the primary vesicles. Optic The auditory placodes begin to form thickened ectoderm. This cranial flexure increases in the region of the mid-brain. The The ectoderm outside the primary vesicles thickens The Further sinking of the head into the yolk is prevented by The head turns on and becomes the ment of the lens. form auditory Differentiated into optic and optic vesicle. stalk from The foregut is 1.5 mm. long there are indications of the first pair of visceral clefts. and The first pair of visceral clefts are distinct and the second pair begin to form. The first and second visceral clefts are clearly visible; the The lens rudi- rudiments in- vaginate to form lens vesicles. The optic vesicles invaginate to form optic cups auditory placodes invaginate to pits. The mouth of each auditory pit begins to constrict and vesicles auditory form. The mouth of the lens The mouth of the vesicle begins to close. auditory vesicle is third pair begin to develop. reduced to a small The hind gut appears. aperture. first signs of torsion appear in the head region. to Cranial flexure approaches the left side. This torsion may reach the first two or three 90°. somites. the head twisting (torsion). Cranial flexure, i.e. angle between fore- and hindbrain, is 90°. Cervical flexure begins in hind-brain region and trunkflexure can also be seen. Cranial flexure causes the fore-brain to be directed backwards close to the Cervical flexure heart. The head is fully turned to the left. The first five to seven somites also exhibit is apparent in somites eight to ten. becomes a broad curve. The second and third first, visceral The clefts liver are present. bud appears as do and anal plate. the tail gut The fourth pair of visceral clefts develop. The liver bulge is now extends conspicuous. Tail gut further into tail. Cloaca begins Cranial flexure to the maximum. Cervical flexure somites increases. Trunk flexure is noticeable in the region of somites ten to twelve. twelve and thirteen or even further. optic cups are almost dosed. The retina distinct. The eye is still anterior to the ear. ticus. The optic cup eyes now lie closes. The The aperture closes. posterior to the ears. to form. Four pairs of visceral clefts. The tail gut begins to degenerate. The anterior and posterior intestinal portals approach each other, leaving an open intestinal umbilicus of 3 mm. Lung buds develop. The eyes, due to flexure, well posterior to the ears. lie Torsion extends to vesicle small ectodermal the aperture by ductus endolympha- The lens becomes cut off The auditory from the ectoderm. The is connected The auditory vesicle is pear-shaped with a narrow ductus endolymphaticus. is at its Cranial flexure remains unchanged. Cervicalflexure is about 100°. Trunk flexure develops into a broad curve. Caudal flexure begins. The remains of the primitive streak begin contributing material posteriorly to the tail bud. The head amniotic fold has grown back over the fore-brain. There The hind brain andfirst few somites are cov- tail is a distinct bud. ered by the amnion. Tailfolds may begin to develop. torsion. Torsion The head amniotic fold begins to rise up and grow back. eleven, The The sero-amniotic connection is somewhat attenuated. The amnion covers somites six to thirteen. Tail fold appears. The The head fold grows back and nay lie anywhere betv een somites ten and ghteen. The fold has ex- Hfcg/m' as an of tended to the region r outgrowth between omitcs six- the hind gut in teen to weiuy-four. Caudal flexure causes tail to be at an angle of 90° to The whole posterior region exhibits some the body. degree of torsion. the cloacal region. The head nd tad folds Allantoic stalk vesicle. meet or ave v small and over WThe vesicle enoval ap rture larges after 72 Z tail bud can be ings. The head The tailfo d has grown forward over somites 29-30 bud begins seen projecting behind the hind gut. The limb buds appear as low swell- tailfold be gins to grow forward. Torsion as far back as somites fifteen to nineteen. tail to develop posterior to the hind gut. tuiours. The bud begins Limb buds are now quite conspicuous and begin to exhibit nipple-shaped apices The hind limb bud extends to somite 32. I tail curve forward. The fore limb bud lies between somites 17-19 and the hind limb bud between somites 26-30. to New Biology Books from Heinemann at Advanced end Scholarship Level INTERMEDIATE BIOLOGY (Sixth WALTER F. WHEELER, Edition) M.A. is an entirely new edition of standard work which fulfils all the biology requirements It has been completely reset and re-designed, the opportunity having^ been taken of making extensive revisions to number of new illustrations including nine pages of plates This for ‘A’ Level, First M.B. and allied examinations. THREE VERTEBRATES T. A. G. 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