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Descriptive Essay: Lost at Sea

Descriptive Essay
My slumber was briefly disturbed by the screams of people and the boisterous cries of children, but since
I'm a deep sleeper, I quickly fell back asleep. The large blue sky was directly above me when I woke up,
which I found odd because I was certain I had gone to my own cabin and fallen asleep on my own bed
rather than going to sleep on the deck.
When I got up, I discovered that I was on a boat with a few other individuals who, despite having diverse
appearances, all had the same expression on their faces: "exhausted" and "mournful,"
The small brown boat was surrounded by the brilliant blue ocean, and it was difficult to stand upright
because of the waves slamming against the boat. I sat down and took a look around.
There was nothing around us but the ocean, and in the sky and the ocean were both shades of blue that
eventually blended into one off into the horizon. It was thankfully not too hot because the sun was hidden
by the huge clouds, and the cold sea wind even with its smell of salt was comforting if one decided to
disregard the situation.
I sat back down and looked around but I was disappointed to discover that I could not identify any of my
crewmates, with whom I had spent so much of my life. What had become of them? Are they alright? Did
they go down with my ship to the bottom of the sea? or did they get assistance in some way and are now
healthy, but I would never know the answers to these questions.
Everyone sat there silently hoping for help to arrive and take them out of this situation and back to where
they came from. It was quiet, save from the sea's continual ebb and flow, a few sniffles from people trying
to contain their emotions, and a light-skinned mother shushing her darker-skinned child every few minutes
or so. I was so used to the loud noises and chaos on my ship that sitting there in the silence felt alien.
The boat kept on floating towards and unknown destination and our patience started to wear thin, the air
was becoming charged from people’s mood shifting from sorrowful to restless but as a tall lanky man with
salt and pepper hair who was sitting directly in front of me was about to speak up about the circumstances
his eyes rounded and he stood up and pointed in the direction over my head and said one word “Land”