Reinforcement Learning Cheat Sheet Optimal Similarly, we can do the same for the Q function: V∗ (s) = max Vπ (s) Agent-Environment Interface (5) π qπ (s, a) Action-Value (Q) Function We can also denoted the expected reward for state, action pairs. qπ (s, a) = Eπ Gt |St = s, At = a (6) Optimal Policy A policy is a mapping from a state to an action πt (s|a) (1) That is the probability of select an action At = a if St = s. Reward Gt = k γ rt+k+1 (2) k=0 Where γ is the discount factor and H is the horizon, that can be infinite. Markov Decision Process A Markov Decision Process, MPD, is a 5-tuple (S, A, P, R, γ) where: finite set of states: s∈S finite set of actions: a∈A state transition probabilities: p(s0 |s, a) = P r{St+1 = s0 |St = s, At = a} expected reward for state-action-nexstate: r(s0 , s, a) = E[Rt+1 |St+1 = s0 , St = s, At = a] ∞ P γ k Rt+k+1 |St = s, At = a k=0 ∞ P γ k Rt+k+2 |St = s, At = a = Eπ Rt+1 + γ = P ∞ P k γ Rt+k+2 |St+1 = s0 p(s0 , r|s, a) r + γEπ s0 ,r q∗ (s, a) = max q π (s, a) k=0 (7) π Clearly, using this new notation we can redefine V ∗ , equation 5, using q ∗ (s, a), equation 7: V∗ (s) = max qπ∗ (s, a) (8) a∈A(s) = P p(s0 , r|s, a) r + γVπ (s0 ) s0 ,r (10) Dynamic Programming Intuitively, the above equation express the fact that the value of a state under the optimal policy must be equal to the expected return from the best action from that state. Taking advantages of the subproblem structure of the V and Q function we can find the optimal policy by just planning Bellman Equation Policy Iteration An important recursive property emerges for both Value (4) and Q (6) functions if we expand them. We can now find the optimal policy 1. Initialisation V (s) ∈ R, (e.g V (s) = 0) and π(s) ∈ A for all s ∈ S, ∆←0 2. Policy Evaluation while ∆ ≥ θ (a small positive number) do foreach s ∈ S do v ← V (s) P P V (s) ← π(a|s) p(s0 , r|s, a) r + γV (s0 ) The total reward is expressed as: H X = Eπ k=0 The optimal value-action function: The Agent at each step t receives a representation of the environment’s state, St ∈ S and it selects an action At ∈ A(s). Then, as a consequence of its action the agent receives a reward, Rt+1 ∈ R ∈ R. = Eπ Gt |St = s, At = a Value Function Vπ (s) = Eπ Gt |St = s ∞ P = Eπ γ k Rt+k+1 |St = s k=0 s0 ,r a ∞ P (3) Value Function Value function describes how good is to be in a specific state s under a certain policy π. For MDP: Vπ (s) = E[Gt |St = s] (4) Informally, is the expected return (expected cumulative discounted reward) when starting from s and following π = Eπ Rt+1 + γ = X π(a|s) XX | p(s0 , r|s, a) {z } Sum of all ∀ possible r probabilities ∞ P kR γ r + γ E t+k+2 |St+1 = π k=0 = P a {z Expected reward from st+1 π(a|s) PP s0 r (9) r | ∆ ← max(∆, |v − V (s)|) k=0 s0 a γ k Rt+k+2 |St = s s0 } p(s0 , r|s, a) r + γVπ (s0 ) end end 3. Policy Improvement policy-stable ← true foreach s ∈ S do old-action ← π(s)P π(s) ← argmax p(s0 , r|s, a) r + γV (s0 ) a s0 ,r policy-stable ← old-action = π(s) end if policy-stable return V ≈ V∗ and π ≈ π∗ , else go to 2 Algorithm 1: Policy Iteration Value Iteration Sarsa We can avoid to wait until V (s) has converged and instead do policy improvement and truncated policy evaluation step in one operation Initialise V (s) ∈ R, e.gV (s) = 0 ∆←0 while ∆ ≥ θ (a small positive number) do foreach s ∈ S do v ← V (s) P V (s) ← max p(s0 , r|s, a) r + γV (s0 ) Sarsa (State-action-reward-state-action) is a on-policy TD control. The update rule: a n-step Sarsa Define the n-step Q-Return a0 s ← s0 s0 ,r ∆ ← max(∆, |v − V (s)|) end end ouput: Deterministic policy π ≈ π∗ such that P π(s) = argmax p(s0 , r|s, a) r + γV (s0 ) a Q(st , at ) ← Q(st , at ) + α [rt + γQ(st+1 , at+1 ) − Q(st , at )] The following algorithm gives a generic implementation. Initialise Q(s, a) arbitrarily and Q(terminal − state, ) = 0 foreach episode ∈ episodes do while s is not terminal do Choose a from s using policy derived from Q (e.g., -greedy) Take action a, observer r, s0 Q(s, a) ← h i 0 0 Q(s, a) + α r + γ max Q(s , a ) − Q(s, a) s0 ,r q (n) = Rt+1 + γRt + 2 + . . . + γ n−1 Rt+n + γ n Q(St+n ) h i (n) Q(st , at ) ← Q(st , at ) + α qt − Q(st , at ) Forward View Sarsa(λ) Monte Carlo (MC) is a Model Free method, It does not require complete knowledge of the environment. It is based on averaging sample returns for each state-action pair. The following algorithm gives the basic implementation Initialise for all s ∈ S, a ∈ A(s) : Q(s, a) ← arbitrary π(s) ← arbitrary Returns(s, a) ← empty list while forever do Choose S0 ∈ S and A0 ∈ A(S0 ), all pairs have probability > 0 Generate an episode starting at S0 , A0 following π foreach pair s, a appearing in the episode do G ← return following the first occurrence of s, a Append G to Returns(s, a)) Q(s, a) ← average(Returns(s, a)) end foreach s in the episode do π(s) ← argmax Q(s, a) a end Algorithm 5: Q Learning n-step Sarsa update Q(S, a) towards the n-step Q-return Algorithm 2: Value Iteration Monte Carlo Methods end end qtλ = (1 − λ) ∞ X (n) λn−1 qt n=1 Forward-view Sarsa(λ): Deep Q Learning Created by DeepM ind, Deep Q Learning, DQL, substitutes the Q function with a deep neural network called Q-network. It also keep track of some observation in a memory in order to use them to train the network. (r + γ max Q(s0 , a0 ; θi−1 ) − Q(s, a; θi ))2 a | {z } Li (θi ) = E(s,a,r,s0 )∼U (D) | {z } target (13) h i Q(st , at ) ← Q(st , at ) + α qtλ − Q(st , at ) Initialise Q(s, a) arbitrarily and Q(terminal − state, ) = 0 foreach episode ∈ episodes do Choose a from s using policy derived from Q (e.g., -greedy) while s is not terminal do Take action a, observer r, s0 Choose a0 from s0 using policy derived from Q (e.g., -greedy) Q(s, a) ← Q(s, a) + α r + γQ(s0 , a0 ) − Q(s, a) 0 s←s a ← a0 end end Where θ are the weights of the network and U (D) is the experience replay history. Initialise replay memory D with capacity N Initialise Q(s, a) arbitrarily foreach episode ∈ episodes do while s is not terminal do With probability select a random action a ∈ A(s) otherwise select a = maxa Q(s, a; θ) Take action a, observer r, s0 Store transition (s, a, r, s0 ) in D Sample random minibatch of transitions (sj , aj , rj , s0j ) from D Set yj ← ( rj for terminal s0j 0 0 rj + γ max Q(s , a ; θ) for non-terminal s0j a Algorithm 4: Sarsa(λ) Perform gradient descent step on (yj − Q(sj , aj ; Θ))2 s ← s0 end Algorithm 3: Monte Carlo first-visit For non-stationary problems, the Monte Carlo estimate for, e.g, V is: V (St ) ← V (St ) + α Gt − V (St ) (11) Where α is the learning rate, how much we want to forget about past experiences. prediction Temporal Difference - Q Learning Temporal Difference (TD) methods learn directly from raw experience without a model of the environment’s dynamics. TD substitutes the expected discounted reward Gt from the episode with an estimation: V (St ) ← V (St ) + α Rt+1 + γV (St+1 ) − V (St ) (12) end end Algorithm 6: Deep Q Learning Copyright c 2018 Francesco Saverio Zuppichini Double Deep Q Learning